Flower of the Day – Kiwi Blossom

Yes, I have one of those in my yard as well. This is the third year in its spot. The plan was to cut it all the way back this year if there were still no blooms. Why, because it is just as wild as the wisteria. It must have sensed my calculations. Now there are blooms all over it! All hiding on the underside of the leaves. Very interesting. We shall see where it leads.



Summer Calls

On my walk today, the breath of summer was in the air. On the water off the pier there were people in canoes.  There were sail boats and speed boats frolicking on the Bay. Locals lined the rails of the pier, talking and laughing while keeping an eye on their fishing line.

a seagull hovers

Swoops down steals bait then moves on-

summer has come calling



Running Wild

In first morning breeze

new vines with young leaves set sway

new growth on the rise

wisteria running wild

seeking new territory

For Tanka Tuesday hosted by Colleen where the prompt words are “Young Leaves”. To read more about the prompt or to join in go here

