*New* If You Understand Any Of This… I’ll Give You Cookie!!

Add it up When I was in high school, I took some higher mathematics. I further studied it in college. What I learned in those years of study was that Calculous is the study of finding the area under a curve. I also studied Natural Art. In Natural Art we learned that curves are the …

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My Sensors Need To Be Censored!!

The before picture When I was young, I had a bike. It was green with twenty-six-inch wheels. That’s sixty-six-centimeters for all those folks who don’t live in the US. Even bigger than the wheels of racing bikes they use in Olympics. Once again, proving that Mr. Ohh! is better. Better at what? I don’t know, …

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SCHOOL DAZE Epic Reality Show, Not Necessarily on TV!!

It's my life My daughter just graduated from high school. This is wonderful. I have finally done my last science project, and no longer have to get up an hour early to get her to school. All the responsibilities which used to be mine now fall on her. Yea!! Oh, and there’s that whole blah …

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And This Is What They Teach In College??

They're Baaaaaaack Two weeks ago, my son came home from college. At least, I think he did. Not because I’ve actually seen him, but more for the scientific evidence he leaves behind. For instance, I went out for donuts on Sunday. I always get two jelly-filled, for a mid-morning snack. This week the jellies mysteriously …

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‘Ode To The Single Guy’ Just Call Me Bard… Simpson!!

Bard Windows Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? No, I guess I won’t. Because around here, summer days really suck. I mean they’re hot, muggy, and full of bugs. Then again what did old Shakespeare know about women. How else do you explain the fact, he lived in London and his wife lived …

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May It Please The Court, Some New Evidence Has Come To Light

It's only natural I have a healthy respect for Nature. In fact, I love Nature. When I go out into Nature, I am in awe of what I see. Unfortunately, Nature does not feel the same about me. Nature disrespects me whenever it can. Even, the lowly weeds in my garden are signs of Nature …

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It’s Not The Goal, It’s The Journey… And The Journey SUCKS!!

Golden nuggets of wisdom Lately, I’ve been thinking about food and how glorious chicken nuggets are. If you don’t understand the wonder of these glorious golden beauties, let me explain. Supposedly they’re made of ‘all-white-meat’ chicken. Maybe, maybe not. Let’s just accept this as truth, and move on. They’re probably some form of meat, so …

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I Usually Like Food, And That’s What’s Eating Me!!

Sorry You may have noticed I did not post last week. Ohh, I hope you noticed. I’m really sensitive about things like that, and you wouldn’t want to see me cry. It’s not a pretty sight. Then again, maybe you would. I mean people love horror movies. Don’t they? If you want to hear me …

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