
Coevolution seems self-explanatory, but there’s more to it than you might think. It’s a term used to describe when organisms evolve in response to one another, but this can happen in different ways and for different reasons. Here’s a brief, very brief, introduction.

For more detailed info you can check out this paper in EvolutionWhen is it Coevolution?

The examples we used in this infographic are from the papers below:

Geoghegan et. al. (2017) PLoS PathogensComparative analysis estimates the relative frequencies of co-divergence and cross-species transmission within viral families (open access)

 Serrano-Serrano et. al. (2017) Proceedings of the Royal Society BHummingbird pollination and the diversification of angiosperms: an old and successful association in Gesneriaceae ($)

Infographic PDF available here.Coevolution