Is there any scientific evidence that Trump's support is conditioned on white nationalism?

#ScienceFact: White Nationalism Drives Support for Trump

Reading time: 4 minutes
Every time you see a gathering of Trump supporters, you see white nationalists. Why is that? Could it be that white nationalism drives support for Trump? Well, now it is #ScienceFact. White nationalism is synonymous with Trump support.

Why can't the US get ahead of the game on the electric vehicle and renewable energy front? Why are we risking being buried by China?

Comment on This: Why Don’t We Have a New Conservative Political Party?

Reading time: about a minute
When the fuck are we going to kick Republicans to the curb, MAGA Republicans, never-Trumpers, and anyone sporting the GOP label? If any of them “loved” America and democracy, they would’ve started a new conservative political party to contest elections instead of all the mewling for the media and flogging of books and clicks on social media.

Comment on This: Trump’s VEEP Stakes

The news is full of breathless speculation on who I2I4 will choose as his VP. Frankly, it is just more normalization of Trump’s abnormality. I mean, Senator Rubio is on the list. For God’s sake, has anyone learned anything about the gross caricature of a human meat puppet? […]

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The Ewing Perspective

But that's my perspective, care to share yours?