
Message from the Division Chair

2023-2024 Division Chair’s Message


Cristina Neesham

Newcastle University


Dear colleagues,

It is so wonderful to get the opportunity to be in touch with all of you again! As we are overcoming the effects of the pandemic, new challenges are looming while we are settling into a “new normal”. We are still finding our feet, especially when trying to decide between moving back to an all-in-person meeting and keeping some of the online features gained during the lockdowns. Striking the right balance between socializing through physical presence and maximizing inclusion will always be tough. But, with your feedback and support, we will persevere and (I am sure) the best solutions will prevail!

Our SIM Community is growing and flourishing. If last year we already made up for the numbers lost during 2020-2021, this year we have experienced a further (almost) 1% increase. At the last count, there are 2069 SIMians in the world! The trend is upwards, and we are moving in the right direction.

Just as important is how we all have been able to stick together, support each other, and continue to connect for the benefit of SIM! Looking at the year ahead, I am humbled by the great work done by exemplary Division Chairs before me. Having learnt so much directly from Andy Wicks, Katherina Pattit and Colin Higgins, I see some very large shoes to fill and, at the same time, I am energized by the enthusiasm and commitment they have put in. I am very much looking forward to working together with our current Leadership Team and with all SIMians, so we can take our Division to new strengths.

Let me now share with you all my notes about the AOM Meeting in Boston last August, and say a bit more about those who have been contributing so much behind the scenes. First of all, our Award Committee Chairs and members have done a great job helping the Division to recognize and reward the best work produced by our scholars in 2023. Our gratitude goes to: Hong Bui (Chair), Kendy Hess and Jo-Ellen Pozner – for working on our Best Paper Award; Lucas Amaral (Chair), Xinran Wang and Yan Bai – for the Best Student Award; Petya Koleva (Chair), Theodora Issa and Prem Sagar Menghwar – for the Best Book Award; Kam Phung (Chair), Aishwarya Shahrawat and Leonie Decrinis – for the Best Business Ethics Paper Award sponsored by the Journal of Business Ethics; Lea Stadtler (Chair), Kate Odziemkowska, Greg Molecke and Leandro Nardi – for the William C Frederick SIM Doctoral Dissertation Award sponsored by the Viragh Institute for Ethics in Business at Duquesne University; and Emilio Marti for coordinating the jointly sponsored ONE-SIM Outreach Award on behalf of our Division. Special thanks also go to Lori Ryan (Chair), Donna Wood, Jeanne Logsdon and Jenn Griffin for their work on the Ann K Buchholtz Mentor Award sponsored by the International Association for Business and Society.

And now, to the SIM Program delivered so well in Boston!  None of it would have been possible without the fantastic energy and dedication put in by Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, our Program Chair for 2023.  Last year, SIM received over 500 submissions – almost 20% more than in 2022! Many thanks are going to all the Associate Editors and Reviewers who soldiered on to complete this arduous assessment and selection process. As we pull ranks for Chicago 2024 – please join us to review for SIM, we need more reviewers!

Regarding our Professional Development Workshops, words are not enough to thank the tireless Erica Steckler for her inspiring leadership as PDW Chair in 2023. The topics that prevailed last year suggest a focus on stakeholder management (including human-nature stakeholder relationships), critical approaches to social impact and its measurement, the Sustainable Development Goals, corporate political responsibility, and humanistic leadership. We note a significant increase in Sustainability research, across the board – which, by the way, has also been reflected in Best Book nominations in the past few years. Our PDW co-sponsors continue to be, in most part, ONE and OMT, with Diversity Equality and Inclusion (DEI) rising visibly, very close to the top. In addition, let me highlight the superb work done by Jo-Ellen Pozner and Julia Roloff in coordinating the SIM Doctoral Student Consortium in Boston, the first time organised to be in-person since the pandemic started. Similarly, Jason Pattit and Susana Esper delivered another excellent edition of the joint SIM-ONE Junior Faculty Consortium, in collaboration with our ONE colleagues. Delightful to note that participation went up from last year, with 22 junior scholars and 22 senior scholars taking part. I would also like to thank Mark Sharfman, Jegoo Lee and Lucas Amaral for organising our flagship Research Development Workshop, and Sarah Stephen and Pushpika Vishwanathan for putting together the Speed Networking– congratulations for a great delivery of these two key SIM events!

I must, of course, acknowledge that SIM is more than a section of the AOM Program once a year. Not many SIM members may be aware of how much of our Division’s life and growth is owed to our enthusiastic Membership Committee, run in 2023 by Frank de Bakker, Sebastian Hafenbrӓdl and Sarah Stephen. Their role in making new members feel at home, building a sense of community, supporting member networking across the globe, and assisting SIM to achieve its membership targets has been essential. Beside the “coffee and cocktails” online sessions and the well-known SIM Program events in Boston, the Membership Committee has been instrumental in supporting off-program get-together opportunities for SIMians – such as drinks, lobster roll stroll, fun run, and baseball. One just can’t get bored being a SIMian! On this note, I strongly encourage you to get in touch and let us know what you would like to do to make SIM a better home for everyone.

Looking ahead, I am honored to take up the baton from Colin and continue to work with a team of extraordinary people: Michelle Westermann-Behaylo as Division Chair-Elect, Erica Steckler as Program Chair, Rajat Panwar as PDW Chair, Michael Barnett and Julia Grimm (who will continue to run the SIM Nominations Committee), and our wonderful Reps-at-Large (Sana Chiu, Sarah Ku, Jason Pattit, Jo-Ellen Pozner, Julia Roloff and Sarah Stephen) who will continue to contribute to the Division in so many different ways. Special thanks go to Amelia Carr for finishing her great work as Division Treasurer, followed by a warm welcome to our new Treasurer, Punit Arora.

Last but not least, please check out and follow closely our social media and other communications – which are so competently produced and supported by our Communications Team: Jae Hwan Lee (Chair), David Skandera, Daniel Alonso Martinez, Seham Ghalwash, Susan Cooper, and Zena Al-Esia.

In closing this message, I am not saying goodbye but hello – here I am, ready to hear your thoughts, join in new dialogues, and together help our SIM community progress and prosper.


Wishing you all the very best,

Cristina Neesham

SIM Division Chair, 2023-2024



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