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Only Around Half of Individuals Disclose or Believe They Should Reveal Having an STI Prior to Sexual Intercourse, Research to-date Suggests Breaking research

Only Around Half of Individuals Disclose or Believe They Should Reveal Having an STI Prior to Sexual Intercourse, Research to-date Suggests

Peer-reviewedLiterature review

A review of research to-date reveals the complex nature of revealing a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) to a partner ahead of engaging in sexual activity. With individuals experiencing a variety of feelings and emotions related to the prospect of disclosure, the research shows that only around half or fewer individuals felt able […]

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Routledge and The University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Education Form New Publishing Partnership Taylor & Francis news

Routledge and The University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Education Form New Publishing Partnership

Routledge to Co-Publish Two Book Series for HKU’s Comparative Education Research Centre. Routledge and The University of Hong Kong’s Comparative Education Research Centre (CERC) have announced a new partnership for two established book series. The leading education publisher will now co-publish both the CERC Studies in Comparative Education and CERC Monograph series, supporting the global […]

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Only Around Half of Individuals Disclose or Believe They Should Reveal Having an STI Prior to Sexual Intercourse, Research to-date Suggests Breaking research

Only Around Half of Individuals Disclose or Believe They Should Reveal Having an STI Prior to Sexual Intercourse, Research to-date Suggests

Peer-reviewedLiterature review

A review of research to-date reveals the complex nature of revealing a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) to a partner ahead of engaging in sexual activity. With individuals experiencing a variety of feelings and emotions related to the prospect of disclosure, the research shows that only around half or fewer individuals felt able […]

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Artificial Intelligence Could Help Cure Loneliness, Says Expert Book publication announcement

Artificial Intelligence Could Help Cure Loneliness, Says Expert

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology could offer companionship to lonely people amid an international epidemic of loneliness, says a robotics expert. Tony Prescott, a professor of cognitive robotics at the University of Sheffield, argues in his new book The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence that ‘relationships with AIs could support people’ with forms of social interaction. Loneliness […]

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