Bishop, Cole sexiest vegetarians

Lily Cole recently became a vegan

John Bishop and Lily Cole have been named Peta's Sexiest Vegetarians of 2013.

The meat-free celebrities were awarded the title be People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for their support of issues the organisation is concerned about during the year.

Comedian John has been veggie for nearly 30 years and starred in Peta's campaign Chicks Love A Vegetarian, as well as posting a photo of a cooked chicken carcass on Twitter with the caption: "People ask why I am vegetarian... give me a carrot any day."

Model Lily recently became vegan when she decided that ditching meat, eggs and dairy products would make her feel better.

Over the summer she used her status in the fashion and beauty industry to speak out about shark liver oil being used in moisturisers, conditioners and lipsticks without any information about where it has come from.

She said: "When people are made aware of this and understand the issue they can then make informed choices, and markets always follow consumers."

Previous winners of the sexiest vegetarian title have included Leona Lewis, Anthony Kiedis, Eliza Doolittle, Jay McGuiness and Russell Brand.

John and Lily will both be given framed certificates and vegan chocolates by Peta.