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First published online January 19, 2010

Self-doubters, strugglers, storytellers, surfers and others: Images of self-identities in organization studies


This article provides an overview of the key images of identity in organizations found in the research literature. Image refers to the overall idea or conceptualization, capturing how researchers relate to — and shape — a phenomenon. Seven images are suggested: self-doubters, strugglers, surfers, storytellers, strategists, stencils and soldiers. These refer to how the individual is metaphorically understood in terms of identity, that is, how the researcher (research text) captures the individual producing a sense of self. The article aims to facilitate orientation — or encourage productive confusion — within the field, encourage reflexivity and sharpen analytic choices through awareness of options for how to conceptualize self-identity constructions.

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1 In referring to various overall camps, one can be described by terms like integrated, robust, sovereign, coherent and essentialism and the other by terms like insecurity, anxiety, fluidity and incoherence. Of course, this categorization conceals that there are rather varied orientations, alternative conceptualizations and ontological positionings that are framed also in other ways. There are no necessary or automatic links between the phenomena referred to; insecurity and fluidity do not always, or by definition, go together. A robust identity construction can be an effect of the workings of power and is then not associated with sovereignty. Nevertheless, in the literature as a whole, there are strong tendencies for researchers to work with sets of characteristics as referred to above.


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Article first published online: January 19, 2010
Issue published: February 2010


  1. construction
  2. discourse
  3. identity
  4. organizational psychology
  5. self

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Mats Alvesson
University of Lund, Sweden and University of Queensland Business School, Australia, [email protected]

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