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Ocean Week Video

Please Enjoy . . . Read More

Field Day volunteers needed!

Edison Field Day is Thursday, June 6th! This year we had to get creative with our field closed have one Field Day for  2nd-5th grade and a shortened version for  K-1st grade.  We need your Edi . . . Read More

Last Day of Ocean Week information

Dear Edison Families, We have had an amazing Ocean Week thus far, and now it’s time for our final day of learning and fun!  You are welcome to join us for our Hat Parade and Family Beach Picnic. . . . Read More


 OCEAN WEEK DAY 3 . . . Read More

About 4J



We are committed to prioritizing the needs and desires of student groups who have historically faced significant challenges and barriers to achieving academic success. We strive to create an inclusive and nurturing educational environment where every student feels valued, supported and inspired to excel.

student laughing at computer in class


We create an environment in our district that is demanding but nurturing, rigorous but compassionate, safe but risk-taking. We foster both independence and collaboration and require accountability as well as involvement from everyone.

student eating

Safety & Well-Being

We are committed to creating a secure and nurturing environment for everyone within our educational community. Our objective encompasses implementing comprehensive safety protocols, including emergency preparedness plans and robust security measures. We support the emotional and mental health of students and staff by providing services and proactive initiatives to foster overall well-being and a sense of belonging.


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