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Home - Wednesday 9.10.2002

Finnish railways cut back on plans for high-speed train service

 Many tracks unsuitable for fast Pendolino trains

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The Finnish national railway company VR is revising its strategy for establishing more high-speed train links. The move comes after the company recognised that many sectors of track are not in good enough condition to allow the Italian-built Pendolino trains to run safely at their maximum speed of 200 kilometres an hour. Helsingin Sanomat has learned that in June VR dropped its option to buy seven new Pendolinos.
Currently there are seven Pendolinos in service in Finland, and VR now has agreed on the purchase of 11 more.
Major track projects have now bypassed the Pendolino as a priority for VR. One of these projects is the construction and electrification of a line from Kerava just north of Helsinki to Lahti.

The decision comes as a disappointment
to the growth centres such as Kuopio and Jyväskylä. Both cities are already served by the Pendolino trains, but speed restrictions on the track prevent the trains from attaining their top speed.
Running at top speed the Pendolino could make the trip from Helsinki to Jyväskylä in two and a half hours, or to Kuopio in three hours. Now nobody knows when this will happen, as it is unlikely for the state to help fund the necessary improvements in the main rail lines.

Most of Finland's rail tracks fall short
of the requirements of the high-speed trains. Although more Pendolinos are coming, rail travellers in Finland will not be able to enjoy the full benefits of their speed for many years to come.
Before the trains can run at top speed on most of the main rail lines, many sectors of track will have to be straightened out. Also, there are far too many level crossings.
The Finnish Rail Administration has committed itself to allowing for faster service on the Savo track from Kouvola to Pieksämäki, and from Pieksämäki to Kuopio by the year 2011. The EU Structural Fund could help speed up the first phase of the upgrading work, but the necessary decisions are still in the planning stages.

 VR web site
 Finnish Rail Administration

Helsingin Sanomat

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