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George Boyd Answers Your Questions

Posted on: Mon 01 Dec 2008

Users of the official messageboard on have submitted their questions for Peterborough United star George Boyd and the former Stevenage Borough man has now answered those questions.

Boyd reveals his hair habits, his favourite Posh game, his aspirations for the future and whether or not he would sleep in a field for one night to earn £2,000. Strange and normal, Boyd has answered them!

Posh 1959 asks:
George, What is your ultimate dream car?

Aston Martin

Piro_fuzion asks:
The Ultimate Question: Marmite, Love or Hate?

Eurgh, disgusting, hate the stuff.

Poshie7 asks:
Firstly George, a big thank you for all the entertainment you have given us so far, and long may it continue. My question is:- Do all professional players aspire to play for their country or do they realise they have no chance and dismiss the idea early on?
A very deep question! You always want to play at the highest level, but I don't think realistically it is going to happen.

If this is a dream of yours what do you think is an area of your game you have to improve on to realise this dream?
My heading and my change of pace.

Theposhloonatic asks:
Besides PE at school what was your favourite lesson?


Rendell#7 asks:
When you become better than Pele himself, will you remember little old Peterborough?
Yeah definitely!

Captain Posh asks:
Is it true they are now calling Pele 'The Black George Boyd'?

Yeah I would like that, that sounds better!

Spiderweb34 asks:
What is your favourite position - left wing, "in the hole" or as an out and out striker and why?

I prefer to play in the hole because I get more time on the ball, but I am happy to play anywhere to be honest.

Which was harder, the step up from the conference into League 2, or from League 2 to League 1?
The step up from Conference to League Two.

Theposh4life asks:
Boydie - what age did you get 'spotted'???

I was spotted by Charlton at nine-years-old.

Miggypufc asks:
What made you interested in playing football?

I just started playing football with my Dad in the local park.

What inspired you towards your style of play?
I just wanted to play up front because that is where I played when I was younger. I like getting on the ball.

Davidposh999 asks:
Olives or spam???

Olives definitely, nobody likes spam!!

Jake23 asks:
If I lend you £6, will you go get a trim?

Keep the £6 and go and get a pic and mix!

Griffin asks:
What do you use in your hair?

Nothing, just natural weight!

Sheffieldposh asks:
George, you play flair football like Tottenham used to play, do you model yourself on any flair player or do you just want to be yourself?

I just play in my own way, I don't try to be like anyone else.

Patrick asks:
Who is the player that you look up to? The one that you aspire to play like?

When I was a striker it was Chris Armstrong at Crystal Palace.

Ian0306 asks:
What is your favourite type of cheese?

Cathedral cheese without a shadow of a doubt

WhitePele asks:
Best player in the squad by a mile! But who's the second best?
There are so many, but because of their contribution, the two lads up front.

JoshWood_93 asks:
Any other Favourite Posh Player And Why ??

Aaron Mclean

Westmead_lord asks:
Many of us consider you one of the best players outside the Prem, do you believe it is only a matter of time before you play in the Premiership?

I hope so!

ItalianPosh asks:
Would you like to play in Italy?

Yeah, I have certainly got the hair for it!

As when I came to watch you play against Leeds, I bought some Italian Business men over with me and they thought that you were great and asked "Can we ask this guy if he would come play in Italy"....To be honest I politely told them to GO hang themselves as you are not For sale until we reach 3 place in the Prem...

Theposhloonatic asks:
When you were at Stevenage was Peterborough the team you wanted to join?
They were the only team to come in for me.

Crun asks:
Who would you like to play you in a film about your life?

A young Al Pacino

What is your hair care regime?
Shampoo and always conditioner

What do you want for Christmas?
Just clothes really

Ashman asks:
We, the supporters have endless discussions about the amount of noise coming from London Road as opposed to the visitors end. Can you please give us your take on this? Do you feel as though the supporters get behind the team? What sort of chants, songs abuse? etc seem to spur the team on the best?
You can always hear the supporters and it is great that they sing 'Boydie Wonderland' - it is great to have that backing.

Crun asks:
Do you notice the flags?

Yeah they look good! Very colourful.

Sheffieldposh asks:
Which is the best game you have enjoyed so far playing in a Posh shirt?

Accrington Stanley at home because of the sheer amount of goals.

Theposhloonatic asks:
What do you want to achieve in your career as a footballer?

To win as many trophies as I can

Are you thinking about becoming a coach/manager after your career?
No I don't fancy management, hopefully I will have enough money to retire and not have to work!

Do you enjoy your nickname - the white pele? Boydy?

Poshnipper asks:
Do you really think that we fans can be your 12th man? Do we really help?

The fans always play a massive part both home and away.

Poshman asks:
At what age did you think you could make it at a professional level as a footballer?

Probably when given my first pro contract.

How did you get picked up by Charlton?
They just spotted me playing locally.

Did you feel it was all over when you were released by them?
I thought it might be, but I just kept playing and luckily got picked up.

Matt_Posh asks:
Do you read any Posh message boards and if so does what you (or any other players) read effect you in any way?

I don't really take much notice of messageboards if I am honest. Some of the lads have looked before I think.

C_Isted asks:
In your career so far, what has been the best team you have played against and the best player you've played against?
West Bromwich Albion were very good. Jonathan Greening

If you can play for one team sometime in the future, who would it be and why?
Crystal Palace because I support them

Boydy When You Taking Me Out For My 18th Birthday Pint?

I don't drink so maybe a lemonade?

JoshWood_93 asks:
If you was a manager and could buy any player from Posh, who would it be?

Aaron Mclean for his goals.

JD_4EVA07 asks:
What is your most treasured moment from playing in a Posh shirt?

Just getting promotion last season

How many goals you going 4 this season??

Theposhloonatic asks:
Do you have a good relationship with Darren Ferguson?
Yeah he is a really good manager and we get on well.

Do you have a good relationship with Darragh MaCanthony?
Yeah, obviously the players don't speak too regularly with the chairman but he is very supportive.

Tiger K asks:
I have one question and one question only...You're dubbed the White Pele, you wow the fans with fine displays, oh timotei. You're a great bloke and we love you, but what I'd like to know is: If you hadn't have become a footballer what would you have done instead?

I always wanted to be a footballer, that is what I worked for. Nothing else really interested me.

WhitePele asks:
Boydy - favourite takeaway?


Theposhloonatic asks:
If you weren't a footballer what would you of become?

Who knows! Thankfully, I don't have to worry now.

Tiger K asks:
I have another question and one question only.....
You are Georgie Boyd, a genius like Sigmund Freud, oh skillology.

You're a great bloke and we love you, but what I want to know is: Did you always want to be a footballer when you were growing up or was there another career that interested you?
I always wanted to be a footballer, nothing else interested me.

Miggypufc asks:
Who's your favourite music artist (I know it's irrelevant but I'd love to know!) If its blink 182 or something corporate, or even nirvana you are a god!

Just r'n'b. I don't really have a favourite artist.

Theposhloonatic asks:
What are your best memories with Stevenage?

The play-off final. I have great memories even though I was a substitute. There are only two lads that are still there when I was there, but Graham Westley, my old manager, is back in charge.

Dunc asks:
When you leave Posh and go to play for a Premier League Club, which result will you look out for first? Posh or Stevenage?

Theposhloonatic asks:
Xbox 360 or PS3?

X Box

Jake23 asks:
Pes or Fifa?
Pro Evo

Miggypufc asks:
What do you think to "against modern football" and the banner held up at away games?

I haven't noticed it.

Theposhloonatic asks:
Will you accomplish what you want to accomplish with Posh?
I like to think so

Crun asks:
What do you look for when choosing your boots?
I only wear Nike because they comfortable and quite light.

Have you ever tried out boots with blades instead of studs?
I have never worn blades

Do you try on different boots during a season or stick with one tried and tested pair?
There are different styles of boots that I have worn but it is always Nike's and I haven't really changed that often.

Suited and booted asks:
Blondes or brunettes?????


MP asks:
What hair gel do you use?

I don't use any gel.

Would you sleep in a field for one night for 2 grand?
No. I wouldn't!

Rendell#7 asks:
Who's the worst team mate to room with and why?

Shwan Jalal because his mrs rings him at like 3am in the morning

Theposhloonatic asks:
Who has the worst habit in the team?

Dean Keates breaks wind a lot

Bristleposh asks:
Who has the second worst hairstyle at the club?

Sergio Torres

Brianposh asks:
Do you ever get fed up answering silly questions?

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