<img src="https://web.archive.org/web/20170809133348im_/http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&amp;c2=6035118&amp;cv=2.0&amp;cj=1">
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20170809133348/http://www.siliconera.com/2012/09/24/mega-man-3-slides-to-3ds-virtual-console-in-japan-this-week/

Mega Man 3 Slides To 3DS Virtual Console In Japan This Week

By Ishaan . September 24, 2012 . 12:35pm

This week sees the release of another NES/Famicom game on the Nintendo eShop in Japan. Mega Man 3 is slated to go up on the eShop on September 26th for 500 yen.


Mega Man 3 is the game that introduced Mega Man’s slide move to the series and also lets you access new abilities via robot dog, Rush, such as flight and going underwater. It also introduces Proto Man, under the name “Break Man”.  


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  •  Japan’s getting ALL the VC Megaman love. Meanwhile, we’re still stuck waiting around for Megaman II…
    When i got my 3DS, I was super psyched to get to play some classic Gameboy titles I missed, like Megaman V or Castlevania Legends, just for the sake of completion.
    I really hope third parties start putting more of their classics on VC. Capcom made too many good handheld games to only have 3 available.

  • kevinposta

    Is it me or the screens look…mmm… dark? As if the brightness was set really low on a TV.

  • shion16

    ……………after Rockman Xover my heart is broken.

  • By the love of Signas, how do I wish to see a Siliconera headline that has the words “Megaman” and “new” mixed up. It would really make one of the best gamer days of my adulthood.

  • Isaac Newton

    I thought it was Megaman Legend 3 on 3DS silly me again…….

  • Theofratus ‘Geese’ Lester

    One of the best Mega Man games in existence.

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