admittance matrix

admittance matrix

[əd′mit·əns ′mā·triks]
A matrix Y whose elements are the mutual admittances between the various meshes of an electrical network, it satisfies the matrix equation I = YV, where I and V are column vectors whose elements are the currents and voltages in the meshes.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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where A and B are, respectively, called the net series impedance matrix and the net shunt admittance matrix in the multilayer transmission line--both as per-unit-distance measures.
For the two cells in Figure 4 to be equivalent, they must have the same node equations (admittance matrix) or the same normal modes.
In effect, an admittance matrix has larger size and symmetry properties of this matrix are lost.
These were combined with a hybrid 3D/2D FEM analysis of the parallel plate structure to form a combined admittance matrix. This analysis assumed that the transverse electromagnetic mode (TEM) was the only mode propagating in the via holes.
Next, the reconfigured equivalent circuit in Figure 2(a) is simplified forming a quadripole admittance matrix, [Y.sub.R], of the closed-loop, while transformer, T, and admittance, [Y.sub.c], at the outer section are as depicted in Figure 3.
The Jacobian matrix is composed of 6x6 block matrices and has the same structure as the nodal admittance matrix. By using this method, the Jacobian matrix can be updated faster than using conventional NR power flow method in the case of PQ buses.
Specifically, [Y.sub.s] is the admittance matrix of the resistive grating, and it will be a full matrix (a tensor) if the resistive grating is inhomogeneous.
<x|x> denotes the inner product, M the number of uniaxial discontinuities, and [??] the self-adjoint admittance matrix operator of the complete structure [4].