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Cover Story: 1UP's Halo Week


Where Were They Then: The First Games of Nintendo, Konami, and More
The humble, sometimes innovative arcade days of today's biggest game companies.

continued (page 3 of 4)


Nintendo made playing cards and Konami fixed jukeboxes, but Shin Nihon Kikaku has the distinction of being a software company right from the start -- a business software company, anyway. But when founder Eikichi Kawazaki realized that Space Invaders was causing a coin shortage throughout Japan, he quickly shifted SNK's focus toward arcades in the hopes of grabbing some of that spare change for himself.

SNK's first videogame was Ozma Wars. While it ran on the same hardware that served as the foundation for so many other arcade games (read: Space Invaders clones) in 1978, it was no mere clone. Ozma Wars was incredibly sophisticated for its time, with the chance to refuel your ship between levels, and featuring more alien types than you can shake a glowing finger at.

It's also one of the most infuriating shooters you'll ever play: Your play time is measured in energy rather than lives, and while you get a generous supply at the start of the game, your ship burns through fuel like an SUV dragging the anchor of the U.S.S. Constitution. Touch an enemy or one of its shots and your ship shakes violently, losing much of its energy in the collision. Not to mention there's no temporary invincibility after you've been hit.

Ozma Wars wasn't a total loss, though. The large variety of enemies forced the player to prepare for the unexpected, and in general, it must have been a welcome break from the relentless monotony of Space Invaders. Many of the concepts first explored in Ozma Wars would later be perfected in Sierra On-Line's Threshold, Sega's Astro Blaster, and Activision's Megamania, so the game certainly has its place in history.

SNK didn't catch the public's eye until it teamed up with infamous ghost developer Tose for its next few releases. Tose made over a thousand games in the last 30 years, but one of their first was Sasuke vs. Commander, a shooter with a surprising twist. Instead of defending the planet from hostile aliens, your mission is to protect a Japanese warlord from assassination. Ninjas drop from the night sky by the dozens, zigzagging downward while flinging razor-sharp shuriken your way. Take down the stealthy soldiers with your throwing knives and you'll meet their commander, a flame-spewing super-shinobi. Beat him and you'll earn bonus points -- fail and his entire army will march out from the sides of the screen to laugh at you. Oh, those little bastards made it personal!

Sasuke vs. Commander was designed for the Japanese, and wasn't released in other territories, but SNK's next game, Vanguard, would earn it worldwide recognition. Another Tose creation, Vanguard brought a truckload of innovations to the tired shooter genre. Scrolling playfields were already rare back in 1981, but Vanguard took it to the next level with both horizontally and vertically scrolling areas, leading to a nail-biting confrontation with a boss. If you ran out of lives in the first level, you could drop in another quarter and continue from the last zone you reached. Four-way firing, with a button for each direction, protected your ship from all angles, an especially handy feature during the game's frantic "Rainbow Zones." Voice synthesis and an onscreen map kept you informed of your progress through each lengthy level.

Vanguard was so far ahead of its competition that playing it must have felt like flying first class after a lifetime of settling for coach. Atari wanted on the flight, too, purchasing the home rights to Vanguard and converting the game for its Atari 2600 and 5200 consoles. Sadly, the success of Vanguard came crashing to Earth when SNK took Tose out of the equation and made a crummy in-house sequel that plunged the company back into obscurity for a couple of years.

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Comments (22)

  • 1983parrothead
  • Problems

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  1983parrothead

    Some believe Nintendo's first arcade video game was Computer Othello, but Jap-Sai believes Block Fever came first, but it's hard to tell what month and day they came out in 1978:





    Konami's first game might be Space King, but according to arcade-history, there was Maze (1976), released two years before Space King:





    SNK's first game wasn't Ozma Wars.  According to Jap-Sai, it was Micon Block, released in 1978, a year before Ozma Wars:




  • sdfsdfds

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sdfsdfds

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  • darthrockious424
  • sasuke!!!

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  darthrockious424

    i cant believe that sauke is limited to naruto he has his own game

  • mesk
  • hmm...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  mesk

    according to THIS site and THESE pics space laser was made by taito..........though it was probably taito just getting even with konami.......yet the game plays just like the konami one....??

  • rm2kpro
  • game studies

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  rm2kpro

    you're doing something that we cannot study yet at university: game studies.

    i'm sure that it will be a common study within the next fifteen years and they will do stuff like reading this very article.

  • Balisong
  • good job

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Balisong

    Thanks for the interesting read.

  • Mr.LametoWatch
  • Send In The Clones

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Mr.LametoWatch

    Hmm... It's interesting how many Contra games cloned themselves.  Then again, every odd one was horrible.  And Capcom certainly clone their own games in the form of the Street Fighter series.  And SNK cloned the King of Fighters seres until they genetically altered it in KOFXII and turned it into a monster that no one likes.  Sure, it looks great, but no substance on the inside.

    I have to admit, though, I sure love my space shooters and clones.  They're not highly playable multiple times, but if I had a collection, I'd be entertained well enough going through them all.

  • sepewrath
  • Its

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  sepewrath

    funny; when game companies history comes up, its like they didn't start until they were successful. Its like they opened their doors the same day that they sold a million copies of a game. This is a nice feature to shine light on the actual beginnings that companies seem to want forgotten. Especially Nintendo with thier whore houses and people say Nintendo is kiddy lol.

  • retroyoshi
  • Now THIS is the way to do a short article on this site...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  retroyoshi

    ...and I expect 1Up to continue doing more of this type.  Bravo :-)

  • garsh
  • Not as pronounced, maybe, but...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  garsh

    Pirate Ship Higemaru strikes me as the foundation for what became Goof Troop on SNES.

  • smile_kill
  • nice

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  smile_kill

    great great articles the four horses of gaming huh....nintendo still up n running

  • GhaleonQ66
  • Great article.

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  GhaleonQ66

    I was just going through these myself.  Capcom was shameless until the 1990s, Data East grew terrible quickly, and Namco and Taito ripped off more than anyone.  Konami and Sega were easily the kings early on.

  • cubanref
  • 30 years later

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  cubanref

    We're still copying everybody else's games. FPS after FPS, sequel after sequel, Guitar Hero after Guitar Hero. It's sickening, tbh. 

  • knightsaber4
  • ah yes the early arcade years...

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  knightsaber4

    Too bad the arcade scene is gone. Space Wars. Star Castle. Xevious. Missile Command. Death Race 2000.

    Good times...

  • Ninjimbo
  • Interesting

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Ninjimbo

    I want to hear more about Hiroshi Yamauchi's rumored misstreses.

  • ngamer-90
  • I like articles like these

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  ngamer-90

    Even though you know something from video game history, you learn something new.

  • frankcifaldi
  • hooray!

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  frankcifaldi

    I love super early Capcom stuff, I played a lot of it when I was working at GameTap. Props for acknowledging Titan Warriors, too.

  • rorschach78
  • clever

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  rorschach78
    Konami was making "small waves". I see what you did there. By the way, Radarscope did serve a purpose, it's hardware was used to run Donkey Kong.
  • TheRealFearlessCelt
  • Nice

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  TheRealFearlessCelt

    Good to see SNK mentioned here. I've been a big fan of theirs since I first lusted over the Neo Geo. Before that they were the guys who made "Iron Tank", one of my all-time favorite games.

  • iandaemon
  • son son

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  iandaemon

    I never heard of "Son Son" before his appearance in Zack & Wiki.   Cool stuff.

  • Capt_Falcon
  • Good Article

    Posted: userComment.createdDate by  Capt_Falcon

    Some very interesting stuff there (Especially the Nintendo 'love hotels' lol)

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