A Blog About Nothing

ImageBlogs are everywhere and everybody is saying “ya betta getta blowg” and I’ve been thinking about what I would write on a blog if I had one. Tonight, after writing a totally meaningless post on Facebook, I realized the best and most profitable thing I can write about is nothing!  I’m a self-professed Seinfeld addict and over and over I watch those dvr’ed shows about nothing knowing those guys were making millions on each episode!  Not that I’m into making money or anything like that and not that I have a clue about how anything about nothing can make money in the first place, I just know it worked for Jerry’s show so maybe it will work for my blog. Don’t get me wrong,  I’m no superman (or superwoman) so please don’t be too hard on me.  If I get all kinds of rejection with this being my very first blog and everything, I might do something stupid like go hang out in a diner all day waiting for someone to talk to me about nothing then he will expect me to pick up the check.

Perhaps the best thing not to have is something, because then you have nothing for people not to like.

My blog theme song is “Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing and You Don’t Need Nothing to Be With Me”. 

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