Volume 159, Issue 3 p. 394-409
Research Article

Postnatal craniofacial ontogeny in neandertals and modern humans

Frank L'Engle Williams

Corresponding Author

Frank L'Engle Williams

Department of Anthropology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 30303

Correspondence to: Frank L'Engle Williams, Department of Anthropology Georgia State University P.O. Box 3998 Atlanta, GA 30303, USA. E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
Zachary Cofran

Zachary Cofran

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Kabanbay Batyr 53, Astana, 010000 Kazakhstan

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First published: 09 January 2016
Citations: 2



Neandertals and humans are closely related but differ noticeably in adult morphology. Previous work has been equivocal as to the contribution of postnatal growth and development to these differences. Due to disparate preservation, most analyses focus on specific anatomies, reconstructed fossils, or limited sample sizes. The objective of this research is to highlight the importance of postnatal growth in expressing Neandertal-human distinctions in the craniofacial skeleton, using a large and unreconstructed Neandertal sample.


A resampling approach is utilized to compare relative size change in 20 craniofacial dimensions between Neandertals (n = 42) and humans (n = 262). The large number of immature Neandertal samples within and between dental stages provides the necessary variation to test for growth differences. Nested resampling using human-human comparisons assesses the likelihood of observing human-Neandertal growth differences under the null hypothesis of similar ontogenetic variation.


Humans and Neandertals undergo comparable levels of overall size change. However, we identify growth differences for a number of traits, helping explain some of the unique features of this fossil taxon. Nested resampling shows it is unlikely that a Neandertal-like maturation would be observed in a random ontogenetic sample of humans.


Growth during adolescence appears to be fundamental in the expression of some Neandertal anatomies. Neandertal upper facial and nasal breadths appear to have expanded rapidly after puberty to account for differences between preadolescents and adults, and Neandertals and humans. Mandibular growth differences may relate to anterior tooth use to process foods and paramastication during Neandertal maturation. Am J Phys Anthropol 159:394–409, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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