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First published November 1997

The Psychometric Location of Wisdom-Related Performance: Intelligence, Personality, and more?


The present study aims at presenting evidence on the psychometric location of a measure of wisdom-related performance in relation to standard measures of intelligence, personality, and their interface. A sample of 125 men and women heterogeneous with regard to age, years of education, and professional status responded verbally to three wisdom-related dilemmas and completed a psychometric battery of 33 scales (12 tests) involving intelligence, personality, and the personality-intelligence interface. Findings were consistent with predictions. First, 40% of the variance in wisdom-related performance was predicted by measures of intelligence, personality, and their interface, although none of the individual predictors could be considered equivalent to the authors' measure of wisdom-related performance. Second, the personality-intelligence-interface measures provided the largest unique share (15%). Third, wisdom-related performance evinced a fair degree of measurement independence (uniqueness).

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1. Eight years of school attendance are mandatory in Germany.
2. During the second session, subjects also participated in another study in which they received experimental manipulations. To determine whether subjects, who were randomly assigned to experimental conditions, differed systematically in their level of wisdom-related performance (despite random assignment), analyses were conducted to assess whether experimental groups differed significantly with regard to their level of performance in Session 1. Analyses revealed no Subject × Treatment interaction, F(4, 120) < 1, ns). All standardizations of subjects' wisdom-related scores derived from the second session were conducted within experimental condition.
3. If the zero-order correlations are computed separately for the three wisdom-related tasks (averaged across criteria) and for the five wisdom-related criteria (averaged across tasks), the overall relational pattern is highly similar.
4. For cross-validation purposes, the same analyses were run not only for the overall sample but also for the randomly split sample. The same pattern of results was obtained.
5. When the commonality analysis was computed for the whole set of predictors (33 variables), the basis pattern of result stayed the same. In total, 51% of the variance in the wisdom-related score was explained. The total amount of variance explained was divided up in the following manner: intelligence-personality interface measures (unique) 18%, intelligence (unique) 5%, personality (unique) 6%, personality and interface measures (shared) 9%, intelligence and personality (shared) 1%, intelligence and interface measures (3%), and intelligence and personality and interface measures (shared) 9%. Also, no significant differences were found when gender and age were controlled for.


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Ursula M. Staudinger
Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin, FR G., [email protected]
David F. Lopez
Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin, FR G.
Paul B. Baltes
Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education, Berlin, FR G., [email protected]

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