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Taipei (tībāˈ), special municipality (2010 pop. 2,655,515), N Taiwan, capital of Taiwan and provisional capital of the Republic of China. It is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the island. The major industries produce electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, metals, machinery, chemicals, food products, ships, and motorcycles. The city has a subway/elevated light-rail system, and is connected by high-speed rail to Kaohsiung. Several universities, the National Palace Museum and other cultural institutions, and Taipei 101, formerly the world's tallest building, are there.

Founded in the 18th cent. by immigrants from Fujian prov. on the China mainland, Taipei began its modern development only after 1885, when it replaced Tainan as the capital of Taiwan prov. It continued to serve as a political center and underwent considerable enlargement and modernization under Japanese rule (1895–1945). In 1949, when the Communists forced the government of Chiang Kai-shek to flee from the mainland of China, Taipei became the headquarters of the Nationalists. In 1967 the city became a special municipality with a status equal to that of a province. Taipei suffered minor damage in the 1999 Taiwan earthquake.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in China, in the northern part of the island of Taiwan. Situated on the navigable Tanshui River. Capital of Taiwan Province. Population, 1.8 million (1971).

Taipei is the largest city and the chief economic center of the province. It is a hub for railroad and air transportation, with the international airports of Sungshan and T’aoyiian. Chilung (Kee-lung), with which Taipei forms a single transportation and industrial complex, is Taipei’s outer port. Taipei has various branches of industry, such as metallurgy and the production of cement, chemicals, wood products, and paper. The machine-building industry is represented by shipbuilding and electronics, and the perfume and pharmaceuticals industry by the processing of camphor and other products. Enterprises of the food industry include sugar refineries, tea factories, and vegetable, fruit, and fish canneries. Coal is mined on the outskirts of Taipei.

Taipei is the sea of the Kuomintang administration (as of 1979).

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


, T'ai-pei
the capital of Taiwan (the Republic of China), at the N tip of the island: became capital in 1885; industrial centre; two universities. Pop.: 2 473 000 (2005 est.)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
It has also recalled its Ambassador and suspended South African Airways twice weekly flights between Johannesburg and Taipeh.
The diffusion of the Kiowa Gourd Dance dates back to the early 1960s, when factionalism within the Kiowa Gourd Clan - called the Tiah-pah Society at the time-led to fission into two groups: the Kiowa Gourd Clan and the Kiowa Taipeh Society.
Table 2 Ambient Concentration of Particulate Matters in Asian Cities ([micro]g/[m.sup.3]) 1970 1975 1979 1980 1982 Bangkok 170 Beijing 403 Bombay 241 275 211 Calcutta 341 547 578 463 Delhi 601 481 Hongkong 104 Jakarta 274 Kuala Lumpur 182 Lahore 690 Manila 80-100 117 Singapore 100-160 30-60 Taipeh 100-300 Teheran 429 370 Sources: [Hartje (1983); Hartje (1982); Centre for Science and the Environment (1982); ESCAP (1984); Zhao and Bozen (1986)].
In 1984 Tayag gifted me with a boxed set of his books: The Sinners of Angeles: For Whom Don Juan prays Daily (1960); Odyssey in Southeast Asia (1963); At Home and Abroad (1966); and China: The view from Peking and Taipeh through the eyes of a Filipino writer (1971).
Bullets from the Philippine Coast Guard "penetrated the wall of the vessel, hit the neck of the Taiwanese fisherman, and went out of his back," Taiwanese district attorney Chih Ming Hsieh, chief prosecutor, was quoted as saying in Taipeh.
China Airlines, a Taiwanese carrier, will start a new service from Taipeh to Penang and onto Medan, Indonesia from 29 October.
Er sprach mit den Entscheidungstragern der Branche und besuchte Tiefkulkostfabriken von New York bis Kalifornien, von England bis Italien und von Tokio bis Taipeh.