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Veritate < Messapian *ĕrĭtāhātĭ-s < (Neolithic?) Proto-Indo-European *ĕr-ĭ-tŏh₁ăh₂₄-tĭ-s "runway", together with Brugnato (La Spezia; cf. Brunate [Como] and possibly Austrian Braunau) and Capriata d'Orba (Alessandria), forms a... more
Veritate < Messapian *ĕrĭtāhātĭ-s < (Neolithic?) Proto-Indo-European *ĕr-ĭ-tŏh₁ăh₂₄-tĭ-s "runway", together with Brugnato (La Spezia; cf. Brunate [Como] and possibly Austrian Braunau) and Capriata d'Orba (Alessandria), forms a subgroup of place-names with ending-ate (or-ato &c.; in Switzerland Tavate = Davos [Grisons]) that were demonstrably coined as such in Proto-Indo-European (not later than the Chalcolithic period). The same holds true for Mattinata < Daunian *Mātīnāhātā < PIE *H₂₄mĕh₁-tĭ-h₃n-ŏh₁ăh₂₄-tắ‧h₂₄ "roads through the tilled ridge" and Parata < Peucetian *Părāhātā < PIE *Pŏr-ŏh₁ăh₂₄-tắ‧h₂₄ "passage ways"; the latter one exhibits the same first element as Parabita < Messapian *Părăbătă-s < PIE *Pŏrŏbŏtŏ-s "passing path" (> German Fahrpfad), near which the ancient town of Βαῦστα < *Bŏ[hₓ]s-tă‧h₂₄ "swelling" (≠ ⁽*⁾Bāstā [> Vaste] < *Bʱăh₂₄-s-tă‧h₂₄ "consecrated place") is probably to be located. Pre-Latin Indo-European etymologies of place-names Sombrino, Tuglie, Collepasso, Vĕrētŭm, Σύβαρις, Lecce, and Bari are added. Riassunto. Il microtoponimo Veritate continua, attraverso una fase prelatina (messapica) *ĕrĭtāhātĭ-s, l'antecedente indoeuropeo preistorico (di certo almeno calcolitico, probabilmente già neolitico) *ĕr-ĭ-tŏh₁ăh₂₄-tĭ-s "percorso (?) corso / di (/ della/e) corsa/e"; come Brugnato (La Spezia; cfr. anche Brunate [Como] e forse Braunau in Austria) e Capriata d'Orba (Alessandria), appartiene a un sottogruppo dei toponimi in-ate (-ato &c.; anche Tavate = Davos [Grigioni]) dimostrabilmente coniati come tali in indoeuropeo preistorico, fra i quali rientrano anche Mattinata < daunio *Mātīnăhātā < indoeuropeo *H₂₄mĕh₁-tĭ-h₃n-ŏh₁ăh₂₄-tắ‧h₂₄ "vie per il dosso coltivato" e Parata < peucezio *Părăhātā < indoeuropeo *Pŏr-ŏh₁ăh₂₄-tắ‧h₂₄ "vie di passaggio", quest'ultimo con lo stesso primo elemento di Parabita < messapico *Părăbătă-s < indoeuropeo *Pŏrŏbŏtŏ-s "cammino di passaggio" (> tedesco Fahrpfad), nei cui pressi va collocata l'antica Βαῦστα < *Bŏ[hₓ]s-tă‧h₂₄ "rigonfiamento" (≠ ⁽*⁾Bāstā [> Vaste] < *Bʱăh₂₄-s-tă‧h₂₄ "consacrata").
An ecdotical proposal on the text of the Syracusan gloss Hsch. λ 875 L.-C. and fresh etymologies for λημνίσκος ‘a band; strip of a field’ ← PIE √*lĕm- ‘break’ (cf. Engl. lame) and for Λῆμνος ← PIE √*lăh2/4- ‘pour’ (cf. Lat. lāmă ‘puddle’)... more
An ecdotical proposal on the text of the Syracusan gloss Hsch. λ 875 L.-C. and fresh etymologies for λημνίσκος ‘a band; strip of a field’ ← PIE √*lĕm- ‘break’ (cf. Engl. lame) and for Λῆμνος ← PIE √*lăh2/4- ‘pour’ (cf. Lat. lāmă ‘puddle’) / √*lăh2/4- ‘bark’ (cf. Lat. lāmĕntŭm) / √*lăh2/4- ‘hide’ (cf. ONor. lōmr ‘deceit’). In addition, Ἴμβρος ← PIE √*i̯ĕm- ‘hold’ (cf. OInd. yămắ- ‘twin’). Both names can be assigned to the time when Lemnos and Imbros were not yet completely surrounded by the sea.
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