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Wikipedia Disturbed Over Fresh China Censorship

Updated May 22, 2015, 10:22am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

Wikipedia is yet again being censored by China’s Great Firewall. The Chinese-language version of the site has been blocked for the last three days and the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that supports Wikipedia, said it was investigating. The censorship comes two weeks ahead of the 26th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

Great Fire, an organisation that monitors censorship in China, alerted FORBES to the block, noting that it appeared to start on 19 May for unknown reasons.

Wikipedia has a long and complex history with censorship. When it introduced encrypted connections to the site via HTTPS in 2011, rather than the standard HTTP version that is subject to keyword filtering, it allowed Chinese users to access the same content as the rest of the world. But China blocked the HTTPS site in 2013.

The Chinese language version of Wikipedia

Great Fire has been highly critical of Wikipedia for not enforcing the anti-censorship HTTPS version, claiming it treated the Chinese with less regard than other users. Great Fire’s Charlie Smith (a pseudonym) said it appeared Jimmy Wales was accepting some censorship in China to get some traction, in the hope the government would cede ground.

“The Wikipedia situation should be a learning lesson for all foreign companies trying to offer their content here,” said Smith. “What is most telling in this latest block is that I can't see any Chinese netizens bitching about this block. It's like Wikipedia does not even exist for them anyways.

“Jimmy’s whole premise was that if at least some of it is available, then that is a good thing. But Chinese are not stupid (and should not be dealt with like second-class citizens). The censored Wikipedia sucks. Yes, Baidu have basically stolen Wikipedia info for their own censored offering, but I guess Jimmy felt that he could compete on the censored level.

Smith believes a stronger approach is needed to help Chinese web users. “Had he switched to HTTPS by default ...  then Wikipedia would have been an interesting website for a lot of Chinese. And then if the authorities had blocked it then, many people would have been up in arms about it, putting pressure on the authorities to lift the block.

“But what has happened here is that the authorities effectively neutered the site, made it irrelevant with the censorship controls, and destroyed what is interesting or unique about the offering.”

But the Wikimedia Foundation said it was strongly against any form of censorship, calling on the government to open the site up, saying it was following up on reports from users about the block.

“The Wikimedia Foundation is strongly opposed to censorship. The Chinese government should not stand in the way of the Chinese people's access to Wikipedia. We hope that the Chinese government will reconsider its position and reinstate access to Wikipedia so that the Chinese people can once again access and participate in creating the sum of all knowledge,” the spokesperson added.

China has been accused of intermittently flexing its technological muscles in recent months to quiet online resources it deems dangerous, with its so-called Great Cannon tool used to knock Great Fire and code repository Github offline by flooding their servers with huge amounts of traffic.