Volume 2, Issue 1 p. 154-170

On the Perils of Glorifying the In-group: Intergroup Violence, In-group Glorification, and Moral Disengagement

Emanuele Castano

Emanuele Castano

New School for Social Research, New York

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First published: 20 November 2007
Citations: 35


The moral disengagement strategies that individuals use when appraising misdeeds committed by their in-groups (e.g., nations) are discussed, with a particular focus on the process of dehumanization of the victims. The glorification of the in-group is identified as a main determinant of the use of such strategies, which, in turn, affect behavioral intentions related to punishment of perpetrators and reparations to victims. It is further discussed whether such moral disengagement strategies are prompted by a need to prevent the emergence or diminish the impact of negative emotions (such as shame and guilt) that are likely to be experienced by the individuals because of their connection with the in-group. Possible policy implications of this analysis are suggested.