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What is Roppongi Tenmon Club?

“Roppongi Tenmon (Astronomy) Club” is a generic name for the series of astronomy-related events held at the Roppongi Hills observation deck, Tokyo City View, and astronomy seminars/workshops with experts.

As “Roppongi Tenmon Club” is not a special membership organization, anyone can participate in any events throughout the year, making it ideal for people on their way home from work, dating couples, and families with children looking for some casual enjoyment.

Every 4th Friday of the month is designated “Roppongi Tenmon Club Day,” and in addition to the regular “Astronomical News and Commentary on the Following Month’s Night Sky by a Star Expert” seminars and stargazing parties, special stargazing parties are held on an as-needed basis.
Come along and enjoy some stargazing with the experts at “Roppongi Tenmon Club”?

Tokyo City View SNS Accounts

Organizer: Roppongi Astronomy Club Executive Committee
Cooperation: Astronomy Diffusion Project
The TENPLA Project