Wednesday, June 5, 2024

25,000 x 30=750,000

Of the VSU personnel as Putin describes it as irretrievable losses today. And then, of course, there are simply wounded. 30 is the number of months of SMO. 25,000 are "at least" of VSU losses which are... well, done and are never coming back.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are losing at least 50,000 service personnel a month, five times more than the Russian military, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Putin was speaking with reporters from international news agencies on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). “According to our estimates, the Ukrainian army loses about 50,000 people every month,” Putin said in response to a question, adding that the ratio of sanitary and irrecoverable casualties was “about 50-50.” While not specifying the number of Russian casualties, Putin said the number of irrecoverable losses was at least five times less than those incurred by Kiev's forces. There are currently 1,348 Russian servicemen held in Ukraine as prisoners of war, while 6,465 Ukrainian servicemen are in Russian captivity, the president revealed. Ukraine is capable of mobilizing about 30,000 troops a month and “there aren’t very many volunteers,” Putin explained.

Putin gives here the numbers of Russian MoD which, as I state ad nauseam for two years, provides ONLY numbers which it can objectively confirmed. The actual number of VSU's irretrievable losses can easily be multiplied by coefficient anywhere between 1.5 to 2.0. Let's take a lower 1.5.  750,000 x 1.5 = 1, 125,000 irretrievable losses of VSU. Add here sanitary losses of about the same--and you have 2.5 million people who have been lost and wounded in 404. That's the scale of SMO. There is not a single officer in NATO who can grasp, let alone handle such numbers as a lower estimate for possible NATO operations against Russia in real war. I will merely repeat:  

And NATO is falling behind technologically with every passing day since at least 2014.

Brinkmanship For...

 ... obviously PR and election. 


About Those Land Corridors...

 ... much ado about nothing. Media also want to eat.

Nato is developing multiple “land corridors” to rush US troops and armour to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with Russia. American soldiers would land at one of five ports and be channelled along pre-planned logistical routes to confront a possible attack by Moscow, officials told The Telegraph. It comes amid warnings from the Alliance’s top leaders that Western governments must prepare themselves for a conflict with Russia in the next two decades. Logistical routes have become a key priority since Nato leaders agreed to prepare 300,000 troops to be kept in a state of high readiness to defend the alliance at a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, last year. Existing plans have US troops landing at Dutch ports before boarding trains that transport them through Germany and onwards to Poland.

When I say they are incompetent amateurs in NATO I now wholeheartedly mean it. Get a load of this, LOL))

If Nato forces entering from the Netherlands are hit by Russian bombardment, or northern European ports destroyed, the alliance is set to shift focus to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey. From Italian ports, US troops could be carried via land through Slovenia, Croatia to Hungary, which shares a border with Ukraine. Similar plans exist to transport forces from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania to reach the alliance’s eastern flank.

These clowns obviously need basic arithmetic for calculating the "weight" of Russian missile salvo which is enough to take out any possible port of disembarkation of NATO troops and of completely paralyzing SLOC (Shipping Lanes of Communication) including by means of sinking any ships carrying troops. I posted this piece a few years back, it is worth reminding these "planners" that they better face the music. 

While Metrick does a good job describing an effect of a salvo of tens of 3M14 missiles on Bremenhaven as a main "unloading point" of arriving NATO reinforcements to attack Russia (yes, namely this way, not the other way around), he is incorrect in assuming that such an asset as Project 885 Yasen-class SSGNs will be involved in striking European ports--for that Russia has more than enough 3M14 and X-101s loaded on a fleet of missile corvettes, SSKs and strategic bombers of Tu-160 and Tu-95 variety. The first salvo from these assets may involve up to 150-200 long range cruise missiles--all of them within the range of any European port capable to receive reinforcements from the US. Yasens are a different breed--they are specifically designed for operations on SLOC, their own ASW (against NATO subs) and, finally, these are dedicated CBGs killers, more so than even monstrous Oscar-II (Project 949A) SSGNs. Next year, first launch of hypersonic 3M22 Zircon is planned from one of the Yasen-class subs. This weapon changes calculus of any war on the high seas completely.

Five years passed since then and Russian economy is firing on all cylinders outproducing NATO in everything, sometimes by the order of magnitude and especially so in standoff weapons. Because of that, even they noticed:

But after warnings that Nato only has 5 per cent of the necessary air defences to cover its eastern flank, the Jsec commander is concerned about surface-to-air capabilities to defend his key logistical hubs. “Observing and assessing the Russian war in Ukraine, we have observed Russia has attacked Ukraine’s logistics bases,” he said. “That must lead to the conclusion that it is clear that huge logistics bases, as we know it from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible because they will be attacked and destroyed very early on in a conflict situation.” “With regards to air defence... It’s always scarce. I cannot imagine a situation that you have enough air defence. That is a good example where a military principle applies: ‘If you want to be strong everywhere, you are strong nowhere.’”

Yes, they will be destroyed together with C3 structure with command top being killed either in disembarkation points, on the march or in tactical and operational rear. And, BTW, you CAN be strong nearly everywhere if you defend the country such as Russia, which knows war better than anyone else in the world. Spin, all the time, never-ending.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Larry About Russian Patience...

 ... Washington is filled with ignorant and uncultured people, including Pentagon and CIA. So, they project due to their low intellectual and cultural levels. US Armed Forces have no grip on modern warfare being led by obviously incompetent leaders. 

Keep in mind also, "red lines" term is not what Russians initiated, it is a construct which is purely western in its origin. It is a catch phrase and a stupid one at that. Russia will strike when she needs and how she needs. Keep in mind that the US has a number of bases which are within 60-90 minutes of flight of 3M14 Kalibr or Kh-101, 6-9 minutes by Kinzhal and 3M22 Zircon--US has no means to defend against that. What is in the waters near the US Eastern Sea Board is known only to President Putin and Russian GS. In the end, there are these guys. 

Plus all those funny Avangards on combat duty near Orenburg. Good luck surviving those.

Scott And Judge...

 ... some needed explanations. 


These Motions...

 ... have been pretty much inevitable. 

Türkiye will seek to join the BRICS group of nations and intends to bring up the issue at an upcoming meeting of the economic bloc’s foreign-ministers in Russia, Ankara's chief diplomat Hakan Fidan announced on Tuesday. Speaking to reporters while on a three-day visit to China, Fidan stated that Türkiye has long been waiting to become a member of the European Union, but has for years faced opposition from some of that bloc’s members. In this context, Ankara is now considering BRICS as an alternative platform for integration, the minister explained. ”We cannot ignore the fact that BRICS, as an important cooperation platform, offers some other countries a good alternative,” Fidan said, noting that while the group still has “a long way to go,” Ankara sees the “potential in BRICS.”

Turkiye today is pretty much her own thing and, no matter how "westernized", will never share the so called European "values", not to mention the fact of EU market losing purchasing power while Eurasian market gaining it. Turkiye also is very closely economically tied to Russia in critical fields such as energy and increasingly through military technology. Turks are not stupid, they observe the "performance" of NATO weaponry in SMO. These are tectonic shifts:

Moscow has welcomed Ankara’s interest in joining BRICS. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stated that the topic of Türkiye’s membership in the group will be featured on the agenda of next week’s summit, which this year is being chaired by Russia.  

Turkiye fits, however, into the overall integrationist trend of BRICS and she will be a welcome addition. Consider also the real economic sector of Turks is very large and, as an example, in terms of steel production Turks outproduce every single EU nation (some of them combined) with the temporary exception of Germany with which Turkiye has a rough parity. Turkish tomatoes and building contractors are omnipresent on Russian market, plus Turkiye is a huge vacation spot for Russian tourists. So, there you go.  G-7 is not really a G-7, at best it is G-3, in reality it is G-2. 

Meanwhile NATO's buffoon in chief states the obvious.

No, fool, it was already there to start with, with key industries being returned to Russia's control as early as 2012-13, in reality the process started earlier. But ignorance is expected from economic BSers from combined West. Next thing you know, Goldman Sachs will advise on the design of NATO's Air Defense system and hedge funds will issue field manuals on brigade and divisional level EW. Good God, what a loser.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Good Catch...

 Az Izvestia reports, some French catch near Liptsy village yesterday. 

I am sure the birdie will be singing and then, maybe, he will be sent to Monsieur Macron with all the appropriate publicity. The guy was wounded and VSU tried to kill him. Well, he is lucky, he will have now humane treatment, good medical care and good rest in Russian captivity. The only question will be what is his REAL background... in French Army.