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Acronym Definition
SAB Scientific Advisory Board
SAB Science Advisory Board (EPA)
SAB Staff Accounting Bulletin
SAB Student Activities Board
SAB School of American Ballet
SAB Switched at Birth
SAB Study Abroad
SAB Skeptic's Annotated Bible
SAB Sociedade Astronomica Brasileira (Portuguese: Brazilian Astronomical Society)
SAB Single Amplifier Biquadratic
SAB Stack Access Block
SAB Secondary Application Block
SAB Source Address Bus
SAB Sync Address Bus
SAB Strategic Advisory Board
SAB Session Awareness Block
SAB System Advisory Board
SAB Supervisory Alarm Battery
SAB Satellite Analysis Branch (NOAA)
SAB Super Adventure Box (gaming)
SAB Soprano, Alto, Baritone (sheet music parts)
SAB Same As Above
SAB Serum Antibody
SAB Spontaneous Abortion
SAB School Administration Building (various locations)
SAB Separated At Birth
SAB Special Administrative Board (Missouri)
SAB Samuel Adams Beer (Boston, MA)
SAB Service Area Boundary (telecommunications)
SAB Side Air Bag
SAB Start at Beginning
SAB South African Breweries PLC
SAB Short-Acting Bronchodilator (inhaler)
SAB Same As Before
SAB Socially Acceptable Behavior (psychology test)
SAB Saba Island, Netherlands Antilles (Airport Code)
SAB Steve A. Baker (game designer)
SAB State Anatomical Board (various locations)
SAB Standard Air Bag
SAB Saskatchewan Archives Board (Canada)
SAB Space Age Bachelor
SAB Studio Arts Building (various schools)
SAB Saskatchewan Arts Board
SAB Semi-Autonomous Body (various locations)
SAB Sensor/Actuator Bus
SAB Soprano Alto Bass (sheet music parts)
SAB Société Astronomique de Bourgogne (French: Astronomical Society of Burgundy)
SAB Statutory Accident Benefit (insurance; Canada)
SAB Spacecraft Assembly Building (Jet Propulsion Laboratory; US NASA)
SAB Standards Activity Board (IEEE Computer Society)
SAB Special Advisory Board
SAB Separate Armored Brigade
SAB Swiss American Bank
SAB Smoke A Blunt
SAB Self Activating Bell
SAB Sociedad Anónima Bursátil
SAB Supplemental Aid to the Blind
SAB Subject As Above
SAB Space Applications Board
SAB Solidarite Afghanistan Belgium
SAB Sell A Band (website)
SAB Smoke A Bowl
SAB Satellite Assembly Building (NASA)
SAB Stick Arena Ballistick (video game)
SAB Storage and Assembly Building (NASA)
SAB Serious Aeolian Belfry (band)
SAB Superior Auto Body
SAB Server Address Book
SAB Shared Avionics Bench
SAB Siege Assault Bot (gaming, Supreme Commander)
SAB Safety Authorization Basis
SAB Special Actions Branch
SAB Self Abusive Behaviour
SAB Sell At Best
SAB Scrabble Advisory Board
SAB Saudi Agricultural Bank
SAB Secretarial Advisory Board
SAB Self Adjusting Brake (ratcheting device)
SAB Strong Base Anion
SAB Special Accounts Blanks (SOEX)
SAB Shanghai Audit Bureau
SAB Singapore Armor Battalion
SAB System Analysis Branch
SAB SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) Approving Body (UK)
SAB Sexy American Boyfriend
SAB Suwon Air Base (Suwon City, Kyong-Gi Province, ROK)
SAB Sniper At Bay
SAB Sound Attenuation Batts
SAB Stress Assessment Battery
SAB Strategic Aligned Business
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
She explains how to teach children how to behave in a socially appropriate way by focusing on five domains: protection, or keeping children safe from danger and helping them cope with situations; reciprocity, or responding to reasonable requests from children; control, or responding to misbehavior; guided learning by reading stories to children that illustrate the importance of specific values or talking with them about emotions or behaviors; and group participation by observing the socially acceptable behavior of others and participating in rituals, routines, and interactions with others.
As ( gender norms create different expectations about socially acceptable behavior of men and women, males and females face pressures in reporting certain (socially accepted) behaviors.
Society's interest in teaching students socially acceptable behavior and avoiding subjecting the other students to lewd and vulgar language outweighed the student's First Amendment fight to free speech.
Results from the 2003 study suggested that business practitioners at the time relied on a combination of "act and rule utilitarian ethical philosophy" This ethical theory says that, when an individual makes a decision, the best choice is one that provides the greatest good, regardless of laws or socially acceptable behavior. Therefore, decisions are acceptable if they lead to the greatest good, while ignoring justice and the direct spirit of the law.
Teacher will emphasize the importance of socially acceptable behavior and reactions to other peoples' behavior.
Sublimation-potentially maladaptive feelings or angry, aggressive impulses are channeled into socially acceptable behavior (such as being a boxer, a butcher, or a surgeon).
Defining that which is socially acceptable behavior for this "between" stage can be a challenge in their lives outside of camp.
Antisocial behavior refers to persistent violations of socially acceptable behavior patterns (Walker, Colvin, & Ramsey, 1995).
They need to stop doing it, because they can see it is not a socially acceptable behavior.
Perhaps we must re-examine our concepts of private and public property, morality and socially acceptable behavior. Some believe that the Earth and everything on it -- including us -- are creations of the Divine, and that ultimately ownership rests with the Creator.
It is the development of socially acceptable behavior that is most critical to the advancement of the student, especially during adolescence.
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