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be social

To engage in human interaction. What are you doing hiding in the kitchen during a party? Go out there and be social for five minutes—it won't kill you. I'm not in the mood to be social, so please leave me alone. Ugh, I was having fun playing video games in my room, but my mom made me come down here and be social.
See also: social

climb the social ladder

To improve one's position within the hierarchical structure or makeup of a culture, society, or social environment. Miss Dumfey hopes to climb the social ladder by marrying the local diplomat. John's had a chip on his shoulder from being raised in a trailer park, so climbing the social ladder has been his only aim since leaving home. Sure, I could work to climb the social ladder, but I also know that invitations to fancy galas don't guarantee happiness.
See also: climb, ladder, social

social butterfly

Someone who enjoys frequently mingling with other people at social events. Tom's always been something of a social butterfly, so we've never really worried about him making friends or finding his way in the world. She used to be quite the social butterfly, but no one has heard from Sarah in weeks.
See also: butterfly, social

social climber

A person who tries to elevate their social status, often through the calculated use of friendships and relationships. Based on his circle of friends, it's obvious that he is nothing more than a social climber.
See also: climber, social

social death

What is said to happen to people who are not viewed or accepted as human by society at large, as through segregation or persecution based on race, gender, or religion. Slavery is tied to the concept of social death, as slaves had no power at all and were treated as property of their masters, rather than human beings in their own right.
See also: death, social

social dumping

The act of underpaying laborers, reducing their benefits, or providing them with substandard living or working conditions, as by a company or business. By engaging in social dumping, the company is exploiting migrant workers just to make a buck. We must put a stop to it!
See also: dump, social

social justice warrior

A derisive term for someone who supports or upholds very liberal or progressive views on social issues. This phrase typically implies that such a person is overzealous or disingenuous. Often abbreviated SJW. These social justice warriors want to control every aspect of our lives! Betsy used to be pretty moderate in her political views, but she turned into a total social justice warrior in college.
See also: justice, social, warrior

social listening

In marketing, using a business's social media presence to learn what interests customers and how they view the business as a brand, with the goal of identifying trends that can be used to further the business in the future. A lot of big brands now engage in social listening and often end up offering products based on direct consumer suggestions.
See also: listen, social

the social ladder

The hierarchical structure or makeup of a culture, society, or social environment. Miss Dumfey hopes to improve her standing on the social ladder with a marriage to the baron. It's always hard for high school freshmen to find their place on the social ladder. Mary's had a chip on her shoulder from being raised in a trailer park, so climbing the social ladder has been her only aim since leaving home.
See also: ladder, social
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

social butterfly

A person who flits from event to event without a care in the world. This derogatory phrase is usually but not always applied to women who “live to party.” Going from one dinner party or ball or benefit to another, they are preoccupied with being the height of fashion and popularity. According to one wonderfully descriptive characterization, a social butterfly has a “brow unfurrowed by care or thought."
See also: butterfly, social
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price
See also:
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For more information on Socially Responsible investing reach out to you today:
Socially Mobile*###52%###60%###53%###56%###50%###54%###49%###50%###53%###51%###45%###50%
The research shows that seeing God as your friend when you are already socially connected actually provides minimal additional benefit for purpose in life.
Socially intelligent leaders possess a sort of intuitiveness that informs them of what people need and how they want to get it.
No longer confined to domestic equity investment options, socially conscious strategies have expanded to include international markets as well as fixed income, such as municipal bonds.
It will be an evening of art, music and socially conscious dialogue that aims to build community and action toward bettering the world.
Protein World told the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) the overall response to the ad was that it was motivating and empowering, and they did not believe it was socially irresponsible.
The social world is established by the relevant and oriented undertakings and mental fabrics of socially positioned individuals.
The effective rate of return to the socially conscious attorney is thus diminished by lowered fees to stay competitive, time and money spent advertising, and time and money campaigning for work at social functions.
161-FZ, dated 27 June 2011, 'On the National Payment System', the Bank of Russia assessed MasterCard, a socially important payment system, for compliance with the international standard 'Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures' (PFMI) by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Bank for International Settlements and the International Organization of Securities Commissions.
Proposal on expansion of the socially important goods list is under consideration so far, the list includes the main socially important food products that are needed for a healthy diet, the Ministry of Economy of the country said.
M2 EQUITYBITES-February 26, 2015-SunStar Strategic advocates socially responsible investing
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-February 26, 2015-SunStar Strategic advocates socially responsible investing
Steps towards creating socially competent game characters
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