socialized medicine

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Related to socialized medicine: Universal health care

so·cial·ized medicine

A government-regulated system for providing health care for all by means of subsidies derived from taxation.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

so′cialized med′icine

any of various systems to provide a nation with complete medical care through government subsidization and regularization of medical and health services.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Presenting 122 considerations, he wrote: "You will now decide whether or not you are going to be a government employee and practice socialized medicine." It is "perhaps the most important decision you have ever made.
While some Americans embraced the ACA as a vehicle for them to get insurance and for its various protections, namely the provision against preexisting conditions, some Americans, including Republicans in Congress, viewed Obamacare as too close to socialized medicine.
Although initially impressed with the rapid advance of American medicine, during this time, he became enamored with the Soviet Union's model of socialized medicine. After a visit to the Soviet Union, he grew more convinced about the superiority of their system, and in 1937 he wrote, Social Medicine in the Soviet Union, a book that supported the idea of compulsory health care coverage administered by the government.
Real socialized medicine, as we'll see, might work brilliantly, as it has in some other countries.
And yes, it might look a lot like "socialized medicine," but Medicare is a form of socialized medicine and few Americans spurn it when they're of age to qualify.
We do not want our taxes raised to build more hospitals, we want criminals off of our streets, and we do not want socialized medicine (I should clarify that we Canadians love our socialized medicine).
Other countries pay less for the same medications: Socialized medicine programs in Canada and the UK negotiate huge discounts and analyze costs against benefits, while some developing nations ignore simply patents.
Some believe the act is government-provided insurance, others believe its socialized medicine, and yet others believe it's a lead-in to a single-payer health plan.
Describing Johnson's legislative accomplishments, Obama noted with a sly tone that the former president had created "a health care law that opponents described as socialized medicine.''
Within the White House, considerable angst attended the President's decision to favor a universal health insurance mandate rather than a single-payer system of socialized medicine. Those individuals were buoyed, however, by ObamaCare provisions that permitted high-risk individuals to be shifted from private insurers to state funded agencies through the exchanges and by further provisions that compelled a significant increase in the states' Medicaid programs.
"Following a near-fatal car accident, as a patient in a Soviet hospital Teddy learned firsthand just how costly socialized medicine programs can be for patients and doctors alike," reads ( Turner's bio .