The ugly Zionist 2035 plan for Gaza & what the Palestinians want

Submitted by CH

In light of recent Zero Hedge article posing question as to where Rafah civilians “might go,” the following pieces may be of interest:

REDACTED: Netanyahu reveals the Gaza 2035 plan, Israel’s new Dubai

Vanessa Beeley – Gaza 2035: Netanyahu’s vision for a dystopian future (May 2024)

Phase Two – Israel to maintain overall security responsibility which means military rule, oppression, apartheid and mass imprisonment, torture and ritual abuse of Palestinians. Arab states will create a “multilateral body to oversee, guide and fund the Gaza Rehabilitation Authority” aka the reprogramming indoctrination committee.

The new U.S. Gaza pier: For ‘humanitarian’ or ‘strategic control’ purposes?

–Or for ‘evacuation’ of civilians?

As for what the Palestinians want for their future:

It’s time to ask the question, what do Palestinians in Gaza want (May 2024)

What exactly do we want, From the River to the Sea (Nov 2023)

To quote Miko Peled, “The calls for justice in all these massive protests are very clear: the state of Israel—not the people of Israel—need to go. ‘Free Palestine’ means a free Democratic Palestine on all historic Palestine.”

An Open Letter to our Jewish allies (Fall 2023)

Today, our struggle as Palestinians is not against Jews, but against the ideology and movement that manufactured this sectarian rift and weaponized it to justify its supremacist endeavor.

Ilan Pappe’ – The Zionist project is coming to an end (1hr)

–Pappe,’ an Israeli historian, is author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and strongly backs the Palestinian cause

Also of possible interest:

A Jewish Holocaust survivor’s powerful message to Gaza protesters (4min) ?v=qokhPdgvgw0

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