Vladimir Putin has accused Western leaders of clinging "to the shadows of the past" as he creates a new world order with his invasion of Ukraine.

The world will not be as it was before the "special operation", Putin said in his speech at the plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"It is erroneous to believe that one can sit and wait when the time of turbulent changes goes by, when everything goes back to where it was. It won't," Putin said.

According to him, the changes are fundamental, "crucial and inexorable”.

However, he said that Western countries "cling to shadows of the past".

A Russian serviceman patrols on the promenade in Berdyansk, amid the ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine
A Russian serviceman patrols on the promenade in Berdyansk, amid the ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine

"For example, they believe that the dominance of the West in global politics and economy is a constant and eternal value. Nothing lasts forever," Putin said.

Putin also took a swipe at the European Union, saying that its leaders are "dancing to someone else's tune."

"The European Union has finally lost its political sovereignty. Its bureaucratic elites are dancing to someone else's tune, accepting whatever they are told from above, while causing harm to their own population and their own economy,” Putin said.

Putin attends the plenary session during the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum
Putin attends the plenary session during the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum

He warned that this "divorce from reality" will lead to populism and a host of other negative effects.

"Such a divorce from reality, from the demands of society, will inevitably lead to a surge of populism and the growth of radical movements, to serious social and economic changes, to degradation, and in the near future, to a change of elites,” Putin said.

Russian RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile complex roll during the Victory Day Parade in May
Russian RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missile complex roll during the Victory Day Parade in May

The 69-year-old even claimed that Western sanctions on Russia haven't worked.

"The goal was understandable — to crush the Russian economy violently, to destroy business chains, forcefully recall Western companies from the Russian market, freeze domestic assets in order to affect industry and finance, the standard of living of citizens.

"It hasn't worked out. Obviously it hasn't. It has not materialised," Putin said.

Brazen Putin even said Russia were "forced" to invade Ukraine.

“Fighting is always a tragedy. Yet, this is a forced action that we had to make. We were forced to do it - that's the whole point. We were just dragged to this line.”

Russian serviceman patrols near the captured piont of defence of the Ukrainian army outside the town of Schast'ye
Russian serviceman patrols near the captured piont of defence of the Ukrainian army outside the town of Schast'ye

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"Even during the special operation, we must not turn the liberated territories into a semblance of Stalingrad."

"We have nothing against whether or not Ukraine joins the EU."

"Russia will respect any choice that the residents of the liberated territories will make. It is only up to them to decide their own fate."

One month ago, almost to the day, Belerusian President and Putin cronie Alexander Lukashenko urged the Secretary General of the UN to consider instituting a “new world order” in which all members of the international community have “security guarantees,” because it would be in the UN's interest to “prevent the conflict from becoming protracted with devastating consequences.”