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Journal Journal: I Orion Blastar have entered a very dark and bad time in my life

I have to admit sometimes some delusions are better than reality and make more sense as well. One time I met Grandfather Thunder during one of my delusions that happened while I dreamed. He claimed nobody else wanted to listen to him and that I was more receptive to his existence and the parallel universe he lives in that is the spiritual plane and other groups like his live there also. We had the greatest talk about something called The Big Collapse and hope it didn't happen and that people learn to be responsible with their income and learn to save money and balance a budget and the governments need to learn this too, also stop ruining the Earth and the environment. Every place I posted that I was insulted, trolled, accused of being gay, called retarded, and was told I made up Grandfather Thunder even if he wasn't part of Christianity. But Grandfather Thunder told me to ask his people who forgot about him, Native American tribes how much we can trust the government based on their experience and laughed about it. I'll find out why he found that funny one day and who he really is anyway.

Yeah well this is a very bad part of my life my father has five months to live because of a brain tumor, my mother may have to sell her house because trolls attacked me and my family posting untrue stuff on the Internet and links to my father's web site for his business not knowing he was unable to read them and dying. A tree smashed my patio and the insurance company refuses to give us enough to fix it, I voted for Obama and supported health care reform so my medicare benefits can be improved, my co-pays reduced, and pay less per month for Medicare Part B, Part D, and the Medicare Supplement, but that didn't happen yet. I had hoped he would close the doughnut hole and I campaigned for him answering the phone and making calls and he said as soon as it passed the doughnut hole will vanish, but it has not yet, so I got $800+ a month prescription medicine bills now.

Anyway in the past there have been dozens of attempts on my life as part of some assassination attempts, I've been stabbed, shot, strangled, poisoned, dragged behind a truck, but did not die and they gave up after a while whomever they were. They wore Atari 2600 joystick t-shirts and blue jeans and Ski-masks. I've come close to death from those things at least 4 times and had life after death experiences only to be pulled back as an EMT did CPR to recover me and then go to a hospital for treatment, so now I got these huge medical bills from doctors and hospitals, but hey at least I am alive. If I wasn't I would not be able to type this to you.

It is quite strange to threaten the life of someone as mentally ill as me, as I tend to have suicidal thoughts and want to die, but alas I cannot, and they get upset at me "Orion, why the f*ck won't you die! Die already d@mmit die!" as they keep trying to kill me. I just tell them "I want to die too, try something else, this latest plan of yours isn't working." and while I don't fear death I do fear life. I have no idea why it is so hard for me to die, almost like some unexplained thing or being or power or something is keeping me alive and bringing me back to life after being legally dead for 15 minutes or whatever.


Journal Journal: We were warned by books and other things

This journal is subject to Poe's Law, Godwin's Law, and many other humor devices like deadpan, dadaism, etc. Our lawyers advice you the reader not to read it, or else you wave all legal rights to sue or file criminal charges against the writer and all people involved in writing this. This applies to copy and paste skills, web robots, lawyers, pets, real robots, and any other thing that can read, copy, or scan for you or anyone else on the planet. This legal contract is good and open sourced and applies to everything the writer ever wrote or will write for as long as the world civilization still stands and the civilizations after that one as well. Read at your own risk, you were warned!

Credit should be given to Guy Montag for commenting on my past blogs. I really support and love the followers of my blog like my own brothers and sisters. I know I am not popular and most on the Internet hate me. But they say they hate me because I exist and that I speak the truth and try to enlighten them as best I can, and it conflicts with what they know from the TV shows, cartoons, video games, songs, movies, books, and everything else including public school and colleges trying to turn them into something they are not. Consider this a warning that we must take a look at what we are doing to others and the world itself and undo this stuff that we got tricked into and then and only then can we become free people and good instead of evil and selfish.

Fiction and Science Fiction authors tried to warn us but since the 1960's nobody bothers to read books anymore telling us that in the future our government becomes so corrupt that it puts Devils, Loki, and others out of business. But watch these Youtube trailers and judge for yourself:
Fiction and Science Fiction authors tried to warn us but since the 1960's nobody bothers to read books anymore telling us that in the future our government becomes so corrupt that it puts Devils, Loki, and others out of business. But watch these Youtube trailers and judge for yourself:

Fahrenheit 451


Animal Farm

Even made into a modern version Equilibrium

But no even modern versions trying to warn us people would rather see all the fight scenes than understand the warning the writer made to warn us about how corrupt our governments are getting:

Books on the New York Times bestselling list are for sheeple, zombies, vooks (crazy people that blame others for their problems) and looters (who after the government and/or economy collapse will run riots and grab as much valuable stuff as they can) and even more.

Anyone know what this is?

Anyone know it is being used on the USA, Canadian, EU, etc citizens to manipulate and control us via fear and other stuff?

Making any sense yet? Maybe these videos that governments and mega-corporations like oil and fossil fuel companies want to ban and get rid or our censor:

Is it too late to educate people, this stuff has been going on for years to brainwash, manipulate, and control the majority of the population using psychology and other stuff to change us into our animal state and selfish desires and narcissism and may very well lead to our own destruction. But what can we do, what can anyone do? Educate yourself, free your mind, resist this brainwashing, manipulation, become unselfish, become thinking about others, fight this evil that has creeped into the darkest reaches of our mind and set us against each other so those in power and mega corporations, etc can get rich off of us while we all suffer!

I've been sick and almost dying for a long time, I got really sick, but my father got sicker he got a brain tumor and had brain surgery and is recovering and my family is having a hard time with one bad thing after another. If it was not for me borrowing strength from God I'd never make it this far and be in a hospital or dead. God gave me all he did to help me survive and I believe give others this warning message.

I am going to spend as much time with my family as I can, and help my father by supporting him and visiting him as he has what Ted Kennedy had but our family is too poor to afford to help him even if the health care reform bill was passed, our family still got screwed out of benefits and nursing home stays got cut somehow even if we were promised they would not. I am not a violent man, I am a pacifist, I follow Jesus Christ and learn a few things from other places like Buddhism, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, The Rev, Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr. and others who never did anything wrong and tried to warn us about this stuff and protested with words. I am not on the left or right, nor am I part of any group like the tea baggers or tea party or whatever.

I've been trying to help educate and enlighten people to the truth. I am not a God, not Jesus Christ, not The Devil, not the Anti-Christ, not supernatural, just a man with too much pain and suffering in his life and his friends and family members suffered and are in pain too letting the rest of you know that you are not alone and maybe one day will wake up and notice the pattern of corruption and do something about it. As for me, I am too sick and too tired to do anything about it but write words protesting the injustice and evil in the world. Theist, Atheist, whatever, we are all in pain and suffering and instead of focusing on our differences we ought to focus on what we have in common and how we can become good and help each other out. But hey that is my views and opinions I could be wrong, but what if I am not wrong this time?

User Journal

Journal Journal: The eBook scam that fooled Slashdot and most, and the rise of women in the world

This journal is subject to Poe's Law, Godwin's Law, and many other humor devices like deadpan, dadaism, etc. Our lawyers advice you the reader not to read it, or else you wave all legal rights to sue or file criminal charges against the writer and all people involved in writing this. This applies to copy and paste skills, web robots, lawyers, pets, real robots, and any other thing that can read, copy, or scan for you or anyone else on the planet.

The trolls on K5, IWETHEY, and other web sites believe stupid stuff like females, women, girls, etc are stupid, dumb, retarded, and cannot figure out how math and science work. Then they complain and whine in diaries why no woman wants to date them or even have sex with them (gee I wonder why? Common sense says this attitude and opinions and views that offend, insult, and belittle women logically would drive women away from them, but when I mention that I am accused of being retarded, gay, crazy, insane, etc and trolled and then banned for it.) So when I tell them they are wrong and also bigots and sexist, they hide my comments by zero rating them, and find some way to get any account I own as banned. This happens to me all across the Internet even by people claiming to be liberals for equal rights and such. Mostly white males and they post negative stuff about non-white people, HGLBTT people (even accusing me of being gay or the f-word used to insult gay men), religious people like Jewish people, Christians, Muslims, etc, (even when the trolls at K5 etc say stuff like Hitler had the right ideas to kill religious people via the holocaust), foreigners are evil (National Origin, part of the Civil Rights Act they claim to support but ignore), elderly need to die so they can earn more money and take their jobs, sick and disabled people like me are evolutionary failures and need to kill ourselves (if I had a nickle for every time a troll listed as a liberal told me to kill myself, I'd be richer than Bill Gates because I am mentally and physically ill), and other stuff that I figured the Neo-Nazis also believe and it lead me to a Neo-Nazi Dupe Hordes joke and parody as I stood up for the equal rights that all these trolls are violating and showed their true colors. But anyway as it keeps going on I wanted to explain how I got the way I am and how fast this stuff gets spread and how people will believe anything they are told via the Internet and how people like me try to find the truth hidden in the bias and lies and distractions like Gulf of Mexico oil spills that never get fixed by the same nation that put men on the Moon and other stuff no other nation has done, but we get an oil leak that even Jed Clampet knows how to plug and they let it go 50+ or 100+ days to distract us from the truth. Well, hey now, excuse me if I enlighten you readers of my blog a bit.

PC World, a part of a publishing company that prints books and magazines on paper, claimed it was faster to read real paper books than eBooks.

"Ah dur, uh hu, me gonna buy more paper books and not buy eBook reader because an article making the front page of Slashdot said not to do so. If it is on the Internet it must be true!" -Sheeple and Zombies who think MSNBC is not left-wing biased or think that Fox News is not right-wing biased or trolls of K5 or The Daily Kos or Red State who believe it and then write so many arguments and insults and trolls over it the comments get right shifted off most web browser windows and then get full of ASCII art and copy pasta of trolls and statements made 5 or more years ago when they run out of ideas.

Peter Faulk played a character named Columbo who was a Detective and like me very annoying but funny as well. Let me role play (acting to those of you in California and Hollywood who are not computer geeks like me and 'Weird' Al Yankovic who got skills and are champions at D&D.) here a bit to show you the truth and enlighten you as to how the Internet is used to brainwash people using science, psychology, and other stuff. This is my Slashdot response, and let us watch what replies it gets and what ratings as well.

Excuse me sir pardon me (Score:2)
by Orion Blastar (457579) writes: on Monday July 05, @01:31PM (#32801160)

did you claim to say reading eBooks takes more time than reading real books? That a company who publishes real books and magazines like PC World would conduct a scientific study they claim is unbiased even if they are in the very business that eBooks threaten to compete with and possibly shut out. That they are not doing this to manipulate, scare, or use psychological warfare/operations to get more people to avoid the eBook market and buy more of their paper based books and magazines?

If you say so sir, but me and Mrs. Columbo seem to think that scientific studies done this way by biased sources, based on history always make biased claims and just McDonald's will do a scientific study showing their food is healthy and allows one to lose weight by eating a lot of it, and Microsoft claims Linux, a competitor to Windows has more security holes and bugs in it and that so does Firefox have more bugs and security flaws than Internet Explorer that this is starting to develop into some type of pattern.

But you know sir, figures can lie, but sometimes liars figure that even a peer reviewed scientific theory proven the best way it can will fool people even if it is biased and a sockpuppet scientist or someone else rubber stamped it for money and called it a peer review, but I digress if the public ever find that out, or figures out such things happen, no public relations you can do will be able to recover from this.

Oh yeah one more question sir, if eBooks are electronic books and digital information in the same way as web sites like say Slashdot are, and other studies show that one can read web pages (digital information) faster than printed newspapers, books, and magazines and these scientific studies were done by third party neutral scientific groups with no bias and nothing to gain, why is yours right and theirs is wrong?

Oh yeah sir, I hate to keep bothering you like this, but one more thing that bugs me, maybe you can shed some light on it, there was once a scientific theory and study that said boys were smarter than girls long ago. Because of this most of western civilization considers females to be weaker, less intelligent, and not to be treated with equal rights as males are. It was peer reviewed and proven. Then later as new theories and new technology and ideas came about they found out that girls learn education differently than boys do and that they had to change the way they teach so girls can learn and reach their potential, so something that was thought to be true a long time ago and scientifically proven was later found to be flawed and wrong and in error. So education got changed to adapt to teaching girls to help them learn better and become smarter, even than most boys. That in some areas girls, women, and females in general are smarter than us males, and because of this type of stuff kept most women from entering the math and science areas which is why males had dominated them, but now due to this correction more women are getting into Math and Science areas and more women are attending colleges than men now. They didn't do the research to see how education worked that allowed boys and girls to learn and see if it was a factor. I believe using my own powers of logic deduction and detective mode, that your study used people not as smart as most on the Internet who use eBooks and thus took longer to read because they weren't computer savvy or technical enough to figure out how to use an eBook reader properly as most Slashdotters that could be used in such research may be used to find out they read eBooks faster than real books because they understand how tech works and electronic devices being the geek geniuses that we are, instead of the average person who cannot figure out what the difference between "save" and "save as" and choose RTF or Word 2002/2003 format for Office 2007/2010 to share documents with older versions of MS-Office and non-Windows machines that cannot read such files. These seem to be the people, and mostly men, who cannot learn how to operate an eBook reader faster than reading a book. But tech savvy women just might be able to read an eBook faster than a real book and let's see how fast they read this blog verses a real book, eh? :)
Remember, Slashdot does not have a -1 disagree moderation, and no, troll, flamebait, and overrated are not substitutes.


Wow wall of text, right? Maybe I should make this into a book or something, eh? Oops, I cannot as John Swift my friend already covers it and this blog is made to cover the same problem in different ways and give research and analysis to help him write the book better by citing my words and this blog. :)

Women of the world, I and others like me know how smart and talented and intelligent you really are. I believe in equal rights for all, unlike some who say that and you can tell by their words and actions they clearly do not and instead believe the Animal Farm based "All people are equal, some people are more equal than others."

I for one as a heterosexual male space pirate ninja from the future schizoaffective computer geek/nerd genius who admits my own wife is smarter than me and believe in empowering women and others to make their own decisions and be free as anyone else, would like to welcome our new female overladies as one day they pass us men (we may be evolved but are still cavemen in many ways or as Jeffery Jenna once joked "All Men Are Idiots And I Am Their King" long long time ago in a Funny Bone far far away from Ohio.) in intelligence and other areas and take over the world and fix everything that we men ruined, broke, destroyed, or messed up in some way.

Women are our future, as we men seem to be defective in some way, shape, or form and find ways to win Darwin Awards or do suicide or do stupid stuff to die earlier. Those of us who are smarter men aka computer geeks smart enough to see women as equal to us in rights and respect them as equals and see their potential to be better than most of us men, want to thank the women in our lives for being mothers (esp single mothers the government refuses to help and slip through the cracks of our system and have sick children that need medical help), girlfriends, sisters, cousins, wives, friends, pen pals, coworkers, managers, teachers, tutors, doctors, lawyers, police officers, fire fighters, nurses, volunteers, pirates, ninjas, martial artists, artists, entertainers, singers, writers, bloggers, nuns and other holy women, etc that have helped us grow in some way and become better off for it. For we few men do not treat women as sex objects or inferior, but as equals and better than us in some ways, and the reason that we have not died because as angels and stuff they protect us from ourselves because they are smarter than us in ways we are not. :)

Besides what man does not want to be ruled by a group of Amazon Women like Wonder Woman and others best Woman Woman I knew was Linda Carter. All the male super hero movies have been made, but finally a movie about a woman super heroine is ready to be released. Wonder Woman is as powerful as Superman, but smarter, and has a magic lasso that can get anyone to tell the truth. Most real women I know in real life can tell when a man lies or tells the truth without a magic lasso, but oh well. :) Others include Catwoman She Hulk and Sarah Connor or even Tinkerbell and many others like Charlie's Angels or even my own Sister from a parallel universe named Eris Blastar who is as real as imaginary numbers are real in Math and the Python Language (square root of -1, look it up!) like a Dark Angel of some sort:), and Olivia Dunham from 'Fringe' knows about parallel universes and her counterpart in them as well or Pat Benatar claiming advertising, songs, movies, tv shows etc should stop using Sex as a Weapon. Look at Xena verses Ares God of War! Even if there is a problem with aliens just ask Ripley for help believe it or not. How about Star Trek and Captain Janeway or The Female Borg Seven of Nine or Star Trek's Vulcan Women. Hey help me out here by posting a comment linking to more super heroines or heroines or real or fictional women that often get overlooked but most women relate to in some way and use as a BBS or Internet handle or user name or email address to show that what people can expect from them and how diverse, smart, strong, loving, intelligent, wise, etc they are.

Who is the best and most powerful and smart super heroine of all time? God's Mother and also our spiritual mother no woman can top the woman who not only gave birth to Jesus the son of God and Messiah, and also raised him right and taught him how to be smart, brave, kind, compassionate, and paid money to have him taught from the best teachers as well as home-school him and teach him stuff teachers don't even know. She is the perfect woman who gave birth to the perfect son and as close to a feminine form of God as one can get. One theory is that she is the feminine form of God and like Jesus was born of a virgin birth. When God the Father chooses someone to come to Earth and warn us the Holy Mother Mary does it.

A woman friend of mine my wife and I met while shopping today told me to try and keep quiet that women are smarter than men, some men not as enlightened or evolved as me, cannot comprehend such things and it only makes them upset. BTW my wife and I have an anniversary today of our wedding, so I thought I'd say nice things about women like my wife who is a heroine, angel, and smarter than me and without her, I'd be dead or homeless. My friend my wife and I met, her husband and her have an anniversary tomorrow but I won't mention their names. So let's keep this secret about how much smarter women are than men a secret from the devolved men that try to dominate women and those they seem to think of via being weaker, inferior, dumber, etc because tearing others down like that makes them feel better for their shortcomings and psychological projection forces them to accuse others of having things they suffer from, and they are sophists anyway in the modern and not classic sense and do ruin web sites, economies, lives, careers, and etc. That PC World used men like that dumb enough to not operate an eBook reader fast enough to read faster than a real book.

Why are women so important that I write to include them in with eBook readers, math, science, etc? Well the US economy was getting out of the Great Depression and Word War II happened and as the men fought the Axis Powers the US Women went to work and did things better, faster, smarter than most men and that is what improved our economy. But notice the third would nations that suppress women and treat them as inferior and property and third class citizens have really bad economies. So basically unless you give women equal rights and equal pay, your economy is going to suffer they need an education as well and eBook readers may be the cheapest way to do that as books make education more affordable in eBook format. Catching on? If you hold women back, you also hold back our economy and everything else. The same with other groups of people by race, religion and non-religion, color of skin, national origin, creed, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc. Heck if robots and space aliens existed I'd give them equal rights as well. :) Yes in order to fix this economy we need to educate people and make them work better, faster, and smarter with better quality control and train them for several different jobs at each company so we can move them around without downsizing them, etc. More on this later in another blog.

As "The Old Boy's Network" gets older and gets more corrupt and ruins governments and economies of the world, we will no longer have a male dominated world that keeps females down, and females will rise up to be our equals to help us become better and work together to fix everything like equals. What does this have to do with eBooks and how fast we can read them? Well they tend to have forgotten that women buy eBooks too and overlook that market and thus made the same mistake men as scientists made long ago to do a biased scientific study. Anyone can use eBook readers not just men and not just a few groups but everyone on the planet. Let us join The Resistance In the information war New Codes must be Devised Knowledge is power by Anterior, 1989. I'm the Neuromancer and I'm trancing. But I am also accused of being a Power Junkie. :) But has anyone ever heard Ezekiel 25:17? or heard that Jesus claimed not to bring peace to Earth but a sword?

User Journal

Journal Journal: We were wanred not see and understand why the world is the way it is now.

Fiction and Science Fiction authors tried to warn us but since the 1960's nobody bothers to read books anymore telling us that in the future our government becomes so corrupt that it puts Devils, Loki, and others out of business. But watch these Youtube trailers and judge for yourself:

Fahrenheit 451


Animal Farm

Even made into a modern version Equilibrium

But no even modern versions trying to warn us people would rather see all the fight scenes than understand the warning the writer made to warn us about how corrupt our governments are getting:

Books on the New York Times bestselling list are for sheeple, zombies, vooks (crazy people that blame others for their problems) and looters (who after the government and/or economy collapse will run riots and grab as much valuable stuff as they can) and even more.

Anyone know what this is?

Anyone know it is being used on the USA, Canadian, EU, etc citizens to manipulate and control us via fear and other stuff?

Making any sense yet? Maybe these videos that governments and mega-corporations like oil and fossil fuel companies want to ban and get rid or our censor:

Open Source

Journal Journal: Solving the software problem

Michael David Crawford has been harassed, cyberbullied, trolled, defamed, etc for the last time. Now it is time to tell the truth.

Here is the IP address to his web server:

Coming soon to this web server:

Announced in this Kuro5hin diary:

Now I was an active and good standing user at Kuro5hin until recently. I was defending Michael from the trolls there who wrote "Ogg Frog Magazine" and set up fake web sites trying to defame Michael Crawford. I got anonymized for my efforts of telling the trolls not to do that. So now I am writing this blog to tell the truth about it all.

I tried to protect you and defend you from the trolls and even draw their fire from you to me.

But if Rusty is going to cave into the trolls every single time and not even anonymoize them as they do worse stuff than I am accused of doing, then Kuro5hin is going to hell and will only get worse until this anti-crawford dupe hordes troll issue is resolved. Rusty has to grow some big stones and then anonymize the dupe horde trolls, you and I both know who they are and why they deserve it.

Now I don't want a war with Rusty, so I forgive him. But I do want a refund and an apology. If Rusty even bothered to send me an email none of this would have happened so the fault and responsibility is on him as he could have stopped this.

Use this for your PRQ web site:

See if you can get the real names of the trolls that way, see if Rusty will give you them and the IP logs for free. Apparently he likes you more than me, he apparently hates me for some reason. I don't hate him, but I can never understand why he lets these trolls take control of Kuro5hin and himself that way. If I was Rusty, I'd permaban those trolls and anonymize any account they create and refund their money via Paypal and say "Don't bother coming back" and have Paypal block their attempts to buy new accounts.

For the anti-crawford dupe horde trolls this was a Pyrrhic victory at best.

Update: I got a refund for at least two of the accounts. I think the third one is still pending. So I am alright with Rusty and Kuro5hin, no harm no foul, no court cases. :) The trolls on the other hand are in serious trouble.

Update: I got the third account refunded as well. Thank you very much for the quick refunds, Rusty!;page=newlegal#badguys

What the trolls are doing is considered hacking, harassment, cyberbullying, and cyberterrorism according to the US Patriot Act, Rusty should by his own FAQ report such activities to the FBI as he advertises. Why he does not, I am not so sure.

But as a thank you to Rusty and you later, I will buy more ads if anonymized accounts are allowed to do that, if not then I'll buy a $5 account and buy ads with that and stop from posting diaries and comments and rating and the like, then there is no reason to anonymize such an account and the trolls cannot do anything about it. None of my comments nor diaries was reason to anonymize any account and the trolls post and write even worse than I am accused of doing, why don't you crack down on that stuff Rusty? I'll never know. But I will buy some ads later. That way I can fully 100% support Rusty and Kuro5hin, and promote your web sites, including that PRQ web site. Hey I might even buy a Google Adsense ad for that new PRQ web site you are building provide you give me the URL. Heh!

Tell Rusty I forgive him and accept his refunds and apology, he is a real nice guy for doing that.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Proof of Neo-Nazis in the world?

This blog is subject to Poe's Law, Godwin's Law, and many other humor devices like deadpan, dadaism, etc. Our lawyers advice you the reader not to read it, or else you wave all legal rights to sue or file criminal charges against the writer and all people involved in writing this. This applies to copy and paste skills, web robots, lawyers, pets, real robots, and any other thing that can read, copy, or scan for you or anyone else on the planet. This legal contract is good and open sourced and applies to everything the writer ever wrote or will write for as long as the world civilization still stands and the civilizations after that one as well. Read at your own risk, you were warned!

[quote="Neo-Nazi student"]You didn't expect me to read all your tripe I hope? americans are the morons of the planet when ti comes to their fear of socialism. They rather let tens of millions of their own species die needlessly and suffer needlessly than to adopt some form of public saftety net.

And the semar campaigns oveer this plan is typical for the filth that is american politics. Just lies and playing on the fear of socialism. And like you, even Hitler comparions.

Yeah we see that in the news here. Pittiful people, americans. Really pittiful and loathsome.[/quote]

First you motherfracker, you just broke our contract to leave each other alone, so now expect to get called on your bullcrap because I refuse to tolerate it anymore. I gave you dozens of fair warnings on this in the past and have been too nice and compassionate about it and let you walk all over me. But the line is drawn here and it ends right now! So here goes.....

But not as big of morons as the Europeans, or Canadians, eh? :roll:

Sure massive socialist programs so people stop learning from the consequences of their bad actions, bad behavior, and bad decisions and stop becoming smart and start becoming morons dependent on the government to do stuff like wipe their butt for them. :lol: National Socialism, Communism, Socialism, and the like have always failed in history or murdered millions of people. Welfare Capitalism, Compassionate Capitalism, is much better and does not ruin economies or murder people, but nobody wants to try them yet. Instead you Neo-Nazis paint Capitalism as the enemy and the banks as the enemy as part of that New World Order, when really you are all part of the Fourth Reich of Nazi Germany and the EU in an effort to take over the world via National Socialism and your National Socialist programs you force down everyone's throats. :twisted:

Socialism also ruins economies:

How is that recession turning into a depression working out for you this person? Ah but you have such big socialism programs that help people out but ruin the economy in the process, eh? :shock:

Now what you got in the EU and Holland or The Netherlands is National Socialism which never works, ruined economies, and oppresses people. Hitler oppressed the Jewish people and blamed them and the Neo-Nazis in the EU like you this person blame the Muslims, Christians, and other religious people and oppress them. Forth Reich Neo-Nazis are Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists in modern times and blame religion for all the problems in the world like Richard Dawkins and his "God Dellusion" clearly does. Now there are good Secular Humanists, Atheists, Agnostics, etc out there and I hope and suggest that they fight the fake ones who are really Neo-Nazis pretending to be real ones.

Most US Socialism programs are Communist programs and thus ruin our economy, but now these new bills are National Socialism and once again the Muslim, Christian, and other religious people will get the blame by the Neo-Nazis once again.

By disagreeing with me, and calling my posts as tripe, you admit freely to your Neo-Nazi roots, this person. If not then please apologize and say I am correct and this is true, and then you can be a freedom fighter like me and help fight these Neo-Nazis. You copied many of Adolf Hitler's ideas in his writiings and even said you wanted a copy of his book "Mine Kampf" for your collection, and you admire his artwork person/Personal/hobbypersonal/art.htm on your web page, which is evidence of your Neo-Nazi roots and Neo-Nazi roots in the EU government. Now if I am wrong in my assumptions, please tell me where I am wrong. You plagerized most of Hitler's works in your Internet writings and submitted your ideas to that Socialism web site you cited which I said was full of National Socialism ideas and other Hitler stuff. Clearly the Fourth Reich is something you and the rest of the EU and people are a part of this person in this New Age Neo-Nazi movement.
This is Neo-Nazi propaganda this person contributed towards: Proof of this is they use nationalized finance which is a key part of National Socialism. They try to use the communist hammer and sickle to fool you but it is a Neo-Nazi web site, I am not fooled and it is mostly Hitler's ideas and National Socialism from the 1930's and his book plagiarized and rewritten for modern times. "Mine Kampf 2.0" I call it. :twisted:

Now this person I am speaking to, all you have to do to prove you are not a Neo-Nazi is explain to the public what the difference between your idea of National Socialism and Hitler's idea of National Socialism differ. Then denounce the Neo-Nazis and fight them as I am currently doing by exposing them as frauds and propagandists who use the Internet web sites, conspiracy theories, and other stuff as propaganda for help manipulate, brainwash, and trick people into joining their Fourth Reich. Clearly they tricked you, but they cannot trick me. :twisted:

I doubt Joe is a part of this, as he never sang Hitler's praises as well as you have this person. :twisted:

If I am wrong then this person has been a dupe of the Neo-Nazis all this time and never figured it out until now. The EU public school and college system recycles Hitler's ideas in their courses and consider themselves to be superior and everyone else as inferior which is classic Hitler type thinking and Neo-Nazism in its prime as a classic example of that. If not National Socialism something very close to it, and just as dangerous that Alex Jones , Michael Moore , Nancy Pelosi , Herry Reed , Richard Dawkins , Al Gore , Maurice Strong , and others are promoting to take away our rights, freedoms, and liberties with a false democracy that is nothing like democracy and everything like a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by the elite class of Neo-Nazi like supermen or ubermench or whatever. I want no part of such Fourth Reich and denounce them and fight them. They are using Obama as a dupe and puppet and forced him to support this Neo-Nazi crap which should be vetoed. Clearly they hate Obama and wanted Hillary Clinton to have won instead because she is not as hard to force into this stuff as Obama currently is apparently. They use conspiracy theories like global warming, peak oil, New World Order, US government behind 9/11 and other nonsense to brainwash, trick, fool, and manipulate people for their formation of their own Forth Reich. They are racists and the only civil liberties they support are that of their own superior race they claim to be forming to form the Forth Reich with.

I freely admit I am imperfect and flawed and a normal human being with physical and mental illnesses that they want to ban, anonymize, wipe out, censor, troll, harass, cyberbully, and make me quit talking about them or out against them. If they get their way people like me will be rounded up into concentration camps and murdered in a New Age Holocaust. The elderly, the sick, the mentally ill, the religious, the homosexuals, the people who oppose this new Neo-Nazi movement, and anyone who refuses to join the new Forth Reich. Help me and other pirates, ninjas, and the other freedom fighters oppose the Ghost of Hitler and his Forth Reich movement.

BTW this has been an Andy Kaufman type happening! :P

The guy wrote back to me this statement:

[quote="national socialist student"]
I know american are terrified of national socialism. That is why senators in the usa now get death threats. Great democracy. Depiction sof senators with cross hairs on their faces.

Now you tell me who the nazi's are.

I do not want to discuss this anymore and if you want to write posts with 10 useles links, don't bother. I am not gonna read it because usually it is just nonsense.

So shut the fuck up?


Thank you![/quote]

Our founding fathers wrote "Tyranny is when the people fear the government. Freedom and Democracy is when the government fears the people." I do not support any violent action or behavior. I hold people accountable and want answers to these questions. I am non-violent and want to reform our government, economy, and way of life, not destroy it as you want to and many politicians want to do.

No I will never give in to your censorship and will practice my freedom of speech that you seem to hate so much. I will never STFU, you Neo-Nazi turd!

[quote="Neo-Nazi in The Netherlands"]
I know american are stupid leik you and your mental ilness make you this way. The new world order run by Jewish bankers and Muslim clerics and Christians try to fool us, but we are smarted. Our national socialsim programs are the best in the world and we are working on our own master race.

You are a mentle case, a clear thought criminal like all american our dutch professors taught us that you would use lies and smares and nonsense to try and confuse us, but we dutch and europeans are a superior ayran race to you mongrals and inferior people and we will raise a new army to prove it and wipe you all out so that our national socialism reigns supreme!

You will all suffer for this, nobdy makes fun of eurpoean national socialism, nobody you big fat wanker!

Clearly the number of logical fallacies, spelling mistakes, bad grammar examples in his response are too high in number to reply to and get back to him, Obviously I made this Neo-Nazi mad yet again. I guess I'd better just lay off for a while and let him calm down before he finds me and throws me in one of those concentration camps? :lol:

The Neo-Nazis while they appear clever and nice at first, are a tricky bunch to deal with. Never taking responsibility for their own words, actions, and behaviors and always blaming others for them. They disguise themselves as liberal politicians and the like and even claim to be for civil rights, but follow the money trail to lobbyists and campaign contributors and you will learn the truth about them.

You will know them when they finally stab us all in the back.

Now they can use logical fallacies against us, use racist words, use swear words, heck even write books, plays, movies, and the like to try to fool, trick, manipulate, and brainwash the masses via the propaganda engine of the Internet and RIAA/MPAA, Hollywood, and the like. But really smart people call them on their bullcrap like me and many others.

They may take away or jobs, force us into disability or to become homeless, they may use politics to try and destroy us and do character assassinations on us and even blame us for everything they are responsible for, but they shall never take away our freedoms, liberties, and rights, as long as there are more of us than there are of them. We shall fight them on the Internet, in coffee houses, in the public, and even when they invade our houses in the middle of the night to force us into concentration camps, but they shall never win as long as some people are alive to face them and fight to restore the rest of our freedoms, rights, and liberties!

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Genius Guide to Buddhism and Learning

One day the Buddha had a student that refused to do anything he said. We shall call this student as Spencer and protect his real name. Spencer didn't want to listen to the Buddha or do anything he said.

"What is wrong Spencer?" asked the Buddha.

"I don't believe you are really enlightened. I believe you are a con-artist spouting nonsense and not really a Buddha!" yelled Spencer.

"I will be glad to talk to you when you are as calm as me." smiled the Buddha

Spencer got upset but in a few minutes calmed down.

"None of this stuff works in real life Buddha; your theories don't work in the real world. When some asshole takes advantage of you, meditation isn't going to help!" yelled Spencer.

"I see," said the Buddha "but you are still upset, I'll be glad to talk to you when you are as calm as me." laughed the Buddha.

"Why are you laughing, are you laughing at me?" asked Spencer.

"No I am not," smiled the Buddha, "I am laughing because what you say is funny to me. I am laughing with you and not against you."

"I do not understand." asked Spencer.

"That is why you are this way," said the Buddha, "you are delusional and ignorant but I can gladly help you with that and dispel those delusions and enlighten you so you are no longer ignorant." smiled the Buddha.

"I think this is a scam and that you are a con-artist!" snapped Spencer.

"Why would you say that?" asked the Buddha.

"Because none of this stuff works." said Spencer.

"Why doesn't it work for you, Spencer?" asked the Buddha.

"Because I can't get the meditation to work." said Spencer.

"I see," said the Buddha, "let me meditate on that for a while."

The Buddha meditates for 15 minutes.

The Buddha speaks "I think I know what is wrong Spencer."

"What is wrong Buddha?" asked Spencer.

"I will make you a deal to teach you a significant learning opportunity." said the Buddha.

"What is that?" asked Spencer.

"I will give you a command and you will follow it, deal?" said the Buddha.

"No way there is no way I will follow any command you give!" yelled Spencer.

"I will speak to you when you are as calm as me." smiled the Buddha and he never got upset nor angry at Spencer and showed him nothing but love, compassion, and mercy.

"I am a skeptic, scientist and atheist who expose frauds," said Spencer, "and I think you are teaching dangerous ideas Buddha and religion only harms people and never helps them. I am doing research on you to write a book called 'The Buddha Delusion' and it will become a best seller!" snapped Spencer.

"How untrue and delusional," smiled Buddha, "so let me make you a deal. If you follow my command I give you then you agree that religion is not dangerous and harmful and agree to learn meditation better. If you do not follow my command in three hours time then you win, I admit to everyone I am a fraud and prove you correct on that statement, deal?" smiled the Buddha.

"There is no way I will follow anything you say," snapped Spencer, "you shove your opinions on people, and like to present your opinion as Capital-T Truth. So yes there is nothing you can say that I will follow, deal!" smiled Spencer with an evil grin.

"Then I command you, Spencer, to ..." the Buddha paused for dramatic effect, " breathe!" and laughed.

Spencer tried for 15 minutes to hold his breath but ultimately breathed a few times.

"Did I hear you breathing Spencer?" asked the Buddha.

"Yes, I did Buddha. You tricked me!" frowned Spencer.

"Your anger, ignorance, and delusions tricked you Spencer, not me." smiled the Buddha.

"You cannot do it again Buddha, double or nothing." said Spencer.

"OK if you say so Spencer, one more time. I command you Spencer, to ..." the Buddha paused for dramatic effect, "be alive!" and laughed.

"Not again! I give up Buddha you win!" frowned Spencer.

"Yes Spencer; however, you just won as well!" laughed the Buddha.

"But how?" asked Spencer.

"Because you just cast off part of your ignorance and delusions and gained a bit of enlightenment and became a better person for it now. You learned the truth, the universal truth about yourself and others and learning. Go in peace Spencer, and teach this to others and keep practicing your meditation. It will take six years for you to master it." smiled the Buddha.

Spencer then learned the truth about himself that he had been an asshole, and the Buddha taught him how to deal with assholes so they become enlightened and learn to become better. Jesus later taught this as "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." based upon this teaching by The Buddha.

The moral of the story besides you cannot win an argument with the Buddha is that if someone doesn't want to do what they are told? Tell them to do something they will do anyway. As you cannot force someone to do something they don't want to do, but some things they do naturally anyway and if you tell them to do that, they cannot stop but do that.

For more info on Buddhism:

Buddhism set the standard for Christianity later. The Buddha set the standards for Jesus to teach later and both teach the same thing, the truth or universal truth about ourselves and the universe. If Buddhism didn't exist there would be no Christianity, as Jesus was a Buddha as well as the Messiah, Prophet, Rabbi, Teacher, Philosopher, Critical Thinker, Son of God, and also a Genius I learned meditation at the Thai Buddhist temple and help out people with computer work. So imagine instead of the Buddha it says Jesus Christ instead.

"...and that is how you treat assholes like that!" Eric from "The Revolution" in Gent, Belgium.

But Jesus is also the future Buddha:

Jesus is one of the Buddhas and also Kalki in Hinduism, Jesus has always been and always shall be. The Buddhas work for Jesus. Jesus was the truth that taught the Buddha enlightenment.

User Journal

Journal Journal: If the New World Order exists then it must really stink on ice to be them!

I don't care what the New World Order conspiracy theory is, I want to stop it very badly, discover a new renewable energy source, get off of all fossil fuels, reverse global warming, end peak oil, and stop this political corruption of natural science and reform it.

Now I have this plan, but I got a few friends working on it with me. I cannot reveal the details here, but if you send me an email I'll be more than glad to clue you in.

In a nutshell we are developing software in a brand new programming language to search Internet databases of every scientific theory ever made, then it will check all math formulas, equations, and examine every statistics and find any possible errors, mistakes, or just plain fraud. It would be the first low AI fuzzy logic peer reviewing program under an open source language ever developed if we are successful at it. I have no idea if these theories of mine work or not, or if any of this is possible to do yet.

But I can tell you and promise you that if this is successful, and we find suspect scientists that may have links to this group, we can compile a list of suspect scientists and then have the authorities follow the money to whomever is funding them. I have a theory who is behind it, and maybe you will agree with me if we talk about it later in email if I discover any success at this. It might take years to invent or code, but if we get it working it will make every program I told anyone that I wrote and then lost via a USB and laptop hard drive crash to shame, and will be not only my life's work but finish what Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking and others could not even figure out. Maybe we can find that Higgs boson, dark matter, dark energy if my theories are proven correct in any part. Yes if successful in some unknown amount of time we should figure out the grand unified theory or theory of everything. But first we need to weed out the deadwood that has stopped scientific progress and technological progress for the past 100 years or so. Once very verify the true theories and then debunk the fudged ones, we will have a much better chance at developing new and better theories to figure out more stuff later and maybe even prove this stuff they couldn't figure out. This will be basically a Six Sigma quality control check if you know what that is, please agree with me on it.

Oh yeah might even prove the existence of God in the process, whomever he might turn out to be. I am not sure about that one, but it would be fun if we could work that out as well. :)

Now this is the best way to prove or disprove anything. If a New World Order or One World Order or whatever really does exist, then this process which will be peer reviewed and I may have to take it to a few universities to do that with scientists who aren't corrupted by it but want to reform the system. We either flush these evil people out into the public's eye and we the people demand our governments do something about them or we reform a new government after the big collapse everyone keeps talking about and fight them everywhere, or we expose this conspiracy theory as a fraud that it is and show that no fossil fuel company or business man has fudged results of any scientific theory.

If I can get these theories to work, no doubt I'll make myself a target, but I have a plan for that as well. The New World Order if it exists then did all of this stuff to me, ruined my career, made me mentally and physically ill so I could not do this sort of thing to expose them, because if they exist they knew my potential to expose them as frauds all along and if that is true, even sick and on disability, as a modern pirate I am tough enough to fight back for freedom and rights of every free person in the world. These Bozos had greatly underestimated the potential of one of the greatest minds since John Forbes Nash Jr. and since they did this to me, it would be my pleasure and honor to expose them to the world once and for all and foil everything they worked on and bring about the true hope and change that politicians always promise but never deliver on.

Republicans and Democrats better back me on this one, or else I will reveal their funding from lobbyists when the software is modified to examine campaign contributions databases and other stuff later. Muahahahaahh! Then I will end political corruption as well and deal the final blow to this New World Order and take on the banks and terrorist networks after that. Once my software program can check bank account and funding databases we can see who funds the banks and terrorist networks to prove if the fossil fuel companies and businessmen are really behind it. They can run all they want to China, but they won't be able to hide the trail of money to their flunkies and corrupt scientists and politicians who can cop a plea bargain to testify against their masters.

Oh yeah if the news says I killed myself or died in an accident, then the NWO got to me and you all are my witnesses for that. As I can promise you that my suicidal thoughts are gone and I'll never be that way again thanks to Thai Buddhist Meditation, etc. Plus I take all safety precautions and don't take any risks as some people do as I like to play it safe, even staying away from cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. I exercise more now and might regain a bit of my health to do this on a non-profit volunteer part-time basis as a hobby to stay on disability and yet get stuff done slowly so they cannot stop me at this. I am doing this for fun and passion not profit. I am doing this to help people and save humanity and fight evil where ever it happens to exist.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I apologize to those offended by my humor

Sometimes it is hard for me to communicate. But I am able to learn from humor and try to help others with it. I am learning new ways to do things and trying to do good things again. In a way, my Orion Blastar character has helped me learn and I know I have helped others. To those who feel that they have been hurt, I am sorry. I can show kindness, compassion, and mercy, and I need to build that into my Orion Blastar character. But he has given me some good ideas but he works in a way that is hard to describe. I've made some mistakes, and failures, but I am learning from them. I am learning to laugh.

I support the rights and freedoms of many, and I am only trying to help. But I am not sure if I can function without this character. I've tried to merge personalities, to reinvent who I am and I am trying to find myself.

There is a problem with the USA, like the economy, but don't give up hope, it will correct itself. Congress and the President have to learn how to work as a team and compromise, and listen to others.

I've been through a lot of pain and suffering myself, but I learned from it. I am trying to get better.

Some of you don't know me, or that I was only trying to help with humor. Things will work out eventually.

I've learned to laugh at the untrue things posted about me by others on the Internet, I think they tried to teach me a lesson as well. A lesson in humility that I need to treat others better and not get so angry or upset. I am working on that, but it will take time.


Journal Journal: Now is the time when I start turning things around 3

You can laugh at me, make fun of me, call me names, say I am wrong, disagree with me, do personal attacks on me, but one thing you cannot do is ignore me.

Ever since 1985 many people have done what they could to sabotage me, they called me a loser a failure, a retard, someone who won't amount to anything. But somehow they still needed my help on things, and I worked thankless jobs for mean bosses, even if it meant working in fast food to pay the rent and take college part-time. But in some cases I worked for nice bosses and good companies but the economy went bad and so I lost my jobs.

Those who know me in real life know that I never give up, I learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others, and I keep trying. No matter how many times I get knocked down, I get right back up.

But today I start a new life, today is the day when Orion Blastar is recycled into something useful. Today is the day I stop becoming a joke, and start doing something with my life, one day at a time.

I don't care what the New World Order conspiracy theory is, I want to stop it very badly, discover a new renewable energy source, get off of all fossil fuels, reverse global warming, end peak oil, and stop this political corruption of natural science and reform it.

Now I have this plan, but I got a few friends working on it with me. I cannot reveal the details here, but if you send me an email I'll be more than glad to clue you in.

In a nutshell we are developing software in a brand new programming language to search Internet databases of every scientific theory ever made, then it will check all math formulas, equations, and examine every statistics and find any possible errors, mistakes, or just plain fraud. It would be the first low AI fuzzy logic peer reviewing program under an open source language ever developed if we are successful at it. I have no idea if these theories of mine work or not, or if any of this is possible to do yet.

But I can tell you and promise you that if this is successful, and we find suspect scientists that may have links to this group, we can compile a list of suspect scientists and then have the authorities follow the money to whomever is funding them. I have a theory who is behind it, and maybe you will agree with me if we talk about it later in email if I discover any success at this. It might take years to invent or code, but if we get it working it will make every program I told anyone that I wrote and then lost via a USB and laptop hard drive crash to shame, and will be not only my life's work but finish what Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking and others could not even figure out. Maybe we can find that Higgs boson, dark matter, dark energy if my theories are proven correct in any part. Yes if successful in some unknown amount of time we should figure out the grand unified theory or theory of everything. But first we need to weed out the deadwood that has stopped scientific progress and technological progress for the past 100 years or so. Once very verify the true theories and then debunk the fudged ones, we will have a much better chance at developing new and better theories to figure out more stuff later and maybe even prove this stuff they couldn't figure out. This will be basically a Six Sigma quality control check if you know what that is, please agree with me on it.

Oh yeah might even prove the existence of God in the process, whomever he might turn out to be. I am not sure about that one, but it would be fun if we could work that out as well. :)

Now this is the best way to prove or disprove anything. If a New World Order or One World Order or whatever really does exist, then this process which will be peer reviewed and I may have to take it to a few universities to do that with scientists who aren't corrupted by it but want to reform the system. We either flush these evil people out into the public's eye and we the people demand our governments do something about them or we reform a new government after the big collapse everyone keeps talking about and fight them everywhere, or we expose this conspiracy theory as a fraud that it is and show that no fossil fuel company or business man has fudged results of any scientific theory.

If I can get these theories to work, no doubt I'll make myself a target, but I have a plan for that as well. The New World Order if it exists then did all of this stuff to me, ruined my career, made me mentally and physically ill so I could not do this sort of thing to expose them, because if they exist they knew my potential to expose them as frauds all along and if that is true, even sick and on disability, as a modern pirate I am tough enough to fight back for freedom and rights of every free person in the world. These Bozos had greatly underestimated the potential of one of the greatest minds since John Forbes Nash Jr. and since they did this to me, it would be my pleasure and honor to expose them to the world once and for all and foil everything they worked on and bring about the true hope and change that politicians always promise but never deliver on.

Republicans and Democrats better back me on this one, or else I will reveal their funding from lobbyists when the software is modified to examine campaign contributions databases and other stuff later. Muahahahaahh! Then I will end political corruption as well and deal the final blow to this New World Order and take on the banks and terrorist networks after that. Once my software program can check bank account and funding databases we can see who funds the banks and terrorist networks to prove if the fossil fuel companies and businessmen are really behind it. They can run all they want to China, but they won't be able to hide the trail of money to their flunkies and corrupt scientists and politicians who can cop a plea bargain to testify against their masters.

Oh yeah if the news says I killed myself or died in an accident, then the NWO got to me and you all are my witnesses for that. As I can promise you that my suicidal thoughts are gone and I'll never be that way again thanks to Thai Buddhist Meditation, etc. Plus I take all safety precautions and don't take any risks as some people do as I like to play it safe, even staying away from cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. I exercise more now and might regain a bit of my health to do this on a non-profit volunteer part-time basis as a hobby to stay on disability and yet get stuff done slowly so they cannot stop me at this. I am doing this for fun and passion not profit. I am doing this to help people and save humanity and fight evil where ever it happens to exist.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anonymous is making personal attacks on me 1

Most these are Anonymous members I exposed from Kuro5hin as frauds, and they have taken over Kuro5hin with Rusty's approval via their many dupe accounts and turned Kuro5hin from a Slashdot type Geek culture from the trenches type technology site into an Anonymous swamp of Internet alligators that will bite anyone they disagree with.

I left Kuro5hin a long time ago, but since they couldn't get me they were prank calling my house, so I changed to an unlisted number. Now they are trying to troll me on Slashdot and won't leave me alone. It all started out on IWETHEY and they followed me to Kuro5hin and now to here.

One threatened to have me castrated and another is a homophobe and also a bigot and another can't seem to understand my Internet jokes and takes me seriously when I joke about being a pirate ninja from space and 4096AD, that is just a "theme" I use as a joke and I wrote blogs about it and some Orion Blastar wannabe stole my running joke and did a Darth Vader blog in the style of my old Orion Blastar space pirate ninja from 4096AD blog. But at least I won't be sued by George Lucas as I have rights to Orion Blastar and I am writing stories about my character and not someone else's character.

Hey nice pathetic attempts to troll me Anonymous, but as usual you've been smoking way too many joints and don't seem to be making any sense and are pointless and scoring "own goals" like when you hacked Sarah Palin's email account and turned her from a nobody into an even more popular person. I pointed out your "own goals" and why it helps McCain/Palin more than help them, and now you've started to troll me on Slashdot. Well I joked back on Slashdot, and I am getting modded up as funny, while you get modded down as troll. So nice work guys, when the feds finally bust you guys, we'll see who has the last laugh. If you are lucky you will get so stoned that you will end up killing yourselves and save the US tax payers some money they would have wasted on your trial and 5 to 8 years in federal prison. Yeah you EDtards are trying to mess up the Sarah Palin Uncyclopedia article but we are wise to you and easily revert your stupid and unfunny comments.

Keep it up, your pathetic attempts at trying to troll me have made me laugh too much. It is like trying to watch a 15 year old explain Super String theory and instead he babbles on endlessly about how stoned he is and how his parents don't know what he does but he doesn't know Google recorded his whole Internet conversation about what his parents don't know and they found out by Googling their son's name and know the entire truth about what he's been up to and the hammer is about to drop on him as his parents are really mad now at him. You wiki-kiddies really crack me up more than those script-kiddies trying to figure out why their Windows scripts won't work on Linux boxes. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Modern Pirate's Code rough draft 2

The USA is headed for a collapse, we need a new way of life as our current one is leading to economic ruin and corruption. This is based on the old Pirate's code and modernized.

* Article One
Every person shall obey civil command; the Captain shall have one full share an' half in all prizes. the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain, and Gunner shall have one share an' quarter.

* Article Two
If any person shall offer to run away, or keep any secret from the Company, he shall be marroon'd with one bottle of powder, one bottle of Water, one small Arm, an' shot.

* Article Three
If any person shall steal any thing in the company, or game, to the value of $100, he shall be Marroon'd or shot.

* Article Four
If at any time we should happen upon another marrooner, (that be Pirate) that person shall sign his/her Articles without consent of our company, an' shall suffer such punishment as the Captain and company shall think fit.

* Article Five
That a person that shall strike another, whilst these Articles are in force, shall suffer such punishment as the Captain and company shall think fit.

* Article Six
That a person that shall fire his/her arms, or smoke tobacco in the hold or office, or carry a candle lighted without lanthorn, shall suffer the same punishment as in the former Article.

* Article Seven
That person that shall not keep his/her arms clean, fit for an engagement, or neglect his/her business, shall be cut off from his/her share, an' shall suffer such other punishment as the Captain and company shall think fit.

* Article Eight
If any person shall lose a joint in time of engagement, he shall have $4000. If a limb, 8000.

* Article Nine
If at any time you meet with a prudent person, that person that offers to meddle with him/her, without his/her consent, shall suffer such punishment as the Captain and company shall think fit.

* Article Ten
No person shall be harassed or discriminated against because of his/her color of skin, religion or lack thereof, gender, national origin, creed, disability or mental illness, physical illness, age, sexual orientation, or political views. All people are created equal, and civil and human rights apply to all human beings.

* Article Eleven
Success is the best revenge and the most profitable, getting physical revenge only serves to destroy property and people, of which have value. Everyone should work towards their success and help other people succeed via training, tutoring, teaching, or hands on experience. Only purpose for physical attacks is self-defense of ourselves or others.

* Article Twelve
We are not an anarchy or anarchists, we strive for order. Our governments and political system cause the anarchy and are the true anarchists. Pirates follow servant leadership and leaders serve their followers and followers serve the ship or country.

Follow this code, and we will surely be returned to fame and fortune.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Went on vacation came back to see stupid Slashdot changes

Stupid new login system logs me out after making a post, even if I have cookies set to accept and don't tick the public terminal option.

Stupid verification system screws up verification words puts in a "8" for "i" and scribbles over letters so I can't see what they are, and am forced to use the MP3 option that uses a voice that makes Stephen Hawking's software voice sound like an angel in comparison. It still does not cut down on spam or robots. All it does is annoy users.

Thanks a lot Slashdot, I really love logging in multiple times and trying to type in the verification words several times before listening to an MP3 file of the worst voice in the world. It is like going back to my Commodore 64 days and loading Bard's Tale I from the Datasette drive only to get a CRC error 35 minutes into the load and having to rewind the tape and start all over again. I thought I'd never hear that SAM voice again that the C64 used to play via that Software Automatic Mouth program that spoke the words that got displayed on the C64 screen for those of us who were legally blind but not blind enough so we could at least see letters as long as none of them got scribbled over with stupid graphics.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I seem to have my rights back again

I was viscously attacked in another forum on the web. I seem to have reply privileges restored on Slashdot now.

The discrimination is still happening on various web sites. Yet I seem to be able to reply to stories and posts here now.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I have excellent karma but can no longer respond to posts

I guess my account was disabled from making comments, because I myself am disabled. I got into a debate with the OLPC subject and a user started to call me stupid and flame me. I wrote back and said how the OLPC discriminates against disabled people and how my family has a history of disability. The flamewar stopped, after I showed how the OLPC discriminated against the disabled and children living in third world nations and started to use factual information. Anyway I can no longer reply to any stories or comments now.

This has happened to my account before and it keeps happening. I am a disabled man who lost his last job in 2002 and was forced on disability after being discriminated against by employers, coworkers, managers, lawyers, and being attacked in real life and over the Internet. The attacks over the Internet have kept up since 2002. People telling me to go kill myself or telling me that I am stupid or gay or some other name calling. They use different names, but I can tell it is the same people who discriminated against me before and continue to stalk me on the Internet. My account usually gets deleted or disabled in some way, and my comments hidden and my ability to see hidden comments are taken away as well. This is a cycle that never ends, and I am getting tired of it. I am tired of being abused and getting stress heaped on me by people attacking me over the Internet. I get Internet DoS attacks as well on my IP and my browser and Internet crashed three times while trying to write this. A forum named United Political Debate installed a trojan on my system named bloodhound from code their administrator wrote for the forum. It trashed one of my systems beyond repair.

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