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Submission + - Jury: Newegg infringes Spangenberg patent, must pay $2.3 million (arstechnica.com)

Jah-Wren Ryel writes: Newegg, an online retailer that has made a name for itself fighting the non-practicing patent holders sometimes called "patent trolls," sits on the losing end of a lawsuit tonight. An eight-person jury came back shortly after 7:00pm and found that the company infringed all four asserted claims of a patent owned by TQP Development

Submission + - DragonFly BSD 3.6 released (dragonflybsd.org)

An anonymous reader writes: DragonFly 3.6 has been released, with significant speedups in many-processor environments. DragonFly also now includes dports, a DragonFly-specific version of FreeBSD's ports system with support for all-binary installations. More information is on the release page and the DragonFly Digest.

Submission + - Consumerization means huge challenges for unemployed IT pros (citeworld.com)

mattydread23 writes: It's always been a challenge for IT pros to keep up with changes to technology while they're between jobs. But the consumerization of IT makes it even harder, for two main reasons. First, consumer technology changes at a faster pace than enterprise technology — the entire mobile management market has been created in the last three years, Dropbox is now a common business tool, and Microsoft released five operating systems in the last year. But perhaps more important, the entire social compact between IT pro and knowledge worker has been turned upside down. Now, line-of-business execs and employees decide what tools they're going to use, and IT follows. A great and thoughtful piece by Ryan Faas.

Submission + - Dalek Caan joins Linkedin, gets 600 contacts.

Guru Jim writes: Interesting article about the foibles of Social Networks. Linkedin is generally regarded as having the highest level of quality for it's members, but a fake profile for Dalek Caan gained 600 contacts and resulted in multiple calls from Sales people wanting to set up meetings or catch up for a coffee. There was no real restrictions on the farming of contacts and it enabled the mapping of organisational charts pretty easily. Should Linkedin be doing more to protect it's users and should Linkedin users be more skeptical of peoples profile?

Comment Re:Look over here, look over here! (Score 1) 479

An Aeronautical Engineer's look at global warming (and yes he has earned his chops in that arena)

The first essay in our new series! Look for future essays where out Aeronautical Engineer looks at:

  • Dentistry!
  • Neuroscience!
  • Cosmology!
  • The Differences Among the Lifecycles of the Various Species of Ant in the Platythyrea Genus!

This isn't Star Trek, guy. There's no Mr. Spock with a degree in "All of Science". An aeronautical engineer is worth listening to when he's talking about aeronautical engineering. In the field of climate science, he's no more qualified than I am to conduct and evaluate the research. If he thinks otherwise, he is a crank, no matter how good he is in his own field.

Comment 3D Printer Control (Score 1) 856

Unfortunately, this is being framed as a gun control issue, which is almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion about in the United States. What's actually happening here is that a lawmaker wants to regulate a revolutionary small-scale manufacturing technology. This technology is not specifically designed to make firearms, and it isn't particularly good at it. But, because it could possibly be used to produce an "undetectable" gun, you're going to see more politicians try to strangle 3D printing in the cradle.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
