Conservative Media Give Up

A victim of its own success.

If you’ve spent more than a half hour on the Internet, you’ve probably encountered a popular series of videos featuring amateur daredevils performing botched stunts, usually resulting in some slapstick comedy. These isolated incidents are spliced together into tightly edited “fail” compilations, in which one risk-taker after another careens into a variety of immovable objects in quick succession. That might be the best way to describe what it was like to watch the Washington Post dismantle an effort by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas to muddy the waters when it came to the accusations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

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Conservative Media Give Up

Must-Reads from Magazine

The Only Country with No Right to a Normal Foreign Policy

Glaring hypocrisy.

The news that Hungary’s prime minister will visit Israel next week has sparked outrage from liberal Jews both in Israel and abroad. Opponents raise two main objections. One would be serious if true, but it doesn’t seem to be. The other is sheer hypocrisy–and it’s an excellent example of the way liberal Jews routinely hold Israel to standards they apply to no other country on earth.

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The Iranian Terror State Targets Europe

The Iran deal haunts its sponsors.

In a rare lucid moment in January 2016, then-Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that the Tehran regime would use some of the funds from the Iranian nuclear deal to fund terrorism.

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The Power-Hungry Left Loses Its Cool

Hypocrisy is no obstacle.

In the early days of “The Resistance,” back when the movement was purportedly focused on forming broad coalitions that spanned ideological divides, it was common to hear its members lament Donald Trump’s assault on treasured American norms and conventions. The patina of legitimacy this organizing principle lent to the anti-Trump left’s more unsavory members and tactics is no longer operative. For the power-starved left, it seems that those norms and conventions are part of the problem.

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PODCAST: Which Side Are You On, Boys

Podcast: The pro-and anti-Trump conservative debate.

Brit Hume argues on Twitter: “I suppose you can also be pro-tax cuts, pro-deregulation, pro-defense increases, pro-gun rights, pro-life and anti-Trump. But at some point, it begins to seem ridiculous.” John McCormack of the Weekly Standard ripostes: “I suppose you can oppose sexual assault, conspiracy theories, lying, adultery, mocking American POWs, sanitizing dictators & white supremacists, and still be pro-Trump. But at some point, it begins to seem ridiculous.” This perfect distillation of the fight on the Right is the subject of maybe the best podcast we’ve ever done. Give a listen.

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German Wobbliness on Russia Is Real

And it long predates Trump.

The latest NATO summit got underway in Brussels this week, and President Trump brought all of his signature rhetorical subtlety to the Belgian capital. Off the bat at a meeting Wednesday with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Trump accused Germany of being “captive” to Russia. The remark ruffled diplomatic feathers in the Western alliance and touched off a predictable freakout among reporters and pundits back home.

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