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Laura Loomer won nomination — but how deep is GOP support?

GOP fails to speak out against Loomer's hate speech or the actions of her inner circle: Milo Yiannopoulos and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnis

Wendy Rhodes
Palm Beach Post
Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer celebrates with Roger Stone at an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. [ALLEN EYESTONE/]

Her biggest supporters are right — Laura Loomer has transitioned from social media firebrand to political player. That much is clear from her impressive primary victory to represent the Republican Party in Congress in President Trump's home district.

Thing is, Loomer's past remains steeped in hate-speech that got her banned from online platforms. And those ardent supporters touting her? They include equally vitriolic firebrands from the far right, including one who has talked openly about the virtues of pedophilia and another who has bragged about being a political ruffian.

Which all raises the question: How deep will mainstream Republican support be for Loomer as she takes on well-established and popular Democratic incumbent Lois Frankel in congressional District 21?

More:How GOP House candidate Laura Loomer explains her history of hate-speech, Islamophobia

Michael Barnett, chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party, predicts it will be solid.

“I think she’s a great candidate, and she’ll be a great candidate for the district where President Trump lives,” said Barnett. “She’s a bulldog and a fighter like President Trump, and the base admires that in our candidates.” 

Others are less sure.

Mike Binder, a pollster and professor of political science at the University of North Florida, said that it is far from proven that far-right candidates will necessarily appeal to mainstream Republican voters, let alone independents or Democrats.

Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer celebrates with Milo Yiannopoulos (left) and campaign director Karen Giorno (right) at an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. [ALLENEYESTONE/]

It is true that on the right and the left, he said, “pressures are pushing toward extremism.” But in primaries, Binder cautioned, fringe voices like Loomer’s tend to be heard because the relatively low number of people who vote are “oftentimes the most extreme.” 

Case in point, Loomer won her nomination with only 14,256 votes in a district with 138,295 registered Republicans. Cumulatively, Loomer and her five rivals drew just 34,156 votes. Frankel, in contrast, garnered 75,504 votes to win the Aug. 18 Democratic primary.

More:Laura Loomer, far-right digital agitator, wins GOP race, adulation in Trump’s home district

Still, Loomer already has an influential endorsement for the Nov. 3 general election. On primary night, she got a much-coveted thumb's up tweet from President Trump, the ultimate gold star for a GOP candidate these days.

On Monday night, Loomer spoke to Club 45 USA, a local group of Trump supporters, and made clear she was focused on winning a congressional seat.

"I am running, and I'm anticipating their moves and won't be blown off course," she said about her critics and skeptics in the media. 

Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer with Roger Stone at an election night event at the Airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. [ALLEN EYESTONE/]

Loomer's base

Among the hundreds who attended Loomer’s election night party in West Palm Beach were a pair of notorious far right political activists who were feted with speaking roles as warm-up acts to Loomer's victory speech.

One was Milo Yiannopoulos and the other was Gavin McInnis. Not to be outdone, longtime Republican political adviser and trickster Roger Stone took to the podium as well.

Frankel immediately seized on the polarizing characters surrounding Loomer.

More:Far right candidate Laura Loomer, banned from most social media, suspicious of Comcast glitch

“I can tell you her values do not reflect the values of this district,” she said. “I have lived here over 40 years, and the people here stand up against white supremacy. She’ll have to disguise herself if she’s going to get votes.”

That's going to be hard to mask, however.

Proud Boys and QAnon activists outside Laura Loomer's Club 45 USA speaking event on August 24, 2020. [CHRISTINESTAPLETON/]

Start with Yiannopoulos, Loomers' longtime ally, who introduced her at the party and livestreamed the event on YouTube. 

A former Breitbart editor, Yiannopoulos resigned in 2017 after bragging on videotape about the joys of older men having sex with young boys and the inequity of age-based sexual consent laws.

“We get hung up on this sort of child abuse stuff,” he said. “....This is one of the reasons I hate the left. They have this sort of stupid, one-size-fits all policing of culture — this sort of arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent.” 

He then thanked his priest for the relationship Yiannopoulos said took place when he was underage. 

“I’m grateful to Father Michael,” he said, laughing. “I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him.” 

He went on to deny he was a proponent of pedophilia, ascribing his own definition to the word as a defense — a definition clearly at odds with both state and federal law.

“Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody who is 13 years old who is sexually mature,” he said. “Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty.”

In a podcast the following day, Yiannopoulos doubled down, elaborating about having had sex with a teacher and priest.

"It wasn’t molestation. It was great," he said. "When I was 14, trust me, I was the predator.”  

The comments proved too much for mainstream conservative organizations.

Almost immediately, the American Conservative Union revoked an invitation to Yiannopoulos to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference — arguably the most important rightist political summit in America.

It took that and for Simon & Schuster to renege on a book deal for Yiannopoulos to do an abrupt about face. He held a press conference in which he blamed the media and said he was a victim of child abuse.

"I said some things on those Internet live streams that were simply wrong," he said.

But his defense of pedophilia is far from Yiannopoulos’ only controversial tirade. He has repeatedly denounced modern feminism, stating in 2015 that “it is primarily about man-hating.” 

A Trump supporter poses with a cutout at Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer's election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. ALLEN EYESTONE/]

“It is a very angry, bitter, profane, lesbianic sort of feminism,” he added in the interview. “...Thank God for the patriarchy. It’s the patriarchy that got us to the moon; it’s the patriarchy that built the internet; it’s the patriarchy that built this floor and this ceiling. Women didn’t want to do that.” 

Then there is his “performance art.” At a 2016 pro-Trump event, Yiannopoulos, smoking a cigarette and apparently naked save for a MAGA hat, sunglasses, a diamond earring and thick gold chains, sat slathered in a tub of pig’s blood. 

It was a tribute, he said, to the suffering of those who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens and Islamic terrorists. A smiling Loomer crouched next to him for a photo as the walls dripped with blood. 

But what might be even more surprising is that Loomer is aligning with Yiannopoulos at a time when many far-right Republicans and conspiracy theorists are warning that a “Deep State” of pedophiles who run child sex trafficking rings are controlling the country from behind the scenes. And they are counting on far-right candidates to stop it. 

"Taking the low road"

Alongside Yiannopoulos at Loomer's party was Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnis, with some of his rank-and-file standing against the back wall of the hotel ballroom in their signature black and yellow polo shirts.

The Proud Boys, established in 2016, is a men’s-only club that the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a white nationalist, anti-Muslim, misogynistic hate group responsible for countless incidents of violence and aggression, including at the Charlottesville riot three years ago. 

McInnis announced his departure from the group in 2018, but in July 2020, already barred from Twitter and Facebook, he was then banned from YouTube for what the video platform determined was hate speech. 

Roger Stone introduces Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer at an election night event at the airport Hilton Tuesday night in West Palm Beach. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. The winner will challenge the winner of Democratic primary between incumbent U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel and Guido Weiss in the November general election.

McInnis also co-founded the Canadian-American lifestyle publication Vice Magazine in 1994 before reportedly being forced out in 2008 for promoting white pride.

He then moved on to Project Veritas, where he worked with Loomer. Project Veritas is a right-wing conspiracy theory website that critics say relies on doctored videos and aggressive, videotaped altercations to promote radical ideas and often baseless conspiracy theories in an attempt to discredit those they oppose.

McInnis' views on politics are on the margins. In a 2015 videotaped interview, he said a U.S. president would best be a male Christian with children. 

“They have no stakes in the game,” he said of people without children. “They don’t care about the future.” 

In a 2016 video explaining the foundation of Proud Boys ideology, McInnis offered a plan for “10 Ways to Save America.” His tips were: abolish prisons, give everyone a gun, legalize drugs, end welfare, close the borders, outlaw censorship, venerate the housewife, glorify the entrepreneur, recognize the “West is the Best,” and shutdown the government. 

Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer held an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. Loomer will challenge Democratic incumbent U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel in the November general election.

He explained in a 2018 videotaped interview that to be a “4th Degree Proud Boy” one must get “arrested or in a serious violent fight for the cause.” He bragged about his group attacking about 200 peaceful protesters at Berkeley College “just for fun.”

He added: “I’m taking the low road. I’m punching them in the face,” before bragging about violently attacking two men. 

CPAC officials, having barred Yiannopoulos, threw McInnis out of the conference this year when he entered after having been denied a press pass. 

Loomer can clearly hold her own with Yiannopoulos and McInnis in the court of in-your-face politics.

Some of Loomers more memorable social media posts include her July 2107 responses to a report that, to-date that year, over 2,000 migrants had died crossing the Mediterranean. 

“Good. Here’s to 2,000 more,” Loomer posted along with a clapping hands emoji. She lauded the deaths, saying the people were “coming into the western world illegally and spreading Islam like AIDS.” 

Republican congressional candidate Laura Loomer speaks at an election night event at the airport Hilton in West Palm Beach, August 18, 2020. Loomer is one of five GOP candidates hoping to secure the nomination in the primary on Aug. 18. The winner will challenge the winner of Democratic primary between incumbent U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel and Guido Weiss in the November general election.

“If they were still alive they'd be actively plotting to kill ‘infidels,'" she wrote. “We are winning.” 

After 17 students and faculty were killed at a school shooting in Parkland in 2018, Loomer went to investigate the “truth” about the massacre on behalf of fellow conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for his show InfoWars. 

Jones and his followers were already believers that some mass shootings, such as the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that killed 28 people, are “staged” events carried out by “actors” at the bequest of the “radical left” in an attempt to infringe on gun rights.

Loomer, who later falsely claimed that the 2017 Las Vegas massacre was carried out by ISIS, reported that survivors of the Parkland shooting who spoke out against gun violence were being coerced into doing so.

“It’s obvious these kids are reading a screen or notes someone else wrote for them,” she said before dismissing the students for not “saving lives” and claiming “pro-gun” students did.

But it is her relentless verbal attacks on Muslims for which Loomer is best known. She calls herself a "proud Islamophobe," and has described the religion as a “cancer on society,” demanding Muslims be jailed, fired from their jobs, and prohibited from being part of “civilized society.” 

In 2018, Loomer chained herself to the front doors of Twitter’s headquarters in New York, claiming she was banned for speaking the “truth” about Islam and Sharia law.

Two weeks before the primary, she once again unleashed her fury on the Muslim community, blaming Hezbollah Islamists for the Aug. 4 explosion in Beirut that was reportedly caused by improperly stored chemicals. Her disdain for the religion is something she, McInnis and Yiannopoulos share.

Her words and actions have been found to be so egregious that she has been banned for life from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as apps such as Lyft, Uber and PayPal. 

Now that much of the evidence of Loomer’s sordid past was deleted when she was banned from social media, she is attempting to convince her supporters that some of it never happened. 

At Monday's fundraiser, Loomer cautioned the several hundred die-hard Trump fans that "we're going to hear a lot of really awful things about me over the next few months."

"Some of them you'll recognize from fake news stories and I'm sure the forces of darkness will bring up some new lies, too, because they always do," Loomer said.

Political embrace

Luckily for Loomer, her political ascendancy coincides with a friendly president in the White House.

Trump tweeted his support for Loomer, and then gave a political bear hug to the far right.

At an Aug. 19 press conference, Trump said of the conspiracy theory group QAnon, that he had “heard these are people that love our country.” What he neglected to mention, however, was that the FBI in May 2019 declared QAnon, a sort of landing pad for conspiracy theorists, a domestic terrorism threat.

He subsequently invited QAnon congressional candidate Marjory Taylor Greene, who is a virtual lock to win a congressional seat in Georgia, to the White House to hear his RNC acceptance speech.

And despite everything she has said and done, Loomer, too, has gained acceptance among the GOP establishment, especially in Palm Beach County.

Asked about any concerns he might have over Loomer campaigning with Yiannopoulos, Barnett called the latter’s controversial videotaped statements on pedophilia “accusations.” 

Club 45 USA, an independent, mainstream Trump fan club, held an event Aug. 24 in West Palm Beach, which featured Loomer and Stone. In attendance were club president Joe Budd and long-time Republican fixtures Larry and Sue Snowdon.

Binder wonders if the apparent acceptance will translate into votes at the ballot box.

“People keep their mouths shut to protect the top of the ticket, and that’s an important thing to do, particularly in Trump’s home district,” Binder said.

How deeply ingrained the far right will become in GOP politics going forward, he said, will depend on what happens Nov. 3.

“If Trump wins, these types of candidates and behaviors are only going to grow,” Binder said. “If Trump loses, it’s going to depend on who emerges in 2024 as the standard bearer for the party. If it’s someone like Mitt Romney, you might have an opportunity to quell some of those voices. If you get a Matt Gaetz, you are just going to further exacerbate these behaviors.”

Reporter Christine Stapleton contributed to this report. 
