Vote for a Fossil-Free, Socially Just, and Climate-Neutral European Union!

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Open Call: Training program for journalists covering climate and energy related issues in the Western Balkans

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change, is pleased to announce an open call for applications to a specialised training program designed for journalists…

Citizens Unite for a Just Climate, Nature and Agrifood Transition ahead of EU Elections

Brussels, 1st of June – Hundreds of demonstrators and over 80 organisations from 23 EU countries joined the demonstration in Brussels organized by Good Food Good Farming and Climate Action…

Europe’s climate movement continues to evolve and grow

Read the full opinion editorial originally published on EurActiv By Chiara Martinelli Ahead of the 2019 European elections, young climate activists took to the streets in all corners of our…

Historic victory: Council gives green light for EU withdrawal from climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty

Brussels, 30 May 2024 – The Council of the EU today adopted a historic decision to withdraw the European Union from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), an international investment treaty…

Media Advisory: Powering ahead: Energy Council discusses the future of the European Green Deal and REPowerEU

    Media Advisory Note Powering ahead: Energy Council discusses the future of the European Green Deal and REPowerEU Brussels, 29th May 2024 –  What is happening: Tomorrow, EU Energy…

Briefing: Renovating for Change: Understanding the revision process of the EU Buildings Directive

Written by Eva Brardinelli, Buildings Policy Coordinator, and Erman Erogan, Buildings Policy & Campaign Assistant at CAN Europe.   Τhis analysis is part of Eteron’s project“Mind the Roof”. For more…

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About us_

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change. We promote sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.

Belgium, Germany, Poland and Turkey
4 offices


CAN Europe works to prevent dangerous climate change and promotes sustainable climate and energy policy in Europe. CAN Europe is part of a worldwide network of more than 1,300 NGOs: CAN International.

The wider and better-informed group we are, the stronger our voice!

In 40 European countries

200 member organisations

We are Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change