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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Sheet 15 from the Crosby Schoyen Codex

Crosby-Schøyen Codex, the Oldest Privately Owned Book Sells For $3.9million

By M J C Warren The  Crosby-Schøyen Codex , an important early Christian book containing five distinct texts all copied by the same scribe, is going  up for auction in June  at Christie’s in London...
9000 year-old mask that was recovered.

9,000-year-old Stone Mask from the Dawn of Ancient Societies Revealed

A rare 9,000-year-old stone mask from the Neolithic period has been unveiled by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. This remarkable artifact was recovered by the Anti-Robbery Unit of the Israel...
Mount Io, one of the still-active volcanoes

Researchers of Largest Volcanic Eruption in History Honored by Antiquity

The prestigious Antiquity Trust has just announced its decision to award its Ben Cullen Prize for innovative archaeological research to a team of experts who studied the impact of a massive volcanic...
Representation of Roman generals

Late Republican Era Rome's Influential Generals (Video)

The transformation of Rome during the Late Republican era was marked by a series of significant changes, particularly in its military and political landscape. From 133 BC to 27 BC, Rome experienced a...
Al-Pasha Palace before and after its destruction

Is the International Order Failing to Protect Palestinian Cultural Heritage?

In the past six months of conflict in Gaza, the Israeli military has caused significant destruction to the region's cultural heritage, obliterating about 60 percent of its sites and monuments. This...
The grave slabs being recovered from the Dorset shipwreck

Perfect Medieval Grave Slabs Recovered from England’s Oldest Shipwreck

Maritime archaeologists from Bournemouth University have recovered two medieval graves slabs which have been lying at the bottom of Studland Bay for nearly 800 years. The slabs, carved from Purbeck...
Royal Palaces of Abomey

Macabre Evidence Uncovered in West Africa Finds Palace Made of Blood!

In West Africa ’s tiny country of Benin, along the Gulf of Guinea, there's a palace with a construction history steeped in legend and macabre details. Located in Abomey, the legend says that this...
Marubo tribe receive the Starlink antenna system that brought them the internet.

First World Problems Come to Tribe that was Delivered the Internet By Starlink

In September of last year, the Marubo tribe, residing deep within the Amazon rainforest, was introduced to the Internet through Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite-based broadband service. This...
Vesuvius eruption devastating Pompeii

New Narrative of Pompeii Survivors Revealed Through Records

Steven L. Tuck /The Conversation On Aug. 24, in AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted, shooting over 3 cubic miles of debris up to 20 miles (32.1 kilometers) in the air. As the ash and rock fell to Earth, it...
Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

Cerridwen: Mother, Magician, and Crone from Old Welsh Mythology

An enchantress from Welsh mythology, Cerridwen is regarded as a woman of incredible power and magic.  She pervades Welsh and Irish culture as an emblem of wisdom and rebirth, remaining today as a...
the House of Medici

How Did the House of Medici Pioneer the Creation of the First Bank? (Video)

In the 12th century, the Medici family transitioned from their humble origins in the Tuscan village of Cafaggiolo to become one of the most influential families in Florence. Initially benefiting from...
Roman Baths in Bath, England.

New Study Reveals Healing Properties of Water at Roman Baths in England

Few surviving Roman installations are as popular in England as the Roman Baths , which can be found in the appropriately named city of Bath, Somerset . Nearly 2,000 years after these public...
Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Natasha Harlow /The Conversation Archaeologists are often described as “ stumped ” or “ baffled ” by their discoveries. But, in reality, specialists have a good grasp of what most historical objects...
Forgotten Ancient Peoples of New Zealand - an Enduring Mystery of the Past

Forgotten Ancient Peoples of New Zealand - an Enduring Mystery of the Past

New Zealand, a land known for its dramatic landscapes, rich biodiversity, and vibrant Maori heritage, also harbors enigmatic hints of ancient peoples who are less well known in mainstream history...
The Never-Ending Evolution of Time

The Never-Ending Evolution of Time (Video)

The concept of time, while deeply ingrained in human society, is a construct that has evolved over millennia. Early humans initially marked the passing of time by observing natural phenomena, such as...
Catholic church - Corpus Christi.

Exploring Corpus Christi: Faith, Culture, and Folk Tradition

The Feast of Corpus Christi, or the Dies Sanctissimi Corporis et Sanguinis Domini Iesu Christi, is one of the Catholic Church's most vibrant celebrations, celebrated across the world via an array of...
Depiction of cauldrons in the rock art of an Iron Age settlement in Minusinsk, Russia.

Blood Sausages and Yak Milk: Bronze Age Cuisine of Mongolian Nomads Unveiled

University of Basel Bronze cauldrons were used by the inhabitants of the Mongolian steppe around 2,700 years ago to process animal blood and milk. This is shown by a protein analysis of...
Archaeologists at a re-erected Roman milestone on the Golan Heights Roman highway.

Key 2nd Century Roman Highway Exposed in Golan Heights

More than 18 centuries ago, the Romans built a two-lane highway that cut across the southern section of an area that is today known as the Golan Heights, which sits on the border between Israel and...
Bronze statue torso detail of a butt-naked horseman

Fighting in the Buff: Did Celtic Warriors Really Go to War Naked?

The Celts were known in ancient times to have been ferocious warriors. According to certain written sources, some of these Celtic warriors went a step further by going into battle carrying only their...
Modern and old money

From Shells to Crypto: The Evolution of Money and Currencies

Money, in its various forms, has been an integral part of human civilization for millennia. From the earliest systems of trade to the digital currencies of today, the evolution of money reflects the...
Mummified crocodile with numerous infant crocodiles adhering to the back

Preserving the Crocodile Mummy at The British Museum (Video)

The conservation of the crocodile mummy at The British Museum is a meticulous process led by Barbara Wills, an expert in the department of Conservation and Scientific Research. The crocodile mummy ,...
Bikini girls mosaic, Villa del Casale, Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy

How Did Busy Ancient Greeks and Romans Keep Fit and Healthy?

By Konstantine Panegyres /The Conversation Many people today worry about how to find time to keep fit and healthy in the midst of their busy lives. Believe it or not, but this was also a problem in...
Representative examples of the beads analyzed

Glass Beads Drove Transatlantic Trade in Early 17th Century North America

In a recently published study, a pair of researchers from universities in the United States and Canada examined the chemical composition of glass beads made in Europe that were traded among...
A variety of the giant petroglyphs discovered along the Orinoco River

Giant Petroglyphs in South America May Mark Territorial Borders

In the 18th century, explorers navigating the vast Orinoco River, a major waterway spanning the northeastern corner of South America, reported sightings of numerous rock engravings of snakes adorning...
