The dry floods

In 1179 many Eastern, Christian, Jewish, and Arab astrologers predicted for the month of September 1186 a great planetary conjunction that was supposed to cause the destruction of the earth due to the violence of winds, waters, and storms. It was said to be seven years of profound suffering; no one doubted the end of the world, but nothing happened!
A similar planetary conjunction occurred over 300 years later…

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Rambo rivive in Papua Nuova Guinea

La Papua Nuova Guinea, è la seconda isola più grande del mondo dopo la Groenlandia, è il regno della complessità, la cui estrema varietà ambientale si riflette nella frammentazione di popoli, di lingue, di costumi e di usanze come in nessun altro paese al mondo. E’ un caleidoscopio etnico, un mosaico linguistico e culturale: poco più di sette milioni di abitanti tra Papua Nuova Guinea e Irian Jaya nel loro insieme parlano quasi mille idiomi differenti, circa un quinto di tutti quelli parlati sul pianeta. Qui tra angoli di preistoria nascosti dal tempo e dalla natura, sopravvive ancora qualcosa dell’essere umano originario, colui che deve quotidianamente adoperarsi per risolvere i problemi relativi al cibo e alla sopravvivenza. Continua a leggere “Rambo rivive in Papua Nuova Guinea”

The raft of Thor Heyerdahl

On the 7th of August in the year 1947, tossed by the waves crashing on the rocks, a raft of balsa wood and bamboo hit the reef that protected the quiet lagoon Raroria, a remote island in the Marquesas archipelago, in the middle of ‘Pacific Ocean.

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Lo strano culto delle navi da carico

Il culto delle navi da carico, più comunemente conosciuto come “il cargo cult“; fa parte di un movimento sociale e religioso degli abitanti della Malanesia, un gruppo di isole del Pacifico meridionale a nord-ovest dell’Australia, di cui fanno parte la Papua Nuova Guinea, Nuova Caledonia, Isole Figi e Vanuatu. I culti delle navi e degli aerei da carico ebbero inizio dalla crescente tensione fra le popolazioni tribali remote, e gli eserciti impegnati nella guerra nel Pacifico.

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Bioluminescent worms, armed beetles and zombie ants

I’ve always been fascinated by ethology; but are especially attracted by the extreme behavior that living things develop in order to survive. According to studies by the researchers, the strange behavior of animals can be determined both by their genetic acquired on the basis that the habitat in which they live. However, behaviors that are instinctive or acquired, it is well known that some animals have very strange and unusual behavior. Here I report three examples of behaviors of insects that I was very impressed; one of which. I have been a participant in New Zealand. Continua a leggere “Bioluminescent worms, armed beetles and zombie ants”

Le estati che non arrivarono mai

Agli inizi del primo secolo dell’età contemporanea (1800-1816), la terra era caratterizzata da una grande instabilità politica. Mentre l’Europa si stava riprendendo lentamente dalle guerre napoleoniche, che si erano concluse solo un anno prima, in America Latina la guerra d’indipendenza spagnola rese la maggior parte delle colonie indipendenti dalla Spagna. In Europa dopo anni di disperazione e distruzione la gente si aspettava tempi migliori, ma l’estate che arrivò fu piovosa e fredda, i raccolti non diedero frutti, la fame e le malattie furono le conseguenze.

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The summers that never arrived

At the beginning of the first century of contemporary age (1800-1816), the eartht was characterized by a great political instability. While Europe was slowly recovering from the Napoleonic wars that had been completed only a year earlier, in Latin America the Spanish Independence War made most of the colonies independent of Spain. In Europe after years of desperation and destruction people he expected better times, but the coming summer was rainy and cold, crops did not produce fruits hunger and disease were the consequences.

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Jesus Malverde the Narcos Saint

In the north-west of Mexico, between the Sierra Madre mountains and the Pacific Ocean, there is the state of Sinaloa is known as the “cradle of drug trafficking.” Its state capital, Culiacan, the capital of the drug across the country. An average of 2-3 drug-related deaths are reported each day, and the drug violence between police and rival drug gangs is common in the city. However, just around the corner from the governor’s office, on the opposite side of the railroad tracks, a sanctuary exists as an ‘amalgam of narco-culture and his Catholicism. There he pays tribute to Jesús Malverde, also called Narcos Saint.
A steady stream of people can usually be found there, placing candles near busts, leaving framed photographs of loved ones who want healing or protection. Continua a leggere “Jesus Malverde the Narcos Saint”

The strange cult of cargo ships

The worship of cargo ships, more commonly known as the “cargo cult”, is part of a social and religious movement of the inhabitants of Malanesia, a group of South Pacific islands to the north-west of Australia, which includes Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Fiji and Vanuatu. The cults of ships and cargo planes began with the growing tension between the remote tribal populations, and armies engaged in the war in the Pacific.

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The dermal vision

The dermal vision or paroptica vision , is the alleged ability to see with the skin. If it were possible to accept it as a real fact, it suggests that the skin contains photoreceptors orreceptor sensitive to electrostatic differential Alternatively, it is possible that the dermal vision is a paranormal phenomenon.

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La Dea della Beatitudine e il suo plutonio

Negli anni 60 l’Himalaya era ancora considerato lo Shangri-La dell’esplorazione, un luogo selvaggio e leggendario libero dalla celebrità che lo avrebbe caratterizzato grazie all’alpinismo della fine del XX secolo. La storia che sto per raccontare riguarda la 24 esima montagna più alta del mondo, il Nanda Devi (7.816m), che si trova in India nel Grande Himalaya nel settore settentrionale dell’ Uttar Pradesh nel dominio della regione del Kumaum, una delle zone con più alta densità di popolazione al mondo.

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Terrestrial events interpreted as extraterrestrial experiences

In 1896 while Henry Ford built his first car and in Canada the famous gold rush began in the Klondike region, the United States was hit by a wave of tales of mysterious airships that according to many eyewitnesses plowed the sky above cities and farms. In the link below a background music suitable for reading this post, taken from the soundtrack of a science fiction classic ” The Day the Earth Stood Still“:

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