Posted in My Poems

Role reversal

As I hung the curtains in my new home,

I remembered days from years ago,

When my son was small and by my side,

Handing me things with joy and pride.

Now he’s grown into a capable man,

Taking care of things as best he can,

And I find myself in a different role,

Receiving help, feeling loved and whole.

The tears come unbidden to my eyes,

As I see the reversal of our lives,

The circle of love and care complete,

A bond between us that’s hard to beat.

I’m grateful for the memories we share,

And for the love that’s always there,

As we move forward with each passing day,

In a different but equally special way.

So he hangs the curtains with a smile,

I am thinking of my son all the while,

And knowing that we’ll always be,

Connected by love eternally.

Posted in Lifestyle

Do you desire a life of idleness?

Embrace the idleness and see the magic

What exactly is idleness? An activity that has an absence of purpose.

Did you ever think of living an idle life? I think none of you will agree to this. Our whole life we try to improve ourselves and get better in every sphere of life. In this race of getting better from peers we just put so much effort that sometimes our motto of life is just work, work and only work. Some people take life as a challenge and forget to live …without thinking that life is short and it has an expiry. 

It makes sense to enjoy before that expiry. Right?

A few days back I went on a trip to Oregon in the USA. While sitting by “Crater Lake” I was mesmerized and felt lost in the beauty of nature.

For ten days I just did nothing except enjoying nature where everything is perfect and nothing is perfect. Looking deep into nature can make anyone understand everything better. 😊

After coming back this thought of enjoying idleness gave me a new subject to write my perspective on idleness. 

I already have been to at least 26 countries to date but this trip was special. Because I was not in a hurry to rush to another sightseeing or next destination to cover. I was there for the whole ten days doing nothing and just enjoying the surroundings and natural beauty. This period of no activity in fact recharged my mind and soul.

I was compelled to think that what is the reason we always feel so much pressure in life? The reason might be, this world drills into our heads that we have to improve and get better because we are not perfect. That is the reason we are always running a marathon, and not living life.

Now the question is …Is it really fruitful to live life like we are here for an ongoing competition or exam which we have to pass in first class?

I myself have a very active and busy life and keep myself immersed in something or another. But suddenly I liked this idleness…😇😇

The reason might be that I needed a break from my routine life and work schedules !!

Doing nothing and just venturing in nature gave me peace of mind and food for my thought.

There are many points which I would like to discuss:

Being idle or lazy are two different things.

Idle means we are inactive and unproductive. Assuming waste of time by doing nothing of value.

Lazy is when we ought to do something but are reluctant to do it because of the effort involved.

Sometimes we see people who are not ambitious at all and happy with whatever they have. They don’t want to improve their life or they don’t starve for more success.

These people are not idle but lazy to put extra effort into anything where it is not necessary. In other words, they don’t want to beat themselves after a stipulated limit.

I think it depends on people’s perspective on life. Some people think “If “they have a reasonable amount of disposable wealth, they will quite happily do nothing more than reading, paint, study the sky, learn things just for the sheer joy of it. They will do a lot of things but not anything which makes economic sense. If someone doesn’t like that they don’t care. 

On the other hand, there are lots of people who have immense wealth but still yearning to earn more as they think it will give them a greater sense of security and achievement. They don’t care about the beauty of nature or how the sky looks on a starry night. Sitting idle seems to them like wasting time and losing something in life.

Both the perspectives are personal choices of different people. It will not be wise to comment on it.

 But I would like to share my perspective here.

For me taking a break from busy life is always welcome. That was the reason I went on long vacations every year. But still, work was always on my mind and the type of relaxation I felt was different from what I felt now. This time I just switched off my mind from everything in my life and just focussed on staring at the stars, walking on the spongy grass and feeling the sky as being in heaven.😊😊

Nature has its own language. When it speaks we have to concentrate to understand it. It speaks through the trees, the animals, the cool breeze, rocks, water…everything speaks and sings if we try to listen to it.

However, being totally indoors for over a year might be the biggest reason for this soul-soothing experience.😇

This period of idleness gave a new meaning to my life. Now I use my idle moments to gather inspiration, develop and maintain perspective, sidestep nonsense and pettiness and conserve health and stamina for important tasks and problems in life.

So I am not lazy but I like periods of idleness.😂😂

“Lord Melbourne”, Queen Victoria’s favourite prime minister, extolled the virtues of ‘masterful inactivity.’ As chairman and CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch spent an hour each day in what he called ‘looking out of the window time.’

Now is the time to enjoy your idle moments as work from home is the new normal. Take some time out to relax and enjoy.😊😊

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within is meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in Travel

Spicy Friday Story : Chalo Singapore # 1

From now on I will bring a new story for you every Friday. I have travelled to so many countries and I want to share that experience with all of you.

As I have lived many years of my life in Singapore I would like to start from Singapore. But before sharing all my experiences regarding tourist places, lifestyle, food choices and everything I would like to give you a short introduction to this country.

In 1819, British statesman Stamford Raffles negotiated a treaty whereby Johor allowed the British to locate a trading port on the island, leading to the establishment of the crown colony of Singapore in 1819. During World War II, Singapore was conquered and occupied by the Japanese Empire from 1942 to 1945.

When the war ended, Singapore reverted to British control, with increasing levels of self-government being granted, culminating in Singapore merger with the federation of Malaysia in 1963.

However, social unrest and disputes, between Singapore and Malaysia ruling parties resulted in  Singapore’s expulsion from Malaysia. Singapore became an independent republic on 9th August 1965

Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore is a sovereign island city-state in maritime Southeast Asia.

Collyer Quay, 1900. National Archive Singapore

Singapore 1900s

in the mid-1990s, Singapore had a weird reputation. On the one hand, it was a dream country for Western expatriates: developed, modern, clean, peaceful, English-speaking, with great housing and plenty of international restaurants—if you were living there for work, you were likely making serious bank. On the other, it was boring and repressive.

20 years later, however, tourism became a big business in Singapore.

Singapore has never tried to be something it’s not. It’s 278 square miles of shopping, eating, and relaxing place. The rest of Asia (and the world) have evolved in ways that make Singapore—respectable, comfy, colourful, tasty Singapore—stand out like it never used to.

Over 50 per cent of this island city is comprising of greenery, Singapore has some amazing tropical wilderness and nature-oriented attractions to be enjoyed by visitors. 

So we will visit one place every Friday from now on.

Coming up next Friday … 

Let us explore and enjoy Sentosa Island

Sentosa Island

Posted in Lifestyle

A glass of water.

How heavy is the glass of water?

For the last few weeks, I was telling all the stuff about couples. How to find love and then how to maintain relationships and everything about which I experienced, or I have learned from other’s experiences?

Today I would like to discuss the weight of our thoughts which we carry in our mind unconsciously. I agree that the world has become more vulnerable and unpredictable. The struggle to survive is at its peak now. So it’s not surprising that many people are facing anxiety and depression nowadays.

 Every one of you must have heard the age-old adage “Is it glass half full or glass half empty”? But did anyone ever ask you,” How heavy is the glass of water you are holding?

Your answer to this question can vary from six ounces to a couple of pounds.

However, from my perspective, the weight of this glass doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you hold it. If you hold it just for a few minutes it’s fairly light. If you hold it for one hour maybe your arm aches. If you hold it for a day straight maybe your arm feels completely numb and you may drop the glass to the floor. 

In any case, it doesn’t matter how heavy the glass is. What matters is how long you are holding it. The longer you hold it the heavier it feels. Right?

Now as we are going through so many worries and pressures in this pandemic time, it feels like we are holding something heavy on to us. If you just think about it for a while you will not feel that much anxiety or depression but if all the time you are thinking about the bad situation everyone is going through, you will feel completely numb and paralyzed. You will not be capable of doing anything else until you drop all of them.

This life is a gift of God for all of us. If we have a job to feed ourselves and our family, If we have a nice family and our loved ones around us, think of it as a blessing and stop cribbing about small things which are not going according to you. Think of the people who have lost their jobs and their loved ones during this pandemic. 

Whenever you feel that the “glass of thoughts” is getting heavier, just think about those people who do not have the privileges as you. Still, they are coping with their situations. 

Many times people feel depressed not being able to live life as they did before 2020. Everyone is suffering in their own ways.

My point is that you learn to let go of your worries and stress. Don’t take them to your bed, no matter what happens during the day. Early in the evening you just put them down. Feel light and get ready for new sunshine every day. If you always carry the weight of stress from past days with you, your glass of water will be getting heavier day by day.

Learn when to put that glass down. Put all your problems on a table in front of you and try to solve them one by one. Thinking and rethinking will not solve anything. On the contrary, if you try to find a solution by looking at those problems objectively you may find some solutions.

Make a few rules and follow them diligently throughout your life. A few examples can help a lot:

  • Create boundaries for yourself and make your own rules.
  • Press a pause button before making decisions. Take a few deep breaths and feel calm.
  • Do an audit for your pain points daily. It will help you find solutions for those things in life which are giving you stress. When you will do it intentionally, you will see things -problems and solutions-with new eyes.
  • Simplify your finances and make a budget. Financial problems can make you very difficult at times. Making a  budget and taking care of small or big expenditures accordingly can relieve you of unexpected stress conditions. Mindful budgeting can help to ease your life in many ways.

Don’t push yourself unnecessarily. I know you can work harder than you are doing right now but slow progress will pay more in the end. Being very hard on yourself will tire you up earlier in life. Don’t set unrealistic goals and stress yourself. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy small wins and make your life easy.

No matter whether you find a solution for them or not just doesn’t carry the weight of them.

Hope life will feel like the “glass is lighter”.😊😊

Carrying the burden of sorrows from past or present could prove to be the heaviest for anyone. If you can keep yourself positive and ready to fight the circumstances this will definitely feel lighter.

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within is meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in Relationships

Are you working from home?

A few points to remember to save your marriage😇 

I know the topic may make you wonder! But it is indeed taking a toll on the married life of a few people. Living so many years with your spouse was easier than it is now. The reason is he (or both of you) was out for work the whole day and the time spent together was less. As you all know, too much of anything reduces the perceived value and you used to wait for the time when you both will be together after a long day in the office.

The need to exchange details of the day and feeling closer was much desired by couples. 

Now since this new culture or I should say compulsion of Working from home has emerged, new problems and misunderstandings are also being seen in many households. It can be really challenging to suddenly be under one roof 24/7 when you are used to being apart for many hours a day or many days amonth.

Let us discuss the pros and cons of “WFH “and how to save your marriage while you are working from home.

When it started in the early 2020s, many people were happy to get more time for themselves. They were satisfied with a flexible schedule as it allowed for more control over their work life. They believed that they can achieve a much better work-life balance working from home.

I hope all of you agree with this and for the time being, it worked for everyone. Slowly when it started being a new norm, many started feeling claustrophobic. Especially people who were travelling a lot due to their work commitments. Staying home, in the same environment with spouse 24/7…  persistent proximity triggered new problems in relationships.

According to the survey, eight days is the longest the average person says they could work from home in a shared space with their partner before tensions shoot up.

 What’s more, on a lighter note that one in three, currently working from home don’t shower or bathe every day and 15% don’t even bother to change out of their bedclothes. 😜

In such a scenario there are some rules to follow to survive your marriage: It hardly matters if you are sharing the same room for work or are sitting in the next room just a few feet away from each other. (For working couples)

Now as the commute is a thing of the past you have to decide when your day starts. Wake up at a mutually decided time and have some” me time” together during which you can have coffee, have breakfast or get ready together at a relaxing pace.

You can work out a work from home fitness routine where both of you can decide when and who will work out without disturbing the other one, especially while on a video call.

Make a daily schedule with your partner as when your meetings are so that you won’t get disturbed during zoom meetings.

If there is no meeting, agree on playing some nice music to cut through the silence.

You can take breaks together but make sure you are not interrupting your partner.

To avoid that you can schedule a break beforehand.

The best thing to do is figure out where each of you will have your workspace and separate. It is ideal to have your own workspace that both of you can call yours. Even if you are doing it at your kitchen table. It will give comfortable space and a friction free environment to both of you.

Practising a few things will make your home like a co-working place instead of a battleground. 😄

If it is just  one of you who is working from home, it’s a good idea to create some physical space between WFH employee and the rest of the family. If possible try to stay on different floors if not keep the WFH person behind a closed door. 😇

Keep the kids away from the WFH person as much as possible but remember they are still kids.

Designate a daily routine when things can be really loud and everyone can feel alive. Life can be noisy. Don’t try to become a ninja and make your home like it was before your partner started WFH.

If you love playing music while cooking or cleaning you can still enjoy that, just buy a pair of earplugs. It will not make the sounds echo house-wide during his work hours.

You(wife) should be mindful of kitchen noise while the husband is on a phone meeting. Try to keep it to a minimum or wait for half an hour.

Life can get monotonous while both spouses are home 24/7. It can devoid your married life of the romance and courtship a marriage thrives in. However, if you put some effort it can be managed easily. Have lunch together whenever possible and keep your office-related problems or conversations aside while with you significant other.

Don’t unnecessarily burden your wife with always demanding something or else as she is already coping with your presence and compromising on her privacy the whole day.😄

On a lighter note don’t try to get your wife angry as you are home and are dependent on her for everything you need. Be calm and don’t let her go insane. 😂

Have date nights like you used to have pre covid, don’t mind if it’s in your backyard; so at least both of you will get ready and feel the romance.

Lastly a few advantages for wives who are making adjustments while their spouse is working from home. Now that he is around all the time you can have some flexibility in your daily routine also. If you feel sick he’s there to take care of you and noisy kids. When you are not in a good mood he can help with household chores and can be a soundboard and safe place to vent.

So, enjoy it. It may take some time to find your WFH groove, but it’s definitely possible to find it and make it work for you.😊😊

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within is meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in TOD

Navratri 2021 Day 2: Worship Devi Brahmacharini for virtue and peace

Maa Brahmacharini is worshipped on the second day of Navratri. She is depicted as walking bare feet, carrying a Japa Mala (rosary) in her right hand and a Kamandalu in her left hand respectively. 

Her stance reflects utmost piety and devotion. Her meditative form signifies the austere penance undertaken by Sati and Parvati in their respective births to attain Lord Shiva as their beloved consort.Her sage like demeanor has also earned her the name of Tapasyacharini.

It is believed that when Parvati was engaged in her deep meditation to please Lord Shiva, she was reduced to a mere skeleton. She went on meditating for years through severe circumstances and weather and no food or water.

Due to her austere penance, she was named Bharahmacharini by all the devtas and Gods who were awestruck by her reverence. It is believed that Lord Brahma descended upon earth to praise her diligence to seek Lord Shiva and gave her the name ‘Brahmacharini’.

Worshiping this form of Durga is believed to invoke the spirit of penance, renunciation, virtue and nobility. Goddess Brahmacharini, the second form Shakti is a tapaswani or a sage who loves simple offerings.

Jai Mata Di

Posted in Relationships


When a relationship ends, there usually comes a time when you question your decision. You ask yourself, “should I have given it another try?”

A tweet was circulating on meme pages recently that said, “if you’re not dating to marry, you’re dating to break up. Let that sink in.” 

If we are not intending to marry that person, this is perhaps true. However, for those of us who end up in a marriage which ends in a break-up, its a different matter.

My question is should you try to get back to your ex?. There are so many success stories about it.

For example, there are many celebrity couples who broke up and got back together over the years. Not all of them worked out (while they gave it their best shot) and many others ended up making their love last.

To quote a few examples, Justine Timberlake and Jessica Bieber, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, Kate Middleton and Prince William, Cardi B and Offset, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin to name a few.

I know many of you are also struggling with the issue already. I would like to mention that the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has been a time during which scores of people (quarantined and self-isolating) reconnected with their ‘exes’.

The scenario and thought process has changed and perhaps relatedly, exes around the world have been coming out”, sending texts or emails to their previous time partners. In normal times, the act of initiating contact with an ex-partner was unspoken of and seldom done. But in today’s extraordinary circumstances the hesitation seems to have been suspended.

Next question is, should you try to rekindle the relationship or look for a new partner?

I think everyone who is giving a second thought to get back to an EX should keep a few points in mind.

First, what was the reason for the breakup? If the reason you two broke-up is no longer a problem, then go for it.

You both are on the same page now. Sometimes, when you are dating you realise that priorities in your lives are different. For example, it could be that you didn’t want kids and your partner did. However, people change with time and so do our desires and limitations. If both of you want the same things in life now, why not give it another shot!

Second, you are more experienced now. As we grow older, we get wiser with experiences we gather along the way. Moreover, you may have had other relationships during this time which perhaps taught you a few valuable lessons. That may make your prior relationship with your EX look like the best thing that ever happened to you!

Third, you may still be in love with your EX. If you realised that life is not worth living without each other, there is no point in suffering. After a long period of time if both of you are not being able to get over each other it is better to give your relationship another chance.

Fourth, sometimes LDR (long-distance relationship) also result in a break-up. If you are in the same city now considering getting back is a good idea.

The main thing to keep in your mind is, if he was abusive in a relationship (any type of abuse) don’t give it a second thought ever.”There is this story that(says) if you toss a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will scramble to get out,” Benton explains.”But if you put the frog in while the water is still cold-and slowly raise the temperature-the frog will (stay)until it is boiled to death. The same kind of things happens in relationships.

Abuse of any kind is complicated and it can be difficult to identify. This is especially true for emotional abuse. Physical abuse has evidence of violence but emotionally abusive relations can involve toxic mind games. So getting again in trouble is not advised.

The moral of the story? There is not anything right or wrong when it comes to relationships. Break-ups happen and they are survivable over time with help. They are not the end of the world, only the end of the relationship. Winning your ex back is not hard, the hard part is keeping them.

Give your luck a chance and see what it has in store for you.

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within are meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in Lifestyle

Do you know how to love yourself?

I am sure you would like to know…😊

This article is in continuation to my last article. I discussed about the importance of self-love and how to make up your mind to get yourself ready for that without feeling selfish. But do you really think it is easy to do that?

No one can pour anything from an empty glass. So, the first step to love yourself might be filling that glass…Right?

Now the question is How? What to do so that the glass of self-love within you is always full?

We all know that life is full of negative things and messy situations. One issue closes and another one pops up. One challenge is completed, and another is ready to disturb the peace of mind. In such a crazy situation isn’t it unworthy to expect anyone to find time to nourish their mental health? 

I know this is asking for too much sometimes. That’s the reason people keep doing what comes their way and never think of healing their mind and soul. The result is often an unhappy and negative mindset.

It’s obvious that if you yourself don’t have a mental state of tranquillity you can’t make anyone happy and cope with the ups and downs of life successfully.

Self-love starts with independence of mind in the first place. If we depend on others for our happiness, we will always be vulnerable. Any time someone or other will be able to intrude our happy state of mind and make us feel depressed and neglected.

However, as you know if there is a problem there is always a solution to it. 

Now that you have decided to take good care of yourself and agreed to the importance of self-love, you must learn about self-help.

Don’t expect others to be responsible for your happiness.

 We all are special in a way or other. Our own hero. Everyone in this world is fighting their own battle. So why not brace yourself for fixing your problems and boost your mental health at the same time.

 Taking accountability for your actions in life will give you confidence and courage to face the outcomes of your actions.

 For that make a “Happiness Nest “of your own.

What is a “Happiness Nest”?

Let’s make a “Happiness Nest.”😇

We all have good things in our life but as time passes by, we just forget about those moments and things that gave us so much satisfaction and emotional support at a time. Those moments, feelings or achievements we forget, or the dust of time blur those memories.

How about writing your feelings for those people who bring positivity in your life, nice memories, meaningful incidents, stories of your own achievements in life.

If you don’t like writing, it’s ok. Just make a few notes and keep them in a place where you can read them when you are going through low self-esteem. 

Some nice gifts which you got from your dear ones who admire you. Thinking about those moments will again make you happy and those gifts will again remind you of those good times.

Birthday cards, mother’s day cards or anniversary cards with nice messages written on those cards can rekindle the love you felt while receiving those cards.

If you have those old-time handwritten letters, save them, and read them when feeling low or depressed. Handmade cards made by your kids when they were small and learning to write can give immense pleasure when they are offshore for work. This can be a valuable part of your” Happiness Nest.”

Some old DVD’s or cassettes can give you what nothing else can. Save those moments and cherish those memories when you need them the most.

Audio or video clips of the family enjoying themselves together will be a treasure for you when they are not around.

Put all these things together in a box or in an almirah and give it a name of your choice.😄

 Whenever you need some courage from within yourself just immerse yourself in those happy moments and forget about present problems for the time being. Rejuvenate yourself and feel strong.

Creativity can boost your self-esteem like nothing else.

Doing something creative is always good for mental health and it can give you a sense of achievement. If you like writing, nothing like that. If you like painting, drawing or anything else which can make you feel happy…just go for it.

Creative expression can help overcome problems is proven now.

 Pouring all your feelings and thoughts into a creative activity can help you drain them from your body and mind and giving you an understanding of what you feel.

A University of Toronto neuroscientist recently completed a different study where he explored the diverse ways people observe and appreciate art using fMRI.  This study found that, in addition to the visual cortex being activated, other, deeper state areas of the brain were also activated.  These areas include the brain’s pleasure and reward (serotonin) system. In addition, a sort of “daydreaming” brain mode was activated during conscious processing of the images.  The brain is processing and judging the imagery even though the participants were not instructed to analyze the images. (Campbell, 2014)

Any type of art involving writing, poetry, ceramics, drawing, mosaic or painting is helpful with mental conditions like depression, chronic pain or even stroke.

So, what are you waiting for?

Now that you know how to destress and make yourself happy just invest in creativity. Get started…write, paint draw, sing, dance…do whatever you like. Live your passion and your life will be a constant balance.

My passion right now is writing. What is yours?😊😊

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within is meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in TOD

10 Interesting Facts About Lord Hanuman That You Definitely Did Not Know #5

Full Hd Shri Ram - HD Wallpaper

After Lord Ram became the King, once, when the court was adjourned, Narada – known for creating disharmony between Ram and Hanuman – asked Hanuman to greet all the sages except Vishwamitra, since he was a King once. Hanuman did so, but it did not affect Vishwamitra.

Narada went on and instigated Vishwamitra, which angered him so much that he went to Ram and asked him to punish Hanuman to death. Vishmamitra being his guru, Ram could not ignore his command and punished Hanuman to death by arrows. The next day in the field, the statement was to be executed, but all arrows failed to do any harm to Hanuman as he kept chanting Ram!Since Ram had to abide by his Guru’s word, he decided to use the Brahmastra. To the surprise of all, Hanuman’s chants of Ram even failed the most powerful Brahmastra! Seeing this, Narada went to Vishwamitra and confessed his mistake, stopping the ordeal!

Jai Shree Ram🙏🏻🙏🏻

Posted in TOD

10 Interesting Facts About Lord Hanuman That You Definitely Did Not Know #4

Although he was a brahmachari , Lord Hanuman had a son – Makardhwaja.

Hanuman is the son of Anjana and Kesari. Wikimedia Commons

The Story of Makardhwaj – Son of Hanuman appears in the story of Ahiravana, which in itself is a relatively lesser told story from Ramayana. This incident in Ramayan shows a difference in Hanuman.

 It shows how devoted Hanuman Ji is to Ram and to what lengths can he go for his beloved Lord. In popular scriptures and cultural references, Hanuman is presented as the lifelong celibate ascetic or Bal Brahmachari. However, in some scriptures, you’ll find reference to Makardhwaj Balaji, who is believed to be the son of Hanuman.

Well, the story goes like this… after setting Lanka on fire, Lord Hanuman flew off from the blazing city, his tail still inflamed. As he was feeling too hot, he decided to take a dip in the seawater. Here a drop of his perspiration fell in the mouth of a mighty Makara.

This Makara or fish was caught by the fishermen in the kingdom of Ahiravana, the king of Patal. When the Makar was cut open, a monkey face baby with a fish’s body was found. Ahirvana saw his strength and named him Makardhwaj, the guardian of Patal.

Later when Ram was fighting a war against Ravan, Ahiravana cast a spell on Ram and Lakshman and took them to Patal. Hanuman followed them. But at the gates of Patal, he was challenged by Makardhwaj who introduced himself as the son of Hanuman.

Hanuman was most amused. At his behest, the guard narrated the story of his birth and asked for blessings from his father. However, Hanuman still had to fight a duel and defeat him to get into Patal to get Ram and Lakshman. On his return and upon Ram’s Advice, Hanuman appointed Makardhwaj as the new king of Patal.

Temples dedicated to Makardhwaj can be found in India, especially in Gujrat. Some of them include

1. Odadar Village near Porbandar

2. Idols of Hanuman and Makardhwaj are worshipped together at the Hanuman Dandi Temple in Bhet Dwarka

3. Chinchwad in Beed district of Maharashtra

4. Balaji Hanuman and his son are worshipped together at the Balaji Makardhwaj temple in Beawar, Rajasthan

                 Jai Bajrang Bali Ji 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Posted in Relationships

Finding love in quarantine

romantic pics

Now that the new variants of coronavirus and the illness it causes are spreading again in communities all over the globe, words such as self-quarantine and social distancing are showing up again in the media.

After 14 months into this new way of living, most of us are tired and frustrated already.

The other day I was watching “Love Is Blind” on Netflix. The series follows 30 men and women hoping to find love. For 10 days in a speed dating format, the men and women date each other in different ‘pods’ where they can talk to each other but not see each other. Whenever they decide, the men were able to propose to the women they wanted to marry.

I Watched 'Love Is Blind' With My Eyes Closed

After the proposal, and meeting face to face for the first time, the engaged couples headed to a couple of resorts. During this trip, they spent time together and got to know each other more.

After they all met their partner’s families and explored their partners living conditions, they carried out wedding ceremonies and needed to make their final decisions about whether to split or get married, answering the question, ”Is Love Blind?”

However, in practical life even today before making a decision about whom to marry people consider several things such as height, looks, even race (still!), financial status etc. 

Therefore, the question that popped up in my mind was: Is it really practical to choose a life partner on a dating app?

As we all are confined at home and going out to meet new people is difficult, if not impossible, is it truly possible to make lasting friendships or lifelong relationships without actually seeing them? Is the quote “Love Is Blind” finding new roots in these quarantine times?

I don’t know if it is good or bad but if you think of singles who are quarantined and practising social distancing in their apartments it’s just like being in a pod.

The dates are the phone calls. Connecting on chats and phone calls or video calls is very common these days. 

Virtual dating is more concentrated on humour, communication skills, consistency, and empathy. You can discover how patient, kind, and romantic another person is. You can build a strong friendship before committing to a relationship and you don’t need to rush into anything.

In a way, quarantine forces one to focus on what truly matters for a long and healthy relationship by engaging in often, deep, and perhaps long conversations.

For those who haven’t tried it yet, maybe it’s worth giving it a shot during the pandemic. If you get lucky spread the word.😊😊

It’s 2021, pandemic is beyond painful in so many ways, however, as always, we must look for the silver lining on a dark cloud. Finding meaningful relationships while being in lockdowns may be one of those silver linings! 😍

https://youtube.com/channel/UC-sLCmmstc7XdXA-5cSENGw…..Hey guys listen to this podcast on youtube. Thanks

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within are meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within are meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

None of the blogs or opinions expressed within are meant as advice to you or anybody else on any matter, including but not limited to, personal finance, health, or other matters of life. If you need advice, speak to a professional!

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #10

The Art of Couples’ Communication

A Hilarious Expedition into the Wild World of Couple Speak

In the whimsical world of coupledom, there exists a language all its own – a language of inside jokes, quirky phrases, and hilarious misunderstandings. Yes, dear reader, you heard it right – that unique dialect holds within it the power to ignite laughter, foster connection, and leave outsiders scratching their heads in bewilderment. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through “The Art of Couples’ Communication”!

The Language of Love (and Laughter)

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Vikram and Priya, navigate the ups and downs of daily life together, they find themselves conversing in a language that is uniquely their own. For example, when Vikram asks Priya how she’s feeling after a long day at work, she responds with a dramatic sigh and a playful eye-roll, signaling that she’s in need of some serious relaxation time. And when Priya teases Vikram about his infamous “dad jokes,” he responds with a sheepish grin and a quip about Priya’s love for cheesy rom-coms. These inside jokes and playful exchanges are the foundation of their communication, weaving laughter and love into every conversation.😄

Shorthand Shenanigans

But the hilarity doesn’t end there! Oh no, for Vikram and Priya soon discover the joys of shorthand communication – a language of nods, winks, and eyebrow raises that speaks volumes without saying a word. For example, during a tedious family gathering, Priya shoots Vikram a subtle eye-roll, prompting him to initiate their secret signal for “emergency escape plan.” With a shared glance and a knowing smile, they navigate the complexities of social situations with ease, using their shorthand language to communicate without uttering a single word.😇

Lost in Translation

But amidst the laughter and camaraderie of couple speak, a series of hilarious misunderstandings emerges – the inevitable result of a language all its own. For example, when Vikram asks Priya to pick up some “comfort food” from the grocery store, she returns with a bag of chips and a pint of ice cream, only to discover that Vikram was referring to his favorite childhood dish from his mom’s cooking. And when Priya suggests a “movie marathon” for their date night, Vikram assumes she means an action-packed superhero marathon, while Priya envisions a cozy rom-com binge. These miscommunications lead to laughter and lighthearted banter, as Vikram and Priya navigate the hilarity of their shared language with grace and humor.😊😊

Embracing the Absurdity

But rather than succumb to the chaos of miscommunication, Vikram and Priya embrace the absurdity of their language of love – quirks, misunderstandings, and all. With each misstep and mishap, they find themselves laughing louder, loving harder, and connecting on a deeper level than ever before. And as they revel in the joy of shared laughter and inside jokes, they realize that the true beauty of couple speak lies not in perfection, but in the laughter-filled journey along the way.

 Love, Laughter, and Couple Speak

As Vikram and Priya’s comedic journey through “The Art of Couples’ Communication” draws to a close, they collapse into each other’s arms in fits of laughter and exhaustion, their hearts full and their spirits soaring. With a shared appreciation for the absurdity of their language of love, they toast to the joy of shared laughter and the endless possibilities of connection through communication. 😍🥰

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #9

The Great Bedroom Cleanup

A Hilarious Expedition Through the Land of Laundry and Lost Socks

In the realm of domesticity, few quests are as daunting and comedic as “The Great Bedroom Cleanup.” Yes, dear reader, you heard it right – that seemingly innocuous space holds within it the potential for epic adventures, comedic mishaps, and surprising discoveries. Join me as we follow one couple’s uproarious journey through the chaos of clutter and the triumph of tidiness!

The Call to Adventure

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Aditya and Riya, survey the landscape of their cluttered bedroom, they realize that the time has come to embark on a daring quest – the quest for cleanliness! Armed with nothing but determination and a healthy dose of humor, they roll up their sleeves and dive headfirst into the chaos, ready to conquer the clutter once and for all. 😃

Navigating the Sea of Stuff

But as Aditya and Riya wade through piles of laundry, stacks of books, and mountains of mismatched socks, they quickly realize that the path to cleanliness is fraught with comedic obstacles. A rogue sock here, a forgotten knickknack there – each discovery sparks laughter and surprise as they uncover long-lost treasures amidst the clutter.

The Battle of the Blankets

But the chaos doesn’t end there! Oh no, for Aditya and Riya soon find themselves locked in a heated battle with their arch-nemesis – the unruly blankets! As they attempt to tame the tangled mess of sheets and comforters, they find themselves ensnared in a comedic tug-of-war, with laughter filling the air as they struggle to gain the upper hand. 😇😇

Triumph and Tidiness

But amidst the chaos and hilarity of “The Great Bedroom Cleanup,” a glimmer of hope emerges – the promise of triumph and tidiness. With each item sorted, folded, and stowed away, Aditya and Riya inch closer to their goal of a clutter-free sanctuary. And as they survey the fruits of their labor – a clean, serene bedroom free from clutter and chaos – they share a triumphant high-five and a hearty laugh, knowing that together, they can conquer even the messiest of missions. 😍😍

The Joy of Shared Adventures

As Aditya and Riya’s comedic journey through “The Great Bedroom Cleanup” draws to a close, they collapse onto the freshly made bed in fits of laughter and exhaustion, their hearts full and their spirits soaring. With a shared sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for the hilarity of domestic adventures, they toast to the joy of shared laughter and the endless possibilities of tidiness at home.🥰🥰

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #8

Dancing in the Living Room

Soiree of Awkward Moves and Hilarious Hijinks

Ah, the living room – that sacred space where cozy couches and comfy chairs beckon, and the call of impromptu dance parties fills the air. But for many couples, the act of dancing together is less Fred and Ginger and more Comedy Central, as they navigate a minefield of embarrassing dad moves and enthusiastic but inept twirls. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through “Dancing in the Living Room”!

The Spontaneous Serenade

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Arjun and Meera, find themselves swept up in the rhythm of a catchy tune on the radio, they throw caution to the wind and take to the dance floor – living room floor – with gusto. But alas, as Arjun attempts to bust a move straight out of the ’80s, complete with awkward hip shakes and cringe-worthy finger snaps, Meera finds herself struggling to keep a straight face amidst the hilarity of his enthusiastic but questionable dance moves.😊😇

Awkward Twirls and Misplaced Steps

But the hilarity doesn’t end there! Oh no, for as Arjun and Meera attempt to master the art of synchronized dancing, they find themselves stumbling over each other’s feet and tripping over the furniture in a whirlwind of awkward twirls and misplaced steps. With laughter as their only defense against the chaos, they soldier on, embracing the absurdity of their dance floor antics with gusto.

The Joy of Uninhibited Dance

But amidst the hilarity of their living room dance party, Arjun and Meera discover a joy unlike any other – the joy of uninhibited dance. With a shared appreciation for the absurdity of their dance floor escapades, they laugh and twirl and shimmy to their heart’s content, reveling in the sheer joy of being silly together. And as they dance the night away, they realize that true happiness lies not in perfection, but in the laughter-filled journey along the way.😇

The Afterparty

As Arjun and Meera’s impromptu dance party draws to a close, they collapse onto the couch in fits of laughter and exhaustion, their hearts full and their spirits soaring. With a shared sense of camaraderie and a newfound appreciation for the hilarity of dancing in the living room, they toast to the joy of shared silliness and the endless possibilities of laughter-filled adventures at home.😊😍

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #7

The Toilet Seat Saga

A Comedy of Errors in the Battle of the Bathroom

In the hallowed halls of coupledom, there exists a perennial debate that rivals even the most heated political showdowns – the eternal struggle over the position of the toilet seat. Yes, dear reader, you heard it right – that humble porcelain throne holds within it the power to ignite epic battles, comedic misunderstandings, and negotiations of the highest order. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through “The Toilet Seat Saga”!

The Great Debate

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Rohan and Ayesha, step into the bathroom for their daily ablutions, they find themselves face to face with the age-old question: up or down? Rohan, ever the gentleman, insists that the toilet seat should remain in the up position at all times, while Ayesha, argues for equal treatment in the form of a seat left down.😃😃

Comedic Misunderstandings

With each trip to the bathroom, Rohan and Ayesha find themselves in a web of comedic misunderstandings and mishaps. A hastily left-up seat leads to an unexpected splashdown for Ayesha, while a downed seat becomes an obstacle course for Rohan in the dead of night. Laughter fills the air as they navigate the minefield of the bathroom, each misunderstanding serving as a reminder of the hilarity of coupledom.

Negotiations and Compromises

But amidst the chaos of the toilet seat saga, a glimmer of hope emerges – the possibility of negotiation and compromise. With a hearty dose of humor and a willingness to see things from each other’s perspective, Rohan and Ayesha embark on a journey of mutual understanding. From alternating seat positions to embracing the beauty of toilet seat harmony, they discover that true victory lies not in dominance, but in the laughter and camaraderie of a shared bathroom.😇😇 

The Joy of Toilet Seat Unity

As Rohan and Ayesha’s toilet seat saga reaches its conclusion, they find themselves united in laughter and love. With a shared appreciation for the absurdity of their bathroom battles, they toast to the joy of toilet seat unity and the endless possibilities of shared domestic bliss. And as they bid adieu to “The Toilet Seat Saga,” they do so with smiles on their faces and laughter in their hearts, knowing that the true victory lies not in seat position, but in the laughter-filled journey along the way. 🤣🤣

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #6

Remote Control Wars

 A Hilarious Battle for TV Dominance

In the cozy realm of coupledom, few battles are as fiercely contested as the legendary Remote Control Wars. Yes, you heard it right – that innocuous little device holds within it the power to ignite epic showdowns, strategic maneuvers, and hilarious compromises. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through the chaos of “Remote Control Wars”!

The Quest for Dominance

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Rahul and Maya, settle onto the couch for a cozy evening of TV, they reach for the coveted remote control with a gleam in their eyes and determination in their hearts. But alas, as their fingers close around the prized device, a silent battle of wills ensues – who will emerge victorious in the quest for TV dominance?

Strategic Maneuvers

With each flick of the remote, Rahul and Maya engage in a high-stakes game of channel surfing, each determined to assert their authority over the TV screen. Sports versus reality TV, news versus sitcoms – the choices are endless, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. With strategic maneuvers and tactical button presses, they jockey for position, each refusing to relinquish control without a fight.

The Art of Compromise

But amidst the chaos of battle, a glimmer of hope emerges – the possibility of compromise. With a hearty dose of humor and a willingness to see things from each other’s perspective, Rahul and Maya embark on a journey of mutual understanding. From alternating control of the remote to embracing the beauty of shared viewing experiences, they discover that true victory lies not in control, but in the laughter and camaraderie of the shared TV screen.

The Hilarious Hijinks of TV Domination

As Rahul and Maya’s epic battle rages on, they encounter a series of hilarious hijinks and unexpected twists. Accidental button presses send them careening through a maze of obscure channels, while strategic distractions result in missed plot twists and hilarious misunderstandings. But through it all, their laughter rings out loud and clear, a testament to the joy of friendly competition and shared TV adventures.

Harmony on the Homefront

And so, as the final credits roll and the TV screen fades to black, Rahul and Maya emerge victorious – not because they’ve won the battle for remote control supremacy, but because they’ve discovered the true meaning of harmony on the homefront. With laughter in their hearts and a shared love of TV in their souls, they toast to the joy of “Remote Control Wars” and the endless possibilities of shared viewing adventures.😊😇

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #5

Cooking Catastrophes

A Hilarious Romp Through the Chaos of Couple’s Cooking

Ah, the kitchen – that hallowed arena where culinary dreams are born and gastronomic adventures await. But for many couples, the act of cooking together is less MasterChef and more Comedy of Errors, as they navigate a minefield of culinary disasters and kitchen mishaps. Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey through the chaos of “Cooking Catastrophes”!

The Recipe by chance

As our intrepid couple, let’s call them Aarav and Nisha, prepare to whip up a culinary masterpiece, they eagerly gather their ingredients and don their aprons with gusto. But alas, as they consult the recipe book, they quickly realize that they have wildly different interpretations of the instructions. A pinch of salt becomes a fistful, a dash of pepper becomes a torrent, and before they know it, their once-promising dish resembles a science experiment gone wrong.🤣🤣

The Great Ingredient Mix-Up

But the chaos doesn’t end there! Oh no, for Aarav and Nisha soon find themselves embroiled in a battle of epic proportions – the Great Ingredient Mix-Up. As they frantically search for flour, sugar, and spices amidst the sea of kitchen clutter, they unwittingly swap salt for sugar, cumin for cinnamon, and chaos ensues. With each mistaken ingredient, their culinary creation veers further from gourmet masterpiece and closer to culinary catastrophe.

Fire, Smoke, and Other Kitchen Adventures

But what’s a cooking catastrophe without a little drama? As Aarav and Nisha attempt to salvage their culinary creation, they inadvertently set off a smoke alarm, unleash a minor kitchen fire, and send flour flying in every direction. With laughter as their only defense against the chaos, they soldier on, embracing the madness of couple’s cooking with gusto.

The Sweet Taste of Success (or Failure)

In the end, as Aarav and Nisha sit down to sample their culinary creation – a lopsided cake with a questionable texture and an even more questionable flavor – they realize that the true joy of cooking lies not in perfection, but in the shared experience of laughter and love. With smiles on their faces and crumbs on their plates, they toast to their culinary catastrophe, knowing that the memories they’ve created in the kitchen will far outlast the taste of their disastrous dish.

Bon Appétit and Belly Laughs

And so, dear reader, as we bid adieu to Aarav and Nisha and their culinary escapades, let us raise a glass to the chaos of couple’s cooking – may your kitchen be filled with laughter, your recipes be seasoned with love, and your culinary catastrophes be the stuff of legend.🥰😀

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #4

Bedtime Battles

A Comedic Exploration of Blanket Wars and Pillow Fights

Ah, bedtime – that blissful oasis of rest and rejuvenation, where dreams take flight and sleep reigns supreme. But for many couples, the journey to dreamland is anything but peaceful, as they find themselves embroiled in a nightly struggle for blanket supremacy and pillow space. 

Join me as we take a side-splitting look at the hilarious world of “Bedtime Battles”!😄

The Blanket Conundrum

As the clock strikes bedtime, our intrepid couple, let’s call them Raj and Priya, prepare to embark on their nightly quest for rest. But alas, as they snuggle beneath the covers, a familiar tug-of-war ensues – Raj pulls to the left, Priya to the right, and before they know it, they’re locked in a heated battle for blanket dominance. With each tug and twist, the blankets become a tangled mess, and laughter fills the air as they wrestle for control. 😄

Pillow Wars

But the battle for bedtime supremacy doesn’t end there! Oh no, for Raj and Priya soon find themselves locked in a fierce competition for pillow space. With strategic maneuvers and well-placed elbow jabs, they stake their claim on the coveted territory, each vying for the perfect position to rest their weary heads. From accidental face smushes to playful pillow fights, bedtime becomes a battlefield where laughter reigns supreme.

The Great Compromise

Amidst the chaos and hilarity of bedtime battles, Raj and Priya discover the true secret to a peaceful night’s sleep – the power of compromise. With a hearty dose of humor and a willingness to meet halfway, they navigate the challenges of bedtime with grace and laughter. From sharing the blankets to taking turns with the pillows, they find joy in the simple act of being together, even in the midst of nighttime shenanigans.😍😍

Sweet Dreams and Laughter

And so, as the moon rises high in the sky and bedtime battles give way to peaceful slumber, Raj and Priya drift off to sleep with smiles on their faces and laughter in their hearts. For in the whimsical world of bedtime battles, where blankets are weapons and pillows are prized possessions, it’s not the victory that matters, but the laughter-filled journey along the way. 👩‍❤️‍👨

Posted in Relationships

Heartstrings interview

Hi Friends,

I am happy to share my interview video with all of you. Please watch it and share your views with me. If you need counseling on any of the topics, please feel free to message me on WordPress, LinkedIn and Face book.

With love and regards

Anita Vij

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #3

                 The Mystery of the Missing Socks 

A Hilarious Journey Through Laundry Land

In the annals of domesticity, few phenomena rival the perplexing puzzle of the missing socks. Yes, you know the one – that bewildering phenomenon where perfectly matched pairs enter the laundry basket, only to emerge as solo acts, leaving their partners lost in a sea of mismatched despair.😇😇

 But fear not, dear reader, for today we embark on a rib-tickling quest to unravel “The Mystery of the Missing Socks”!

The Laundry Day Dilemma

Our tale begins on a seemingly ordinary laundry day, as our intrepid couple, let’s call them Sam and Alex, gather their garments for a spin in the washing machine. Socks are sorted, detergent is poured, and the cycle begins – but little do our heroes know, they’re about to embark on a journey into the heart of laundry land, where socks vanish without a trace. 

The Case of the Lone Sock

As the dryer whirs to life and the laundry pile dwindles, Sam and Alex make a shocking discovery – a lone sock, bereft of its mate, lounging in the depths of the lint trap. Thus begins their quest to solve the enigma of the missing socks, armed with nothing but a sense of humor and a healthy dose of imagination.😄😄

Wild Theories and Wacky Adventures

With each load of laundry, Sam and Alex concoct wild theories to explain the disappearing socks. Could it be a mischievous sock-stealing gnome? A secret portal to a parallel sock dimension? Or perhaps, just perhaps, the socks have developed a taste for solo travel and embarked on a quest for independence? The possibilities are endless, and the laughter is infectious as our duo embarks on a series of wacky adventures in pursuit of the truth.

The Grand Reunion

After many a sockless day and whimsical misadventure, our heroes finally stumble upon the answer to the mystery – a simple case of sock sabotage courtesy of the dreaded sock-eating monster known as the washing machine agitator. With their missing socks safely retrieved and their sense of humor intact, Sam and Alex revel in the joy of a well-matched pair once more.😄

A Sock-tastic Conclusion

And so, dear reader, our tale of “The Mystery of the Missing Socks” comes to a close, but the laughter and camaraderie of Sam and Alex live on. For in the whimsical world of laundry land, where socks vanish and dryers dance, it’s not the destination that matters, but the laughter-filled journey along the way.😄😄

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples#2

The Great Toothpaste Debate

 A Hilarious Look at Squeezing, Rolling, and Relationship Compromises

In the grand tapestry of coupledom, there are few issues as divisive and hotly contested as the age-old question: How should one properly squeeze a tube of toothpaste?🙃🙃

 Yes, you heard it right – that innocuous tube sitting on your bathroom counter holds within it the potential for epic battles, hilarious misunderstandings, and ultimately, heartwarming compromises.

 Join me as we embark on a side-splitting journey into “The Great Toothpaste Debate,” where squeezing, rolling, and laughter collide in the most unexpected ways.

The Squeezers vs The Roller:

 In one corner, we have the Squeezers – those bold souls who firmly believe that the most efficient way to dispense toothpaste is by giving the tube a hearty squeeze from the middle. After all, why waste precious seconds rolling up the end when you can dive right in and get the job done? 

But wait – don’t count out the Rollers just yet! These cunning individuals swear by the meticulous art of rolling, arguing that it not only prevents toothpaste wastage but also ensures a consistently pristine tube.

The Battle Lines Are Drawn:

As the Squeezers and Rollers square off in the bathroom arena, tensions run high and toothpaste tubes tremble in fear. What starts as a seemingly innocent disagreement quickly escalates into a full-blown showdown, complete with impassioned speeches, dramatic gestures, and the occasional toothpaste-related pun.😆😆

“To squeeze or not to squeeze, that is the question!” proclaims one fervent Squeezer, while a Roller retorts with equal fervor, “Rolling is the only way to maintain dental hygiene harmony!”

Finding Common Ground:

Amidst the chaos and confusion, a glimmer of hope emerges – the possibility of compromise. After all, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter how one squeezes a tube of toothpaste? Armed with this newfound wisdom, our intrepid couples embark on a journey of mutual understanding, embracing the beauty of compromise and the joy of shared toothpaste tubes.

 From squeezing from the middle on odd days to rolling from the end on even days, they discover that true love knows no tube-squeezing boundaries.😇😇

The Toothpaste Tube of Unity:

In the end, as toothpaste tubes are squeezed, rolled, and ultimately emptied, our couples emerge victorious – not because they’ve found the perfect squeezing technique, but because they’ve found something far more precious: the ability to laugh, love, and navigate life’s quirks together.

 So the next time you find yourself embroiled in “The Great Toothpaste Debate,” remember to squeeze a little laughter into the mix – after all, it’s the best toothpaste for the soul.😍😍

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples #1 Pet Names Gone Desi

A Comic Expedition into the World of Indian Couple Nicknames

Ah, the sweet melodies of love are often accompanied by the fun of unique pet names. But in the vibrant tapestry of Indian relationships, these endearing nicknames take on a whole new level of creativity, color, and chaos!

 Join me on a hilarious journey as we unravel the mysteries of pet names gone wild in the Indian couple universe.😀😀

1. Babu-Shona and Other Sweet Treats:

In the realm of Indian pet names, “Babu” and “Shona” reign supreme. These syrupy words, often accompanied by an affectionate “ji” or “jaan,” are as ubiquitous as chai on a rainy day. But why stop there? Get ready for a sugar rush as we explore the myriad variations, from “Babuji” to “Shonu Darling,” that couples invent in their quest for the ultimate sweet talk.

2. The Saga of Bittu-Bobby and Pappu-Pinky:

Enter the world of timeless classics: “Bittu” and “Bobby,” “Pappu” and “Pinky.” These beloved names have stood the test of time, transcending generations to become cultural touchstones in the grand opera of Indian romance. But beware the pitfalls of mistaken identity! In a country where half the population seems to answer to the same pet name, navigating the sea of Bittus and Pinkys can be a dangerous adventure indeed.😀

3. Raju-Rani and the Royal Romance:

What’s in a name? For some couples, it’s the key to unlocking their inner royalty. Meet Raju and Rani, the regal duo whose love knows no bounds. From palace-like penthouses to humble hovels, every abode becomes a kingdom when these two lovebirds are in residence. But beware the pitfalls of power struggles! In the kingdom of love, it’s not always easy to determine who wears the crown.

4. Bunty-Bubbly and the Bollywood Connection:

Lights, camera, action! Step into the world of Bunty and Bubbly, where every day is a blockbuster romance waiting to happen. With their larger-than-life personalities and penchant for drama, this dynamic duo could give Bollywood’s finest a run for their money. From tear-jerking love songs to gravity-defying dance numbers, their love story is the stuff of legend. But remember, in the world of Bunty and Bubbly, reality is often stranger than fiction!

5. Golu-Molu and the Delicious Duet:

Who says pet names can’t be appetizing? Meet Golu and Molu, the dynamic duo whose love is as satisfying as a hearty meal. With their hearty appetites and infectious laughter, these two are always ready to spice up each other’s lives. But beware the dangers of overindulgence! In a world filled with temptation, it’s easy to lose sight of the recipe for true love.

In the collection of Indian coupledom, pet names are more than just words – they’re a reflection of the unique bond that binds two hearts together. 

So whether you’re a Babu or a Bittu, a Babu-Shona, remember to wear your pet name with pride. After all, in the grand symphony of love, every note counts! 😇🤣

Posted in Relationships

The Quirky Habits of Couples

A Hilarious Dive into the World of Relationship Oddities

Ah, relationships – the ultimate adventure in human connection, where love, laughter, and a healthy dose of trait abound! 

But behind closed doors, amidst the everyday chaos of life, couples often develop a colorful array of quirks and habits that are as unique as they are amusing. Join me on a side-splitting journey as we uncover the delightful (and sometimes downright bizarre) habits that make the world of couples a comedy goldmine.

In this exploration, we’ll peel back the layers of relationship dynamics to reveal the unexpected hilarity lurking beneath the surface.

 From the mundane to the downright peculiar, no quirk is too small or too strange to escape our scrutiny.😀

 So buckle up and prepare to laugh your way through the wonderfully weird world of coupledom – where every oddity is a testament to the enduring power of love, laughter, and the joy of being delightfully peculiar together. 😀😀😀😀

Posted in Travel

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

I am thrilled to announce that “Vishnu’s Legacy” has just become Amazon’s #1 Bestseller! 🎉📚

I am truly grateful to each and every one of you who supported this journey. Your encouragement, enthusiasm, and readership have made this achievement possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in “Vishnu’s Legacy” and for helping it reach the top spot.

With heartfelt gratitude

Anita Vij

The promo is on for today also.

Link to order e-book…https://amzn.in/d/iAsa45R


Posted in Travel

Don’t miss it!!

Today and tomorrow are free promotion days. Don’t miss this opportunity and order now.

Gift it to your kids and give them a chance to know about their culture and heritage.

Link to order e-book…https://amzn.in/d/iAsa45R


Posted in TOD

Now Available on Amazon

I have a piece of good news for my readers. My new book is now available on Amazon. This book is very useful for young minds of children and adults as well. Make this book a success again like “The Mysteries of Hanuman.” Link to order: https://tinyurl.com/5n8zbfdj

Thank you for your support and love. 😊 🙏🏻

Posted in TOD

Coming soon on Amazon

Give your children a timeless gift that not only entertains but also educates them, instilling in them a deep appreciation for their roots and traditions. Let them embark on a journey of discovery as they unravel the mysteries and marvels of Lord Vishnu’s realm. This book is more than just a collection of stories; it’s a gateway to understanding and embracing our cultural heritage.