Help my friend please!


My friend just made a Windows Phone application to help people book a hotel room anywhere in the world.
I would like you to help my best friend and download his application and if you like, give it a good five star review 😉

This would be really nice of you 🙂

The application is called “Book a Room
Just search for it in the store or click this link and download it to your Windows Phone.

Book a room application

Get it now!

Thank you, you are the best!

Here is a screenshot

Book a Room Screenshot

Book a Room Screenshot

Amazing blog directory!


I found a great new thing on the internet today!

So what I want to tell you is that I found a blog directory where you add your blog to.
And what is the best at this blog directory? It will even give you backlinks to your newest posts! So it is more than just a directory!

Click here and add your blog to it 😉

It is the first time for me to find this kind of site and I would like to help this kind of free services to expand.
It is really awesome that people make this kind of sites to help other bloggers