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Taos Institute Publications

Taos Institute Publications

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  • The Taos Institute’s® mission is to bring together scholars and practitioners concerned with the social processes ess... more edit
By Kenneth J. Gergen We betreden het tijdperk van het onbekende - de gebeurtenissen in de wereld veranderen in een ongekend tempo, onvoorspelbaar, ontwrichtend en oncontroleerbaar. Conflicten zijn eindeloos en worden steeds meer... more
By Kenneth J. Gergen

We betreden het tijdperk van het onbekende - de gebeurtenissen in de wereld veranderen in een ongekend tempo, onvoorspelbaar, ontwrichtend en oncontroleerbaar. Conflicten zijn eindeloos en worden steeds meer gepolariseerd. De opwarming van de aarde en de verspreiding van dodelijke ziekten bedreigen ons allen. Hoe gaan we verder? Eén ding is zeker: in zulke gevaarlijke omstandigheden is het absoluut noodzakelijk dat we allemaal samenwerken. Zoals Kenneth Gergen in dit fascinerende en heldere boek betoogt, moeten we, om samen te werken, onze kijk op relaties radicaal veranderen. Zolang we gefixeerd blijven op het idee dat relaties worden gevormd in termen van afzonderlijke entiteiten - individuen, gemeenschappen, organisaties of naties - wordt onze overleving bedreigd. Zoals hij voorstelt, moeten we ons begrip omkeren: het is door het relationele proces dat wat wij entiteiten noemen en hun kenmerken ontstaan. Aandacht voor het relationele proces moet in de plaats komen van aandacht voor entiteiten. Deze korte inleiding tot het relationele perspectief biedt eenveelheid aan illustraties van innovatieve praktijken in onderwijs, gezondheidszorg, organisaties, vredespraktijken, en meer. Allemaal laten ze zien hoe welzijn kan ontstaan vanuit het relationele proces.
Edited By: Organizado por: Alexandra Arnold, Kristin Bodiford, Pamela Brett-MacLean, Dawn Dole, Angela Maria Estrada, Fran Lyon Dugin, Bonnie Milne, W. Ellen Raboin, Paloma Torres-Dávila, and Carlos Felipe Villar-Guhl Este libro es una... more
Edited By: Organizado por: Alexandra Arnold, Kristin Bodiford, Pamela Brett-MacLean, Dawn Dole, Angela Maria Estrada, Fran Lyon Dugin, Bonnie Milne, W. Ellen Raboin, Paloma Torres-Dávila, and Carlos Felipe Villar-Guhl

Este libro es una compilación de las contribuciones de los participantes y presentadores que asistieron a la Conferencia del 25º aniversario del Instituto Taos en Cancún, México, del 7 al 10 de noviembre de 2018. Durante cuatro días, la conferencia estuvo llena de diálogos, conversación, intercambios, exploración, construcción de relaciones y celebración desde las sesiones previas y durante la conferencia. Mientras el Instituto Taos celebraba 25 años desde su fundación, recordamos sus comienzos, reconocimos a los fundadores, conocimos a nuevos participantes y les dimos la bienvenida a todos compartiendo aprendizajes.

Los colaboradores de este libro presentaron talleres, facilitaron diálogos, presentaron posters y animaron charlas breves, a las que llamamos TAD. Cada contribución es única: no hay un formato o diseño en particular y el lenguaje utilizado en la escritura es sello personal del autor. Esperamos que los lectores aprecien la singularidad de este estilo y estén abiertos a la variedad de capítulos incluidos en este libro.

Los invitamos a disfrutar del continuo florecimiento y abundancia de las prácticas descritas en las páginas de este libro. Estamos encantados y honrados de ser testigos de las ideas que surgen, las diversas colaboraciones relacionales y las actividades en expansión que fortalecen el flujo interminable de posibilidades creativas para la construcción social que imaginamos y co-creamos juntos.
By Elspeth McAdam, Peter Lang, Diana Henoa & Lennart Lorås The protective interview: Releasing the tangled web of incest is a book centered on the topic of incestual abuse. Incestual abuse is defined as sexual activity between... more
By Elspeth McAdam, Peter Lang, Diana Henoa & Lennart Lorås

The protective interview: Releasing the tangled web of incest is a book centered on the topic of incestual abuse. Incestual abuse is defined as sexual activity between individuals of closer blood relationship than the culture allows. However, for this book, sexual abuse, not only from family members but others that are responsible for children will also be included. Professionals caring for people with a history of childhood abuse have often found it difficult to make sense of constantly changing symptoms, natural incoherence, dissociation with bizarre presentations (often seen as hysteria or psychosis) and cutting (seen as self-inflicted harm or attention-seeking behavior, a waste of precious medical time). These young people are given very pessimistic futures, often labelled as personality disordered, unhelpable, or in need of years of therapy. However, we consider them to be mobile, changeable and holding countless resources and strengths that professionals should help to liberate.

This book has been written after years of trying out different ways of working with young people who have suffered through abuses of power. This book takes you through some of our journeys with these young people, listening to their voices as well as to the voices of people important to them. In our experience, when listened to, these young people often lose their symptoms very quickly. Maybe because a closer relationship with their non-abusing parents develops or because they feel safe, and their secret has been brought out and spoken about, without them necessarily initiating the conversation. Our hope is that this book can be a contribution to release the tangled web of incest and suggest a dignifying way forward for the child, the family and the professional.
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee, Kenneth J. Gergen and Fusako Koshikawa This book is for those who are interested in Buddhist teachings and all who seek routes to growth in human well-being, particularly therapists, coaches, and scientists.... more
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee, Kenneth J. Gergen and Fusako Koshikawa
This book is for those who are interested in Buddhist teachings and all who seek routes to growth in human well-being, particularly therapists, coaches, and scientists. It is a vanguard work that sets a cultural revolution in motion by bringing the fruits of the Buddhist heritage together with contemporary therapy, systematic research, and postmodern thought. The volume contains 28 chapters by 38 contributors from 12 countries, and introduces a range of useful practices, evidence of their efficacy, and integrative theoretical deliberations. Its contents move toward a climax called New Buddhist Psychology.
Edited by Marge Schiller, Bea Mah Holland, and Deanna Riley This 200-page volume presents a model of Appreciative Leadership based on twenty-eight interviews, fifteen of which are included in the book. This small but comprehensive sample... more
Edited by Marge Schiller, Bea Mah Holland, and Deanna Riley

This 200-page volume presents a model of Appreciative Leadership based on twenty-eight interviews, fifteen of which are included in the book. This small but comprehensive sample reveals the outstanding characteristics of appreciative leaders and their predominant behavioral attributes. The ways appreciative leaders engage in their daily practices are outlined in detail. “This is a landmark book, ” according to Jane Watkins, an originator of Appreciative Inquiry. “It is an invaluable contribution to the literature that addresses the critically important question: What kinds of leaders will shape the radically different organizations called for by our constantly changing environment?” Appreciative Inquiry leader, David Cooperrider writes, “Appreciative modes of management may be to our new self-organizing systems what deficit or problem-oriented methods have been to command-and -control bureaucracies.”
Par Carina Håkansson. Ceci un livre tout sauf ordinaire. Le travail qu’il décrit est relationnel, collaboratif, génératif et constructionniste. Son argument est solide et stimulant – un programme pas ordinaire. Les idées qu’il présente... more
Par Carina Håkansson.

Ceci un livre tout sauf ordinaire. Le travail qu’il décrit est relationnel, collaboratif, génératif et constructionniste. Son argument est solide et stimulant – un programme pas ordinaire. Les idées qu’il présente remettent en question les fondements de l’aide à la santé mentale telle qu’elle est pratiquée en général dans le monde. Carina décrit une alternative créative à la pratique de l’art de la thérapie. En rejetant l’usage de diagnostics, de médicaments et de l’hospitalisation, elle décrit les expériences de nombreux thérapeutes suédois qui travaillent et aident des personnes troublées en les intégrant dans des lieux d’accueil « ordinaires ». Dans ces lieux, où ils sont traités avec respect, ils peuvent vivre durant une période de leur vie et s’intégrer à la vie de la famille qui les accueille. Le livre décrit en détail comment ces personnes, dont la vie semblait ruinée, peuvent être aidées et peuvent reprendre pied dans la société. Il invite le lecteur à considérer la thérapie à la lunette d’une expérience ordinaire.
« Un livre magnifique. Qui concerne l’ordinaire et l’extraordinaire. Le lecteur se réjouira de son contenu, car il y est question de gens « ordinaires » et de gens qui sont devenus tout à fait « extraordinaires », aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraisse. Carina les décrit de façon très claire. Elle ne les présente pas comme étant ceci ou cela, comme le pratique la psychiatrie, avec ses descriptions sans vie (les diagnostics) qui décrivent des personnes ordinaires comme des personnes extraordinaires ou bizarres. Elle insiste sur les deux et. Les gens peuvent être heureux et tristes, ils peuvent être raisonnables et insensés. Dans ses descriptions, elle laisse la porte ouverte aux possibles : « il a été fou durant toute une période, mais lorsque nous avons fait ceci et cela, il est devenu lui-même et il s’est montré plus sage que moi ». – Tom Andersen
Par Gitte Haslebo et Maja-Loua Haslebo. Dans les organisations, les événements sont imprévisibles et peuvent conduire à la honte, à des violations de la personnalité, à la détérioration des relations et à de mauvais résultats. Les... more
Par Gitte Haslebo et Maja-Loua Haslebo.

Dans les organisations, les événements sont imprévisibles et peuvent conduire à la honte, à des violations de la personnalité, à la détérioration des relations et à de mauvais résultats. Les managers, les employés et les consultants sont à la recherche d’idées qui peuvent les aider à gérer les situations complexes de façon moralement respectueuse. Au travers de neuf récits d’histoires vécues, les auteures illustrent comment ces derniers peuvent s’inspirer des concepts-clefs du constructionnisme social et de l’éthique relationnelle. Elles présentent et développent cinq obligations morales de base de l’éthique relationnelle : la responsabilité sociale, l’obligation dialogique, la responsabilité partagée du positionnement, l’investigation sur la valeur de la communauté du travail, l’obligation d’interagir en agents moralement responsables.
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee. This volume, a sequel of Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory, is for all who wish to read about cutting-edge developments in Buddhist Psychology and will be of special interest to... more
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee.

This volume, a sequel of Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory, is for all who wish to read about cutting-edge developments in Buddhist Psychology and will be of special interest to professionals (coaches, clinicians, teachers), scholars of various academic disciplines (medicine and the social sciences), as well as to the informed public attracted to meditation (students and experts). It provides illuminating insights into “Relational Buddhism,” an approach based on “social construction”, which lies at the heart of this pioneering work.
Par Kenneth J. Gergen. Nous entrons dans l’ère de l’inconnu - les événements mondiaux changent à une rapidité sans précédent, ils sont imprévisibles, perturbants et incontrôlables. Les conflits sont sans fin et de plus en plus... more
Par Kenneth J. Gergen.

Nous entrons dans l’ère de l’inconnu - les événements mondiaux changent à une rapidité sans précédent, ils sont imprévisibles, perturbants et incontrôlables. Les conflits sont sans fin et de plus en plus polarisés. Le réchauffement climatique et la propagation de maladies mortelles nous menacent tous. Comment poursuivre ? Une chose est certaine : dans de telles conditions périlleuses, il est impératif de travailler tous ensemble. Comme l’avance Kenneth Gergen dans ce fascinant et lucide ouvrage, pour parvenir à collaborer nous devons transformer radicalement notre vision des relations. Tant que nous resterons fixés sur la notion que les relations sont constituées en termes d’entités séparées - personnes, communautés, organisations ou nations - notre survie sera menacée. Comme il le propose, nous devons inverser notre compréhension : c’est par le processus relationnel qu’émerge ce que nous appelons les entités et leurs caractéristiques. L’attention portée au processus doit se substituer à l’attention portée aux entités. Cette brève introduction à la perspective relationnelle présente d’abondantes illustrations de pratiques innovatrices dans les domaines de l’éducation, des soins de santé, des organisations, de la pratique de la paix, et d’autres encore. Toutes démontrent comment le bien-être peut naître grâce au processus relationnel.
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee This volume, a sequel of Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory, is for all who wish to read about cutting-edge developments in Buddhist Psychology and will be of special interest to... more
Edited by Maurits G.T. Kwee

This volume, a sequel of Horizons in Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory, is for all who wish to read about cutting-edge developments in Buddhist Psychology and will be of special interest to professionals (coaches, clinicians, teachers), scholars of various academic disciplines (medicine and the social sciences), as well as to the informed public attracted to meditation (students and experts). It provides illuminating insights into “Relational Buddhism,” an approach based on “social construction”, which lies at the heart of this pioneering work.
by Victoria Lugo Disarmed warriors: narratives with youth ex-combatants in Colombia is a powerful statement about the nature of the child soldiers’ world, providing glimpses of what life is and has been and will be like for such... more
by Victoria Lugo

Disarmed warriors: narratives with youth ex-combatants in Colombia is a powerful statement about the nature of the child soldiers’ world, providing glimpses of what life is and has been and will be like for such children. The analysis is sophisticated, nuanced, and balanced in terms of both the potentials of the children exiting this way of life, and the difficulties they suffer.  Readers of all backgrounds and interests will find much to absorb them and give them direction in dealing with such children and their families.  It is one of the few books that give the audience a clear, intimate, glance into the lives of this population. The book is fascinating to read, shares many details from the lives of these children, as well as the other soldiers, the families involved, and the political tensions that frame the post-war experiences of these children.

Victoria is Psychologist and has a master’s degree in public health. She completed her PhD through Tilburg University in 2014, under the supervision of Dr. Sheila McNamee. Her dissertation “Disarmed warriors: narratives with youth ex-combatants in Colombia” was honored Cum Laude.

From 2009 until now, Victoria works as a researcher at CEDAT (Centre for conflict, violence and cohabitation studies). Her work is focused on conflict and post-conflict transformation through social constructionist, dialogue and narrative approaches. She is Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and currently the editor of Eleuthera, a social science journal edited by Universidad de Caldas.

Few books are able to address this set of concerns from such a close-in perspective. The author’s relationship with the former child-soldiers, her connection to the country, the cultural context, and to the ideas that help to shape our understandings of war, this particular conflict, and the children who are swept up into it, directly, as well as indirectly, is almost unique.

– Mary Gergen, PhD, The Taos Institute
Ángela María Estrada Mesa y Catalina Buitrago Murcia, Editoras Recursos Psico-sociales para el Post-conflicto, editado por el equipo de QUIRA – Centro Latinoamericano para la Cultura Colaborativa- tiene el doble propósito de brindar... more
Ángela María Estrada Mesa y Catalina Buitrago Murcia, Editoras

Recursos Psico-sociales para el Post-conflicto, editado por el equipo de QUIRA – Centro Latinoamericano para la Cultura Colaborativa- tiene el doble propósito de brindar herramientas conceptuales y prácticas para abordar los efectos psicosociales que los conflictos armados dejan en la vida privada y cotidiana de las personas y de poner a disposición de profesionales y especialistas una mirada basada en el giro social de la ciencia de la acción humana para la atención psicosocial del sufrimiento por violencia.

Específicamente, el libro es una contribución del Certificado Internacional en Atención Psicosocial del Sufrimiento por Violencia desarrollado por QUIRA -una de las versiones aplicadas a problemáticas específicas del Certificado Internacional en Prácticas Colaborativas-. Por ello, muchos de los artículos que lo conforman han sido producidos por sus profesores y mentores.

En conjunto, constituye un insumo fundamental para el trabajo de los profesionales vinculados a los procesos de reparación integral y atención a las víctimas de las dinámicas de confrontación armada en Colombia, pero también es de gran utilidad en otros contextos de conflicto (o de transición al post-conflicto) ya que pone a su disposición una serie de desarrollos conceptuales y formas de hacer desde el pensamiento sistémico y por tanto trabaja desde las posturas dialógica, construccionista, colaborativa y post-moderna contemporáneas, proponiendo nuevos abordajes para el trabajo con personas, grupos y comunidades afectadas por las diferentes formas de violencia y rompimiento del tejido social, que ocurren en el marco de las guerras y los conflictos armados.

Los diez capítulos que conforman el libro ofrecen análisis, propuestas, reflexiones y preguntas en relación con el abordaje del dolor que han dejado las múltiples formas de violencia social y política. Es así, como a través de ellos se va tejiendo una fibra que intenta ser el hilo conductor de un camino de saberes para las y los profesionales de las ciencias humanas que deseen trabajar de la mano de las victimas-sobrevivientes y contribuir a superar, comprender y reparar su sufrimiento. Esperamos que los potenciales lectores lo acojan con el mismo gusto con el cual ha sido editado.
by John Shotter
by John Shotter
by John Shotter
By John Shotter As we grow up into the changeable, still not fully determined world around us, we face the task of becoming accountable to those around us when they ask: “What are you doing?” For our actions draw their meaning from what... more
By John Shotter

As we grow up into the changeable, still not fully determined world around us, we face the task of becoming accountable to those around us when they ask: “What are you doing?” For our actions draw their meaning from what we, as actors, see as their context. As very young children, it is accepted that many of our actions are playful and not in themselves contributory to the overall aims of our more adult activities. We only ‘come of age’ when, so to speak, ‘we know what we are doing, and why we are doing it’, that is, when we can bring those others to see our actions as we see them. In other words, the accounts we give of our actions are an aid to perception, enabling those puzzled by our actions to structure an otherwise indeterminate flow of activity as a sequence of recognizable events, i.e. as events already known about within our society’s ways of making sense of things. In becoming an autonomous adult, an accountable person, we need to develop a number of “ontological skills” — a skill at being a listener and a looker, at being an articulate speaker, at being sensitive to others feelings, and so on. But our growth to autonomy is not something we can do all on our own; it is a joint, social achievement. In 1984, I wrote: “The different chapters in this book each, to some extent, approach the same problem – that of what it is to be an autonomous, responsible person. Taken together, I hope they present a progressive story and each constitutes a part of a whole which is implicated within them all: that whole being what I have called ‘the ecology of everyday life’” (Shotter, 1984, p.ix) — now, I wish I had written: “the ecology of our everyday social lives together.”

The original book notes to Social Accountability and Selfhood – by John Shotter

This book tackles anew some of the most fundamental questions in psychology. What, as human beings, are we to one another? How should we treat one another as being? In what ways do we learn about our world?

John Shotter argues that our reality is constituted for us by the ways in which we render our activities accountable to one another in our daily social lives. Similarly, our ways of understanding and experiencing ourselves are a product of our learning to give acceptable accounts of ourselves to others; of our learning as children how to become persons, able to communicate about the world around us in a manner comprehensible to other persons.

Social psychologists should recognize that accountability is the basis of social life. In making his case John Shotter poses a radical challenge to all naively empirical theories of psychology.

This WorldShare Book is a 4 Part Download.
Edited by Ellen Cole and Mary Gergen Retiring But Not Shy: Feminist Psychologists Create their Post-Careers is composed of the stories of 23 women who address this time of life we call “retirement.” Each woman has been highly successful... more
Edited by Ellen Cole and Mary Gergen

Retiring But Not Shy: Feminist Psychologists Create their Post-Careers is composed of the stories of 23 women who address this time of life we call “retirement.” Each woman has been highly successful in her career as a psychologist, and each has taken seriously her commitment to feminism. Yet the authors are diverse in other ways, with differences in age, career specialties, ethnicity, ableness, sexual orientation, and partner status. The chapters are engaging, personal, lively, and, above all, a helpful guide to any professional woman who is considering what the future holds for her in her “post-career.” Issues of health, emotional well-being, housing issues, balancing career and post-career tensions, partner negotiations, financial decisions, endings and beginnings, are all touched upon. These accounts of resilience and creativity are written from the heart but also provide practical resources for readers. The introduction by Michelle Fine begins by describing it as “a textual pajama party of essays by the very women who pioneered feminist psychology.” The forewords by editors Ellen Cole and Mary Gergen invite us all to join in.
Autor: John Shotter Traducción: Carlos Felipe Villar-Guhl Cuando hablamos suceden muchas cosas en nosotros y a nuestro alrededor. En este libro, John Shotter con su estilo reflexivo, crítico y cuestionador, y poco usual, invita a... more
Autor: John Shotter
Traducción: Carlos Felipe Villar-Guhl

Cuando hablamos suceden muchas cosas en nosotros y a nuestro alrededor. En este libro, John Shotter con su estilo reflexivo, crítico y cuestionador, y poco usual,  invita a re-considerar y a desafiar las formas de pensar e interpretar nuestras realidades para adentrarse en la comprensión de cómo creamos sentido juntos y nos movemos en el diálogo. Alejándose de ser un manual o de una recta, este es un libro para pensar y reflexionar, en el que John trasciende una comprensión puramente cognitiva de la realidad y le abre espacio a otras formas de ser y estar en el mundo. Es un llamado para humanizar nuestra práctica a partir del desarrollo de una conciencia discursiva que nos lleve a darnos cuenta de lo que nuestro hablar con otros hace en nosotros y los demás, así como las potencialidades y responsabilidades que genera.
by Emerson F. Rasera The aim of this book is to present different forms of group work influenced by a social constructionist sensibility. The book shows how these two fields of knowledge can be connected and indicates the need for new... more
by Emerson F. Rasera

The aim of this book is to present different forms of group work influenced by a social constructionist sensibility. The book shows how these two fields of knowledge can be connected and indicates the need for new theoretical developments. Despite offering theoretical contributions, the emphasis of the book is on the translation of some constructionist concepts to daily practice, featuring excerpts from group conversations, participants’ reports, and the description of ways of working that can inspire other professionals interested in using the constructionist vocabulary in their group work. We hope this book brings to those involved with social construction, conversations about the importance of group work connecting the voices present here with other voices, enabling a dialogue that transforms our practices and ourselves.
by Mette Vinther Larsen The Magic of Organisational Life invites you to look at your everyday work life through new eyes. It allows you to reflect upon well-known organisational, strategic and managerial challenges from a magical... more
by Mette Vinther Larsen

The Magic of Organisational Life invites you to look at your everyday work life through new eyes. It allows you to reflect upon well-known organisational, strategic and managerial challenges from a magical perspective. This perspective emphasizes what our imagination can do, if only we set it free. The Magic of Organisational Life gently reminds us of our capacity to create flourishing ways of being at work.

In the book, you will meet Charlie Marsh, a consultant from the National Working Environment Committee. The book describes how Charlie’s workday unfolds. On this particular day, Charlie is visiting a local sweet factory, The Golden Caramel, that is immersed in a strategy process. As the story unfolds, Charlie becomes enmeshed in many activities, and he engages in various conversations with Mr Peter Pecan, the CEO, and other managers and employees at The Golden Caramel, including Mr Macaroon and Ms Peppermint. During Charlie’s visit, he continually experiences organisational practices and understandings that are unfamiliar to him, and that he has a hard time understanding. Thus, he feels forced to reflect upon how he lives his organisational life and what he takes for granted. And as Charlie leaves The Golden Caramel at the end of the day, he does so as a changed man, although how he has changed and what his next action will be remains open.

The events Charlie experiences might at first appear to be a bit peculiar and outside your everyday context. Nevertheless, once you move beyond the imaginary and adventurous aspects of the story and bring your own practices into play, the well-known organisational, strategic and managerial challenges that are hidden underneath the luscious coating begin to emerge. They do, however, not emerge on their own. Instead they begin to take shape, gain context and colour and come alive as you let them mesh with your own experiences, knowledge and taken-for-granted norms and rules.

We hope you will enjoy this book, reflect on the organisational life in which you partake, and find some nuggets of wisdom that might make your work life a bit more magical.
by Gitte Haslebo and Maja Loua Haslebo In unforeseeable ways, events in organizations can lead to loss of face, violations of personal dignity, damaged relationships and poor results. Managers, employees and consultants search for ideas... more
by Gitte Haslebo and Maja Loua Haslebo

In unforeseeable ways, events in organizations can lead to loss of face, violations of personal dignity, damaged relationships and poor results. Managers, employees and consultants search for ideas that might help them deal with complicated situations in morally respectful ways. By telling nine dramatic real life stories the authors illustrate how managers, employees and consultants might find inspiration in key social constructionist concepts and relational ethics. They introduce and unfold five key moral obligations in relational ethics: social responsibility, dialogic obligations, shared responsibility for positioning, inquiry of value to the work community and the obligation to interact as morally responsible agents.

Gitte Haslebo and Maja Loua Haslebo are organizational psychology consultants working with both private companies and public organizations in Denmark. They are authors of a large number of widely used books and articles on leadership development, consultancy work and organizational development in a social constructionist perspective. In their preface the authors write: “We hope that this book may help build relationships and dialogue across national, cultural and organizational boundaries”.
by Jan Smedslund This book presents a new paradigm for psychology. It is written in the form of dialogues between three fictional psychologists. In twelve sessions they develop a novel approach to psychology as the study of persons. The... more
by Jan Smedslund

This book presents a new paradigm for psychology. It is written in the form of dialogues between three fictional psychologists. In twelve sessions they develop a novel approach to psychology as the study of persons. The work is the outcome of Dr. Smedslund’s sustained engagement in psychology for more than half a century as clinician, experimenter, and a theoretician. He presents here a new view and expands and discusses it in this book. By externalizing his own inner dialogues through these three fictional characters, he presents with maximal clarity, the considerations that have led him away from the old and towards a new conception of psychology. You, the reader, will soon realize that this is, indeed, a radical re-orientation. The dialogues help make the transition intelligible, and provide opportunity for critical evaluation of the arguments and counter-arguments.
by Robert Cottor, Alan Asher, Judith Levin, and Cindy Weiser, The Institute for Creative Change This field book presents exercises that have been organized into Learning Labs that will invite innovative thinking and practice with those... more
by Robert Cottor, Alan Asher, Judith Levin, and Cindy Weiser, The Institute for Creative Change

This field book presents exercises that have been organized into Learning Labs that will invite innovative thinking and practice with those familiar with social construction theory as well as those who are newcomers to constructionist thinking. Learning Labs are designed to generate new thinking about diverse societal and professional issues. These exercises promote and enhance creative change strategies for mental health, educational and organizational development professionals.
Author: Glenn E. Boyd You Are Not Alone: A Student’s Guide to Clinical Supervision is surprisingly frank, funny, and encouraging. It urges beginning students to be proactive and engaged in the clinical supervision process without apology... more
Author: Glenn E. Boyd

You Are Not Alone: A Student’s Guide to Clinical Supervision is surprisingly frank, funny, and encouraging. It urges beginning students to be proactive and engaged in the clinical supervision process without apology and without fear to combat the normal anxiety that comes with learning to be a clinical practitioner. It also encourages training programs to offer beginning students an orientation to supervision as soon as possible after they enter the program. It outlines the importance of the clinical supervision relationship while introducing key elements in the contemporary practice of supervision including a novel emphasis on collaborative learning communities, the results of common factors research, and the emerging importance of core competencies.
Author: Carina Håkansson Ordinary Life Therapy is anything but ordinary. The work described in this book is relational, collaborative, generative and constructionist. It is also clinically sound and exciting — an extraordinary... more
Author: Carina Håkansson

Ordinary Life Therapy is anything but ordinary.  The work described in this book is relational, collaborative, generative and constructionist.  It is also clinically sound and exciting — an extraordinary program.  The ideas presented in this book challenge the foundations of mental illness healthcare as practiced in many places around the world.  Carina describes an alternative and creative way of thinking and practicing the healing art of therapy.  Rejecting diagnostic categories, drugs and institutional care, Carina shares the stories of several therapists in Sweden who work with and help severely troubled individuals by finding them “ordinary” family homes where they can live for a period of time.  In these “family homes” they are treated with care and respect and over time they adjust to the life of the family.  The “clients” are of all ages; they may be suffering from battering, drug addiction, self-mutilations, abandonment, sex abuse, feelings of terror – often problems of long duration.  Some have been institutionalized for much of their lives, with diagnoses of psychoses.  The attempt is to treat the client not as “an illness” but as a multi-faceted individual who is capable of becoming healthy.  The book describes in intimate detail how people whose lives seemed ruined are helped and can re-enter society as full-fledged participants. The book invites the reader to think about what it would mean to work with challenged people from the perspective of Ordinary Life Therapy.

Carina Håkansson is the founder and leader of Family Care Foundation. She is a social worker and a licensed psychotherapist. Her passion is to create networks with people in various ways and in different contexts to help to make life a bit better. She writes books and articles about the importance of using words and language in a humane and dignified way when meeting people in a professional context.
By Loek Schoenmakers, Ph.D. Taos Institute Publications, 2014 ISBN: 978-1-938552-20-5 How would education be different if we approached it as a relational process of co-construction among teacher, students and community, rather than a... more
By Loek Schoenmakers, Ph.D.
Taos Institute Publications, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-938552-20-5

How would education be different if we approached it as a relational process of co-construction among teacher, students and community, rather than a “delivery” of knowledge from teacher to student? This is the question Loek Schoenmakers asks. It is, at first glance, a simple question.

And yet it is profound in its capacity for sustainable change.

In this volume Loek skillfully explains that the majority of educational change is approached from a modernist/individualist orientation where quick fixes, sophisticated assessment tools, and end-product results are privileged. The result of such an approach is a deepening divide between what we hope for in education and what the actual experience of education is for many teachers and students. In other words, teachers, students, parents and communities all want to engage in learning. Yet the apparent solution to efficient education is precisely what limits teachers’ and school administrators’ abilities to engage in education creatively.

Additionally, this same solution to educational change invites students to view school as a factory where boredom and discipline reign. Strict requirements, a profusion of standardised tests and a lacking sense of community insure that teaching and learning become synonymous with inescapable drudgery for all. And, as Loek points out, the common response to these negative views of education (from all constituents) is to do more of the same. Continual educational change processes yield added assessments, stricter requirements and less and less sense of communal engagement.

*Happily Different* introduces us to an alternative orientation to education and education reform. Here we gain a glimpse into a very different way of approaching our everyday lives. We see that what people do
*together* creates the possibilities and constraints within which they live. What would education look like if we were to shift our focus from educating individual minds to creating conditions where all participants can thrive and create meaningful knowledge together? Most educational reform methods focus on improving the administrators or the teachers by providing training in new methods (by an expert, of course). The new methods are then “put into practice” with (or more pointedly, *on*) students. Loek asks us to consider what might change if those students were also part of the change process? And not just students, but what if families, school administrators, teachers and community leaders were invited into the process of reconstructing education? If the possibilities and constraints that we confront daily emerge in our interactions with each other, then inclusion of all voices in reforming educational practices should be mandatory.

Adopting a relational orientation seems so simple and so obvious. As Loek argues, it is a way to reintroduce the human element into education and he offers several stories about how doing so has helped change opposing cultures into communities, shift a desire for control into an appreciation for possibility, and transform fractured collegial relations into cooperative and respectful alliances. His description of the whole community transformation that transpired in Surinam offers rich resources for any educational reform process.

Yet readers should beware. The relational approach described in this volume will not yield the “quick fix” many administrators and financial officers desire. Rather, adopting a relational approach will join teachers, students, administrators and families in new and engaging forms of relationship. Such relationships will foster mutual respect, a curiosity about differences, attempts to coordinate the multiplicity of voices, and resources for the transformation of education into a world of possibility, potential and joy.

Education must continually change in order to serve its purpose: to create informed and engaged citizens. What better way to do that than to create relationally engaged communities of care?

Sheila McNamee, Ph.D.
Co- founder, Taos Institute
By Ottar Ness Taos Institute Publications, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-938552-18-2 Description: This book recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in... more
By Ottar Ness
Taos Institute Publications, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-938552-18-2

Description: This book recounts the learning processes and experiences of five family therapist colleagues from the Trondheim Family Therapy Center in Norway in learning to use challenging new conversational practices in their work with couples. These therapists undertook their learning together, adapting John Heron’s Co-operative Inquiry to also make sense of the learning process itself. Through reading and viewing videotaped demonstrations, through team discussion and practice, from personal reflections, and through feedback from clients, these therapists learned to use Johnella Bird’s relational language-making approach. Such collaborative learning processes can be used within therapy centers when experienced therapists want to learn to use new therapeutic ideas and specific conversational practices. Along with workshops and academic therapy training programs such collaborative processes within therapeutic communities can be implemented in therapeutic communities as a low-cost, self-sustaining process for collaborative enhancement of practice.
By Mette Vinther Larsen Taos Institute Publications, 2013, 2014 ISBN: 978-1-938552-19-9 Description: This book sets out to study and understand how strategising and organising co-constitute each other through relational sensemaking. The... more
By Mette Vinther Larsen
Taos Institute Publications, 2013, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-938552-19-9

Description: This book sets out to study and understand how strategising and organising co-constitute each other through relational sensemaking. The object of the study is the relational interplay among eight managers in a medium-sized Danish cleaning company (the Company). The guiding assumption is that actors within an organisation construct meaning with each other on an everyday basis about the work situations they find themselves in and try to figure out how to act in sensible ways.

Using a social constructionist and relational perspective, the book is a case study in the Company on how eight actors at various management levels worked to operationalise the strategy, primarily through value-based management, for 1½ years. Based on this material as well as narrative and phenomenological research methods, the study contains eight work-based stories that illustrate how the actors in the Company, in different ways, worked to operationalise the strategy and attempted to make it part of their daily organising. The stories illustrate different understandings about what value-based management means and how it should be operationalised.

The book contributes to the very active discussion within different research communities about what strategy is about. It especially contributes to the relational interplay between strategists and their strategising, which is characterises by a more process-oriented approach to strategy like the Strategy-as Practice community advocates. By working with and combining concepts like: relations, sensemaking, action, ‘generalised other’, significant others, meaning construction, gestures, positioning and story line within an organising, becoming, wayfinding and strategising perspective, I present a dynamic method and theoretical framework for understanding the co-constituting interplay between strategising and organising.
Edited by Dian Marie Hosking, Peter Dachler and Kenneth Gergen First published in 1995 by Avebury Press (out of print) WorldShare Books free PDF version published by Taos Institute Publications, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-938552-12-0 The book... more
Edited by Dian Marie Hosking, Peter Dachler and Kenneth Gergen

First published in 1995 by Avebury Press (out of print)
WorldShare Books free PDF version published by Taos Institute Publications, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-938552-12-0

The book examines the organizing processes underlying socially constructed realities. It develops relational approaches to organizing, management and change, and provides practical ways of tackling the problems experienced and created by organizations.
By Janet Newbury Taos Institute Publications, 2013 ISBN: 978-1-938552-04-5 Description: By widening our gaze to include the discursive, political, economic, and other dimensions of lived experiences, human service practitioners and... more
By Janet Newbury
Taos Institute Publications, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-938552-04-5

Description: By widening our gaze to include the discursive, political, economic, and other dimensions of lived experiences, human service practitioners and policy makers can engage in practices that prioritize the well-being of all community members, recognizing social justice as central to this development. How might we expand understandings of what it can mean to engage meaningfully with children, youth, and families and the systems designed to support them?

In the pursuit of more just ways of being, deliberately paying attention to multiple stories can contribute to shifts in practice and policy that are responsive rather than prescriptive. Drawing from existing empirical research as well as personal narratives shared by community members and policy makers , this book argues that by blurring the lines between self and other, contextualizing practices, understanding change as ontological, reconceptualizing power, and recognizing justice as an ongoing and shared responsibility, we might collectively access and mobilize fruitful possibilities that are often obscured.
By John Shotter Taos Institute Publications, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-9848656-3-5 Description: In our everyday talk, we use a relatively small number of words in countless different situations in countless different ways without our continually... more
By John Shotter
Taos Institute Publications, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-9848656-3-5

Description: In our everyday talk, we use a relatively small number of words in countless different situations in countless different ways without our continually confusing one another. How there can be so many different uses for the same word, perhaps, should surprise us. But it doesn’t. We seem to take it for granted that when we open our mouths to talk, we will – if not immediately, then sooner or later – understand each other. Wittgenstein’s work is of pivotal importance to us in our psychological inquiries, simply because he raises the questions for us: (1) what it is in our everyday practices – the nature of our prior involvements with the others around us and the nature of our currently shared circumstances – that makes it possible for us to use our words in such an untroubled way; and (2) whether, in our more scientific investigations in academic psychology, these conditions are, or can still, be met? In its short life, certain chapter-heading words – words like intelligence, personality, motivation, learning, perception, attitude, behaviour, and so on – words which prior to the 20th century advent of a professionalized psychology functioned to pick out one or another facet within a similarly sensed circumstance, have been seized upon and each ‘made to name’, so to speak, a separate object of study. About this practice, Wittgenstein (1980) remarks: “Why shouldn’t I apply words in ways that conflict with their original [everyday] usage? … In a scientific perspective a new use is justified by a theory. And if this theory is false, the new extended use has to be given up” (p.44) – but, of course, if we look into academic psychology at the theories (i.e., opinions) surrounding, say, the notion of intelligence, it is not so much that we find any clearly false theories, we simply find a still radically unsettled field of possible features of human behaviour being picked out as characterizing what intelligence is. In the meantime, however, the word ‘intelligence’, like all its other chapter-heading companions, has gone out into our everyday world as a ‘something’, an objective entity within people, that determines (causes) their behaviour. This, in my estimation, is a very dangerous distortion of the everyday understandings we can have of each other, and in terms of which we can feel free to conduct our own lives. This is why Wittgenstein’s work is of such crucial importance to us.
Ethical Ways of Being
by Dirk Kotze, Johan Myburg, Johann Roux, and Associates
Taos Institute Publications, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-9848656-5-9
Therapeutic Realities: Collaboration, Oppression and Relational Flow by Kenneth J. Gergen Taos Institute Publications, 2005 ISBN: 978-1-938552-83-0 Description: Social constructionist thought transforms psychotherapy, opening new... more
Therapeutic Realities: Collaboration, Oppression and Relational Flow
by Kenneth J. Gergen

Taos Institute Publications, 2005

ISBN: 978-1-938552-83-0

Social constructionist thought transforms psychotherapy, opening new vistas in understanding and practice. This work provides a brief introduction to social construction, and then illuminates the landscape of change. Special emphasis is given to topics of therapeutic communication, narrative, and therapeutic practices both traditional and contemporary. Critical chapters focus on the oppression of psychodiagnostic categories and the neuro/biological and pharmaceutical investments that support them. Additional chapters provide a range of insights into the poetics of therapy, collaborative practices with clients, and the broader flow of relationships in which therapy takes place. Lively discussions with therapy doyens, Mony Elkaim and Michael Hoyt, conclude the work. This book contains Kenneth Gergen’s major contributions to therapeutic thought and practice. Earlier writings are updated and orchestrated, and original chapters added to reflect his most recent thinking on therapy as a process of collaborative construction.
Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka (Sinhala translation). Laurie L Charlés & Gameela Samarasinghe Taos Institute Publications, 2017 Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka This book describes the project undertaken in... more
Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka (Sinhala translation).
Laurie L Charlés & Gameela Samarasinghe
Taos Institute Publications, 2017

Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka

This book describes the project undertaken in post-war Sri Lanka. The objective of this project was to highlight and document how psychosocial project delivery in a post-conflict country incorporates relational understandings in its training of mental health workers. Technical assistance in humanitarian mental health contexts requires increased operational awareness to the political, social, and economic causes of suffering. It also demands sensitivity to the personal and cultural systems of meaning and structure that sustain those in distress during a humanitarian situation. Thus, this project focused on how psychosocial workers and staff at Family Rehabilitation Centre, an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Sri Lanka, utilize relational understandings of suffering in their psychosocial programming. This objective addresses peacebuilding efforts in transforming a country that had experienced 30 years of conflict, terminating in the end of the civil war in 2009.
Συνδεδεμένες Φαντασίες Γραφή και Γλώσσα στη Θεραπεία (Joined Imaginations: The Healing Potential of Writing and Language in Therapy). Peggy Penn Taos Institute Publications, 2019 Το παρόν βιβλίο «Συνδεδεμένες Φαντασίες» αποτελεί... more
Συνδεδεμένες Φαντασίες Γραφή και Γλώσσα στη Θεραπεία (Joined Imaginations: The Healing Potential of Writing and Language in Therapy). Peggy Penn
Taos Institute Publications, 2019

Το παρόν βιβλίο «Συνδεδεμένες Φαντασίες» αποτελεί περισσότερο μια συλλογή από προηγούμενα άρθρα ή κεφάλαια βιβλίων της Penn σε συλλογικούς τόμους καθιστώντας το παρόν βιβλίο ένα ολοκληρωμένο και συγκεντρωτικό έργο της εξέλιξης του ταξιδιού της στο χώρο του κοινωνικού κονστρουξιονισμού ενώ ταυτόχρονα παρέχουν όπως αναφέρει και η ίδια «..έναν αναστοχασμό για τη συνδετική κλωστή που υφαίνει όλα αυτά τα έργα μαζί ως μέρος μιας μεγαλύτερης ταπετσαρίας (σ. 13).

Αυτό το βιβλίο αναφέρεται με πολλούς τρόπους στην ποιητική διάσταση της θεραπείας. Το ερώτημα που θέτει ο Ken Gergen για το «με ποιον τρόπο μπορεί η θεραπεία, επηρεασμένη από τον κοινωνικό κονστρουξιονσμό, να αναστατώσει το συνηθισμένο, να διεγείρει τη φαντασία και να βελτιώσει την αίσθηση της αισθητικής;» (Θεραπευτικές πραγματικότητες, σελ. 274)
Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka (Tamil translation). Laurie L Charlés and Gameela Samarasinghe This book describes the project undertaken in post-war Sri Lanka. The objective of this project was to highlight and document... more
Psychosocial Innovation In Post-War Sri Lanka (Tamil translation). Laurie L Charlés and Gameela Samarasinghe

This book describes the project undertaken in post-war Sri Lanka. The objective of this project was to highlight and document how psychosocial project delivery in a post-conflict country incorporates relational understandings in its training of mental health workers. Technical assistance in humanitarian mental health contexts requires increased operational awareness to the political, social, and economic causes of suffering. It also demands sensitivity to the personal and cultural systems of meaning and structure that sustain those in distress during a humanitarian situation. Thus, this project focused on how psychosocial workers and staff at Family Rehabilitation Centre, an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Sri Lanka, utilize relational understandings of suffering in their psychosocial programming. This objective addresses peacebuilding efforts in transforming a country that had experienced 30 years of conflict, terminating in the end of the civil war in 2009.
Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue (Farsi translation). Ken J. Gergen and Mary Gergen Taos Institute Publications, 2014 Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue, has been translated into Farsi. Social constructionist ideas now... more
Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue (Farsi translation).
Ken J. Gergen and Mary Gergen
Taos Institute Publications, 2014

Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue, has been translated into Farsi. Social constructionist ideas now sweep across many fields of scholarship and practice in the U.S. and around the world. While many people find these ideas profoundly liberating and a major stimulus to creative reconstruction, others find them highly threatening. The present work takes the reader quickly to the heart of the matter, providing a concise and easily readable introduction to the central ideas in social construction. Along with a discussion of important theoretical innovations and controversies, there are treatments of significant developments in organizational change, education, psychotherapy, social research and conflict resolution.

Ken and Mary Gergen present an account of social constructionist thought that will enable students, colleagues and practitioners – as well as those who are simply curious – to gain a basic understanding and appreciation of the drama and constructionist ideas in action – in organizations, psychotherapy, education, conflict resolution, social research, and everyday life. The work is especially relevant to anyone wishing a basic grounding in constructionist ideas and practices from university students to seasoned professionals. This book outlines in an easy to read format, the underlying theory for the Taos Institute’s work and mission in the world.
Från påverkan till medverkan. Harlene Anderson and Harold A. Goolishian ISBN: 978-1-938552-32-8 Taos Institute Publications 2015 This book is a translation of five articles written by Harlene Anderson and Harry Goolishian, including... more
Från påverkan till medverkan.
Harlene Anderson and Harold A. Goolishian
ISBN: 978-1-938552-32-8
Taos Institute Publications 2015

This book is a translation of five articles written by Harlene Anderson and Harry Goolishian, including Problem Determined Systems: Towards Transformations in Family Therapy (1986) and, Human Systems as Linguistic Systems: Preliminary and Evolving Ideas about the Implications for Clinical Theory (1988).

The book was originally published by Mareld Publishing Company in Sweden in 1992 and since then it has been reprinted several times and seen as a classic in systemic training programs. The articles represented an epistemological shift in the field of family therapy and systemic thinking. Since then Anderson has expanded on these original works and has found the inherent assumptions useful for practices across disciplines, contexts and cultures. Recently the publishing rights were given back to Harlene Anderson as author and Kerstin Hopstadius as translator. The book was compiled and translated at a time close to when the original articles were published, so we are pleased to have these texts available on WorldShare.

The cover picture, named In The Beginning Was The Word is a copy of an acrylic painting of family therapist and artist Katarina Jansson, who gave permission to use it for the WorldShare issue of this book. Here are Katarina’s words about her picture:

Creating art concerns the same thing as what I do as a family therapist. Painting becomes a creative conversation between me, the paint, and the lines that emerge. The thing is not to have a pre-conceived idea of what it should look like, but be curious, searching, and sensitive to what happens when the paint and the lines are applied on the canvas. I used to paint non-figuratively, but I am moving towards more figurative painting. The painting started as a dialogue between the trees. During the working process, it provided me with the words for something I had carried within me for a long time.
Klaus G. Deissler und Sheila McNamee, Eds. Original publication: 2000 ISBN: 978-1-938552-17-5 Im Kontext der Frage, wie Psychotherapie – als Praxisform – und Philosophie – als Denkweise – miteinander verbunden sind, erweitern die in... more
Klaus G. Deissler und Sheila McNamee, Eds.

Original publication: 2000

ISBN: 978-1-938552-17-5

Im Kontext der Frage, wie Psychotherapie – als Praxisform – und Philosophie – als Denkweise – miteinander verbunden sind, erweitern die in diesem Band enthaltenen Autoren die menschliche Kommunikation auf das Thema der Sozialpoetik. Sozialpoetik entsteht, sobald sich zwei oder mehr Menschen begegnen und miteinander kommunizieren. In solchen Momenten geht jeder Teilnehmer anders aus dem Gespräch hervor, als er es betreten hat.

Gespräche sind von zentraler Bedeutung für die Generierung unserer sozialen Realitäten. In Gesprächen können wir unsere Welten verstehen, interpretieren und Möglichkeiten neuer Zukünfte eröffnen. Das ist Sozialpoetik. Die Auswahl in diesem Band bietet viele praktische Beispiele sozialer Poetik in therapeutischen Kontexten.
Magien i organisationer. Mette Vinther Larsen ISBN 978-1-938552-63-2 Taos Institute Publication, 2018 Magien i organisationer inviterer dig til at se på dit arbejdsliv med nye og nysgerrige øjne. Bogen giver dig mulighed for at... more
Magien i organisationer. Mette Vinther Larsen
ISBN 978-1-938552-63-2
Taos Institute Publication, 2018

Magien i organisationer inviterer dig til at se på dit arbejdsliv med nye og nysgerrige øjne. Bogen giver dig mulighed for at reflektere over velkendte organisatoriske, strategiske og ledelsesmæssige udfordringer ud fra et perspektiv, der åbner op for den magi, organisatorisk liv rummer. Dette perspektiv understreger signifikansen af at forblive udforskende og kontinuerligt søge efter nye veje, når hverdagens opgaver løses. Magien i organisationer minder os om vores allestedsnærværende mulighed for at skabe et udviklende og frisættende arbejdsliv, når vi tør udforske det ukendte.

I bogen vil du møde Charlie Marsk, der er arbejdsmiljøkonsulent ved Arbejdstilsynet i England. Bogen beskriver, hvordan Charlies arbejdsdag udfolder sig. Netop denne dag skal Charlie føre tilsyn på den lokale chokoladefabrik; Den Gyldne Karamel. Ledelsen på Den Gyldne Karamel er meget optaget af en strategiproces, de har arbejdet med gennem længere tid og netop den dag, Charlie besøger chokoladefabrikken, skal strategien præsenteres for hele organisationen.

Som historien udfolder sig bliver Charlie viklet ind i mane forskellige aktiviteter og han deltager i mange forskellige samtaler med Peter Pekan, der er CEO på Den Gyldne Karamel samt andre medarbejdere og ledere på chokoladefrabrikken som eksempelvis Hr. Macaroon og Frøken Pebermynte. Da Charlie, sidst på dagen tager hjem, gør han det som en forandret mand. Men det er uvist, hvordan og hvad hans næste handling kommer til at være.

De begivenheder Charlie oplever kan ved første øjekast godt synes besynderlige og langt fra hverdagen i en dansk organisation. Men, når du ser ud over de imaginære og eventyrlige aspekter af historien, så kommer der ikke desto mindre mere velkendte organisatoriske, strategiske og ledelsesmæssige udfordringer frem. De kommer dog ikke frem af sig selv. Du skal arbejde lidt for det. Historien begynder nemlig først at tage form, få farve og udvikle smag, når du blander dem med dine erfaringer.

Jeg håber, at du vil nyde denne lille bog og forholde nogle af tankerne til dit organisatoriske liv på måde, hvor magien får lov til at udspile sig og tryllebinde dig og dem omkring dig.
La Terapia Multi–Being Una Prospettiva Relazionale In Psicoterapia. Diego Romaioli La terapia Multi-Being. Una prospettiva relazionale in psicoterapia. Ovvero come riunire finezza epistemologica, innovazione metodologica e grazia... more
La Terapia Multi–Being Una Prospettiva Relazionale In Psicoterapia.
Diego Romaioli

La terapia Multi-Being. Una prospettiva relazionale in psicoterapia. Ovvero come riunire finezza epistemologica, innovazione metodologica e grazia espositiva, riuscendo inoltre a far convergere con armonia le pratiche proprie delle psicoterapie dialogiche (Hermans), narrative (White), strategiche (Watzlawick) e orientate alla soluzione (de Shazer).

Gli autori che echeggiano nel testo sono numerosi e autorevoli. Da George H. Mead ad Alessandro Salvini, da Ludwig Wittgenstein a Michel Foucault, da William James a Gregory Bateson, da Mikhail Bakhtin a Rom Harré, da Fedor Dostoevskij a Luigi Pirandello (e potremmo continuare): i contributi dei maggiori protagonisti del pensiero post-moderno e post-strutturalista sono presenti al gran completo, nessuno viene dimenticato.

Lo scritto di Diego Romaioli si presenta, dal primo momento, come un ricco ventaglio di spunti per chi si occupa di psicoterapia, ma anche per altri operatori del cambiamento interessati ad approfondire le implicazioni della prospettiva relazionale nell’ambito della psicologia clinica e sociale.

Il contributo apre con una posizione di sfida rispetto alle tradizioni fondate sul cosiddetto ‘modello medico’: addomesticando questioni complesse, l’autore individua più di una criticità riguardante tale approccio, illustrando le diverse e spesso infelici conseguenze che il suo uso induce a realizzare. Tuttavia, una critica a tutto campo – per quanto impeccabile – difficilmente basta a se stessa. Molto spesso rimane un’alternativa fra le tante, meritevole di un successo di nicchia e faticosamente in grado di produrre alcunché di nuovo. Queste pagine hanno invece il pregio di essere una proposta, veemente e ponderata, sin dalle prime battute.

Sono infatti considerate le principali declinazioni operative che l’autore deriva dal serbatoio del costruzionismo sociale americano, ma anche dal più vicino interazionismo italiano. La dicotomia teoria/pratica si mostra un’antinomia di facciata, un artefatto della ragione che, se può risultare euristica in certi casi, può essere fuorviante quando gli esperti della psiche ne tracciano i contorni netti, immemori della loro opera di scissione. In altre parole, La terapia Multi-Being assume una valenza assai “pratica” laddove si mostra come dissertazione teorica e muove alla riflessione quando propone quei dispositivi “pratici” che solitamente vengono annoverati come tecniche e protocolli dagli studiosi. Ne sarebbe lieto Gregory Bateson che, verosimilmente, avrebbe accolto questo libro con entusiasmo, forte del suo monito secondo il quale non vi è niente di più pratico di una buona teoria.

I primi tre capitoli sono un trampolino di lancio per poter iniziare a condividere le premesse su cui si fondano le promettenti opzioni terapeutiche che seguono nel capitolo IV. Lo stile, insieme meticoloso e brillante, rende agevole la lettura anche a chi muove i primi passi, deciso ad osservare il mondo delle psicoterapie con nuovi occhi, ma è soprattutto il lettore specializzato e avvezzo a questo argomento che ne può cogliere e apprezzare le principali evoluzioni.

Facendo un passo indietro, già nella prefazione, Kenneth J. Gergen incuriosisce il lettore anticipando la svolta radicale rispetto alla “logica delle essenze”, all’ottica individualista – e al pensiero disgiuntivo, potremmo aggiungere – che pervade parte delle correnti più in voga fra psicologi e psichiatri. Romaioli è infatti abile nel rilanciare con la teoria dell’identità relazionale e col concetto di ‘multi-being’: letteralmente ‘esseri multipli’, quali saremmo in quanto animati da più voci che non sempre vivono in reciproca armonia.

L’autore, ancora insoddisfatto, ricorda a più riprese che anche tale costrutto è partorito da una coordinazione umana di origine sociale. È una nostra – riteniamo utile – invenzione, la supposizione che il disagio umano sia un prodotto degli intrecci di relazioni che abitiamo. È tuttavia un’invenzione costruzionista che riflette sui propri presupposti conoscitivi, una concettualizzazione che invita al dialogo esponendo le valide implicazioni pragmatiche di tale posizione. Implicazioni, per alcuni, preferibili a quelle dell’agire terapeutico tradizionale perché maggiormente euristiche da un punto di vista operativo, ma anche epistemologico e culturale. Immersi ne La terapia Multi-Being, l’autore ci mostrerà il come e il perché.

Nella seconda parte, quella più “pratica” dicevamo, vengono proposte molte tattiche note e meno note, alcune rivisitate, altre di fresco conio, le quali (lungi dal costituire un banale ricettario di formule) vengono introdotte come suscettibili del personale contributo del lettore. Questi, trovandosi alla ricerca di nuovi espedienti per interagire con la polivocità dell’altro, in un certo senso avrà la chance di partecipare a un dialogo con l’autore.

La prassi viene inquadrata secondo diversi livelli: quello dell’azione, della narrazione e della relazione. In questo modo la proposta di Romaioli si rende ancor più fruibile da esperti di diversa estrazione, aumentandone le opzioni di intervento professionale.

Il capitolo VI è infine la degna conclusione di un percorso che può destare giustificate ma anche scomode euforie: i rischi di una nuova reificazione sono seducenti e sempre dietro l’angolo e le annotazioni finali dell’autore aumentano ulteriormente la caratura dell’opera.

Qualcuno potrebbe essere interessato a intraprendere la via impervia di quel relativismo particolare, che relativizza l’assoluto e assolutizza il relativo. In cerca di mappe adeguate, possiamo dedicarci a questa coinvolgente lettura: giunto alla fine, il futuro lettore converrà che ne è indiscutibilmente valsa la pena.

Dr. Marco Giacalone
in Scienze dell’Interazione, 1/2014

ISBN: 978-1-938552-08-3
Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue by Kenneth J. Gergen, PhD and Mary Gergen, PhD. ISBN: 978-1-938552-59-5 مفهوم البناء الإجتماعي مدخل إلى الحوار يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى تقديم مقدمة موجزة وإلقاء نظرة عامّة على مفهوم التحقيقات... more
Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue by Kenneth J. Gergen, PhD and Mary Gergen, PhD.
ISBN: 978-1-938552-59-5

مفهوم البناء الإجتماعي
مدخل إلى الحوار

يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى تقديم مقدمة موجزة وإلقاء نظرة عامّة على مفهوم التحقيقات التقديرية المتنامي وممارساته المختلفة. وفي حين أنّ الكتب المؤلّفة حول مفهوم التحقيقات التقيديرية تنتشر بسرعة من خلال النصوص والكتيبات والدراسات، يشعر المؤلّفان د. باريث وفراي بوجود دعوة قوية إلى القيام بعملية “قراءة سريعة” من شأنها مساعدة عناصر التغيير أو القادة في تحديد ما إذا كانوا مهتمين بمعرفة المزيد حول هذا المجال الّذي يشهد اليوم توسّعًا وإنتشارًا سريعًا من حيث النظريات والممارسات. ففي حال كنتم مهتمين بتنفيذ عملية التغيير السريع والإيجابي مع أصحاب المصالح ذات الصلة ضمن نظام إنساني هام بالنسبة إليكم، يجدر بكم قراءة هذا الكتاب!

تشكّل المنهجيات الّتي تمّ تطوير مفهوم التحقيقات التقديرية وفقًا لها إحدى الأدوات لعيش حياة الفرد وذلك، بصفة قائد، أو أحد الوالدين، أو زميل، أو شريك، أو أحد عناصر التغيير، أو أحد قادة الفرق، أو مدير مشروع، أو معلّم، أو ربّ عمل أو موظّف… لا بل أكثر من ذلك، إنّها وسائل منشّطة تهدف إلى التقرّب من الفرد والفريق والمؤسسة والمجتمع بشكلٍ عام، وإلى تحقيق عمليّة تجدّد وتحوّل عالميّة. فقد قام المؤلّفان بكتابة هذا الكتاب من خلال الأحاديق والحوارات ومشاركة الخبرات ذات الصلة بمفهوم التحقيقات التقديرية بينهما، فيشر بذلك القارئ وكأنّه حاضر في ورشة العمل ذات الصلة أو الحلقات الدراسية أو الأنظمة الّتي قاما بتطبيق نهج التغيير هذا فيها. ففي الواقع، يشعر فرانك ورون بالشغف حيال المفهوم هذا وتطبيق مبادئه بهدف تحقيق التغيير والتحول المؤسسي. كما وأنّ الكاتبين يأملان أن يشكّل الكتاب هذا مصدرًا أساسيًّا في ما يتعلّق برحلة الإكتشاف وإكتساب المعارف ذات الصلة بمفهوم التحقيقات التقديرية.
Appreciative Inquiry: Positive Approaches to Building Cooperative Capacity by Frank J. Barrett, PhD and Ronald E. Fry, PhD ISBN: 978-1-938552-71-7 مفهوم التحقيقات التقديريّة إعتماد نهج إيجابي في بناء القدرات التعاونيّة تقوم الأفكار ذات... more
Appreciative Inquiry: Positive Approaches to Building Cooperative Capacity by Frank J. Barrett, PhD and Ronald E. Fry, PhD
ISBN: 978-1-938552-71-7

مفهوم التحقيقات التقديريّة
إعتماد نهج إيجابي في بناء القدرات التعاونيّة

تقوم الأفكار ذات الصلة بالبناء المجتمعي اليوم بإكتساح عدد من المجالات المتعلّقة بالمنح الدراسية والممارسات ذات الصلة في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية. ففي حين أنّ الكثير من الأفراد يجدون أنّ الأفكار الآنف ذكرها ما هي إلّا أفكار تحرّرية ومحفّزة على عمليّة البناء المجتمعي، يجد البعض الآخر أنّ الأفكار هذه تشكّل تهديدًا بالنسبة إليهم. يقوم هذا الكتاب بإلقاء الضوء على صلب الموضوع من خلال عرض مقدّمة موجزة وسهلة للقراءة حول الأفكار الأساسية الّتي يقوم مفهوم البناء المجتمعي عليها. وبالإضافة إلى مناقشة الإبتكارات النظريّة الهامّة والمشائل ذات الصلة المثيرة للجدل، يقوم هذا الكتاب بتقديم معالجة لأبرز التطورات ذات الصلة بالتغيير المؤسسي، والتعليم، والعلاج النفسي، والأبحاث الاجتماعية، وحلّ النزاعات، من بين أمورٍ أخرى.

ويقدّم كلّ من كين وماري جيرغين نظرة على الفكر ذات الصلة بالبناء المجتمعي، وسيمكّن ما تقدّم الطلبة، والزملاء والممارسين في هذا المجال، بالإضافة إلى المهتمّين به، من إكتساب فهم الأفكار البنائية والدرامية ذات الصلة بالمفهوم هذا وذلك في إطار المؤسسات والعلاج النفسي والتعليم وحل النزاعات والأبحاث الاجتماعية والحياة اليومية بشكلٍ عام. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يكتسب هذا الكتاب أهمّية خاصة لدى أي شخص يرغب بإرساء الأسس ذات الصلة بمفهوم البناء المجتمعي وممارساته، أي لدى طلاب الجامعات والممارسين على حدّ السواء. أخيرًا، تمّ تأليف هذا الكتاب بشكلٍ مبسّط، أي بحسب نظرية معهد تاوس ومهمّته العالمية.
Mapping Dialogue: Essential Tools for Social Change by Marianne Mille Bojer, Heiko Roehl, Marianne Knuth, and Colleen Magner. ISBN: 978-1-938552-58-8 عمليّة التخطيط لإقامة الحوارات الأدوات الأساسيّة لعمليّة التغيير الإجتماعي في عالم من... more
Mapping Dialogue: Essential Tools for Social Change by Marianne Mille Bojer, Heiko Roehl, Marianne Knuth, and Colleen Magner.
ISBN: 978-1-938552-58-8

عمليّة التخطيط لإقامة الحوارات
الأدوات الأساسيّة لعمليّة التغيير الإجتماعي

في عالم من التعقيد المتزايد، لا تتمتّع الإجابات المقدّمة سوى بحياة قصيرة ويشعر الأفراد برغبة متزايدة بحلّ مشاكلهم الخاصّة. لذلك، يتوقف التغيير الاجتماعي المستدام على العمليّة الحوارية الناجحة. وفي هذا الإطار، يقدّم هذا الكتاب نظرة معمّقة على الأدوات الحويارية التغييرية والعمليّات ذات الصلة بالتغيير الاجتماعي. في الواقع، يقوم هذا الكتاب بوصف دقيق لعشرة أدوات حوارية ووصف موجز لخمسة عشرة آداة حوارية. وتشمل الأساليب والأدوات الّتي يقوم هذا الكتاب بإلقاء الضوء عليها مفاهيم الديمقراطية العميقة والمجالات التكنولوجية المتاحة وووضع السيناريوهات والمقهى العالمي والمدرسة الإسرائيلية الفلسطينية للسلام وغيرها من الأدوات، كما ويقوم هذا الكتاب بإلقاء الضوء على أسس العملية الحوارية العمليّة، وقاموس موجز يهدف إلى تمييز الحوار من أشكال المحادثات الأخرى وبعض الأفكار المستوحاة من المنهجيات الحوارية الإفريقية التقليدية.

ويقدم المؤلفون، وهم فريق دولي من ممارسي الحوار، مبادئ توجيهية لتقييم ما هي الأدوات التي يمكن استخدامها في حالة معيّنة على أساس خبرتهم، الأمر الّذي يجعل من هذا الكتاب مصدرًا فريدًا لا غنى عنه في مجال تحقيق التغيير الاجتماعي.
ISBN: 978-986-490-029-9 正向老化—樂齡族的新願景 瑪麗格根、肯尼斯格根、劉素芬 著 世界人口老化,臺灣也不例外。臺灣於2017年通過「長期照顧服務法」, 對高齡者的安養與照顧提供保障;然而,人們將老化等同退化或疾病化的傳統 觀點是有待修正的。這是一本提倡正向老化概念的書,我們希望社會大眾對自 己或他人的老化過程或狀態能持有積極的看法與做法。 這本書的內容主要來自「正向老化電子報」,並適當補充臺灣的在地資料... more
ISBN: 978-986-490-029-9

瑪麗格根、肯尼斯格根、劉素芬 著

Positive Aging:A New Vision for Senior Citizens
by Mary M. Gergen, Kenneth, J. Gergen, and Su-fen Liu
The global population is aging, and Taiwan is no exception. Although the Long-Term Care Service Act was passed in 2017, which assures the Taiwan government’s provision of care to the elderly, the idea of equating aging with deterioration and medicalization needs to be modified. This book thus promotes the concept of positive
aging, with the hope that the public can construct an active perception of self or others’ aging process and status.The content of this book is adopted mainly from Positive Aging Newsletter with a few articles written based on Taiwan’s aging situation. The book is composed of 9 chapters, with each containing summaries of real case findings published in research journals, magazine articles, and news releases. By presenting the positive side of aging, it is hoped that more people can shatter the stereotype of aging and explore more possibilities to embrace the diversity and rigor of later life and to allow the zeal to flourish and continue until the end of life. The purpose of publishing this book is not for making profits from sales, but rather to promote the concept of positive aging, with the goal for people to look forward to and enjoy their later years of life. It is also hoped that this book is used to raise funds to set up the “Positive Aging Research and Extension Center (PAREC)” at National Pingtung University. If you agree to the idea of positive aging, welcome to make a donation. For the donation form or free download of this book, please e-mail a request to Dr. Su-fen Liu at or go to .
後現代教育與發展 吳熙琄 這本論文集是由14位來自台灣和中國主要是教授所撰寫的報告論文集。 書的主軸在反思台灣和中國的後現代教育如何演化和實踐。 這本書多元的主題包括後現代教育領導, 後現代教育行政, 後現代教育評估, 後現代教育哲學觀,後現代教育心理, 後現代心理治療, 以及後現代校園建築設計等。 這本書的出版是希望讀者有機會去探索後現代教育的可能性,及提供台灣和中國對教育做檢視和反思。這本書是由開平基金會和開平餐飲學校的創辦人夏惠汶校長所 支持和贊助。... more
後現代教育與發展 吳熙琄

這本論文集是由14位來自台灣和中國主要是教授所撰寫的報告論文集。 書的主軸在反思台灣和中國的後現代教育如何演化和實踐。 這本書多元的主題包括後現代教育領導, 後現代教育行政, 後現代教育評估, 後現代教育哲學觀,後現代教育心理, 後現代心理治療, 以及後現代校園建築設計等。 這本書的出版是希望讀者有機會去探索後現代教育的可能性,及提供台灣和中國對教育做檢視和反思。這本書是由開平基金會和開平餐飲學校的創辦人夏惠汶校長所 支持和贊助。

Postmodern Education and Development
by Shi-Jiuan Wu

Postmodern Education and Development by Shi-Jiuan Wu This book is a collection of papers from 14 authors, primarily professors, from Taiwan and China. The major theme of the book is how postmodern education has evolved and practiced in both Taiwan and China. The topics include leadership, administration, evaluation, philosophy, educational psychology, psychotherapy, and campus design aspects of postmodern education. The purpose of this collection is for readers to have the opportunities to explore what might be possible for postmodern education, and why postmodern education might play a critical role in the education field of both contemporary Taiwan and China. This project was supported and sponsored by Principal Whei-Wun Hsia of Kai-Pin Culinary School. Principal Hsia is the Founder of Kai-Pin Foundation in Taipei, Taiwan.
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999) Esperada... more
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman

Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar

Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999)

Esperada há muito tempo, bem vinda seja a versão pública e informatizada dessa obra: Novos Paradigmas em Mediação! A espera valeu à pena.Aguardada uma 2ª edição impressa, sua aparição pública em formato de e-booknos surpreendeu positivamente por possibilitaro acesso amplo e irrestrito ao seu conteúdo para leitores de língua portuguesa, e por inaugurar uma coletânea de livros nesse idioma no acervo do WorldShare Books – Taos Institute.

Desde seu lançamento, esse livro tem sido adotado na maioria dos cursos de formação de mediadores por concentrar diferentes abordagens construcionistas sociais, sistêmicas e generativas à mediação.Apesar de transcorridos 15 anos da 1ª edição, os textos continuam atualizados pela sua contribuição ao propósito transformativo da Mediação.

Como bem descrito na contracapa desse livro, os capítulos tratam de diversos programas de mediação em diferentes partes do mundo que utilizam tais abordagens com êxito. É uma espécie de “conversa” interdisciplinar sobre questões conceituais e pragmáticas, tratando do diálogo, da reflexão, da narrativa e de outras formas criativas de comunicação e questionamento para a resolução de conflitos. Tal discussão permitirá que os leitores repensem antigas suposições e práticas.

Este livro será útil para profissionais, estudantes e especialistas não só em medição e outras formas de resolução alternativa e adequada de disputas (RAD), mas também para qualquer pessoa interessada em comunicação, psicologia, sociologia, assistência social, administração, direito, organização comunitária e cultura de modo geral.
Junho de 2014

Vania Curi Yazbek, Equipe Justiça em Círculo do Mediativa – Instituto de Mediação Transformativa, Junho de 2014.

Recebi com alegria a notícia da publicação em ebook de Novos Paradigmas em Mediação. Recebi honrada o convite para oferecer um comentário para a edição digital deste livro que tenho como ícone da visão construcionista sistêmica sobre resolução de controvérsias.

Após quinze anos da primeira edição, esgotada desde então, nossos alunos em Medição, assim como todo aquele que tem no diálogo uma ferramenta de negociação de diferenças e de entendimento – seja como dialogante, seja como facilitador poderão ter acesso a essa obra que, além de reunir tantos e tão significativos autores,compila textos que se mantêm contemporâneos.

Novos Paradigmas em Mediação é uma obra que transita pelas perspectivas gerais do diálogo transformador, passa por habilidades e contextos práticos da autocomposição pautada na transformação da relação conflitiva e no consenso, e incorpora reflexões sobre novos norteadores de educação e treinamento no tema.

O diálogo, a reflexão e a narrativa não ficam restritos a modelos de trabalho, mas sim a princípios, possibilitando que distintas naturezas de prática possam ser revisitadas e revistas, desde a perspectiva da construção social das pessoas, dos contextos e dos conflitos, dentro de um cenário sistêmico.

Parabéns à Dora Fried Schnitman e a Stephen Littejohn por reunirem em uma mesma obra tão importantes ideias e autores. Parabéns ao Taos Institute por inclui-la em seu acervo de Worldshare books, viabilizando o acesso de todos a essa compilação novoparadigmática.

Tania Almeida, Mestre em Mediação de Conflitos. Diretora do Mediare. Eterna aprendiz da interlocução com Dora e Stephen.
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999) Esperada... more
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman

Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar

Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999)

Esperada há muito tempo, bem vinda seja a versão pública e informatizada dessa obra: Novos Paradigmas em Mediação! A espera valeu à pena.Aguardada uma 2ª edição impressa, sua aparição pública em formato de e-booknos surpreendeu positivamente por possibilitaro acesso amplo e irrestrito ao seu conteúdo para leitores de língua portuguesa, e por inaugurar uma coletânea de livros nesse idioma no acervo do WorldShare Books – Taos Institute.

Desde seu lançamento, esse livro tem sido adotado na maioria dos cursos de formação de mediadores por concentrar diferentes abordagens construcionistas sociais, sistêmicas e generativas à mediação.Apesar de transcorridos 15 anos da 1ª edição, os textos continuam atualizados pela sua contribuição ao propósito transformativo da Mediação.

Como bem descrito na contracapa desse livro, os capítulos tratam de diversos programas de mediação em diferentes partes do mundo que utilizam tais abordagens com êxito. É uma espécie de “conversa” interdisciplinar sobre questões conceituais e pragmáticas, tratando do diálogo, da reflexão, da narrativa e de outras formas criativas de comunicação e questionamento para a resolução de conflitos. Tal discussão permitirá que os leitores repensem antigas suposições e práticas.

Este livro será útil para profissionais, estudantes e especialistas não só em medição e outras formas de resolução alternativa e adequada de disputas (RAD), mas também para qualquer pessoa interessada em comunicação, psicologia, sociologia, assistência social, administração, direito, organização comunitária e cultura de modo geral.
Junho de 2014

Vania Curi Yazbek, Equipe Justiça em Círculo do Mediativa – Instituto de Mediação Transformativa, Junho de 2014.

Recebi com alegria a notícia da publicação em ebook de Novos Paradigmas em Mediação. Recebi honrada o convite para oferecer um comentário para a edição digital deste livro que tenho como ícone da visão construcionista sistêmica sobre resolução de controvérsias.

Após quinze anos da primeira edição, esgotada desde então, nossos alunos em Medição, assim como todo aquele que tem no diálogo uma ferramenta de negociação de diferenças e de entendimento – seja como dialogante, seja como facilitador poderão ter acesso a essa obra que, além de reunir tantos e tão significativos autores,compila textos que se mantêm contemporâneos.

Novos Paradigmas em Mediação é uma obra que transita pelas perspectivas gerais do diálogo transformador, passa por habilidades e contextos práticos da autocomposição pautada na transformação da relação conflitiva e no consenso, e incorpora reflexões sobre novos norteadores de educação e treinamento no tema.

O diálogo, a reflexão e a narrativa não ficam restritos a modelos de trabalho, mas sim a princípios, possibilitando que distintas naturezas de prática possam ser revisitadas e revistas, desde a perspectiva da construção social das pessoas, dos contextos e dos conflitos, dentro de um cenário sistêmico.

Parabéns à Dora Fried Schnitman e a Stephen Littejohn por reunirem em uma mesma obra tão importantes ideias e autores. Parabéns ao Taos Institute por inclui-la em seu acervo de Worldshare books, viabilizando o acesso de todos a essa compilação novoparadigmática.

Tania Almeida, Mestre em Mediação de Conflitos. Diretora do Mediare. Eterna aprendiz da interlocução com Dora e Stephen.
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999) Esperada... more
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade. Dora Fried Schnitman

Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar

Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999)

Esperada há muito tempo, bem vinda seja a versão pública e informatizada dessa obra: Novos Paradigmas em Mediação! A espera valeu à pena.Aguardada uma 2ª edição impressa, sua aparição pública em formato de e-booknos surpreendeu positivamente por possibilitaro acesso amplo e irrestrito ao seu conteúdo para leitores de língua portuguesa, e por inaugurar uma coletânea de livros nesse idioma no acervo do WorldShare Books – Taos Institute.

Desde seu lançamento, esse livro tem sido adotado na maioria dos cursos de formação de mediadores por concentrar diferentes abordagens construcionistas sociais, sistêmicas e generativas à mediação.Apesar de transcorridos 15 anos da 1ª edição, os textos continuam atualizados pela sua contribuição ao propósito transformativo da Mediação.

Como bem descrito na contracapa desse livro, os capítulos tratam de diversos programas de mediação em diferentes partes do mundo que utilizam tais abordagens com êxito. É uma espécie de “conversa” interdisciplinar sobre questões conceituais e pragmáticas, tratando do diálogo, da reflexão, da narrativa e de outras formas criativas de comunicação e questionamento para a resolução de conflitos. Tal discussão permitirá que os leitores repensem antigas suposições e práticas.

Este livro será útil para profissionais, estudantes e especialistas não só em medição e outras formas de resolução alternativa e adequada de disputas (RAD), mas também para qualquer pessoa interessada em comunicação, psicologia, sociologia, assistência social, administração, direito, organização comunitária e cultura de modo geral.
Junho de 2014

Vania Curi Yazbek, Equipe Justiça em Círculo do Mediativa – Instituto de Mediação Transformativa, Junho de 2014.

Recebi com alegria a notícia da publicação em ebook de Novos Paradigmas em Mediação. Recebi honrada o convite para oferecer um comentário para a edição digital deste livro que tenho como ícone da visão construcionista sistêmica sobre resolução de controvérsias.

Após quinze anos da primeira edição, esgotada desde então, nossos alunos em Medição, assim como todo aquele que tem no diálogo uma ferramenta de negociação de diferenças e de entendimento – seja como dialogante, seja como facilitador poderão ter acesso a essa obra que, além de reunir tantos e tão significativos autores,compila textos que se mantêm contemporâneos.

Novos Paradigmas em Mediação é uma obra que transita pelas perspectivas gerais do diálogo transformador, passa por habilidades e contextos práticos da autocomposição pautada na transformação da relação conflitiva e no consenso, e incorpora reflexões sobre novos norteadores de educação e treinamento no tema.

O diálogo, a reflexão e a narrativa não ficam restritos a modelos de trabalho, mas sim a princípios, possibilitando que distintas naturezas de prática possam ser revisitadas e revistas, desde a perspectiva da construção social das pessoas, dos contextos e dos conflitos, dentro de um cenário sistêmico.

Parabéns à Dora Fried Schnitman e a Stephen Littejohn por reunirem em uma mesma obra tão importantes ideias e autores. Parabéns ao Taos Institute por inclui-la em seu acervo de Worldshare books, viabilizando o acesso de todos a essa compilação novoparadigmática.

Tania Almeida, Mestre em Mediação de Conflitos. Diretora do Mediare. Eterna aprendiz da interlocução com Dora e Stephen.
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade by Dora Fried Schnitman Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar. Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999)... more
Novos Paradigmas, Cultura e Subjetividade
by Dora Fried Schnitman

Este livro tem 4 seções para baixar.

Apresentação da edição em e book Novos Paraigmas em Mediação organizada por Dora Fried Schnitman e Stephen Littlejohn (1999)

Esperada há muito tempo, bem vinda seja a versão pública e informatizada dessa obra: Novos Paradigmas em Mediação! A espera valeu à pena.Aguardada uma 2ª edição impressa, sua aparição pública em formato de e-booknos surpreendeu positivamente por possibilitaro acesso amplo e irrestrito ao seu conteúdo para leitores de língua portuguesa, e por inaugurar uma coletânea de livros nesse idioma no acervo do WorldShare Books – Taos Institute.

Desde seu lançamento, esse livro tem sido adotado na maioria dos cursos de formação de mediadores por concentrar diferentes abordagens construcionistas sociais, sistêmicas e generativas à mediação.Apesar de transcorridos 15 anos da 1ª edição, os textos continuam atualizados pela sua contribuição ao propósito transformativo da Mediação.

Como bem descrito na contracapa desse livro, os capítulos tratam de diversos programas de mediação em diferentes partes do mundo que utilizam tais abordagens com êxito. É uma espécie de “conversa” interdisciplinar sobre questões conceituais e pragmáticas, tratando do diálogo, da reflexão, da narrativa e de outras formas criativas de comunicação e questionamento para a resolução de conflitos. Tal discussão permitirá que os leitores repensem antigas suposições e práticas.

Este livro será útil para profissionais, estudantes e especialistas não só em medição e outras formas de resolução alternativa e adequada de disputas (RAD), mas também para qualquer pessoa interessada em comunicação, psicologia, sociologia, assistência social, administração, direito, organização comunitária e cultura de modo geral.
Junho de 2014

Vania Curi Yazbek, Equipe Justiça em Círculo do Mediativa – Instituto de Mediação Transformativa, Junho de 2014.

Recebi com alegria a notícia da publicação em ebook de Novos Paradigmas em Mediação. Recebi honrada o convite para oferecer um comentário para a edição digital deste livro que tenho como ícone da visão construcionista sistêmica sobre resolução de controvérsias.

Após quinze anos da primeira edição, esgotada desde então, nossos alunos em Medição, assim como todo aquele que tem no diálogo uma ferramenta de negociação de diferenças e de entendimento – seja como dialogante, seja como facilitador poderão ter acesso a essa obra que, além de reunir tantos e tão significativos autores,compila textos que se mantêm contemporâneos.

Novos Paradigmas em Mediação é uma obra que transita pelas perspectivas gerais do diálogo transformador, passa por habilidades e contextos práticos da autocomposição pautada na transformação da relação conflitiva e no consenso, e incorpora reflexões sobre novos norteadores de educação e treinamento no tema.

O diálogo, a reflexão e a narrativa não ficam restritos a modelos de trabalho, mas sim a princípios, possibilitando que distintas naturezas de prática possam ser revisitadas e revistas, desde a perspectiva da construção social das pessoas, dos contextos e dos conflitos, dentro de um cenário sistêmico.

Parabéns à Dora Fried Schnitman e a Stephen Littejohn por reunirem em uma mesma obra tão importantes ideias e autores. Parabéns ao Taos Institute por inclui-la em seu acervo de Worldshare books, viabilizando o acesso de todos a essa compilação novoparadigmática.

Tania Almeida, Mestre em Mediação de Conflitos. Diretora do Mediare. Eterna aprendiz da interlocução com Dora e Stephen.

And 40 more