“America’s top universities are now gigantic hedge funds with education as a sideline.” — MK

AN OPEN LETTER TO Jonathan Ben-Menachem

RE: Jewish ‘anti-Semites’ at Columbia




Thank you for your courageous outspokeness. But I fear you’re wasting your time and jeopardizing your life for no purpose. Ron Unz has published many articles demonstrating that American universities are gigantic hedge funds with education as a sideline. Their only purpose is enriching the administration and the boards of directors. They don’t care about ethical principles or academia. Please withdraw and don’t give them an excuse to persecute you.





Meanwhile, Harvard’s enormous endowment has continued to grow, recently exceeding $53 billion, an amount more than 40% larger than the 2015 figure we had emphasized. Whereas the university’s investment income had averaged about 25 times larger than its undergraduate tuition revenue during the years leading up to our campaign, last year’s figure was around 75 times larger. Back then, the combined endowments of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford exceeded $100 billion, while today the total is approaching $200 billion.

The absurdities of America’s tax-exempt, tuition-charging hedge-funds have grown steadily more extreme. But with so many powerful political figures and wealthy political donors eager to have Harvard and its top peers look favorably upon the applications of their family members or relatives, no changes in government policy seem likely in the foreseeable future.

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