Sorry, Tom Luongo, but are you really a STUNAD……

…because if you cannot even correctly define something so basic and so serious as a “genocide”, what the fuck are we doing reading anything you post!

Submitted by A GOLD GOATS ‘N GUNS fan
SOTN Exclusive

Here’s the relevant screenshot from your article titled: Israel, the Protests, and the Title VI Two-Step Part I

Tom, how can you be so fuckin’ stupid … … … when you’re the smartest guy on the block regarding so much other stuff—real important stuff.

Honestly, what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza IS NOT GENOCIDE?!?!?!

First the IDF bombs every major city in Gaza, now including Rafah, while slaughtering 35,000 innocent women and children, elderly and infirm.  Not to mention the 80,000 wounded many of whom have been crushed by blown up apartment buildings and other structures that happen to be in the way of countless Israeli bombs and missiles.

“At least 34,971 Palestinians have been killed and 78,641 injured in Israel’s military offensive in Gaza since October 7, Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry says in a statement.”
The Times of Israel

Tom, have you not read the numerous stories of how Israel is routinely killing aid workers?  And sabotaging food and medicine shipments for the starving and those in dire medical need?  How about those Gazans who have been stealthily killed in the process of getting the food supplies?

Have you not read about the hospitals that have been purposely bombed out, and or destroyed by other means, in order to significantly degrade all medical services in Gaza and especially the life-saving emergency response capabilities necessary for so many seriously wounded?

KEY POINT: And yet in the midst of this horrific mass murder, Israeli medical personnel were available to vaccinate Palestinians for COVID-19 with their extremely dangerous and deadly Covid jabs?

Let’s not forget about about the purposeful herding of 1.5 million Gazans into the open air prison known as Rafah.  Now, where do they go, Tom, while Rafah is under attack by the barbaric IDF? See: Israeli Jewish solider admits to beheading a Palestinian baby and killing 13 others

Tom, are you freakin’ nuts?  Are you that crazy (and cruel) that you would make such a stupid and provably wrong statement.  Or, are you just gonna continue to parse out your meaning of genocide as the insane intellectuals at the WEF always do?

You’re so right about all things having to do with the Davos crowd, and yet you are now talking just like them.

You know the old saying, bro, you become like that on which you dwell upon.

Here try again, Tom.  in your words:

“To that end not that I don’t use the fashionable word “genocide” here, because 40,000 out of 3 million is NOT a genocide. It’s awful, it’s barbaric, but it’s not genocide. Genocides are mechanistic, procedural. What’s happening in Gaza simply isn’t that.”[1]

Now put yourself and your family, if you have one, in Rafah right now … at this very moment.

“Bibi the Butcher” is ready to give the order any time to roll in with all the armor and tanks and fully armed and ammoed up soldiers necessary to wipe out every Palestinian in town. Oh, and by the way, “Nutcase Netanyahu” has already uttered often the Likud’s justification for this ongoing massacre of the indigenous people of Palestine. READ: The Dangerous History Behind Netanyahu’s Amalek Rhetoric.

Not only that, but we have seen that the Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich demands the ‘total destruction’ of all cities and refugee camps in Gaza.

Tom, is that not genocide.  And, if you and your family were living there right now—this very moment—would you not feel the genocidal heat?!?!?!

One last thing, Tom Luongo, since it seems you have deliberately chosen to bury your head in the sand concerning the most despicable Zionist scheme which was viciously perpetrated as a pretext to launch this egregious GENOCIDE, stunad!

VOLUMES OF EVIDENCE! The 10/7 ‘Terrorist Attack’ was clearly an Israeli False Flag Operation (A Long Planned And Transparently Staged False Flag Terrorist Operation Perpetrated By The MOSSAD And IDF Using Israel-Created Hamas As The Patsy In Order To Justify The Palestinian Genocide And Gaza Land Theft )

State of the Nation
May 17, 2024



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