Original Research
Pediatric Imaging
September 29, 2021

Utility of Hepatic 2D Shear-Wave Elastography in Monitoring Response to Image-Guided Intervention in Children With Chronic Budd-Chiari Syndrome: A Prospective Study


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BACKGROUND. Image-guided interventions for Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) reduce hepatic congestion, thereby reducing liver stiffness. Liver stiffness measurement (LSM) by means of ultrasound may provide a noninvasive marker for assessing treatment response.
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to assess, with attention to changes in LSMs in patients with disease recurrence, the utility of 2D shear-wave elastography (SWE) for monitoring response to image-guided intervention in children with BCS.
METHODS. This prospective study included children with chronic BCS and planned image-guided intervention. Color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) and 2D SWE were performed at baseline; 24 hours, 1 month, and 3 months after intervention; and every 3 months thereafter or when recurrence was clinically suspected. Eighteen children underwent liver biopsy at intervention for fibrosis staging according to the Metavir criteria. Disease recurrence was diagnosed with CDUS. Statistical evaluation was performed by means of nonparametric tests.
RESULTS. A total of 32 children (28 boys, four girls; mean age, 9 years; range, 3–14 years) were included. The median LSM at baseline was 43.7 (interquartile range [IQR], 33.0–65.4) kPa, at 24 hours was 22.5 (IQR, 16.8–32.0) kPa, at 1 month was 18.7 (IQR, 14.2–32.0) kPa, and at 3 months was 16.7 (IQR, 11.5–22.5) kPa (p = .001 for all postintervention time points vs baseline). Nine (28.1%) patients had a recurrence at a mean of 4 months after intervention. In one patient with recurrence, LSM was higher at 24 hours (52.3 kPa) than at baseline (44.2 kPa). In the other eight patients with recurrence, LSM was increased at recurrence compared with the prior postintervention LSM (median absolute increase, 11.0 [IQR, 6.1–24.4] kPa). Fibrosis stage was not significantly correlated with baseline LSM (r = 0.11 [95% CI, –0.37 to 0.54]; p = .51) or LSM 24 hours after intervention (r = 0.39 [95% CI, –0.11, 0.73]; p = .11).
CONCLUSION. LSMs decreased significantly after image-guided intervention for chronic BCS in children, exhibiting a maximal decrease 24 hours after intervention. Disease recurrence was typically associated with an increase in LSM compared with the patient's prior measurement.
CLINICAL IMPACT. LSM obtained with 2D SWE may serve as a useful quantitative adjunct to CDUS in monitoring children with chronic BCS for disease recurrence after percutaneous interventional treatment.


Key Finding
In children who underwent image-guided intervention for chronic BCS, median LSM was 43.7 kPa at baseline and 22.5, 18.7, and 16.7 kPa 24 hours, 1 month, and 3 months after intervention. In eight of nine patients with recurrence, LSM was increased compared with the measurement before recurrence.
LSM obtained by 2D SWE may provide a useful quantitative adjunct to CDUS in monitoring children with chronic BCS for disease recurrence after interventional treatment.
Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is an uncommon hepatic vascular disorder characterized by outflow obstruction of the major hepatic veins and/or inferior vena cava (IVC) that results in venous stasis, congestion, and portal hypertension and leads to cirrhosis if untreated [1]. The clinical presentation is nonspecific and includes abdominal pain, distention, hepatomegaly, failure to thrive, hematemesis, and prominent superficial abdominal veins [25]. BCS most commonly affects young adults [6], though a paucity of literature has explored BCS in children [7].
Percutaneous image-guided interventions are the established treatment of BCS and aim to restore hepatic venous outflow, thereby ameliorating symptoms, improving liver function, and halting disease progression [8]. A decrease in the hepatic venous pressure gradient, measured during image-guided intervention, serves as a reliable marker of successful intervention [9]. However, obtaining this additional intraprocedural measurement is cumbersome and prolongs interventions. Furthermore, the measurement is performed invasively and cannot be obtained during routine imaging follow-up. For that reason, periodic color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) is typically used to monitor the ongoing success of image-guided intervention [10]. However, CDUS evaluation can be limited by cardiac pulsations or the presence of an intravascular stent [11].
Liver stiffness has been used as an objective surrogate measure of liver congestion and fibrosis and can be measured with ultrasound-based techniques, such as 2D shear-wave elastography (SWE) and transient elastography, or with MR elastography [1215]. Two-dimensional SWE has an advantage over transient elastography in that it yields reliable values even in the presence of ascites, which is common in chronic BCS [16].
Increased liver stiffness in chronic BCS is reported to be due to the combination of liver congestion and fibrosis, as occurs in patients with chronic congestive heart failure, Fontan palliation, and venoocclusive disease [1720]. Restoring hepatic venous outflow by endovascular image-guided intervention should relieve hepatic congestion and therefore reduce liver stiffness. A study of adults with BCS [21] showed that, along with traditional CDUS, liver stiffness measurement (LSM) is useful for assessing the success of intervention. However, to our knowledge, this observation has not been studied in children. This study was aimed at assessing, with attention to changes in LSMs in patients with disease recurrence, the utility of 2D SWE for monitoring response to image-guided intervention in children with BCS.


Patient Population

This prospective single-center study was conducted from May 2017 to June 2019 after approval was obtained from the institute ethics committee; informed consent was obtained from the guardians of all patients. All pediatric patients (younger than 18 years) with chronic BCS (defined as symptoms for longer than 6 months) for whom image-guided intervention was planned during the study period were recruited for participation. All patients had been diagnosed with BCS by means of ultrasound and had been evaluated for possible image-guided intervention as part of their clinical workup. Demographic variables, clinical symptoms, and baseline laboratory values (obtained within 48 hours before intervention) were recorded for included patients. Included patients underwent additional SWE evaluation for investigational purposes as an adjunct to clinical CDUS examinations performed before intervention and at serial time points after intervention to monitor for disease recurrence. No included patient had uncorrectable coagulopathy or secondary BCS (i.e., from hepatic tumor or abscess compressing hepatic venous outflow).

Baseline Ultrasound Examination

All patients underwent an ultrasound examination on the day of the image-guided intervention, performed before the procedure. The evaluation included both CDUS and investigational 2D SWE. Patients fasted for 4 hours before the ultrasound examination [22]. The examinations, including both CDUS and SWE, were performed by a single radiologist with 3 years of experience in diagnostic ultrasound (N.D.), who used an Aixplorer ultrasound unit (Supersonic Imagine).
The CDUS examination was conducted to evaluate the status of the hepatic veins, IVC, portal vein, collaterals, and ascites with focus on the number, degree, and length of narrowing of the hepatic veins and IVC. The CDUS assessment was qualitative; no Doppler indexes were evaluated.
A standard protocol was used to perform 2D SWE [22]. A single crystal 1–6 MHz (SC6-1) convex transducer was placed over the right intercostal space with the child in the supine position and the right arm abducted. The system default SWE settings were used, including high-penetrance SWE acoustic power, spatial smoothing of 5, and high persistence. Initially, the SWE box was placed on the right lobe of the liver approximately 2 cm deep to the capsule and avoiding major vessels and focal lesions [21, 23, 24]. The image was frozen when there was complete color filling in the SWE box after a 3-second breath-hold for children who could perform it and with free breathing otherwise. A circular ROI (1-cm diameter; Q-Box, Supersonic Imagine) was then placed on a homogeneous color area within the SWE box to record LSMs in kilopascals (Young modulus) (Fig. 1). The stabilization index was maintained above 90%. Three values were measured from the same area, and the median of these values was recorded [25].
Fig. 1 —12-year-old girl with chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome. Two-dimensional shear-wave elastography (SWE) images from ultrasound examination show liver stiffness measurement. Top image is color-coded elastogram. Trapezoid elasticity (SWE) box was placed 2 cm under liver capsule. Circular ROI measuring 10 mm in diameter is positioned in homogeneous area within 2D SWE box, avoiding vessels. Liver stiffness was measured three times, and median value was recorded. Units on color scale are kilopascals. Q-Box is a trademark of Supersonic Imagine. SI = stabilization index.

Image-Guided Intervention

After the baseline ultrasound examination that included LSM, the image-guided intervention was performed with general anesthesia. All interventions were performed jointly by two interventional radiologists (S.S. with 22 and K.S.M. with 12 years of experience in pediatric interventions). Liver congestion was relieved by recanalization of the native hepatic veins and IVC or by direct intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (DIPS). The former was preferred because the recanalization restores normal physiology; after DIPS insertion, venous blood flow bypasses the liver. Venous angioplasty was considered indicated when stenosis was smooth and discrete. Stent deployment was considered indicated when stenosis was irregular, long segment, or recurrent or when in-stent thrombosis was present. DIPS was considered indicated only when no hepatic veins that could be recanalized were visualized on CDUS. A combination of transjugular, transhepatic, and transfemoral approaches were used, depending on the morphology of the occluded vein, presence of ascites, and technical ease. Results of the earlier CDUS examination were used to inform the choice of therapeutic intervention.

Liver Biopsy

Liver biopsy was performed at intervention for BCS through the same access used for the intervention (Rosch-Uchida transjugular liver access set, LABS100, Cook Medical; 18-gauge semiautomatic biopsy gun, Bard Mission, BD). Liver biopsy was not performed in patients in whom the procedure became prolonged owing to technical complexity. Three 15- to 20-mm-long cores were obtained with an 18-gauge semiautomatic biopsy needle. The biopsy sample was assessed by a pathologist (P.D.) with 12 years of experience in staging of fibrosis using Metavir score (F0 to F4) [26]. The sample was stained with Sirius red, and fibrosis was quantified with computerized image analysis software ((Image-Pro Plus version 6.1, Media Cybernetics) to determine the collagen proportionate area (CPA).

Ultrasound Follow-Up and Detection of Recurrence

All children underwent clinical and ultrasound follow-up for disease recurrence (restenosis or reocclusion). All follow-up ultrasound examinations were performed by the same radiologist who performed the baseline examination (N.D.) and included both CDUS and investigational SWE by the previously described approach (including recording of LSM based on the median of three values). CDUS and SWE examinations were performed 24 hours, 1 month, and 3 months after the procedure and every 3 months thereafter or when recurrence was clinically suspected. Recurrence was diagnosed on B-mode ultrasound on the basis of the presence of luminal narrowing or echogenic material within the recanalized vein or stent and/or on CDUS when a vein or stent showed no, partial, or reversal of flow within the vein or stent; reappearance and dilation of collaterals; or reappearance or worsening of ascites. SWE was not used clinically for diagnosing recurrence. If a recurrence was detected on ultrasound, the patient was referred for image-guided reintervention. SWE was performed 24 hours after reintervention.

Statistical Analysis

LSMs were summarized at baseline and 24 hours, 1 month, and 3 months after intervention. Summary measures of LSMs were expressed as median, except for summary of relative decrease in LSM between time points, which was expressed as mean. Freidman test was used to compare the mean ranks of LSMs among the time points. Paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to compare LSMs between baseline and each postintervention time point. Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare patients with and without recurrence in terms of LSM at each time point and in terms of absolute and relative decreases in LSMs from baseline to 24 hours. In patients with recurrence, LSMs were summarized at recurrence and at most recent measurement before recurrence. The absolute and relative decreases between these two LSMs at each time point were summarized, stratified by Metavir score. Spearman correlation coefficients with 95% CIs were computed between LSM and both Metavir score and CPA at each time point and between Metavir score and CPA. Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare patients grouped as having F0–F2 versus F3–F4 scores in terms of LSM at each time point and in terms of absolute and relative decrease in LSM from baseline to 24 hours. A spaghetti plot was constructed to depict LSMs at all time points in all patients; trend lines were generated for patients with and without recurrence. Values of p < .05 were considered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed with commercial SPSS software for Microsoft Windows (version 18, IBM).



During the study period, image-guided intervention was planned for 35 children with chronic BCS; consent was obtained for all 35 of these children. One was lost to follow-up before the intervention, and two died before the intervention, resulting in a final study sample of 32 patients (28 boys, four girls; mean age, 9 years; range, 3–14 years) (Fig. 2). Baseline demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of the 32 patients are shown in Table 1. The image-guided interventions included hepatic vein angioplasty (n = 9), IVC angioplasty (n = 5), hepatic vein stenting (n = 7), combined hepatic vein stenting and IVC angioplasty (n = 5), combined hepatic vein and IVC angioplasty (n = 2), and DIPS (n = 4).
Fig. 2 —Study flowchart. CDUS = color Doppler ultrasound, SWE = shear-wave elastography.
TABLE 1: Demographic Characteristics, Clinical Symptoms, and Baseline Laboratory Values of 32 Children with Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Characteristic Value
Age (y) 9.0 ± 3.5
 Male 28 (87.5)
 Female 4 (12.5)
Clinical symptoms  
 Abdominal pain 28 (87.5)
 Distention 29 (90.1)
 Hematemesis 8 (25.0)
 Jaundice 2 (6.2)
 Growth restriction 3 (9.4)
 Prominent abdominal wall veins 10 (31.2)
Laboratory valuesa  
 Total bilirubin (0.2–1.2 mg/dL) 1.3 ± 1.0
 AST (5–40 IU/L) 45.1 ± 21.4
 ALT (5–45 IU/L) 30.1 ± 17.7
 ALP (240–840 IU/L) 453.1 ± 202.3
 Total protein (6.0–8.0 g/dL) 6.8 ± 0.7
 Albumin (3.5–5.0 g/dL) 3.7 ± 0.7
 PT (10–18 s) 15.2 ± 1.7
 INR (1.0–1.5) 1.3 ± 0.1
 Urea (10.0–40.0 mg/dL) 22.9 ± 11.5
 Creatinine (0.5–1.0 mg/dL) 0.45 ± 0.2
 Hemoglobin (12–15 g/dL) 10.8 ± 1.8
 TLC (4.0–11.0 × 103/μL) 8.3 ± 3.7
 Platelet count (150–400 × 103/μL) 180 ± 90

Note—Values are mean ± SD or number with percentage in parentheses. AST = aspartate transferase, ALT = alanine transferase, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, PT = prothrombin time, INR = international normalized ratio, TLC = total leukocyte count.

Laboratory values obtained within 48 hours before intervention. Values in parentheses are normal range.
All 32 patients underwent 24-hour follow-up evaluation, at which time one recurrence was diagnosed. Among the other 31 patients, one was lost to follow-up, and 30 underwent 1-month follow-up evaluation, at which time three recurrences were diagnosed. Among the other 27 patients, two were lost to follow-up, and 25 underwent the 3-month follow-up evaluation, at which time two recurrences were diagnosed. Among the other 23 patients, 12 were lost to follow-up, and 11 underwent at least one additional follow-up imaging evaluation with CDUS and SWE after the 3-month time point. Three additional recurrences were diagnosed during this further imaging evaluation, giving a total of nine recurrences among the 32 patients (28.1%). The mean follow-up duration for the 32 patients was 4.4 months (range, 24 hours–19 months). Among the nine patients with recurrence, the mean interval between intervention and recurrence was 4 months (range, 24 hours–18 months). Among the 23 patients without recurrence, the mean follow-up duration was 4.3 months (range, 24 hours–19 months).

Liver Stiffness Measurements Before Recurrence Diagnosis

LSMs varied significantly among the time points (p < .001). The median LSM at baseline was 43.7 (interquartile range [IQR], 33.0–65.4) kPa, at 24 hours was 22.5 (IQR, 16.8–32.0) kPa (p = .001 vs baseline), at 1 month was 18.7 (IQR, 14.2–32.0) kPa (p = .001), and at 3 months was 16.7 (IQR, 11.5–22.5) kPa (p = .001), corresponding to reductions from baseline of 48.5%, 57.2%, and 61.8% (Figs. 3 and 4). Table 2 shows the median LSM at each time point, stratified by presence or absence of recurrence. Median LSM was not significantly different between the two groups at baseline or at any time point after intervention (p = .34–.93). In addition, patients without recurrence and patients with recurrence were not significantly different in terms of mean relative decrease in LSM from baseline to 24 hours after intervention (47.1% ± 14.1% [SD] vs 36.7% ± 27.6%; p = .31) or in terms of median absolute decrease between these two time points (23.4 vs 13.6 kPa; p = .36). However, among patients without recurrence, median LSM decreased from 24.6 kPa at 24 hours to 16.1 kPa at 3 months, whereas in patients with recurrence, median LSM increased from 19.1 kPa at 24 hours to 21.4 kPa at 3 months. Figure 5 depicts LSMs of all patients over time, including trend lines for patients with and without recurrence.
Fig. 3A —12-year-old boy with chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome who presented with recurrent abdominal pain and distention and underwent left hepatic vein angioplasty.
A, Two-dimensional shear-wave elastography images of liver stiffness measurements before (A) and 24 hours after (B) intervention show decrease from 44.1 to 26.4 kPa. Top images are color-coded elastograms; units on color scale are kilopascals. Q-Box is a trademark of Supersonic Imagine. SI = stabilization index.
Fig. 3B —12-year-old boy with chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome who presented with recurrent abdominal pain and distention and underwent left hepatic vein angioplasty.
B, Two-dimensional shear-wave elastography images of liver stiffness measurements before (A) and 24 hours after (B) intervention show decrease from 44.1 to 26.4 kPa. Top images are color-coded elastograms; units on color scale are kilopascals. Q-Box is a trademark of Supersonic Imagine. SI = stabilization index.
Fig. 4 —Tukey box-and-whisker plot compares liver stiffness measurements before and at multiple time points after intervention. Whiskers indicate range of all values; center line, median; box limits, 25th and 75th percentiles; circles, outliers.
TABLE 2: Liver Stiffness Measurements (kPa) at Different Time Points in All Patients and Patients With and Without Recurrence
Group Baseline 24 h 1 mo 3 mo Absolute Decrease (kPa)a Relative Decrease (%)a
All patientsb 43.7 (33.0–65.4) [32] 22.5 (16.8–32.0) [32] 18.7 (14.2–32.0) [30] 16.7 (11.5–22.5) [25] 20.1 (10.9–32.6) [32] 44.1 ± 18.9 [32]
No recurrence 44.9 (32.5–65.6) [23] 24.6 (15.7–31.1) [23] 18.7 (14.0–28.1) [22] 16.1 (11.1–21.8) [20] 23.4 (12.3–33.9) [23] 47.1 ± 14.1 [23]
Recurrenceb 40.1 (35.3–52.8) [9] 19.1 (18.2–46.6) [9] 19.3 (16.1–41.5) [8] 21.4 (17.2–22.5) [5] 13.6 (6.3–21.8) [9] 36.7 ± 27.6 [9]
pc .93 .75 .57 .34 .36 .30

Note—Except for relative decrease (mean ± SD with number of patients in brackets), values are median with interquartile range in parentheses and number of patients in brackets.

Baseline to 24 hours.
Values exclude patients with previous diagnosis of recurrence.
Comparison of no-recurrence and recurrence groups at each time point.
Fig. 5 —Spaghetti plot shows liver stiffness measurements of 32 included patients over time. Red indicates trend lines of patients with recurrences (n = 9); blue, patients without recurrences (n = 23). Trend line slopes downward from 24 hours to 3 months in group without recurrence and slopes upward from 24 hours to 3 months in group with recurrence.

Diagnoses of Recurrence

Table 3 summarizes characteristics of the nine patients with recurrence. Three of the nine patients with recurrence had clinical evidence of recurrence (ascites in all three). The other six had no clinical signs, and the diagnosis was based solely on imaging surveillance. All nine recurrences were diagnosed on the basis of B-mode ultrasound and/or CDUS findings. Two of nine patients had in-stent hepatic vein thrombosis with reversal of flow; five (all whom underwent angioplasty) had significant restenosis (> 30% narrowing of diameter) at the hepatic vein ostium and the suprahepatic IVC with distal vein dilatation; and one patient each had complete thrombosis of the IVC and of the hepatic veins.
TABLE 3: Liver Stiffness Measurements (kPa) Across Time Points in Nine Patients With Recurrence
Patient No. Baseline 24 h Most Recent Measurement Before Recurrence Measurement at Recurrence Reintervention Procedure 24 h After Reintervention
Value Time Point Value Time Point Absolute Increase From Prior (kPa) Relative Increase From Prior (%) Value Relative Decrease From Prior Value (%)a
1 44.2 52.3 NA NA 52.3 24 h NA NA DIPS 34.1 34.8
2 27.1 13.5 7.9 9 mob 10.5 18 mo 2.6 32.9 Patient declined intervention NA NA
3 24.8 18.4 17.2 3 mo 36.0 5 mo 18.8 109.3 Patient lost to follow-up NA NA
4 40.1 18.2 17.0 3 mo 17.5 4 mo 0.5 2.9 Hepatic vein stent angioplasty 22.5 -28.6
5 52.8 46.7 46.7 24 h 87.7 1 mo 41.0 87.8 Hepatic vein stenting 35.6 59.4
6 95.3 51.3 50.1 1 mo 104.5 3 mo 54.4 108.6 Hepatic vein stent angioplasty 43.5 58.4
7 35.3 17.0 13.8 1 mo 21.4 3 mo 7.6 55.1 IVC stenting 8.8 58.9
8 36.6 24.4 24.4 24 h 38.7 1 mo 14.3 58.6 Hepatic vein stenting 14.2 63.3
9 77.0 19.1 19.1 24 h 26.3 1 mo 7.2 37.7 Patient lost to follow-up NA NA
Median 40.1 19.1 18.1   36.0   11.0 61.6b   28.3 41.0

Note–NA = not applicable, DIPS = direct intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, IVC = inferior vena cava.

Expressed as mean.
Patient did not report for 12- and 15-month follow-up measurements.
Recurrence in one patient was diagnosed at the first postintervention evaluation (LSM, 44.2 kPa at baseline vs 52.3 kPa at 24 hours). In an additional patient with recurrence, the LSM at recurrence was similar to the most recently recorded prior value (17.0 kPa at 3 months vs 17.5 kPa at 4 months). This patient had undergone hepatic vein stenting and IVC angioplasty. Although in-stent thrombosis developed in the hepatic veins during follow-up, the IVC remained patent, and a dilated caudate vein drained into the IVC. In the other seven patients with recurrence, LSM at recurrence was at least 10% greater than the most recently recorded value. In the eight patients with recurrence diagnosed after the 24-hour measurement, the median absolute increase in LSM at recurrence compared with the most recently recorded value was 11.0 (IQR, 6.1–24.4) kPa, and the mean relative increase was 61.6% ± 37.9%.
Among the nine patients with recurrence, six underwent reintervention, which included angioplasty of the hepatic vein stent in two patients with in-stent thrombosis, stent placement in three patients (hepatic vein in two, IVC in one) with recurrent stenosis after balloon angioplasty, and DIPS placement in one patient. The median absolute decrease and mean relative decrease in LSM 24 hours after reintervention compared with LSM at recurrence diagnosis were 28.3 (IQR, 16.2–35.2) kPa and 41.0% ± 35.6%. In the previously noted patient for whom LSM was similar at diagnosis and for the most recent prior value, LSM increased 28.6% from the time of recurrence to 24 hours after reintervention. In the other five patients who underwent reintervention, LSM decreased at least 34.8% 24 hours after reintervention.

Association With Liver Fibrosis

Liver biopsy was performed at intervention in 18 patients (all boys; mean age, 8 years), yielding a Metavir score of F0 in 0, F1 in one patient (5.6%), F2 in five (27.8%), F3 in five (27.8%), and F4 in six (33.3%) patients. The mean CPA was 16.2% ± 12.2%. Median LSMs stratified by Metavir score are shown in Table 4. LSM was not significantly correlated with Metavir score at baseline (n = 18; r = 0.11 [95% CI, –0.37 to 0.54]; p = .51), 24 hours (n = 17; r = 0.39 [95% CI, –0.11 to 0.73]; p = .11), 1 month (n = 14; r = 0.31 [95% CI, –0.21 to 0.73]; p = .31), or 3 months (n = 10; r = 0.52 [95% CI, –0.16 to 0.86]; p = .12). Similarly, LSM was not significantly correlated with CPA at baseline (r = 0.09 [95% CI, –0.39 to 0.53]; p = .76), 24 hours (r = 0.33 [95% CI, –0.33 to 0.70]; p = .26), 1 month (r = 0.17 [95% CI, –0.39 to 0.64]; p = .54), or 3 months (r = 0.69 [95% CI, 0.11 to 0.92]; p = .02) (Fig. 6). CPA and Metavir score at baseline were moderately correlated (r = 0.71 [95% CI, 0.36 to 0.88]; p = .001). When Metavir score was grouped as F0–F2 versus F3–F4 (Table 5), the median LSM at 24 hours was higher for the F3–F4 group than for the F0–F2 group (29.7 vs 18.8 kPa; p = .03), though the groups were not different at other time points (all p > .05). Neither the absolute nor the relative decrease in LSM from baseline to 24 hours was significantly different between the two groups (both p > .05).
TABLE 4: Collagen Proportionate Area (CPA) and Liver Stiffness Measurements at Different Time Points Stratified by Metavir Score
Metavir Score CPA (%) Liver Stiffness Measurements (kPa)
Baseline 24 h 1 mo 3 mo
F0 0 0 0 0 0
F1 12 45.2 [1] 19.8 [1] 20.6 [1] 15.7 [1]
F2 6.8 ± 3.1 33.6 (24.7–63.6) [5] 18.4 (10.2–19.1) [5] 11.5 (8.0–17.4) [5] 8.2 [3]
F3 10.2 ± 7.8 65.2 (52.8–74.1) [5] 32.1 (24.6–46.7) [5] 30.4 [3] 12.5 [2]
F4 28.2 ± 9.3 44.2 (37.5–52.4) [7] 27.1 (21.4–30.2) [6] 17.5 (16.1–28.2) [5] 17.5 (11.9–17.6) [4]

Note—Except for CPA (mean ± SD), values are median with interquartile range (IQR) in parentheses (for groups of at least four patients) and number of patients in brackets.

Fig. 6A —Relation of Metavir fibrosis stage and collagen proportionate area (CPA) to liver stiffness before (n = 18) and 24 hours after (n = 17) intervention.
A, Tukey box-and-whisker plot shows relation between liver stiffness and Metavir fibrosis stage before intervention. Whiskers indicate range of all values; center line, median; box limits, 25th and 75th percentiles; circles, outliers.
Fig. 6B —Relation of Metavir fibrosis stage and collagen proportionate area (CPA) to liver stiffness before (n = 18) and 24 hours after (n = 17) intervention.
B, Scatterplot shows relation between liver stiffness and CPA before intervention.
Fig. 6C —Relation of Metavir fibrosis stage and collagen proportionate area (CPA) to liver stiffness before (n = 18) and 24 hours after (n = 17) intervention.
C, Tukey box-and-whisker plot shows relation between liver stiffness and Metavir fibrosis stage 24 hours after intervention. Whiskers indicate range of all values; center line, median; box limits, 25th and 75th percentiles; circles, outliers.
Fig. 6D —Relation of Metavir fibrosis stage and collagen proportionate area (CPA) to liver stiffness before (n = 18) and 24 hours after (n = 17) intervention.
D, Scatterplot shows relation between liver stiffness and CPA 24 hours after intervention.
TABLE 5: Liver Stiffness Measurements at Different Time Points Stratified by Metavir Scores of F0–F2 and F3–F4
Group Liver Stiffness Measurements (kPa)
Baseline 24 h 1 mo 3 mo Absolute Decrease (kPa)a Relative Decrease (%)a
F0–F2 39.4 (27.0–59.0) [6] 18.8 (12.3–19.7) [6] 14.5 (8.9–19.8) [6] 8.8 (7.1–11.8) [4] 24.4 (10.6–33.6) [6] 53.1 ± 20.2 [6]
F3–F4 48.9 (38.0–67.5) [12] 29.7 (22.5–33.7) [11] 22.9 (16.0–33.9) [8] 15.6 (12.7–17.3) [6] 24.8 (12.9–41.3) [11] 45.2 ± 18.2 [11]
p .32 .03 .21 .11 .80 .45

Note—Except for relative decrease (mean ± SD with number of patients in brackets), values are median with interquartile range in parentheses (for groups of at least four patients) and number of patients in brackets.

Baseline to 24 hours.


In this study, we found a significant decrease in LSM measured by means of 2D SWE after percutaneous image-guided intervention for pediatric chronic BCS. The decrease was maximal 24 hours after intervention (mean decrease since baseline of 48.5%) and persisted for 3 months. In patients with recurrent disease diagnosed after the initial 24-hour postintervention evaluation, the mean relative increase in LSM at recurrence diagnosis compared with the most recent previous LSM was 61.6%. In the one patient in whom the increase in LSM at recurrence compared with the prior value was less than 10%, the persistently patent IVC and caudate vein may have provided adequate hepatic decongestion despite the hepatic vein stent thrombosis. LSM decreased again in five of the six patients who underwent reintervention for recurrence. The findings indicate that a decrease in LSM after intervention is a sign of venous patency and that an increase in LSM during follow-up is a sign of recurrent venous or DIPS tract stenosis. Thus, LSM may serve as a useful adjunct to CDUS for monitoring children after intervention for chronic BCS.
There is a paucity of literature on the evaluation of liver stiffness in children with BCS. The observed decrease in LSM after intervention may reflect a decrease in venous congestion resulting from recanalization of the hepatic veins and/or IVC or DIPS insertion. The results are similar to the observations of Wang et al. [21], who evaluated real-time SWE in 32 adults with BCS and observed a significant reduction in LSM after hepatic vein angioplasty from a mean baseline value of 35.1 kPa to 20.1 kPa 2 days after angioplasty. Similarly, in a study of transient elastography in 25 adults with BCS, Mukund et al. [27] found a significant reduction in LSM from a mean of 60 kPa at baseline to 26 kPa 24 hours after intervention. However, transient elastography is a one-dimensional technique and may give erroneous results in patients with ascites, a common finding in chronic BCS.
LSM was measured with breath-hold technique for children who could perform a breath-hold and with free-breathing technique for children who could not. Jung et al. [28] found that in children, LSM with 2D SWE during free breathing was quicker to perform than 2D SWE with breath-hold technique and had comparable results.
Though LSM decreased after intervention, the median LSM at 24 hours remained greater than normal values (i.e., < 7 kPa [29]). Because elevated liver stiffness in BCS is due to a combination of congestion and fibrosis, we speculate that the persistent elevation in LSM above normal after intervention may in part represent irreversible histologic fibrosis. Core liver biopsy was performed in some patients as part of interventional procedures that were being performed to restore the hepatic venous outflow regardless of biopsy results. The results of these biopsies provide an opportunity to assess correlations between histologic fibrosis and LSM, which to our knowledge has not been previously reported in pediatric BCS. Baseline fibrosis stage was not significantly correlated with LSM at any time point. Similarly, Wang et al. [21], in a study of adults with BCS, found that LSM, measured either before or 2 days after angioplasty, had no correlation with fibrosis at either time point. Attempts to assess liver fibrosis with SWE in patients treated by Fontan palliation have also been confounded by coexisting congestion that also elevates liver stiffness [19, 30]. The factors contributing to an ongoing elevated LSM after intervention warrant continued investigation.
Liver biopsy is generally not performed for diagnosis or follow-up of BCS in children. Thus, reliable noninvasive diagnosis of recurrence is clinically important. CDUS is routinely used to evaluate the patency of the recanalized hepatic vein, IVC, or DIPS track in the follow-up period after image-guided intervention in chronic BCS, but it has sensitivity and specificity of 85–90% in the diagnosis of restenosis [31]. Thin obstructing membranous webs that are described in certain patient populations [11] at the hepatic venous ostia and suprahepatic IVC are often difficult to visualize directly on CDUS. This difficulty is further compounded by image degradation from adjacent cardiac pulsations and by potential difficulty for young children to follow instructions in the examination. Evaluation by CDUS is also affected by depth of penetration and angle of insonation.
Inclusion of SWE with CDUS examinations in the pretreatment evaluation of pediatric BCS provides a quantitative parameter of congestion that may then be objectively followed to assist postintervention monitoring and detection of recurrence. The parameter may be useful in providing a noninvasive indicator to help establish the diagnosis before the recurrence becomes clinically apparent. The decrease in LSM after intervention was observed regardless of baseline fibrosis, as previously reported in adults [27]. This observation is in contrast to findings in a prior study with adults [21] that showed a smaller longitudinal change in liver stiffness in more fibrotic livers. Although our findings support LSM as an aid in the detection of recurrence, the results do not support a role of LSM as a predictive marker of future recurrent disease given the lack of significant differences in LSM between patients with and without recurrence before the recurrence diagnoses.
Our study had limitations. First, the sample size was small, consistent with the infrequent nature of BCS. Second, some patients were lost to follow-up. Third, the study participants were heterogeneous in terms of the vein involved (hepatic vein, IVC, or both) and type of interventional treatment undertaken. Fourth, LSM was recorded from the right lobe in all patients and at all time points. However, liver fibrosis is heterogeneous in spatial distribution. Fourth, the impact of different types of interventions on the durability of the change in LSM was not assessed. Fifth, because B-mode ultrasound including Doppler and SWE techniques were both performed concurrently by a single radiologist, the two techniques could not be compared in terms of their independent utility for detecting recurrence. Sixth, only one patient had F0–F1 fibrosis.
In conclusion, LSM decreased within 24 hours after percutaneous image-guided intervention for BCS in children. Patients with disease recurrence had an overall increase in LSMs during follow-up after the initial reduction. The stage of histologic liver fibrosis was not significantly correlated with LSM at any time point, possibly owing to the confounding effect of liver congestion. The findings indicate that LSM by means of 2D SWE may serve as a useful quantitative adjunct to CDUS in monitoring children with chronic BCS for disease recurrence after percutaneous interventional treatment.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 534 - 543
PubMed: 34585610


Submitted: July 6, 2021
Revision requested: July 19, 2021
Revision received: August 19, 2021
Accepted: September 19, 2021
Version of record online: September 29, 2021


  1. Budd-Chiari syndrome
  2. liver stiffness
  3. pediatric
  4. shear-wave elastography
  5. ultrasound



Neha Dohare, MD
Department of Radiodiagnosis and Interventional Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 110029.
Kumble Seetharama Madhusudhan, MD
Department of Radiodiagnosis and Interventional Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 110029.
Rohan Malik, MD, DM
Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India.
Prasenjit Das, MD
Department of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India.
Sanjay Sharma, MD
Department of Radiodiagnosis and Interventional Radiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 110029.


Address correspondence to S. Sharma ([email protected]).
The authors declare that they have no disclosures relevant to the subject matter of this article.

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