Russia Pushes Back on Anglo Saxon Provocation

Renee Parsons 

 Contrary to assertions that NATO had no plans to occupy Ukraine yet always fearful of the certainty, European representatives in the Ukraine war have refused to allow an end to the conflict as currently there has been an inexplicable increase in “provocative statements and threats” with no intent or incitement from Russia.   

Over the weekend British Foreign Secretary David Cameron boldly announced that Kiev “has the right” to use missiles provided by the UK to attack targets deep within Russia while French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly supported NATO troop deployment to Ukraine.  Former US Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Stephen Bryen claims that France already has Foreign Legion boots on the ground in Ukraine. 

After such outrageous statements as well as the anticipated delivery of ATACMS long range missiles to Ukraine, the UK and French Ambassadors to Moscow were summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry office with UK Ambassador Nigel Casey reeking of arrogance.   It was later disclosed that both were informed  that Moscow will retaliatedirectly on military equipment in Ukraine and beyond” and that it accepted Cameron’ s statement as “de facto evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of London’s increasing involvement in military operations.”

The Ministry especially urged Cameron tothink about the inevitable catastrophic consequences of such hostile steps from London and to immediately refute in the most decisive and unequivocal manner the bellicose provocative statements by the head of the Foreign Office.”

While Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Macron of ‘dangerous talk’ in a recent interview as he referred to Moscow as the “main threat to EU security” and suggesting that French troops could be deployed “if the Russians were to break through the front lines.” 

Russian President Putin may have had the last word when he warned that any French troops sent to Ukraine would meet the same end as Napoleon Bonaparte’s Grande Armee whose 1812 invasion of Russia ended in death and defeat.”


Known for his candid comments, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s latest is a reflection of Russia’s current strategy as described in  Russia is Undergoing a New Invisible Revolution” (April 2, 2024) by Dmitry Trinen in which “Russia has ended its long and tiresome efforts to adopt to the US-led world order.” 

As Russians have been pushed beyond their tolerance to accept continuing threats and hostility from the Anglo Saxon world, Medvedev confirmed in a  post on X that the Russian “General Staff has started preparations for the military exercise that includes drills of preparation and use of nonstrategic nuclear weapons. 

In response to “unhinged strategists” in the US and the EU, Russia announced that it will hold tactical nuclear weapons exercises to be conducted in the Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine and is intended as a warning to the US and its allies.  The Ministry hoped that the exercise will cool down the ‘hotheads’ in western capitals as there was a deliberate attempt towards an escalation of the crisis with an open military clash between NATO countries and Russia.

The former Russian President did not hesitate to push back on  the choir of irresponsible bastards sending their troops to the nonexistent country” as a reflection of the “total degradation of the Western ruling class…. This class really doesn’t want to make logical connections which  will mean direct engagement of their countries in war, and we will have to respond to it.”  

Adding that western elites are willing to play acynical calculation of political dividend,Medvedev predicted thatnone of them will be able to hide either on Capitol Hill, or in the Elysee Palace, or in Downing Street, 10.  It will be a global catastrophe. “   

A former Colonel in Russian Intelligence, Trinen described in his report how, as a result of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine: 

From Russia’s standpoint, not only can’t the West be trusted any longer; the international bodies that it controls have lost all legitimacy.”  “Now Moscow has to admit that even the United Nations, including its Security Council with Russia as a Permanent Member with a veto has turned in a dysfunctional theater of polemics”

Trinen goes on to describe how “transforming the country from being a distant outlier on the fringes of the Western world into something which is self-sufficient and pioneering. These tectonic shifts would not have been possible without the Ukraine crisis.  As a result, the Russians “have produced nothing less than a revolution in Moscow’s foreign policy, more radical and far-reaching than anything anticipated on the eve of the Ukraine intervention.”   

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