Real Reason For The Rush To WW-III?

Richard’s Substack

As I ponder the rush to WW-III, I cannot help but wonder: why??!!

NATO keeps pushing the edge of the envelope in the Ukraine, militarily flailing away at Russia, in a hugely costly war that has no hope of NATO victory, and is destroying what formerly was the Ukraine in the process.

Similarly, in East Asia, the U$$A, Inc. keeps repeatedly pressing China’s and North Korea’s geopolitical buttons, risking military conflict in the East Asia/Western Pacific region.

And in the Middle East, the Pentagon and NATO continue to pursue a very pro-Israeli line, even in the face of an ongoing, morally indefensible, regionally destabilizing, anti-Palestinian, genocidal pogrom by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Taken together, or even individually, these geopolitical, genocidal and military policies of the collective West are tending towards occasioning one or more outbreaks of major warfare that could easily break the nuclear barrier, and kindle off a global nuclear conflict.

The international situation is just that serious. Only the foolish and self-deluded remain oblivious to the terrible danger(s) that the world and Humanity are courting right now.

To put things in perspective, in recent days the Russians have spoken very openly of nuking Paris, London and Washington-DC if NATO armies are deployed in the Ukraine. And yet NATO persists in sending billions of dollars worth of weapons, and thousands of mercenaries and military advisors to the Ukraine, and talking of backing the Ukrainians for years to come.

Why push international tensions right to the edge of a possible nuclear conflagration? Where does this madness come from?

The Chilling Reality

I believe that the answer may well be found in the data on the Arctic News website, which is run by an international group of scientists and researchers. My interest in their work lies solely in the voluminous oceanic, cryologic and atmospheric data that they record and analyze, as they pertain to present-day and near future events on the Earth.

Notably, the oceans and seas are warming, in particular the Arctic Sea and the North Atlantic, resulting in a growing danger of the Arctic Sea losing its ice cap, perhaps as early as next summer or 2026. This is particularly concerning, given the crucial importance of the Arctic Sea’s ice cover for moderation of the global temperature regime. It’s a complex dynamic, with myriad, global moving parts.

One of those elements is the unknown gigatons of frozen methane/methane clathrates in the bed of the Arctic Sea and the continental shelf of North America, and also in the permafrost of Siberia, Northern Canada and Alaska.

The long and the short of it is that when/if all of those many gigatons of frozen methane sublimate into the atmosphere – – and the best scientific estimates are that we are right now skating on the thin edge of that happening – – this planet is going to heat up, a lot, in a short period of time.

To that point. the frozen methane has already started to sublimate from the continental shelves, the Arctic Sea floor, and the northern permafrost of Siberia and North America. So the question is no longer when the methane will begin to sublimate, because that is now underway. The question has instead become: when does the massive, global, runaway chain reaction of the near simultaneous, multi-gigaton, frozen methane/methane clathrate sublimation kick off?

That hugely matters because when that happens the global furnace will come on, the Arctic Sea’s ice cap will disappear, and the global atmosphere and seas will get a lot hotter. In fact, the greater heat will kill off most major biological life forms on the Earth.

The Arctic News scientists are of the educated opinion that the Earth and Humanity are at that point now, that as soon as the summer of 2025 or 2026 the deadly tipping point could be crossed – – after which point we are well and truly cooked. Literally.

Here’s the kernel of their argument:

It is sobering. Even a global temperature rise of two three degrees Centigrade will be fatal for much of global agriculture, for much of the global ecology and frankly, for a very large chunk of the human population.

Think about how hot Phoenix, Tucson, New Orleans, Atlanta, San Antonio, Birmingham and Houston are in mid-August. What to speak of Mexico – – have you ever been in the Yucatan in July? Now add 7/8/9 more degrees Fahrenheit onto those sweltering temperatures, and a lot of humans and other biological life forms will outright keel over dead.

What I Surmise

My operating hypothesis is that the so-called, world ruling “elites” are well aware of the impending, global, frozen methane/methane clathrate sublimation danger. They know that if 50 gigatons of methane, or potentially 100 gigatons or more, suddenly sublimate to the atmosphere in a relatively short time frame, that it’s all over. Humanity, and a lot of the rest of the biosphere on this planet, will definitely be going bye-bye. The chemistry of the atmosphere will radically change in a matter of months, or even weeks, in ways that are extremely detrimental for most life now on the surface of the Earth, or in the air and sea: you and I, for example, and fish, horses, squirrels, trees, turtles, hummingbirds, frogs, eels, crabs, oysters, clams, elk, pumas, flowers, mosses, sedges, chickens, ducks, cattails, warthogs, water buffalo, foxes, butterflies, bees, azaleas, etc.

Given the supercomputing power at the disposal of the world’s major government agencies and research institutions, and their access to reams of oceanic, atmospheric, ecological and cryologic data in almost real time, they have certainly already run their complex algorithms and reached a variety of policy decisions.

They may have already decided that a nuclear winter, product of a shooting nuclear war, with one or more international, nuclear missile exchanges, is the biggest arrow left in their global policy quiver to cool down the Earth, and forestall a globally fatal, runaway temperature rise.

We’ll know their decision one way or the other, within the next 24 months at the far outside.

Things are moving faster now, on multiple policy fronts, and on a global scale. If nuclear war does not occur, along with an ensuing nuclear winter that will cool the planet way down, then the global furnace appears very likely to soon turn on in a civilizational ending way.

Pick your poison.

Either way, the world is set to unimaginably change in the next few years. Things will not ever be returning to the “normality” that we experienced in the past.



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