Entries in the 'Religion' Category

Not an Ordinary Faith

962.3Question: For thousands of years all religions have been saying that there is no knowledge, there is only faith. Many of us came to Kabbalah to comprehend the Creator, that is, to gain knowledge. It seems there is some contradiction here.

Should we have both knowledge and faith or is faith only above knowledge?

Answer: The point is that the faith we practice in the wisdom of Kabbalah is not an ordinary faith, but faith in the fact that the Creator is the upper force of nature.

It is precisely Him that we attain in our mind and feelings by becoming like Him in the measure of bestowal. In this way, we begin to understand the Creator and the world He created.
From International Kabbalah Convention 5/18/24, “Working In Faith Above Reason”

Related Material:
Rise Above I Feel Good or I Feel Bad
Believing In The Creator’s Greatness
Faith: A Reward For Work

Is there a Standard of Goodness?

565.02Question: What is good and evil? Everyone talks about goodness, friendship, and unity. And you say the same things, but how can you tell the difference?

Answer: I speak about these categories only as means that help one discover one’s faulty state, come to a corrected state, and achieve complete unity with nature.

I am not against what others say, and in no way am I trying to check them, compare them, or engage in some kind of comparative analysis. For what?

If they talk about good, great. But for what is this good? How correct is this, how real is it? There are so many opportunities in the world to do something good. Is this really good or not?

Who checks, who feels, who measures? Are they the same egoists as you? They can tell you what is good based on their egoistic qualities. And so can you. So you will understand each other perfectly. But in fact?

Therefore, there must be the emergence of some standard of good that is independent of us. If it does not exist, then thousands of beliefs, religions, philosophies, and opinions arise, and each one is right. Then you cannot do anything until some dimension is achieved.

All techniques and technologies start with some measure: meter, kilogram, and so on. Without this, people would not understand each other and could not do anything.

But in our feelings, there are no such measurements, so everyone is right.

You can talk to anyone, from Nazis to pacifists, from anarchists to communists, and they can convince you of anything. In our development, we have already gone through all possible options, except the very last ones. After all, there was once cannibalism, but it can still repeat itself in our “bright” future. And we always felt that yes, this is true or this has a place.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Good and Evil” 1/22/12

Related Material:
The Law Of Balance Of Good And Evil
On The Middle Ground Between Good And Evil
Independent Of Good And Evil

Can Interacting with Stones Heal?

49.03Question: Unusual pets are becoming popular in South Korea. They are not dogs, they are not cats, they are rocks.

There are many touching stories about how people are stressed, do not want to burden their loved ones with their experiences, do not want to take responsibility for dogs or cats, but they simply take stones, buy stones, start dressing them up and talking to them. For example, a woman described how her day went at work to a stone.

What kind of transition is this? Is it evolution or is it degradation? You won’t share your stress with a friend, you don’t talk to a dog or a cat, but you talk to a stone. What do you think it is?

Answer: First of all, we must understand that these are Koreans. Therefore, we do not need to pay special attention to this as some kind of worldwide change of man toward nature. It will all pass.

But in general, this is an interesting thing. This way they can heal themselves.

Question: And when a person talks to some inanimate nature, to stones? They even say that they dress them up, talk, do you think this is a natural state?

Answer: This is a natural state for them. It is kind of like a kid with a doll. It is still on a purely childish level.

Question: Then the question that arises from this is: is it necessary for us to communicate with someone?

Answer: We have the upper force; we have to communicate with it.

Question: Can you explain this communication: what you do not see or feel?

Answer: You can only imagine the Creator as it is written in books. Otherwise, you cannot think of anything else.

The sages describe it as a force of nature that we must follow. This is the same thing that Abraham and all the others said, all the prophets down to Baal HaSulam and Rabash.

Question: How can I make myself believe them?

Answer: I think this is a matter of the gradual inner development of a person. It is gradual in our time, which will soon show us what we really need to go after.

Question: So you think we will be pushed toward this communication one way or another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: In principle, does it turn out that all beliefs pass through the character of the nation?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: The message—is it just one?

Answer: There is one message. You need contact with the upper force that can guide you and bring you into contact with it.

Question: Can we say that this message exists, but every nation passes it through itself?

Answer: Yes, but this is a matter of thousands of years. Only for each nation, it is still at its own level.

Question: And when it says: “God will be one and one for all”?

Answer: It will happen, but we need to develop.

Question: So all these currents, all these religions will come to this peak?

Answer: Yes, there is no other way.

Question: Will there not be a mass of currents, a mass of religions?

Answer: No, on the contrary, they will see that they are in some kind of similarity to each other and will begin to connect.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/25/24

Related Material:
Animals Will Help Us Become Human
The Culture Of The 21st Century: Dogs Replacing Children
About Life With Dolls, Utter Loneliness, And Workaholism

How Plato Turned Kabbalah into Philosophy

272Question: In 414 BCE, the prophet Jeremiah, one of the four greatest prophets and Kabbalists, lived in northern Egypt during the time of the First Temple. During this period, a young Greek philosopher named Aristokl, later called Plato, studied with him.

Plato recalls: “I was with Jeremiah in Egypt, and initially I was mocking him and his words, and in the end, once I become accustomed to speaking with him and to watch his actions carefully, I saw that his words were words of the living God. Then, I said in my heart, and I established, that he was a sage and prophet.”

The question is: Does this mean that the wisdom of the prophet and Kabbalist was open at that time to other nations?

Answer: Yes, because they were also at an appropriate spiritual level. It means that Plato practically understood who he was dealing with; therefore, this wisdom could be revealed to him.

Question: Why was the wisdom later closed off? Why was Kabbalah closed to the world?

Answer: There are periods in the development of humanity. Initially, it was simple, and there were closer ties between nations without significant differences. But then, alienation between them occurred more and more. Each went their own way, and eventually, there was such a separation that continues to develop to this day.

Question: Where did this prohibition come from? Who prohibited spreading Kabbalah to the nations of the world?

Answer: It was a consequence of the destruction of the Temple, that is, a fall from the level of Temple.

Question: Did the Kabbalists themselves prohibit all of this?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Question: Can we say that the world was not ready to receive this knowledge?

Answer: Yes, naturally, if it had received it at that time, it would not have been able to use it correctly.

Question: How did the wisdom that Plato received from Jeremiah later turn into Greek philosophy with its multitude of gods?

Answer: They took from it what they could, what they could understand, and somehow absorbed it into themselves, into their society, into their system, and that was it. And then…

Comment: But Plato lived by this. He even felt that it was like the words of the living God.

My Response: It does not matter.

Question: Where does it disappear afterward and turn into philosophy?

Answer: It dissolved. Not immediately, but gradually.

Question: But the fact that it was Plato, and everyone talks about him and knows about him, is there still some merit to Jeremiah, his Kabbalist teacher?

Answer: Of course! Everything that Plato later spoke about, he partly received from Jeremiah.

Comment: So, we can say that this high Greek philosophy that everyone talks about is a consequence…

My Response: …of meeting with Kabbalists.

Comment: You are often accused of spreading Kabbalah to the world, to everyone. So, this prohibition still applies to many people today.

My Response: Let those many remain silent.

Question: Can you say what happened? What kind of revolution is this?

Answer: Kabbalah was always spread in waves. There were times when it could be taught, spoken about, and written. And there were times when it was shrinking and concealing itself more and more.

Question: What happened with the time that suddenly started to demand Kabbalah? What kind of time is this?

Answer: It is because we live in an egoistic world and egoism within us constantly develops. Therefore, the Kabbalists, seeing that they had no other method, means, or weapons against the egoism that was developing so much in society, decided to take Kabbalah out of its hidden places and show it to the whole world.

Question: Did your teacher know that you would follow this path of dissemination?

Answer: Of course, he knew. What did he write? And what did his father, Baal HaSulam, write?

Comment: His father even wrote more.

My Response: Yes, so it was natural that those who consider themselves followers of Baal HaSulam and Rabash, and not only them but also Rambam, Ramchal, and Baal Shem Tov, must disseminate Kabbalah.

Question: Does it mean that the time demands Kabbalah?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What problems can Kabbalah solve today?

Answer: It can strengthen people in their quest to find out who we are, what our purpose is, and what we can do to bring the world to peace.

This is necessary for every person. What is the meaning of life? Kabbalah answers all questions. I believe that only its revelation can give people the key to the upper world.

Question: There are many different practices, yet you always highlight Kabbalah. You say, “This is special, this is a wisdom.” You always somehow separate it from all these practices and religions. Why?

Answer: Because, in principle, there are no practices in Kabbalah, only the heart’s desire of a person for a connection with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

Related Material:
Kabbalah—The Source of Sciences
How To Recognize A True Kabbalist
The Illuminati’s Coming to Get You… NOT!

Not To Worship Other Gods

515.02Comment: In Shamati 88, Baal HaSulam talks about idolatry. You mentioned that idolatry is the belief in other forces, but that also comes from the Creator.

My Response: If you believe that everything comes from one Creator, then you have no problem.

The article discusses how in past centuries, a thousand or two thousand years ago, people believed in upper forces that resided in trees, water, rivers, and the sea. So they worshiped various objects and natural phenomena. Today this is almost nonexistent.

Question: Is the exaltation of someone also idolatry, and how should we react when this happens within us?

Answer: If we elevate certain individuals above others, we must be cautious to ensure it does not resemble worshiping other gods or idols.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Work Is Only Where There Are Two Ways – 1”

Related Material:
Do Not Make Yourself An Idol
Quality That Rises Above Idolatry
The Difference Between Idolatry And Worship

Socrates’ Tricky Question

555Comment: Many ancient Greeks were afraid of Socrates’ question, which he often asked: “Aren’t you ashamed to take care of money, fame, honors, and not take care of your soul and not think about it, so that it is as good as possible?”

Alcibiades, a politician and strategist of that time, hated Socrates and said: “Socrates made me feel a sense of shame. And how often I wished that he was no longer among living people.”

Answer: That’s right; with a normal egoistic view of the world, if someone points out my flaws to me, I first want him to disappear, and the flaws, if possible, let them disappear too.

Question: From this explanation, it would seem to be a despicable thing to engage in fame, money, and power?

Answer: It should at least be secondary. We need it for existence.

Question: So we are dealing with this out of necessity? But only just out of necessity.

Answer: Yes.

Question: And in principle, all our studies should be to engage in matters of the soul. Why then don’t we engage in them?

Answer: Ask all people and they will tell you: “I do not know what a soul is. I do not know how to do it. I don’t want to…it’s difficult; it’s complicated. It’s against my egoistic nature. I don’t want to…”

Question: Then why are there so many spiritual practices in the world?

Answer: Because people invent things all the time, and they want to trick the Creator around their finger. That is, I will do this or do that, and in this way I will conquer egoism and nature, and the Creator.

Question: So this is all an attempt by a person to somehow bypass the main thing. Because the main thing is difficult to do?

Answer: The main thing is against our nature, and therefore we cannot advance like this.

Question: How can a person determine that he has found exactly that?

Answer: He begins to feel the meaning of life, the real meaning of life, the meaning of existence. He feels that he has found the root of life.

Question: Where do I feel it? Where is the feeling in me that I have found this?

Answer: It is a merging of heart and mind.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/6/23

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You Have To Pay For Spirituality
Do Not Lose Your Soul
Don’t Waste Your Life

The Creator Is One for All

229Comment: From a letter: “Previously, from your lectures it was clear that the Creator is for everyone. But now it is somehow becoming clear that the Jews are a supernation. Let’s get over it, Mr. Laitman!”

My Response: I would get over it, but what should I do?!

Question: And I also sometimes think: How can we get around this issue, smooth it out a little?

Answer: There is no way around it. A supernation is a curse.

Comment: They think it is a gift.

My Response: There is nothing good about this.

Question: What do you mean by the word “curse”?

Answer: That we owe everything, everything is against us. Everyone thinks we are to blame for everything.

Question: But we also have responsibility, right?

Answer: Yes, we are responsible. But we do not understand this responsibility and do not know how we can justify it.

Question: So, we do not want it, this responsibility?

Answer: Of course!

Question: And we do not want this role? But they insist and will lead us to the result anyway?

Answer: The highest predestination only places us this way, in the middle of everything that happens in the world.

We have the responsibility to set an example of correct behavior for humanity. But we absolutely do not do this! We do not do it at all.

Question: It is good connection between us and love for one’s neighbor, that is all there. Are we not getting closer to this?

Answer: No. That is the curse, that we are not getting closer.

Question: This friend also asks the following question, “It was clear from what you said that the Creator is for everyone, right?”

Answer: Yes, but this does not mean that everyone is equally good or bad.

Question: If He is the one for everyone, then why are there so many religions, beliefs, movements, and each has its own Creator?

Answer: It is in order for us to figure it all out and unite above all religions, beliefs, and everything.

Question: So, the path of all these 800 movements, tons of religions, and everything somehow comes down to the same thing?

Answer: Yes. We must rise above everything, and the Creator will be there. One for all.

Question: There is still a question about the Jews. Will this be an eternal question? Will this ever end?

Answer: It will end when the Jews will want it. That is, when they realize what they need to do and stop hiding, but act openly in front of everyone and show everyone what the method for uniting all people in the world is. This is their main task.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/13/23

Related Material:
The “Chosen People” Have A Responsibility Before The World. Who Is Willing?
There Are No Accounts In Love
The Nation Of Israel: Restoring The Interconnection

The Elixir of Life and Death

231.01Question: Vlad asks a lot of questions.

I know that the Torah is the greatest miracle that has happened in the world. Thanks to the Torah humanity has learned what morality, ethics, and humanism are. The Torah has become the source of life for the whole world.

And I was surprised when I suddenly heard that the Torah could be the elixir of death. It is written that it can be either the elixir of life, which is understandable, or the elixir of death, which is absolutely incomprehensible.

Could you explain how this is possible? I think something else is implied here. It cannot be death! I am sure of it! 

Answer: It depends on how you use this methodology. You either come closer to the Creator, and then it is the elixir of life. Or you can move away from the Creator, become more and more opposite to Him, and then it is the elixir of death.

Question: How can one move away from the Creator?

Answer: Man does not want to come close to the Creator! He does not want any rapprochement with the Creator at all.

Question: Meaning that initially, when beginning to study, or read, or go through this methodology, I have to set a goal: I study and read this in order to get closer to the Creator. What is rapprochement with the Creator?

Answer: Getting closer to the Creator means constantly awakening the desire for bestowal, love, and connection with others in oneself.

Question: In what case does the Torah become death?

Answer: It is if I do not think about others, about anyone, only about myself, and I egoistically perceive everything around me.

Question: So it is if I study the Torah while thinking about myself. Could it be in order to become famous, to know everything by heart? Does this all lead to death?

Answer: Yes.

Question: “Everyone reads the Torah in their own way,” says Vlad. Someone sees laws in it, someone sees the history of the nation. You are talking about forces, that there is power behind every word and name. Why does everyone see something different in the Torah?”

Answer: Because it is based on themselves. Everyone has their own special, personal spiritual root. Everyone reads it in their own way. You see how it is being interpreted.

Question: Yes, there are many different interpretations. And I, an ordinary person, read this interpretation but interpret it on my own? Or am I already proceeding from this interpretation?

Answer: You interpret it the way you were created. If you want to interpret it differently, you have to work on yourself, make yourself more giving, more loving, and so on.

Question: Then will I accept, for example, the Kabbalistic interpretation?

Answer: Then you will have to take it upon yourself.

Question: And will I interpret it in my own way or how the Kabbalists interpret it?

Answer: There is no other way, only as the Kabbalists say. You will see that this is the only way it works.

Question: Is this the elixir of life?

Answer: Yes.

Question: “When will the Torah become the elixir of life for everyone?”

Answer: This is a problem. It is when the Creator shows everyone how the world really works.

Question: You mean when there will be a revelation for the whole world?

Answer: Yes. Then, involuntarily, all people will come, agree, bow down, and want to master the Torah.

Question: Even if I held completely different opinions, lived in a different way, suddenly the Creator will reveal Himself to me and everything will turn upside down?

Answer: Everything! It is not you who turns it upside down, everything is turned upside down in you.

Question: As if all these lives and years did not exist?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How does this happen?

Answer: We will find out soon enough.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/6/23

Related Material:
Preparation For Receiving The Torah: The Light Of Correction
What Does The Torah Tells Us?
The Torah Is A Program And A Guide

There Is No Absence in Spirituality

537You already know that there is no absence in the spiritual, and that transference from place to place does not mean becoming absent from the first place and arriving at the next place, as in corporeality. Rather, they remain in the first place even after they have moved and arrived at the next place, as though lighting one candle from another, without the first being deficient (Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Science of Kabbalah”).

In spirituality, there is no moving from place to place. Everything that is in its place can also change and move to another without leaving the previous one.

Comment: Now even quantum physicists have discovered that electrons can be in different places at the same time.

My Response: This is not the same thing. In spirituality there is no transition from a past place to another or reproduction, as is possible in our world. It is just that the property of each spiritual object is such that it does not disappear from where it once was, but generates another state from itself.

Comment: For example, in one of the articles, Baal HaSulam gives an example of water that can freeze or evaporate, i.e., change its properties.

Answer: Yes, but these are aggregate states; however, the essence does not change.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 11/7/23

Related Material:
Creation Starts Here And Now
In Absence of Adequate Feelings
Eternity Of Spiritual Contact

The Handmaid Who Seized the Mistress’s Place

294.2“This is called “a handmaid who is heir to her mistress,” since the very power of the mistress—the control of the internality—is by the force of our wisdom and knowledge, as it is written, “we are distinguished, I and Your people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.”
Now, the handmaid has stepped forth and prides herself in public that she is the heir of this wisdom” (Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“).

Mistress means the desire to reveal the Creator and the handmaid is external aspirations.

The problem is that now the external part of the knowledge of nature prevails in the world. That is completely wrong because it turns all the devices and governance of the world upside down. It turns out that people do not want to perceive the inner part of nature, study it, and master it. That is how all sorts of other teachings appear.

Even though, initially the handmaid’s aspirations were intended to single out the mistress, it turned out that she seized the place of the mistress and rules instead of her and hides behind something else, which is lighter, more pleasant, and more understandable. Therefore, people do not want to do the hard work of revealing the Creator.

Question: If we are talking about a ten, how can we determine that the handmaid has taken or is beginning to take the place of the mistress?

Answer: This is a very serious issue. In principle, it all depends on how a person feels and what he is drawn to—either to reveal all sorts of secrets of the universe or to follow the recommendations of the Creator. That is the difference.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/10/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“

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