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Fighting Antisemitism

Combating Hate Around the World

Fighting Antisemitism

With violent instances of antisemitism on the rise across the world, we are devoting more resources than ever to expunge this epidemic and ensure Jewish safety.

Whether it’s our Chairman of the Executive, Isaac Herzog, calling on global leaders to do more in their countries to fight antisemitism or spreading truth on college campuses to combat BDS, The Jewish Agency is committed to combatting the pervasive presence of anti-Semitism.

Recent antisemitic attacks across the world have proven we must unite so Jews everywhere can live and practice their faith safely without fear. We stand with the Jewish People and communities affected by this horrific, hate-driven terror.

Antisemitism, the scourge we had hoped would remain a bad memory from the past, is raising its head again. It is as ugly and as deadly as it used to be.

Zoog Productions for The Jewish Agency for Israel
Zoog Productions for The Jewish Agency for Israel

Thousands marched against antisemitism in New York on January 5, while hundreds attended a solidarity rally in Jerusalem, sending a clear message of support to U.S. Jews after recent antisemitic attacks.

The next deadly attack may very well be around the corner and the palpable fear of Jews all over the world is very real.