Although Hal Jordan and John Stewart are confirmed to be the primary heroes in the DCU's upcoming Lanterns series, other Lanterns could appear from Sector 2814. While Hal Jordan was the first Green Lantern, he's not the only human recruited into the Green Lantern Corps. Just like John Stewart who also became an accomplished officer in his own right, power rings have chosen a handful of heroes from Earth over the course of the DC Comics timeline.

Although the Green Lantern Corps is compromised of thousands of different alien races from all over the galaxy with notable members such as Salaak, Tomar-Re, and the Corps' leading training officer Kilowog, Earth notably has an entire squad of Lanterns who call it home with many serving on the Corps' Honor Guard. This is largely due to the frequency of Earth being in peril and how often it becomes the center of a crisis set to doom the universe. Here's every Green Lantern from Earth who could make an appearance in DC's upcoming Lanterns series beyond Hal Jordan and John Stewart.

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Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner as a Green Lantern in DC Comics

Initially recruited to be Hal Jordan's backup if he ever became incapacitated, Guy Gardner would later become a full-fledged member of the Corps in his own right. Extremely hot-headed and stubborn with a massive ego to match, Guy is a challenging Green Lantern to be at odds with. Gardner also has no problems challenging the authority of the Guardians of Oa, the immortal creators and leaders of the Green Lantern Corps. However, Guy is extremely loyal to his friends, especially his fellow recruits from Earth.

The second human to be offered a Green Lantern ahead of Stewart, there's a precedent for Gardner to make an appearance in the upcoming Lanterns series. Likewise, Guy Gardner was reportedly going to star in the Green Lantern series that was in development prior to this newly announced series. More recent comics have also seen Guy foregoing the green light of willpower in favor of the rage of the Red Lanterns. Initially sent by Jordan to infiltrate their ranks, Guy now leads his own contingent of Red Lanterns. As such, an appearance from Guy in Lanterns could have him wearing red instead of green, though either role would be exciting.

Kyle Rayner

Kyle Rayner Green Lantern

Originally an artist living in Los Angeles, Kyle Rayner was the fourth human to wield a power ring from the Green Lantern Corps. Chosen by the Guardian Ganthet at a time when the Green Lantern Corps was all but destroyed, Kyle's career began as the only active Green Lantern in existence (though that would change with the GLC's eventual rebirth). Rayner also became one of the most powerful Lanterns of all, becoming host to the entity of willpower known as Ion as well as the fear entity Parallax. He also became a White Lantern, capable of harnessing the entire Emotional Spectrum in the DC Universe.

If the whole Emotional Spectrum does debut in the new DCU, an appearance from Kyle Rayner in Lanterns would be very compelling. That said, perhaps Kyle could be featured as a fellow Green Lantern with his evolution as a White Lantern being set up for future seasons and/or projects. Regardless, time will tell if Kyle Rayner will be part of the DCU (in whatever capacity).

Related: Lanterns: Everything We Know About The New Green Lanterns Series

Simon Baz

Simon Baz Green Lantern DC Comics

Simon Baz is the fifth human from Earth to become a Green Lantern, recruited at a time when the Green Lanterns were facing the threat of the Third Army. Simon's ring in particular once belonged to Sinestro before the villain became a Yellow Lantern and started his own corps based on fear. It also took Simon quite a long time to fully trust in his ring, leading to his decision to wield a handgun as a backup form of defense. However, Batman eventually convinced Simon to forego the firearm and fully trust in the power of his ring.

Having been a member of both Amanda Waller's Justice League of America and later the primary Justice League, Simon was primarily an Earth-bound Green Lantern. As such, it would be interesting to see the DCU's Jordan and Stewart interacting with Baz as an initial point of contact during their reported investigation of a new threat on Earth. However, Baz wasn't the only Green Lantern on the team when he was part of the Justice League.

Jessica Cruz

Jessica Cruz powered up as a Green Lantern in DC Comics

Although she's since become one of the greatest Green Lanterns in the Corps, the origins of Jessica Cruz are quite unique. Originally chosen by the sadistic Volthoom from Earth-3 to become its new Power Ring, Jessica was chosen as a prime victim, providing Volthoom which plenty of fear to feed upon. However, the combined efforts of Batman and Hal Jordan helped Jessica conquer her fears and control her ring, though she'd eventually become a full-fledged Green Lantern with a more legitimate ring following the Darkseid War in the pages of DC Comics.

Upon her official recruitment into the Green Lantern Corps, Hal Jordan paired Jessica and Simon Baz together to protect Earth as members of the Justice League. He also temporarily combined their power batteries as a means of encouraging them to rely on each other as partners. As a result, Simon Baz appearing in HBO Max's Lanterns could also lead to an appearance from Jessica as well.

Sojourner "Jo" Mullein

Jo Mullein in DC comics

A more recent addition to the Green Lantern mythos, Sojourner "Jo" Mullein is one of DC's newest Lanterns, first appearing in 2020 with her own series entitled Far Sector. Inspired to make a true difference following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Jo Mullein would enlist in the army before becoming a police officer. However, Mullein faced plenty of hardships such as when she was suddenly fired from the force after she was tagged in a BLM post. However, she was quickly recruited by one of Oa's Guardians for the unique position of protecting one of the furthest sectors in the galaxy.

Given a self-charging power ring due to the sector's distance from Oa and the challenge to make a difference within a year, Mullein became the seventh Green Lantern from Earth. Likewise, it was also revealed her power ring was uniquely charged by “the more nuanced willpower required to live with fear. To push toward a goal over the years, against a whole society, with no hope of reward." Although Jordan and Stewart are the logical choices for the first season of HBO's Lanterns series, Green Lanterns like Jo Mullein and the aforementioned members prove there'll be room to expand and grow the cast in some very exciting ways.

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