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Why players can’t complain?

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Why players can’t complain?

Mindfreak said they almost had 0 practice while being in Shanghai cuz of the PC specs and the overall environment was bad (no vpn so only could scrim CN teams but was not helpful)

Cryo also said something similar, I think GENG players said the same thing

But they also always say during the post-match interview that they can’t say everything now and just move on

Why can’t they say it? Will Riot fine them for it?

NA Challengers has more exciting teams this year, but less clout/attention

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NA Challengers has more exciting teams this year, but less clout/attention

Last year, Tarik watch partied almost every challengers game. The DSG / moist watch parties were so fun.

Even though it was obvious that m80 and Guard were the top 2 contenders for Ascension, there were intriguing storylines (TTR beating G2, Moist and Oxygen’s rise, Yay)

This year, no one is really watching the games except Sean Gares on occasion. It feels like the hype has definitely decreased… but the actual matches are juicy because it’s not obvious who the top 2 are.

QoR beat Oxygen. TTR beat MxS today. TTR beat m80. Who is winning??

MCC Participants in House of Nightmares Day 3 + Comparison with MCC

A community-run subreddit for MCC; a tournament organized by Scott Smajor and created by the Noxcrew!

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MCC Participants in House of Nightmares Day 3 + Comparison with MCC

Hannahxxrose and Sylvee Present: MCC Participants in House of Nightmares Day 3


In Maplewood town on September 13th of the year 1984 a series of reporters have gone missing after investigating the mysterious House of Horrors. Inside ghosts, apparitions and monsters too horrifying to detail run rampant, intent on stealing the souls of any mere mortals who dare to step foot inside

Over the course of 5 days 150 Journalists (Participants) compete in a serious of spooky elimination based nightmares/games and tests within the House of Horrors with the last one standing being allowed to leave with their life still intact. The rest will have their souls haunt the House of Horrors for eternity. 1st receives 70k from the prize pool, 2nd getting 12k and 3rd - 20th getting 1k. As is currently stands there are 110 participants coming into Day 2

Surviving MCC Participants coming into the event for Day 2: Hannahxxrose, Sylvee, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo, Shadoune, PeteZahHutt, 5up, Fruitberries, Sneegsnag, FalseSymmetry, Rendog, Feinberg, Antfrost, RedVelvetIsCake, FireBreathMan, Apokuna, SpeedSilver, Gumiho, Seapeekay, CapitanGato, Wallibear, Awesamdude, Bekyamon, Iskall85, OwengeJuice, Acho, BaboAbe, Fulham, Couriway, OllieGamerz, Wolfeei, AntVenom and Purpled

Deceased MCC Participants from the previous days: Kratzy, JackManifold, DarkEyeBrows, Vixella, DrGluon, Cubfan135, LexieMarie and Tubbo

Twitch Rivals also has their own separate broadcasts with Jojosolos and Kara Corvus as commentators throughout the event which you can find on the twitch rivals channel

Game 5: Doll, Doll, Curse

Objective: Choose a doll from a selection of coloured sectors and get chased by an evil creepy doll. Each doll has a unique ability such as speed or fireballs depending on what is chosen. Participants will have to keep away from the dolls for 5 minutes by running through the house or hiding in items but these can only be used once. This happens until one person is eliminated or 5 minutes has passed and each participants have 2 hearts with the dolls dealing half a heart's worth of damage per hit. Every round the dolls get slightly faster faster

As there are many rounds I'll give you a general overview - a meta slowly emerges as one group consisting of FireBreathMan, Hannahxxrose, Sapnap, CapitanGato, Bekyamon, Feinberg, Shadoune, Rendog, OwengeJuice, BadBoyHalo and SpeedSilver (and another 10 or so participants) stay together. Together they work out essentially the best strategy which is to run to a corner down a corridor that gives a long view of both paths - Hannahxxrose deduces that as long as they don't pick the colour next to their pathway into the House the doll will never spawn next to them and they wont get chased off of spawn. When the rest of the participants arrive in the form of a big crowd they blend in to lower the chance of getting hit. It's a clever strategy and FireBreathMan works out that the participant mob tends to just follow Sapnap's direction and so tells him to call out loudly when they need to move and it works for the entire round as all of the MCC participants from that group survive

The other group consists of the rest of the tournament participants who run aimlessly in small separate groups together and essentially are always chased off of spawn by a doll. Purpled leads a group of FalseSymmetry, Sylvee, OllieGamerz, Apokuna and Fruitberries whilst Seapeekay, Antfrost, AntVenom, Iskall85, 5up, RedVelvet and Fulham all stick together for the most part. The remaining MCC participants are scattered over the House. Very early on there's a lot of screaming, crying, singing and panic as no one knows what is going on. RedVelvetCake gets an extremely unlucky spawn and gets tagged by the doll immedaitely in one of the beginning rounds and is eliminated. More chaos ensues and unfortunately BaboAbe gets disconnected from the server - as this technically counts as a death he isn't allowed to return - however Abe takes this very well and is good natured about it which is respectable. I'm unsure if there's a possibility for him to return but if so I'll update this paragraph if we find out. The rest of the rounds are as follows - one group gets caught up to by a doll and starts to rotate round the map and each group rotates with them accordingly. No more MCC participants are eliminated thankfully and all live to fight another fight

Comparisons with MCC:

Doll, Doll, Curse - I actually enjoyed, obviously the RNG elements of the spawning were somewhat underwhelming however the fright and panic that ensures with the problem solving from Hannah's group was really entertaining. It's kind of like PKT but PvE - I'm not sure this is directly translatable into MCC however (as I've said a couple of times now) it could be a great remix idea. Have something horrifying chase a big group of people down creates so much panic it's great even though it's probably not practicable. I will quickly add for Transform and Run is essentially prop hunt, for anyone who remembers the good ol' Gary's Mod days, and while I do think back to those days with a fondness it wouldn't really offer much more than PKT does nowadays

Game 6: Transform and Run

Objective: Over the course of 4 10 minute rounds players are divided into hunters and props - hunters have to catch the props and can choose from abilities that give either speed, extra damage or transformation into a prop and props cannot hide in the same position for more than 60s without becoming visible to the hunters. Each round the players are divided at random. Hunters gain 5 points for killing the props and lose 2 points (and hp) for hitting non props whereas props gain 2 points for surviving every 5 minutes and 5 points for completing puzzles around the house. Props can also gain abilities like speed and teleporting and will respawn as hunter when caught. The bottom 30 players at the end of the game will be eliminated

Sigh. Here we go

As I'm sure nearly everyone reading this knows pretty much everything that could go wrong in a major event did go wrong. Initially the participants had to wait for long periods of time to allow contestants to join the lobby and then to acclimate to the rules as they were large and extensive to understand which meant long waiting times. Instead of giving you lengthy a play by play I'll just give you a list of the facts of what happened in the game that are provable (a lot can be found on 5up's VOD review of the game):

  • Everyone was given access to the same information going into the game to read and understand in discord

  • Nearly all of the other games leading up to this have also had elements of RNG when it comes to eliminations

  • Hunting points were way more rewarding than prop points and in Round 1 several people suicided giving whoever was randomly selected to hunt a boost whilst this wasn't the case in the remaining 3 rounds

  • As there are only 8 hunters chosen at the beginning of every round, and there are only 4 rounds, only 32 (presuming no one got chosen twice) of the 70 participants get the chance to start out as a hunter

  • Despite hunting points being stronger there were several participants who didn't hunt at all and still got a high amount of points (Hannah + FBM) from being only a prop meaning it was technically possible to still do well without hunting

  • Chests didn't work as intended as the slots didn't spin to open for certain players - some players were able to work around this eventually but a lot of other players weren't able to and this wasn't an intentional mechanic in the game (this happened to 5up, Sapnap and FalseSymmetry) Some other chests would not open with keys either

  • Miss clicks on wrong props didn't always deal damage to the hunter

  • Survival points were not consistently counted properly as a prop (this happened to Fruitberries)

  • There was a cooldown for getting a kill as a hunter which you wouldn't have known had you not been hunter in R1 as it wasn't explained in the rules apparently

  • The respawn time for each round was different per round meaning that there was uneven amounts of time comparatively between rounds which was accentuated by the random hunter selection (first round for example was 2 minutes respawn time whereas last round was 60 seconds)

  • Certain streamers were writing down coordinates of the chests and there seemed to be some disagreement about whether or not this was allowed or considered meta gaming (Hannah said this wasn't allowed)

  • Twitch Rival admins elected to restart the game and notified the contestants in the middle of R4 causing a lot of the remaining participants to troll and protest both vocally and in discord

  • Nearly everyone who DIDN'T WANT to restart had made top 40 and nearly everyone who WANTED to restart was in the bottom 30

  • Twitch Rivals admins then elect to cancel the game and have no eliminations today and do the doll game again tomorrow with some minor improvements to lessen RNG in that game in which 30 people will be eliminated

At this point the whole tournament descends into chaos. The general consensus is that if the game was going to be redone it should've been restarted after round 1 OR an announcement at the end of the game stating that the game will be investigated due to the number of issues instead of the middle of round 4. Additionally the reason for restarting was stated due to "More clarification to everyone for the sake of fair play and restart the game with more clarified rules and help on how to complete the puzzles" which seemed to annoy a lot of people as everyone was given the same rule set therefore no one should've been disadvantaged by that. There are lots of opinions being wafted around, too many to explain in detail, but it takes a while for all the information to come out about what went wrong in the game. There is no general consensus for agreeing what the next step is however as everyone who won doesn't want to redo and everyone who would've been eliminated does. It's a shame that it came to this as the event was going so well but there's little else to be done at this point.

Player Shoutouts: I think this clearly needs to go to Hannah and Sylvee who kept there composure and did their very best to help everyone in the event through game 6. It's a tough situation to navigate with so many emotionally charged voices giving their opinion and they both did well in spite of that

I'd also like to give 5up, Antfrost and BadBoyHalo shoutouts for their calm and fair communication following Game 6 - so many people lost their minds and just blindly raged but I respect them so much for taking the time to explain their own thoughts on the matter as well as listening and understanding other peoples perspective too. 5up in particular actually made top 40 but was one of the only people arguing for the bottom 30 which I think speaks to his character. This also extends to every other participant who called out the fighting in discord and just how insanely seriously some people were taking it

As of current information Doll, Doll, Curse will be played again tomorrow and eliminate 30 additional participants to account for Game 6 not counting towards any eliminations. This means that 70 remain going into Day 4 instead of 40 and there will be 3 tasks this day instead of 2. Every MCC participant from today except for RedVelvet and BaboAbe will be playing


The tournament should be about different parts of the MC community and others in the streaming world coming together to play in an event. Just because you do not like someone for their personality or whatever reason it does not justify spreading hate within the community and instigating something that could be considered verbally attacking someone. With that in mind I will not be including Couriway in any further posts due to their poor attitude and actions immediately following the end of Game 6. People in the comments have stated that this is potentially not the correct course of action for the summary given there may be multiple people at fault so I'll reconsider for Day 4

I'm aware Sapnap and Fulham behaved poorly too with Sapnap constantly playing DMCA music (he was not the only one to do this), spamming in discord and beefing with Fulham, and Fulham pulling up Sapnap's stream to ridicule him, his words, his mods and the viewers for 30 minutes - I'm also aware that several participants were clearly unobjective when it came to calling out poor behaviour based on who they did and did not like - the whole situation has caused participants in the tournament to state they're not sure they even want to be involved anymore and that is so sad to hear. I sincerely hope that everyone calms down and this doesn't prevent anyone from returning tomorrow or signing up in the future

Ultimately I hope that moving forward both streamers and viewers go into the rest of the event with an open mind - something Antfrost said which I felt worth mentioning was "No matter what happens someone will be unhappy, there's nothing anyone can do now except just accept it the decision and move on"


Please be respectful in the comments (as they will get removed if not) and continue to support Hannah and Sylvee as I can only imagine how stressful it was having to deal with that situation. Go into tomorrow with a positive mindset and have fun!

Should jinggg start playing Jett and/or Yoru/other duelists to improve PRX's map pool?

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Should jinggg start playing Jett and/or Yoru/other duelists to improve PRX's map pool?

After PRX bombs out of Shanghai, a decent amount of criticism (TMV, Sliggy etc.) has gone to the fact that PRX does really well on Raze maps, and barely enough to scrape by on Jett maps. A big reason for that seems to be that Something doesn't space well with the others, as good as Jinggg does on duelist. He has a tendency to swing out without trades, and in general Something really does well on Gekko, which PRX could really build Jett comps around because Gekko rn is very strong.

The question is, how do they improve their map pool?

Maps that have Raze meta: Split, Sunset and Bind, Lotus to an extent

-Their Split and Sunset are really good, Bind is decent and Lotus suffers from the Something jett problem as well. Lotus should be easy enough to fix, just put Something on an initiator

Maps without Raze meta:

-Icebox: Jinggg's Sage is actually decent, and Something's Jett is good. Their 100T loss was more of a discipline issue than anything else

-Breeze: Take a leaf out of GENG's book and put Jinggg on Yoru maybe? Something keeps playing Jett. The alternative is Jinggg Jett and Something plays initiator, with Forsaken maybe playing Yoru, his Yoru is really good

-Ascent: I don't even know if PRX have a set comp for this map, but Reyna just isn't it. I really think they should try Something Gekko and Jinggg Jett/Raze.

Also, I feel that PRX could really try to adopt Clove on the non-Raze maps. FPX showed it can be done, and Jinggg plays decent Clove in ranked, so why not try to build a comp around it?


What if Phoenix's fire wall could go through walls?

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What if Phoenix's fire wall could go through walls?

Do you think this would be a good buff? It would turn Phoenix (more) into a duelist/controller hybrid. He'd be able to smoke off more angles by himself freeing the controller to smoke off other places. It would only last 8 seconds and its has a short length (though I think it should also be buffed to be 25% longer) so it wouldn't be too OP. This would give Phoenix a pretty unique niche as a duelist as he can be a wall smoker alongside Viper and Harbor. Only other duelist with smoke is Jett but her smokes only last 2.5 seconds compared to 8 seconds for Phoenix's walls.

Edit: Just remembered Neon has walls too

Moist x Shopify vs Turtle Troop / Challengers League 2024 North America: Stage 2 - Regular Season / Post-Match Thread

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Moist x Shopify vs Turtle Troop / Challengers League 2024 North America: Stage 2 - Regular Season / Post-Match Thread

Moist x Shopify 0-2 Turtle Troop

BIND: 11-13

SUNSET: 10-13

Moist x Shopify | VLR

Turtle Troop | VLR

Map 1: BIND

Team ATK DEF Total
Moist x Shopify 9 2 11
Turtle Troop 3 10 13

Moist x Shopify ACS K D A
v1c BRIMSTONE 229 18 13 9
brawk GEKKO 224 18 15 3
mada RAZE 197 15 18 5
oderus VIPER 177 16 16 5
flyuh SKYE 165 13 17 6
Turtle Troop ACS K D A
------------------ --------- ------- ------- -------
corey RAZE 231 19 17 4
wedid BRIMSTONE 212 15 20 11
stellar FADE 207 20 11 3
bdog SAGE 194 16 17 4
Add3r GEKKO 109 9 15 7

Detailed BIND Statistics


| Team | DEF | ATK | Total | | Moist x Shopify | 8 | 2 | 10 | | ATK | DEF | | Turtle Troop | 4 | 9 | 13

Moist x Shopify ACS K D A
mada RAZE 317 26 16 4
brawk GEKKO 286 22 17 9
oderus CYPHER 170 15 18 3
flyuh KAYO 151 11 18 18
v1c OMEN 140 10 20 7
Turtle Troop ACS K D A
------------------ --------- ------- ------- -------
Add3r CYPHER 269 21 18 4
wedid OMEN 258 22 19 7
corey RAZE 226 18 18 5
bdog GEKKO 181 15 16 5
stellar BREACH 150 13 13 7

Detailed SUNSET Statistics

List of the best Minecraft event performances of all time

A community-run subreddit for MCC; a tournament organized by Scott Smajor and created by the Noxcrew!

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List of the best Minecraft event performances of all time

A pretty interesting topic for someone who likes to watch a lot of different minecraft events. For the purposes of this list I'm just going to consider the events that follow the traditional format of a bunch of different minigames and a finale game. I'm also not going to really consider "non canon" events from anywhere as they're generally reduced competition and people aren't trying as hard, even though there are a few that were dominant enough to be considered, like Kelawesome BWO chaos (point record), FBM mcc 27, Phazeray MC Mayhem Birthday (point record also), etc.

Also I'm not going to rank them as it's pretty hard to do across events with different skill levels and games. I'm mostly looking for consistency in almost every game, on top of some records being broken or huge pop offs.

Purpled Mcc 31:

We all know this one well, arguably the best mcc performance of all time (that is my opinion). Some insane highs, being the first to survive all 3 rounds of RSR, putting up the best pkw for the time, one of the best TGTTOS' ever, and an incredibly impressive meltdown clutch. He was pretty strong in every game but SOT.

Dirt Block Mcc 28:

I don't really want to elaborate on this person but I'll just say this performance had some unreal consistency and that's it.

Cxrtxr Mc Mayhem 26:
Idk if it's just me but I haven't seen almost any discussion about how insane this performance was. I could be wrong but I think he got top 5 in every individual game? This also included some really impressive solo clutches in Combat cube and especially sky skirmish. This performance was the point record by a LOT at the time, and the only performance to even get close is Phaze's most recent one which was non canon. Very impressive Lagga (/j). Also impressive that mayhem is a very high skill event.

Kelawesome Pandoras box 6:

If I was going to make a ranking this would probably top it. How could it not? Getting 1st individual in 6/8 games, 3rd in the other individual game, chalice chase no happen ,in an extremely high skilled event is insane on its own, but topped off by the fact that his second frag got 22nd in a 32 person event makes it all the more impressive. Also included an insane sky high 1v4. This performance was point record by a lot at the time, and has only been passed (also by Kel) after they buffed damage points to be insane. Bro cooked, that's all I gotta say. Pandoras box is yet another high skill event too.

Feinberg blockwars 10:

"I'm never playing again" yeah probably not bro. You know, this performance already probably would've made this list if he just had an average 8th game and the other 7 had went the same, but bro decided to go and get 27 kills in battle. That is just ridiculous. This one's another point record by a lot and idk if it's gonna get toppled any time soon. He got top 5 in every individual game except race, when it's pretty objective to say he would've if Purpled didn't steal his boat. The dominance of this one could make it a consideration for best ever, but Blockwars CC is not nearly as skilled of an even as BWO, Mayhem, or PB. Still really impressive though.

Purpled blockwars 8:

One of the most absurdly consistent performances, getting top 2 in 6/7 individual games except spleef, and if there was any game that I can understand some bad luck causing a dip in, it would be spleef (he still got 9th tho).

Natcrackers Standen05 BWO 22: An extremely impressive and dominant performance from top to bottom, getting top 5 in every game except extraction, which he got 6th in. He also busted the point record by 300 points, though that was largely thanks to hunt giving a ridiculous amount of points. That doesn't change how good this one is though, and made even more impressive by how skilled the roster of BWO is. I think he also put up the best move performance ever? Good going Nayr.

Kelawesome BWO 24: Lost out on the point record by a couple points, but still a great one nonetheless. 1st in 4/7 individual games, 4th in two of them, and 9th in one of them, including the best party performance by a mile, practically maxing out the game by surviving everything and getting 34 kills in crossfire. He also did his average kel thing and got 18 kills in extraction.

Lmk if you disagree or think I missed any! (I probably did)

I rank my favourite RLCS casters for absolutely no reason

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I rank my favourite RLCS casters for absolutely no reason

Best overall caster - Shogun. CJCJ is runner up here, but I give the nod to Shogun because whilst CJCJ shines with any partner, Shogun *elevates* any partner.

Best solo caster - JohnnyBoi. Honestly don't think this one is super close, he can carry a broadcast on his own better than anybody, does great colour and analysis both.

Best NA caster - Jorby. Could legit hype up A4 vs foolscap (these are paper sizes). Massive energy, brilliant voice. Love him.

Best duo/most shippable - Stumpy/Cole. Incredible chemistry. Feels like they are just two entertaining guys watching rocket league and somebody made a TV show out of it without telling them who may or may not be married IRL.

Best caster who's still an active pro: AppJack. Of all the rocket league channels that are mostly just playing the game, AppJack's is by far the best.

Best "as captivating as a car crash" takes that don't make sense and you don't like but you can't look away: TBates. I don't know where that man gets his mind-altering chemicals but they must be incredible.

Best guy who Psyonix should throw money at to cast an adults-only stream of RLCS: Turbo. I just want to watch RLCS and it's Turbo roasting absolutely everybody.

If Oxygen makes Worlds, will EU send four best teams to world championship?

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If Oxygen makes Worlds, will EU send four best teams to world championship?

Just finished watching chalked cast, and one question that popped up was: Did EU send four best teams to LANdon? So I was wondering, if OXG makes top 2 and snatches the World's spot, will it be the most stacked LAN, or KC is just undisputadbly Top 4 EU, no matter how OXG boys will perform at the major?

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