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Tarot & Astrology

Me holding back my “so what’s your zodiac sign” as my default intro

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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Me holding back my “so what’s your zodiac sign” as my default intro
r/astrologymemes - Me holding back my “so what’s your zodiac sign” as my default intro

People who say earth signs are boring lack the patience to get to know them... or the depth to understand

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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People who say earth signs are boring lack the patience to get to know them... or the depth to understand

I said what I said. Every earth sign I know is the personality form of a magical little fairy garden. Except maybe capricorns

a Capricorn definitely made this 🤣

Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power!

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a Capricorn definitely made this 🤣
r/capricorns - a Capricorn definitely made this 🤣

Dragging the fire signs (a low key appreciation post)

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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Dragging the fire signs (a low key appreciation post)


"Never tell an Aries they are wrong. Aries is the one sign that will just deck you. They don't mess around with you. At the same time, they are also impossible to get rid of. If you have an Aries in your life and try to cut the cord, you cannot shake them. They are persistent and will not let you.

"Like all fire signs, Aries are very loyal but they have a tendency to become a bit fanatical. If an Aries gets religion, God help you. Because they are going to give it to you! They are not crazy fanatics but they get on one binge and it's a lifelong one. They don't switch horses midstream. They will put their allegiance someplace and that's it - it will not waver.

"Aries have a beautiful, almost charming way of leading with their chin. They step in where angels fear to tread and they almost beg you to go along with them. If someone says not to go somewhere, an Aries will say 'forget it! I'm going over there!'

"Aries also have the naivete to give others the most beautiful openings for jokes. A very beautiful thing about them is they not only laugh with you but they can laugh at themselves. Not many signs can do that very well. And they can make a joke out of their own embarrassment- they have that natural charm.

"Aries will prove a point to the nth degree when speaking or writing. They will go over and over something bc they're convinced you're too dumb to get it the first time. They feel compelled to repeat something 4 times in 4 different ways. You will finally say, "ok I give up, whatever you want!" What's amazing though is that once you have proven your intelligence to an Aries they will usually back down and not hog the show as much. But my God, the effort needed to prove it!

"You never want to turn your back on an Aries when they're talking to you. That is the most horrible affront bc they know that what they say is important for you to hear. And if you turn your back on them or cut them off, that is an unforgivable sin.

"It is best to let Aries work independently. They don't work well with someone hovering around them. Just tell them what you want done and let them do it. No fire sign likes to be dominated but especially the Aries.

"If you ever go into battle, you want an Aries on your side. Leos think they have big mouths but Aries far surpass them. Never go up against a Leo or an Aries, especially together."


"Leos have a strong degree of fidelity. Possibly the strongest in the zodiac. They become completely distraught over broken relationships and take guilt totally upon themselves bc of any break in a close relationship. Leos are very idealistic about marriage and if they marry more than once, they will carry the burden of the broken marriage for years.

"Leos have a way of saying things with a sarcastic flair but they're totally honest and justice minded, just like Libras.

'Leos can become wrathful if someone they love is hurt. All fire signs are like this. They can say things to others but God help you if you say it to them. If you are ever in a fight, you want a fire sign with you. There is no other sign you want except maybe a Cancer.

"Leos will barge right into a conversation bc they are so afraid of forgetting something. Leos are very intelligent and they know a little about alot. They are great conversationalists and they love parties. There is nothing more attentive than a Leo who feels you have something interesting to say.

"Leos put those they love on pedestals. They have a way of telling everyone else about the person they love but frequently forget to direct these emotions to the loved one. They feel that would make them more vulnerable. Their best friend could come along and say, 'I heard what you said about me.' And the Leo will say 'yeah, you're ok'. But when talking to a 3rd party, they will eulogize you.

"Leos long for material gain but often don't want to work too hard for it. Leos also don't like getting their hands dirty. Most Leos involved in charity work would rather earn money from afar and then send it to the needing party.

"Leos have magnificent voices and command attention easily which suits their strong flair for the dramatic quite well. They are expert debaters and love to weave a trap around the people they are arguing with. They make brilliant attorneys. Effortlessly capturing the attention of any audience, like a courtroom for example, is second nature to them.

"Leos have a brilliant sense of humor. They also tease unmercifully but will stop if even one tear is shed. They have tempers but usually their anger arises out of deep hurt rather than malice.

"Nothing disturbs a Leo as much as having to deal with mechanical gadgets that do not work. They are crushed by any failed DIY projects. They also have a love of games but they really hate to lose. Sometimes to keep the peace it can be best to let the Leo win (or any fire sign for that matter...)"


"Sagittarians are very analytical and make particularly good doctors, biologists, researchers, etc. You will find a large number of psychiatrists under this sign.

"Sag has an endearing quality where they constantly ask, 'I'm alright, aren't I? I feel good, don't i?" They constantly need to be validated yet they aren't a borderline personality. They like being soothed by others. If there is any sign in the zodiac filled with anxiety, it's the Sagittarius. Unless they are completely quieted down by air and water in their chart. Sag are very anxiety ridden and it's possible this is bc they think and process so much from their intellect.

"Sag are extremely quick witted. They not only enjoy a joke but they can tell one very well. They have highly developed senses of humor. Sags write very well if not a bit scientifically. They can be a bit wordy. You'll say to a Sag 'would you please get to the point?' They go on and on bc they want to make sure they are covering all bases. If you ask them to repeat one word from a book, they will repeat the entire book instead.

"A Sagittarius will explain and postulate on every subject. 'Now, if it happens this if it happens this way...or if it happens this way'. They want all the bases covered. They don't like loose ends.

"Sagittarians are the kind of people who will come to a class and say, 'I'll pay you after I find out if I like it.' This is typical behavior for them.

"Like libras, sag are a very 'don't fence me in' sign. They love their freedom. You never want to make them feel like they have no freedom. What's interesting about them is if you are a freedom loving person with a sag, they become possessive. Yet if you become possessive of them, they will run for the hills. People involved with sag may often find themselves standing in front of that person saying, 'what do you want from me?"

"Its never boring to be around a Sag. They are incredibly witty and people tend to gravitate toward them. You will usually find them at the center of a group holding court."

"Sagittarians, like scorpios, can be quite vindictive. They are the kind of people who will say to you, 'I haven't spoken to my mother or sister in 20 years and I don't care to'. You'll ask if they feel bad about this and they will say no. They'll say it to you like this, 'they committed a mortal sin - they interfered in my life.' And a Sagittarius will simply erase them from their life. They cease to exist for the sag. If you're at dinner with Sag, and all of a sudden, the sister shows up, Sagittarius will get up and walk out the door.

"Full blown Sagittarians can get away with saying things others cannot. They are the kind of sign that can level the most vicious insult at someone and it won't dawn on that person until days later, if it ever lands at all. But if anyone else says the exact same thing, they'll get punched in the face. It's not uncommon to get excoriated by a Sagittarius and then say 'thank you.'

Edit: the above excerpts were originally written by the late great Sylvia Browne

Dragging the water signs (a low key appreciation post)

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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Dragging the water signs (a low key appreciation post)


"Cancers tend to be immaculate in their grooming but quite messy in their surroundings. Cancers are also very selective in interpersonal relationships, probably one of the most particular signs of the zodiac.

"Cancers at age 20 will drive like someone who is 85. They drive with both hands white knuckling the wheel.

"If you ever tell a cancer they can't do something, they will immediately say 'why not?' then go right out and do it.

"Cancers do have moods but they have been given a very bad reputation in astrology bc although they're prone to moodiness, a cancer will actually try harder to get out of that mood. Most Cancers realize they can be moody can work themselves out of it.

"Cancers will categorize - by date, hour and minute - every hurt ever dealt to them. The nice thing about them is that they will forgive you. But they will never forget about the event.

"Cancers can have an obsession with appearing stupid sometimes so much so that they can fulfill their own dreaded prophecy of being dumb.

"Cancers have a beautiful laugh. They're usually amused by anything not in correct order. Their sensitivity usually prevents them from being practical jokers but they lean more towards the mental side of humor - anything that is displaced or offkilter. Humor is a catharsis for them - they view it as something else displaced bc Cancers themselves frequently walk around most of their lives feeling displaced. This is bc they are fighting their mood changes. What's extraordinary about them is that this leaves them predisposed toward feelings of empathy and compassion for others.

They are very loving and family oriented. They are tremendously protective of their family unit or anyone they have absorbed into their family unit. If you ever harm the loved one of a cancer - watch out. They will react like a bear protecting its cub even if its a friend whom they have deemed "like a second sister."


"Scorpios are very goal oriented. You will find that some of the world's greatest leaders have been of this sign. It is true that the scorpio has a criminal mind, but these individuals can turn it to their advantage and do very well in business. Scorpios are vital to all forms of business and , like virgos , will subliminate their energy into their goals. For example, you will never see a scorpio become a real estate agent and stay in that position for long. The scorpio will become a broker and have their own little company.

"Scorpios tend to be very secretive, more so than Pisces. They're even secretive within themselves. Pisces will at least try to verbalize their thoughts. Scorpio won't bother - they can't. This may be bc of their unbridled sexual energy. They really don't know why they are that way.

"Scorpios want to change things - they want to change the world. Now, they don't want to change their homes or have their bathroom retiled- they won't bother with that. They want to change their city's metro rail system, their community, and also God. God is probably a scorpio.

"You can suffer around scorpios and they won't have much sympathy for you. Paradoxically, they may express sympathy if you have a hang nail but will show no concern if you're bleeding from a gaping wound. Scorpio doctors are the worst bc you'll go in with a headache and they'll say that it might be a brain tumor. And you say, 'why would you tell me that!?' And they'll say, 'to prepare you. I don't want you to be upset.' Scorpios don't think of their actions as unkind - they are simply preparing you.

"Scorpios do not usually suffer much in the way of insecurity and can come across as a bit pompous. If you think Leos have a regal bearing, Scorpios come in like 'here I am!' and expect to be greeted with shouts of 'hurrah! hurrah!'

"Scorpios rarely become senile and are fastidious cleaners. But when they clean, they're going to dust the fan blades of the ceiling fan and the window blinds while leaving the major rooms untouched.

"Scorpios can lie to you with all truthfulness. They work within their own set of truths and they don't think it's wrong bc it's not wrong to THEM. You can say to a scorpio, "that's wrong!" And they will give you a perfect idealized answer that is absolutely right.

"Like geminis, scorpio loves education and you will find them going to school for 5,000 years. Another trait they have in common with gemini is their stamina - they can have 3, 4 different life projects all going on simultaneously.


I'll come back and finish pisces tomorrow. I have to go to sleep.

Once again, excerpts are brought to you courtesy the written works of Sylvia Browne.

Cappy's, true or false?

Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power!

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Cappy's, true or false?
r/capricorns - Cappy's, true or false?

We don’t talk about our feelings

November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for them. They are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key.The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion. What Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life.

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We don’t talk about our feelings

Any other sag feel like we don’t talk about our feelings because we understand they are ever fleeting. Like I can be passionate and fiery about something in one moment and in the next it’ll go away like taking a breath in then out so why talk about it?

Lately I’ve been asked to verbalize my feelings about various things and I find myself struggling to give sufficient breakdowns on what describes my feelings

Beginner open to readings till I close it

This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings.

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Beginner open to readings till I close it

Yesterday turned out to be unexpected when it comes to the readings and I enjoyed doing it. I extended to unlimited from Y/N to five cards

Feel free to hit me up on DMs! 💖💕

(I’ll be doing the remaining readings on the DMs but other than 12:31 AM CST I’m not taking anymore)

What's one thing that only an Aries would understand?

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

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What's one thing that only an Aries would understand?

Or someone who has Aries in their chart?

The Ascendant is not your appearance, but rather a Lens.

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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The Ascendant is not your appearance, but rather a Lens.

The ascendant, contrary what to what many seem to believe, is much more than the appearance/first impression. In my opinion, it's a lens. The way a person perceives the world through their own eyes. It can in turn, affect a persons style or appearance because a persons thoughts can affect facial features and such. The reason I believe it's a lens is because I've known a lot of Scorpio ascendants in my life, the universe pulls us together often. I've noticed many reoccurring themes with them, one of them being paranoia or a dark perception of things, often assuming the worst in situations.. Many times they thought I was "attacking" them when in reality that wasn't the case at all. Another common theme with Scorpio ascendants is their tendency to wear black clothing, which is a preference not a physical characteristic. They also tend to possess much depth, more so than other placements. And as a Taurus ascendant my outlook is much more calm and I enjoy the beauty of this world, nature, loyalty being extremely important to me, etc.. typical Taurus traits. For these reasons I believe the ascendant is our outlook, how we perceive the world, and how we will approach it.

First experience with tarot giving me such a clear answer with a big decision

For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more.

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First experience with tarot giving me such a clear answer with a big decision

I graduated college and I’m taking a gap year before graduate school and am trying to decide if I want to live with my friend and be on my own for the next year or go back home. Ive never lived on my own before and my parents got into my head about becoming a “real” adult and being on my own so I started thinking about moving back and how maybe it would be better. I asked tarot two questions. The first was “what will my life look like if I move back home?” I pulled the devil, 9 of swords, four of pentacles, and ten of wands. The second was “what will my life look like if I live on my own with my friend?” I pulled the high priestess, three of wands, 7 of pentacles, and 6 of wands! I just looked at the cards and laughed because the decision to live with my friend and actually try to be on my own has never been more clear. I don’t think moving back home would be as horrible as the cards are making it seem to be, but I definitely think the cards and my own intuition are strongly guiding away from that decision. Also don’t worry, I’m not basing this life decision entirely on tarot. I just wanted some guidance since I was becoming worried I was making the wrong choice.

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  • A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title. members
  • For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more. members
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  • Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power! members
  • A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL) members
  • November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for them. They are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key.The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion. What Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life. members
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  • This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings. members
  • 🌌 Each zodiac sign a symphony of stars, a poetry etched in timeless memoirs. In the celestial sphere they dance, twelve souls adorned in cosmic trance. members
  • Hello, everyone! Welcome to community, where we delve into the fascinating world of 22 arcana, the fate matrix, and other invaluable spiritual tools. I want to emphasize that this is a safe space for all of you. Feel free to share anything in the comments, and together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery. I'm here to guide you through life's challenges and assist you in achieving the fulfilling life you truly deserve. members
  • Astrocartography is the study of energetic influences and how they specifically apply to you based on your birth chart and geographic location. r/astrocartography is a community for sharing experiences, sharing knowledge, and asking questions on astrocartography. members
  • A place for individuals with their Moon in Scorpio. Always looking to connect to others with the same deep emotions and intensities. We can be disturbing to some, yet intriguing to others. We have a need for change and rebirth. We want all of it or none of it. We have a strong interest in the occult and unusual. Intuitive, passionate, fearless Scorpions. Hiding ourselves all day in the desert, waiting for nightfall. Calculating, for the exact time to strike. Join us ✨♏️🌙✨ members
  • A community for newbies and beginners of witchcraft, wicca, and the metaphysical. Baby witches, welcome home! Feel free to post your pinterest art & spells, your tiny alters, and ask all questions your heart desires! members
  • A place to discuss the astrology app The Pattern. members
  • This subreddit's main focus is to discuss divination decks and to help others find ones that they may be interested in. We welcome any and all deck creators/artists to showcase their newest works! This is not the place for readings or interpretations. members
  • A sub for experienced, trusted and verified readers to offer paid and personally delivered psychic services. Unverified readers are welcome to offer free or optional donation services only. *Please check the sub rules for more information on the verification process. *If seeking a reading we encourage you to accept paid services only from verified readers by checking the reader’s user flair. members
  • A community for fellow Leos (Sun, Moon, etc.) to discuss and celebrate our placement. Leo, the 5th sign in the zodiac, is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Those born July 23 - August 22nd are born under a Leo Sun. Community Keywords ~ Leo, Astrology, Zodiac, Lion. members
  • Reviews of spellcasters, psychics and magicians. members
  • Feel free to post your birth/rashi charts, and be advised You can ask questions about your chart Don't promote your business in the comments. Sidereal or tropical charts are both accepted wheel, north, and south indian charts are also accepted whole sign charts are preferred please thank or up vote others if they took the time to give you free information about your situation. IF NOT YOU WILL BE BANNED members
  • Your Personal Astrosignature according to what is written by the star. The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart. members
  • Discuss and share concepts and core principles of Jyotish Shastra also known as Vedic astrology, Hindu Astrology. Only for people seriously interested in learning, sharing and asking genuine questions. If you are serious about the knowledge, step in or else keep out and go someplace else. You may ask for a reading for a particular topic or question but you should be above 18 years of age. No cross posts. calculate and upload charts from Don't repost the chart every few days. members
  • For anyone who takes a secular approach to tarot; a space to discuss the cards without the mysticism, pseudoscience or woo. members
  • Ever wanted to get a tarot reading? Ever wanted to read a strangers cards? Then this is the place for you. Subreddit dedicated to Tarot Readings!!! Learning and honing the skills for Tarot. Exchanging and requesting readings. Sell Tarot Readings, if you are a professional Tarot Reader and want to sell readings this is the place for selling readings, once you have proven you are professional Reader. You can only post advertisements for paid readings if you're verified! members
  • An unofficial space for people following the Quareia magic course, to learn from each other and share links and ideas. More official info and FAQ at (See also the study guide for many commonly asked questions: members
  • A subreddit for learning about astrology and how to read astrological charts. Everyone is welcome! members
  • Welcome to r/lenormand! A place to discuss card meanings, readings, tableaux, and everything in between! members
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