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Currency and Exchange Rate

The currency used in French Polynesia is the Franc of the "Compagnie Française du Pacifique" usually called French Pacific Franc. Its abbreviation is XPF or CFP.

Its exchange rate with the Euro is fixed flat rate (no fluctuation).

1 Euro (�) = 119.33 Pacific Franc (XPF)

1 US dollar = 86 Pacific Franc (*)
1,000 Pacific Franc = 11.62 US dollars (*)

(*) Approximate exchange rate in July 2007

To check today's rate, click here

Although US dollars are widely accepted in most tourist places, we suggest you to exchange your home currency into French Pacific francs upon arrival either at Tahiti international airport or at any bank of Papeete.

Bank notes come in denominations of 500, 1000, 5000 and 10,000, and coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.



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