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Last Updated: November 4, 2012 8:18 PM

DEEP PURPLE To Release New Studio Album Next Year - Jan. 22, 2012
British hard rock legends DEEP PURPLE are very excited by the prospect of making a new and significant album. To that end, they have decided to extend their writing and recording period through the summer of 2012.

Commented DEEP PURPLE singer Ian Gillan: "We know we will disappoint some of our fans this summer. However, we look forward very much to our autumn/winter tour and continuing our worldwide tour with our new album in 2013."

During a 2011 interview with U.K.'s Express & Star, Gillan was asked when fans might be able to expect DEEP PURPLE's follow-up to 2005's "Rapture Of The Deep" album.

"The fact is that we've been touring flat out," said Gillan. "We did 48 countries last year. We're getting so much off on that we just don't feel the drive at the moment for writing."

Gillan did reveal, though, that DEEP PURPLE convened for a mini writing session earlier in the year.

"We were in Spain for a little while and we had a week off," he said. "We spent most of the time in the bar, to be honest with you. It was a good session, but nothing absolutely dynamic came out of it.

"I think to get some progress as far as an album's concerned you've got to have a target, you've got to work to a date, and that gives you pressure. If you've got the pressure, you get stuff done. We don't have a plan, to be honest.

"Things have always been chaos, certainly since I joined, and we've never been able to plan anything. If we'd been able to make plans, we'd probably have retired by now!"

"People like to do stuff that they're good at, that they enjoy, that they get something out of. So while it's fun and we're all getting older and bits are dropping off here and there, it's still great. I think there probably will be another album.

"And because we're not doing an album (right now) doesn't mean I don't write every day. It's a day off today and for me it's a full day at the office. This morning is interviews and this afternoon I've got two or three interesting pieces I'm working on at the moment. I write every day and so when I do come round to making an album there's never a shortage of what I call color material."

DEEP PURPLE's 18th studio album, "Rapture of the Deep", was released in November 2005. It was the fourth studio CD from DEEP PURPLE since guitarist Steve Morse joined the band in 1994. It was also the second album to feature veteran keyboardist Don Airey.

"Rapture of the Deep" was produced by Mike Bradford, who also worked on the band's previous release, 2003's "Bananas".

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COMMENT | sweet
posted by : IIISoviaIII
1/22/2012 11:48:37 AM
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bring it on... :)

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COMMENT | 'RE: sweet'
posted by : tom.m.peterson
1/23/2012 1:35:12 AM
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Put out something cool like Perfect Strangers!

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COMMENT | fucking A
posted by : ChopShop777
1/22/2012 11:59:40 AM
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At long last, DP never disappoints.

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COMMENT | Please hurry...
posted by : speedealer67
1/22/2012 11:59:50 AM
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You guys is getting old.

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COMMENT | 'RE: Please hurry...'
posted by : tom.m.peterson
1/23/2012 1:36:11 AM
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What the hell difference does age make ass fuck?

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COMMENT | Last shot?
posted by : Living Wreck
1/22/2012 12:01:58 PM
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This may be Purple's last shot at putting out a well planned, quality album. After 7 years and the last 2 records being pretty much dissappointing, this has to be a home run - I hope!

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COMMENT | 'RE: Last shot?'
posted by : Tama Basher
1/22/2012 1:04:28 PM
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Speak for yourself. I loved the last two albums.

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COMMENT | 'RE: ''RE: Last shot?'''
posted by : Living Wreck
1/22/2012 1:31:47 PM
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How many songs from those 2 albums are played in concert these days? One, maybe two? Thats a good indication of how popular they were.

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COMMENT | 'That''s because of "fans" like you...'
posted by : epac
1/22/2012 5:17:29 PM
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...who only want to hear Highway Star, SOTW and Woman from Tokyo played over and over. YAWN....

If you took the time to actually listen to Abandon, Bananas, Rapture and (especially) Purpendicular, you'd know they were phenomenal albums.

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COMMENT | 'RE: ''That''''s because of'
posted by : Living Wreck
1/22/2012 5:29:24 PM
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If they were so"phenomenal'" why don't they play exclusivly songs from those albums? Even an idiot like you can figure that out!

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COMMENT | 'RE: ''RE: ''''RE: Last shot?'''''''
posted by : wastingbeerz
1/22/2012 7:34:55 PM
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Quality and popularity are two different things, duh. The last 2 albums, and the 2 before that are all amazing. In fact, I find the Morse era to be far more consistent than any other DP era as far as quality overall goes.

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COMMENT | 'RE: ''RE: ''''RE: ''''''''RE: Last shot?'''''''''''''''
posted by : Living Wreck
1/22/2012 8:33:20 PM
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You're right, they are consistant, consistantly mediocre. You must be one of the 10 people who like Abandon Any ful kno that!

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posted by : thebeaverinthemanhat
1/22/2012 12:15:11 PM
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I feel "Battle Rages On" was their last good album....none of the Morse-era stuff has anything on it that sticks, for me that is; which sucks! I love DP! Hopefully this one'll be great!?

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posted by : KILO G
1/22/2012 12:27:37 PM
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18 records and still going nowhere.

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posted by : Living Wreck
1/22/2012 12:52:46 PM
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Over 130 million records sold worldwide. What do you mean "still" ?

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posted by : Peg The Minger
1/22/2012 1:28:50 PM
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Going no where huh?

Someone sounds bitter?

Is this Joe Lynn Turner or Rod Evans? ;)

Three bands: Purple, Sabbath, Zeppelin.

The Holy Trinity.

Before every metal or hard rock show, both the crowd and bands should say a grace to these guys.

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posted by : abdulbashur
1/22/2012 12:37:27 PM
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Great News!!!! I will be the first on the line to buy this one.... I enjoyed "Rapture of the Deep" & "Purpendicular" specially, from Morse Era... but Abandon & Bananas, were not so good.... Therefore I am expecting something great, according to such great story!!! DP Rules!!!

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COMMENT | cant wait!
posted by : MetalMosher665
1/22/2012 12:42:25 PM
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COMMENT | cool news
posted by : petehagen
1/22/2012 12:43:45 PM
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Can we get a Black Sabbath/Deep Purple tour in 2013?

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posted by : vanbasten6247
1/22/2012 1:04:26 PM
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Great news, another excellent band releasing an album this 2012 along with Sabbath, Rush, VH, The Cult, etc., keep those coming!

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COMMENT | Good news
posted by : Meandean
1/22/2012 1:04:49 PM
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But I can't help but think about the fact that bands don't release original studio albums often lately unless they have to. For quite a lot of bands the tour cycle and writing comes in at around two years or so until the next release; as bands get bigger the gap gets bigger too. Look at Metallica K.E.A 1983, R.T.L 1984, M.O.P 1986, A.J.F.A 1988 (when they started arena tours etc), 'Black album' 1991, Load 1996, Reload 1997 (same sessions though), (Not Counting Garage Inc or S&M as not proper studio albums) - St Anger 2003, Death Magnetic 2008, Lulu (not sure if this is proper studio or not, either way - eurgh!) 2011, next untitled Metallica disc??? 2013 probably!

Its probably a combination of whats happening in the music industry at the moment and the fact that as bands get bigger they get more comfortable and as a result take their time on things.

Lets hope its a good one as it'll be one of (if not the) last.

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COMMENT | When 2013 comes
posted by : Tama Basher
1/22/2012 1:10:16 PM
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Gillan and Glover will be 67, and Paice and Airey will be 64.

And 8 years will have passed since their last album.

That said, I'll be looking at the next album as their last, even if they don't come out and say it right away.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

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posted by : Gojira will wreck your shit
1/22/2012 1:24:27 PM
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Bananas ruled, now I only wish Blue Oyster Cult would get their shit together and record another album as well. Both Heaven Forbid and Curse of the Hidden Mirror were great.

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posted by : Gojira will wreck your shit
1/22/2012 1:24:28 PM
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Bananas ruled, now I only wish Blue Oyster Cult would get their shit together and record another album as well. Both Heaven Forbid and Curse of the Hidden Mirror were great.

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COMMENT | I do have one request
posted by : Peg The Minger
1/22/2012 1:31:37 PM
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Use a different producer for this one guys.

The production on Bananas and Rapture were bollocks.

Abandon had great production.

Think outside the box. Deep Purple and Russ Russell.

I'd Jizz my pants if that ever happened!

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posted by : TheHarvester
1/22/2012 1:41:16 PM
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Bring it on! I love Deep Purple!!!!!!!!

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posted by : Deathpool Dave
1/22/2012 1:47:58 PM
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Steve is a great guitar player and by all accounts a really good dude, but I just haven’t been able to warm up to a Ritchie-less DP. But best of luck to them, and I will definitely go see them live – they always rock the place.

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COMMENT | Mitzi Dupree Deep Purple song
posted by : Beerbreath
1/22/2012 1:56:06 PM
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Cool song about a stripper who shoots ping pong balls out of her cooch.

how cool is that?

"Mitzi Dupree"

flying to salt
lake city
seats 3a and b
i was down and needed
a window
but in 3a sat mitzi dupree
she said hi i am mitzi
the queen of the ping pong
where you going boy
i said nowhere
she said i'm movng on
i thought what is this
i cannot resist
here she is
and i've always wanted a girl
with a name
a name like mitzi dupree

she said what do you do
i said i'm a singer in a band
she said ya i'm an entertainer
reached out and took my hand
she was going to a mining town
way up north to do her show
i said it must be cold up there
she said depends on who you know
oh that look in her eye
i can tell you no lies
i'm just a man
she made me feel like a king in my mind
i love you mitzi dupree

i said what is this queen of the ping pong business
she smiled what do you think
it has no connection with china
i said oow have another drink
well i knew right away
that i'd seen her act before
in a room behind a kitchen in bangkok
and three or four times more in singapore
she may not be the first
but i know she ain't the worst
she was mine but i ran out of time
i miss you i love you mitzi dupree
my darling mitzi dupree

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COMMENT | Awesome
posted by : MetalUpYourAss6667
1/22/2012 2:35:09 PM
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All right. I love Deep Purple, those guys still got it and make nothing but good Rock N Roll music. Can't wait for the new record.

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posted by : pullmyfinger21times
1/22/2012 2:47:19 PM
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Really Like Ian Gillan personally, but his voice is become shrill and hard to take.

I'll buy the new cd regardless.

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posted by : fishman3226
1/22/2012 3:47:48 PM
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No probs. Happily listen to a tour of Purple and Sabbath on the same bill. And I think it is safe to assume so would A LOT of other people.

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COMMENT | don't get me wrong
posted by : Mrbrownstone909
1/22/2012 6:20:21 PM
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steve morse is a good guitar player but i would really prefer deep purple to only make albums if ritchie blackmore was on guitar

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COMMENT | Bring on the new DP record
posted by : RiotAct666
1/22/2012 8:26:36 PM
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Now only if they can pry away Blackmore and make him play hard rock music again. One can only hope it happens....

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COMMENT | Love this band!
posted by : Devil's Chord
1/22/2012 11:08:21 PM
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Deep Purple, through all the lineup changes, has been consistently great in my opinion. Gillan is my favorite all-time vocalist and the band members are all top-notch musicians and song writers. Can't wait for the new album!

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COMMENT | no blackmore
posted by : hooplehead
1/23/2012 6:57:06 AM
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let him get rainbow back together if he wants to rock again. but leave dp alone. they have a very good thing going without him. they've made one incredible record (perpindicular) and 3 very good records without him.

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